Mock Exam [Tue., 11th Feb. 2014]

Dictation Answer Key

The idea of a machine able to broadcast both sound and vision goes back to 1875. But it was not until 1926 that a Scottish engineer turned the idea into a practical reality. Now his invention dominates the modern media.

The first television pictures were produced just eight years after the First World War. They were in black and white and were not very clear,  but it had been proved that the principle worked. Early television sets cost as much as a small car and not many were sold. Soon, though, the original system was improved and in 1936 Britain’s first regular TV programmes went on the air.

It was in America, however, that the real TV revolution began after World War Two. US television expanded enormously in the late forties. Commercial stations began to open in almost every city and national networks made programmes which were seen from coast to coast. One of the American networks – CBS – even developed a color service as early as 1951. Two years later TV covered its first major international event – the coronation of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth. It was the first time a worldwide audience of millions had seen history take place in their own homes.

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