1st Year English Lettorato Exam Dates

Part 1: Use of English
mar. 20 maggio ore 08,15 c/o Aule 32-34 Palazzo Nuovo o c/o 1M Palazzo Venturi
[Let's practise @ www.lettoratiinglese.unito.it]

The following is a list of the Global units with indications of the vocabulary sections that students should revise for the Use of English test (the sessions in May, September 2014 and January 2015).

Unit 1
The terms from the Glossary, page 7 – look + prepositions, page 10 – the terms from the Vocabulary and Pronunciation section, page 11.

Unit 2
The terms from the Vocabulary and Pronunciation sections, pages  19 and 23 – the terms from the Vocabulary  sections, pages 20 and 24 – the terms from the Glossary, page 21.

Unit 3
The terms from the Listening and Vocabulary section, page 32 – the terms from the Vocabulary sections, pages 35 and 36 – the terms from the Glossary, pages 33 and 35.

Unit 4
The terms from the Vocabulary and Speaking sections, page 43 and 48 – the terms from the Vocabulary section, page 46.

Unit 5
The terms from the Vocabulary section, page 56 – the terms from the Vocabulary and Speaking section, page 58 – the terms from the Glossary, page 54.

Unit 6
The terms from the Vocabulary and Listening section, page 70 – the terms from the Vocabulary section, page 72.

Unit 7
The terms from the Vocabulary sections, pages 79 and 82 – the terms from the Vocabulary and Pronunciation section, page 81.

Unit 8
The terms from the Vocabulary sections, pages 91, 94 and 97 – the terms from the Glossary, pages 90, 92 and 95.

Unit 9
The terms from the Vocabulary and Pronunciation section, page 102 – the terms from the Reading and Speaking section, page 104 – the terms from the Vocabulary section, page 105 – the terms from the Glossary, pages 107 and 109.

Unit 10

“in/at the beginning/end”, page 114 – the terms from the Listening and Reading section, page 114 – the terms from the Vocabulary section 115, 116 and 120 – the terms from the Vocabulary and Listening section, page 118 – the terms from the Glossary, pages 115 and 119.

Please download the list @ http://www.lettoratiinglese.unito.it/n_chris5.htm

Part 2: Dictation
ven. 23 maggio ore 09,00 c/o Aule 32-34 Palazzo Nuovo o c/o 1M Palazzo Venturi
[Let's practise @ www.lettoratiinglese.unito.it]
Part 3: Oral
gio. 26 o ven. 27 giugno dalle ore 9,00 c/o Aula 3 Palazzetto Gorresio

cfr http://www.lettoratiinglese.unito.it/1_examdates.htm