Mind Maps about the Communicative Functions of the English Modal Verbs

Here the mind maps about the communicative functions of the English modal verbs created by the VC students at Liceo Classico "V. Alfieri" in Asti.

Rate which one is the best! Write it in the comment section below.

by Valeria Nikolovska
by Arena Rebecca
by Cantatore Matteo

by Fantolino Gaia
by Mana Claudia
by Moro Carola
by Manzoni Andrea
by Marone Benedetta

by Pero Paola

by Pinto Carolina

by Rissone Rebecca
by Serpi Annalisa
by Volpicelli Alessia

by Francesco Riso
by Silvia Grasso

by Valleri Riccardo
by Lorenzato Marta
by Bianco Camilla

by Elena Massano

by Mazoni Arianna

by Vitillo Matilde

by Alessia Doglione
by Benedetta Bottino