H/W for VC: Watching a film

Here the film "The Best Offer" directed by Giuseppe Tornatore (2013). Watch it and then write a comment on it justifying your opinion in the comment section below.


  1. I really liked the film, the actors were brilliant and the final left me speechless! One of my favorite films so far, I absolutely recommend to watch it.

  2. I really liked the film,the plot was scheming and the final was unexspected. The actors played very well and the photography was so good!
    I recommend to watch it.

  3. I absolutely loved this film: the performance of the actors was amazing and the plot was really interesting and intriguing. I also loved the soundtrack, it was so good! One of the best film I've ever seen: I would totally recommend it.

  4. I really liked the movie, the story was very engaging and interesting, the actors were very good and the finale scene was unexpected and upsetting.
    I recommend to watch it.

  5. I loved the film and I will certainly recommend it because it was a perfect mix between a love story and a thriller. The actors were very good and the last minutes of the film were completely unexpected.

  6. I loved this film! I loved the actors, the plot, the setting, the soundtrack! It made me feel so curious, anxious and, at the end, I also cried. I'm completely without words.

  7. Benedetta Marone28 May 2017 at 22:45

    This film is fantastic! I really like it, even it isn't the type of film that I usually watch. The actors are very brilliant and the end is unexpected; I felt so excited and also nervous for the sad story of Virgil, in fact I was moved.
    Well done Giuseppe Tornatore!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I really liked the film, the actors were amazing and the setting was lovely (in particular the part filmed in Prague or in the room of portraid). Finally I think that the plot is very interesting, absorbing and charming.

  10. I loved this movie! I already knew the actor who plays Mr. Oldman and I've always liked him! The plot is original and the final scene is amazing! Surely it is one of the best films I've ever seen!

  11. Alessia Doglione28 May 2017 at 23:59

    I loved this film! I can't describe my state of mind at the end of the film, I am very surprise but also very sad. It's a perfect mix of love, art and swindles.

  12. Camilla Bianco29 May 2017 at 00:20

    I really enjoyed the film, it has captured immediately my attention, because of the great setting and the amazing actors' acting. The final has shocked me. I think it's one of those movies that hold lots of details that can only be grasped by watching it several times. Anyway adorable!

  13. Vittoria Amalberto29 May 2017 at 00:49

    I really liked this film! The actors, the plot, the setting and the soundtrack were absolutely amazing and I'm certain I will watch it again! I think it's one of the best film I've ever seen, I would surely recommend it!
