5D PS English Lesson Mon. 2nd October 2017

Topic: reflections on the English grammar - the sentence structure.

Please download here your worksheet for our lesson on Monday, 2nd October 2017.

4D TT English Lesson Mon. 2nd October 2017

Topic: reflections on the English grammar - the verbs of sentiment.

Please download here your worksheet for our lesson on Monday, 2nd October 2017.

Assignment "A Museum of Me"

Create your own "Museum of Me":
  • choose 5 pictures that mean something to you (e.g. your interests, past experiences, aspirations and dreams) and make them into a poster collage,
  • prepare a unique presentation and be ready to exchange info about you in two lessons' time.
Here the rubric which will be used to assess the oral test (1st mark for the first term)

Main Info English Classes 2017-2018


1) Stand up and say "good morning" when the teacher steps into the class (do not chew gum, do not put make-up on, do not wear caps).
2) Keep your desk tidy.

3) Bring materials to class and complete assignments.
4) Speak English in class.
5) Do your best in class and at home.

  • coursebook,
  • ring binder (or notebook) with 2 sections 1) Use of English (grammar and vocabulary) and 2) Writing,
  • pens and pencils.

Please download it here and read it carefully.