Cambridge English Preliminary Exam Booster

Cambridge English Preliminary - Writing Part 1

  • please download some tailored-made activities, taken from Activating Grammar Digital Edition by Gallagher and Galuzzi
  • please do some online practice here

Cambridge English Preliminary - Speaking Part 2

  • please watch the video for some essential tips

Cambridge English Preliminary - Speaking Part 3

  • please watch the video for some essential tips

  • please download my guidelines on how to describe a picture

2D PS Preparatory Activities for the Test on 7th May 2018

Activity Menu
Unit 9

Prepare your own vocabulary list (places in town pp. 102 + notes & things in town p. 103 & problems in town p. 108 + notes). On your notebook, write down
  • the Italian word and
  • the English equivalent.
OR check that your vocabulary list is completed.

Go to p. 226 and revise how to form "be + going to + verb", then do some exercises
  • here's an exercise to practise "be + going to + verb" for intentions for the future (1)
  • here's an exercise to practise "be + going to + verb" for intentions for the future (2)
  • here's an exercise to practise "be + going to + verb" for intentions for the future (3)
AND / OR go pp. 172, 226 and revise how to form the Present Continuous tense, then do some exercises
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (1)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (2)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (3)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (4)


Do some exercises in the use of either "be + going to + verb" or Present Continuous to talk about the future
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous / "be + going to + verb" (1)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous / "be + going to + verb" (2)

1D PS Practice in Past Simple tense

Activity Menu


Exercise on regular and irregular verb forms of the Past Simple


Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on the Past Simple of the verb be
Exercise 1Exercise 2 and Exercise 3 on the Past Simple tense (affirmative form)
Exercise on the Past Simple tense (negative form)
Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on the Past Simple tense (interrogative form)

Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on making questions in the Past Simple tense


Test yourself with a quiz!

3D PS Practice in using some modal verbs

Activity Menu


Exercise on expressing obligation with "have/has to + base form of the verb"
Exercise on expressing lack of obligation with "do/does not have to + base form of the verb"


Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on expressing obligation and lack of obligation
Exercise 1 , Exercise 2 and Exercise 3 on giving advice
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 and Exercise 3  on expressing obligation and prohibition
Exercise on expressing lack of obligation and prohibition

Quiz 1 about the semi modal verb "have to"
Quiz 2 about the modal verb "should"


Test 1 , Test 2 , Test 3 , Test 4 on your abilities in using modal verbs accurately.