Topics you have to study for the oral test:
  • Prehistoric architecture (cf pp 218, 219)
    • megalithic architecture
    • the most famous megalithic structure in England, i.e. Stonehenge
    • other prehistoric sites in Britain
  • Roman heritage in Britain (cf notes and pp 226, 227)
    • cities and towns
    • road system
    • buildings, i.e. Hadrian's Wall and forts 
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Architecture in Medieval Britain (cf notes, pp. 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236 extra worksheet on Lady Chapel and Poets' Corner) 
    • English Gothic architecture
    • an example of Gothic cathedral in the UK, i.e. Westminster Abbey in London
    • Norman architecture (-> here the slides shown in class)
    • two examples of Norman castles, i.e. Dover Castle and Windsor Castle
    • half-timbering building technique
    • black and white half-timbered houses in Chester and York
  • Renaissance architecture in Britain (cf notes, p. 238)
    • the Renaissance
    • Pietro Torrigiano and Hans Holbein as those who brought the new ideas of the Renaissance to Britain
    • Inigo Jones as the responsible for introducing the classical architecture of Rome to Britain
    • Inigo Jones's works in England
    • Hampton Court Palace in Surrey, England
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Baroque architecture (cf notes, pp. 240-241)
    • what factors influenced the development of the Baroque building style
    • Christopher Wren as one of the English prominent Baroque architects
    • Saint Paul's Cathedral in London
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Georgian architecture (cf notes, p. 242)
    • townhouse as a typical Georgian building
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Gothic Revival (cf notes, p. 243)
    • Augustus Pugin as a leading figure in the English Gothic Revival
    • the Palace of Westminster and Tower Bridge in London
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Neoclassicism (cf notes, p. 243)
    • Robert Adam as an important figure in the English Neoclassicism
    • the British Museum, Mansion House and the Royal Opera House in London
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Norman Foster (cf notes, pp. 256-257)
    • his life
    • his most famous works: the British Museum, the Millennium Bridge, 30 St Mary Axe, Wembley Stadium
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Frank Lloyd Wright (cf notes, pp. 248-249)
    • his life
    • his most famous work: the Guggenheim Museum in New York (-> here the slides shown in class)
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Frank Gehry (cf notes, pp. 258-259)
    • his life
    • his most famous works: Richard B. Fisher Center, Ray and Maria Stata Center, Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao (-> here the slides shown in class)
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Richard Rogers (cf notes, pp. 254-255)
    • his life
    • one of his most famous works: the Millennium Dome
-> Here the slides shown in class.

The rubric which will be used for the assessment of your oral test can be downloaded here.

4 SIA Activities on 17th December 2018

Choose the activities that best interest you.
  • ACTIVITY 1: Let's watch a video in which four Premier League players talk about the sorts of films they like.
Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. First, watch the video. Then do task 1, task 2, task 3 and task 4.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 2: Let's watch a video about the London Film Museum and find out about the facilities for making film in the UK.
Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. First, watch the video. Then do task 1, task 2, task 3 and task 4.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 3: Let's listen to a girl talking about her love for horror films.
Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then listen to the audio. Next do task 1.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 4: Let's listen to two people talking about what film they want to see.
Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then listen to the audio and do the two exercises to check your understanding.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 5: Let's revise vocabulary related to the cinema industry.
Go to www.esl-lounge.com. Then, do the vocabulary exercise.

  • ACTIVITY 6: Let's read an article about the Cannes Film Festival.
Go to www.esolcourses.com. First, read the text to get a general idea. Then read the text again and answer the multiple-choice questions.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 7: Let's read an article about the BAFTA awards.
Go to www.esolcourses.com. First, read the text to get a general idea. Then read the text again and answer the multiple-choice questions.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

4A CAT Activities on 14th December 2018

  • ACTIVITY 1: Let's discover the world of pop-up galleries.
Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. First, watch the video. Next go to the tasks section and do the activities.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 2: Let's understand more about artistic creativity in Great Britain.

Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then, watch the video and do the two exercises to check your understanding.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 3: Let's discorver street art in Belfast.

Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then, watch the video and do the two exercises to check your understanding.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 4: Let's listen to a 5-year-old kid explaining art to professional art critics.

Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then, watch the video and do the two exercises to check your understanding.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

3A CAT Follow-up activities

Choose the activities that best suit your needs.

Did you got a good mark in the reading comprehension test? Practise and improve your reading skills here.

  1. Choose a topic.
  2. Follow the instructions.
  3. Do the activities suggested.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3.

Did you got a bad mark in the reading comprehension test? Practise and improve your reading skills here

  1. Choose a topic.
  2. Follow the instructions.
  3. Do the activities suggested.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3.

4A CAT Activities on 7th December 2018

Watch the video in which four Premier League players talk about the sorts of films they like.

Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org and do task 1, task 2, task 3 and task 4.

4A CAT Follow-up activities

Choose the activities that best suit your needs.

Reading Practice at B1 level

Have a look at the following activities if you want to do some practice and improve your reading skills:
  • Task type: three-option multiple choice. 
    • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.

Listening Practice at B1 level

Have a look at the following activities if you want to do some practice and improve your listening skills:

  • Task type: three-option multiple choice 
    • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.