4A CAT Activities on 14th December 2018

  • ACTIVITY 1: Let's discover the world of pop-up galleries.
Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. First, watch the video. Next go to the tasks section and do the activities.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 2: Let's understand more about artistic creativity in Great Britain.

Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then, watch the video and do the two exercises to check your understanding.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 3: Let's discorver street art in Belfast.

Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then, watch the video and do the two exercises to check your understanding.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 4: Let's listen to a 5-year-old kid explaining art to professional art critics.

Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then, watch the video and do the two exercises to check your understanding.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.