4A CAT Activities on 1st February 2019

Here some activities to learn/practice common English phrases used by travellers.
  • ACTIVITY 1: practice common phrases used at the check-in desk at the airport here.
  • ACTIVITY 2: practice common phrases used when it comes to speak with a flight attendant here.
  • ACTIVITY 3: learn vocabulary related to airplanes here.
  • ACTIVITY 4: practice common phrases used at the immigration/customs desk here.
  • ACTIVITY 5: practice common phrases used when it comes to make a hotel reservation here.
  • ACTIVITY 6: vocabulary related to things at the hotel here.
  • ACTIVITY 5: practice common phrases used when it comes to speak with a hotel receptionist here.
  • ACTIVITY 6: practice common phrases used while sightseeing here
  • ACTIVITY 7: practice common phrases used when it comes to buy souvenirs here
Look up unknown words on wordreference.com.


    Improve you active vocabulary by doing extra online practice in
    (1) vocabulary related to different ways of travelling here.
    (2) vocabulary related to holiday accommodation here.
    (3) vocabulary related to types of holidays here.

    4SIA Preparation for the Skills Test

    Choose the activities that best suit your needs.

    Reading Practice at B1 level

    Have a look at the following activities if you want to do some practice and improve your reading skills:
    • Task type: true/false. 
      • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
      • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Task type: four-option multiple choice.
      • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
      • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.

    Listening Practice at B1 level

    Have a look at the following activities if you want to do some practice and improve your listening skills:

    • Task type: multiple choice. 
      • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
      • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Task type: gap-fill.
      • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
      • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Task type: true/false.
      • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
      • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.

    4SIA Activities on 25th January 2019

    • ACTIVITY 1: Let's watch a video about women's football.
    Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video. Next go to task section and do the two activities. 

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    • ACTIVITY 2 : Let's watch a video about the tennis player Caroline Wozniacki.
    Go to www.esolcourses.com and do the suggested activities.

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    • ACTIVITY 3: Let's watch a video about extreme sports.
    Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. Do the preparation task first. Then, watch the video and do the 2 exercises.

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    • ACTIVITY 4: Let's watch a video about ice skating.
    Go to www.esolcourses.com and do the suggested activities.

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    • ACTIVITY 5: Let's listen to a classroom conversation about the benefits of sport.
    Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. Do the preparation task first. Then, watch the video and do the 2 exercises.

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    • ACTIVITY 6: Let's watch a video about a football fan who is passionate about the Brazilian football team.
    Go to www.esolcourses.com and do the suggested activities.

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    4A CAT Activities on 25th January 2019

    • ACTIVITY 1: Do you find it difficult to understand the difference between the UK and Great Britain?
    Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. Do the preparation task first. Then watch the video. Next go to task section and do the activity. 

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    • ACTIVITY 2 : Let's discover the area of the Lake District in England.
    Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. First, watch the video. Next go to the tasks section and do the 4 activities.

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    • ACTIVITY 3: Let's discover the lakes and mountains of Scotland, the Giant's Causeway in Ireland and the magnificent Durdle Door in Dorset.
    Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.orgFirst, watch the video. Next go to the tasks section and do the 4 activities.

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    • ACTIVITY 4: Let's watch a video about the seaside entertainment.
    Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. Do the preparation task first. Then, watch the video and do the 2 exercises.

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    • ACTIVITY 5: Let's find out more about Blackpool, a popular holiday resort in North West England.
    Go to www.esolcourses.com and do the suggested activities.

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    • ACTIVITY 6: Let's watch a video about London's latest hot spot.
    Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. Do the preparation task first. Then, watch the video and do the 2 tasks.

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    CAMBRIDGE PRELIMINARY Info on the Papers

    For general info about the Cambridge Preliminary click here.

    For info about Paper 1 - Reading click here.
    For info about Paper 2 - Listening click here.

    4SIA Activities on 18th January 2019

    • ACTIVITY 1: learn or revise words about sport disciplines here.
    • ACTIVITY 2: revise collocations about sport activities here.
    • ACTIVITY 3: learn or revise words about sporting events here.
    • ACTIVITY 4: learn new words about sport equipment here.
    Look up unknown words on wordreference.com.


    (1) watch a video (with your earphones!) about two famous sport places in the UK: Silverstone, home of Formula 1, and Wembley Stadium, the 'temple of football'. Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then watch the video and do the two exercises.

    (2) watch a video about Ashlie and Stephen going to the gym to prepare for a half-marathon for charity. Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. Do the Preparation task first. Then watch the video and do task 1, task 2 and task 3.

    (3) watch a video about Ashlie and Stephen running the half-marathon. Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. Do the Preparation task first. Then watch the video and do task 1, task 2, task 3 and task 4.

    If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

    1A AFM H/W for Wed. 23rd January 2019

    Click here to download a worksheet related to the Present Simple tense & click here to download a worksheet related to the Present Continuous tense. Then, print the 2 worksheets.
    1. Paste the 2 worksheets into your English notebook in the Use of English section.
    2. Study the grammar rules, highlight the most important ones and stick them in your mind.
    3. Do the exercises to check whether you have understood or not.
    4. Bring your homework to school on Wed. 23rd January 2019.
    Here the grammar keys to check the exercises you have done.

    5B CAT Mock Invalsi Exam

    Do some practice and be prepared for Invalsi in March 2019:

    • Listening comprehension at B1 level: do the tasks and then check your answers in the keys.
    • Reading comprehension at B1 level: do the tasks and then check your answers in the keys.
    • Listening comprehension at B2 level: do the tasks and then check your answers in the keys.
    • Reading comprehension at B2 level: do the tasks and then check your answers in the keys.

    3A CAT Assignment "Oral presentation on your hometown"

    Preparare a detailed oral presentation on the town where you live, supported by some visual aids.

    Your presentation must
    • introduce your hometown by giving some information on it e.g. where it is located and how many people live there,
    • describe in details 3 interesting places or attractions in your hometown or in the area nearby,
    • explain what you like and dislike about your hometown, by giving good reasons.
    Use some visual aids to support your presentation e.g. you can create a paper poster with pictures.

    Think about these questions and make notes:
    - where is it? how big is it?
    - what is there? what is the best thing about it? what other two interesting places are nearby?
    - what is good? why?
    - what is bad? why?

    Use your notes to prepare your speech. It should be divided into 4 sections:
    1- introduction to the town (where it is and how many people live there)
    2- what there is (3 interesting places or attractions in the town or in the nearby area)
    3- what you like about it and why
    4- what you do not like about it and why

    Then, create a paper poster with pictures which illustrate your hometown to support your presentation.


    3A CAT Activities on Thu. 10th January 2019

    If you think it can be useful for you watch a video tutorial about the relative clauses.

    Then, put theory into practice by doing some exercises.
    Finally, test yourself.

    3A CAT H/W for Thu. 10th January 2019

    Click here to download a worksheet related to the defining relative clauses. Then, print it.
    1. Paste the worksheet into your English notebook in the Use of English section.
    2. Study the grammar rules, highlight the most important ones and stick them in your mind.
    3. Do the exercises to check whether you have understood or not.
    4. Bring your homework to school on Thu. 10th January 2019.


    If you got an average low mark in the first term, work hard in order to minimise your weak points and remediate.

    Here you can download the sheet in which you can find some guidelines for you.
    • Students in 1A AFM download here your sheet - your test will be on 7th February 2019.
    • Students in 2C AFM download here your sheet - your test will be on 30th January 2019.
    • Students in 3A CAT download here your sheet - your test will be on 4th February 2019.
    • Students in 4A CAT download here your sheet - your test will be on 1st February 2019.