3A RIM Assignment on 2nd December 2020

Have you heard that a Wellingtonian family went viral with their hilarious "Lockdown Boogie"?

1) Watch the video.

2) On your notebook, write down the transcript and translate it into Italian.

3) Watch the video in which the Buchanan family from Wellington tells what has happened behind the scenes of the viral video in an interview on Radio New Zealand (RNZ).

4) What about you? How are you and your family coping with the lockdown? Write a 100-word text in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. the lookdown with my family is going well luckily, of course you can not get out of anything but I sometimes do the wee commissions I go. At home I do not do so much since I am an only child I must necessarily arrange, but there is my grandmother fortunately.

  2. Emiliano.L.
    I and my family are going through quite well the lockdown, because living in a mountain village and I am lucky enough to have a large lawn near my house I can still move a bit. My parents move mainly to shop and to go work. But I am very sad because you can no longer play football and this thing I am very sorry. But I think this lockdown was meant to make us spend more time with our families, which is not always a given. I hope that this situation will be resolved soon and we can return to normal life

  3. Arianna B.
    My family and I are facing the block in an almost normal way because my brothers and I continue to go to school in a virtual way, my dad continues to work as he has his own carpentry workshop on the lower level of our house, only my mom is stops with work but should resume shortly as we should enter the yellow zone. Finally, since we live in the mountains we can go for walks and go out, I consider myself lucky since I have my horses near my house and I can go there whenever I want.

    1. I am my family we are facing the lookdown in a normal way, nothing has changed just that my mother now does not work, being that the restaurants are closed. So we also have more time to be together, while I continue to study and do homework. while I sneak out at night to see my friends, We play cards we talk and laugh.

  4. Roberta F.
    For me and my family the lockdown is goimg well, but not much has changed since before because my parents are working on presence and my brother and I are doing DAD. The lockdown of march was worse than the one of now because we were completly stuck in the houses and the cities were emptier than now. Fortunately I live on countriside so i have lot of space to move and ther's no one. I hope that this period will end soon because i miss the normality and i don't want to be scared to hug my friends.

  5. Mehdi azzouzi
    me and my family are facing the lookdown in a normal way, nothing has changed just that my mother now no longer works more since the restaurants are closed, so we have more time to be together while I am continuing to do video lessons at home. In the evening instead we have a place me and my friends where we always see each other, and playing cards

  6. Thomas luongo
    For me and my family the block is going well, it has changed that my mother works from home, instead my father continues to go to work, my brother and I are doing DAD and for me it is an advantage because in the morning I can sleep more . The March closure was worse than it is now because we were completely stuck in houses and the cities were deserted. Luckily I live in a small town near the woods and so I have a lot of space to move around and there is no one and in the afternoon I go for walks with my brother. I hope this period ends soon because I miss the normality, see my friends and be able to go to my grandparents' house without being afraid of infecting them.

  7. Giorgia B.
    For my family and me the lockdown is going enough well because my parents are working on presents because they have a bar, so for us the family situation hasn’t changed.
    But for me the school has changed because with the DAD I can't see my classmates and my friends and I can't even go out or talk to someone.
    Then, spending most of the day alone on the sofa or bed and the desire to do anything is passing me.
    But in quarantine having much more time I started practicing gymnastics alone and fotunately, living in a country town, I can go for walks.
    This quarantine made me very sad because I need to have fun and see people.
    I hope that this period will end and that it will return to normal.

  8. Nicolò M.
    My family and I are going through the blockade quite normally. Fortunately, I have a large courtyard where I can play football and work out at the gym. I go for walks every now and then, so I get a little of the electronic devices. At home I mostly make calls with my friends, or I play the play and so we can still feel. My parents only go out for work or to do the shopping. In this period I have also started to rediscover board games again. However, I hope that this situation can return to normal as soon as possible.

  9. Simone Q.
    My family and I in this period of lockdown, we are spending a lot of time together and in order not to get bored we do many things. For example we arrange many things in the house, cook various foods such as pizza, cake and pasta, watch movies in the evening and play table games such as playing cards and checkers. This second period of lockdown I find it less boring because unlike the fist block that used to take a few hours of video lessons in this lockdown we have more hours to dedicate to school and therefore the day pass faster.

  10. Victoria C.
    The lockdown with my family is going quite well, I'm going through it with my mom and her partner, we try to do fun activities to pass the time for example making the Christmas tree, making cookies, cakes and oriental dishes. My mom and I argue a little more often because with school and work we are a bit nervous but we try to stay calm so as not to make the situation worse.
    Not going to school makes me sad because I can't understand some subjects well and give my best doing them online but I am proud to succeed in others

  11. Mattia B.
    the quarantine with my family is going quiet well, although i think it's never good to be in quarantine, sometimes it makes me very nervous, because, there aren't many things to do, but i try to stay calm by distracting my self a little, by playing with my sister,playing with playstation or sometimes i go running or i go down to the yard to play footbal,i miss a lot of things of the normal life, for example play footbal or meet evry my friends.
    i mean, i hope it all ends soon because this for me is not live but is survive.

  12. Manuel G.
    The lockdown in my family is very difficult because we are in 5 person and everyday we fight,but we always make peace.In this second lockdown we do a lot of differents things like do the christmas three, prepare some cake or biscuits.Luckily my parents go to work everyday therefore not much it changed.But this second lockdown I think it's more funny respect the first lockdown because there is a little bit of liberty more.Therefore the lockdown is always boring because you mustn't meet often your friends and you must stay many hours in front of a screen for do the videolessons.

  13. Alessandra C.
    For my family and I the lockdown is going well, but my sister and I don’t always get along.
    I often feel demotivated, It is not easy to face this block, all your habits change, fortunately sometimes I take walks in the countryside with my sister.
    Other times instead I volunteer to go to the supermarket, a good opportunity to take a breath of air and get out of the house.
    The good thing is that once this block is over we will appreciate our freedom even more, I hope this bad time will end soon to embrace all my friends and loved ones.

  14. Veronica G.

    For me and my family the lockdown is going well. My parents continued to work and my brother and I continued to go to school from home. During this time we spend a lot of time together and try to do a lot of activities like cooking and playing cards. Luckily we live in a mountain village so we can take many walks and be outdoors. I miss my friends a lot, I miss going out and having fun with them. I am very sad because I would like everything to go back to the way it was before.

  15. Alessandro D.
    My lockdown is very stressed, i should go every day to my father house or to my mother house. I hope this moment finish as soon as possible because it’s very bad for me.
    Now I am studying and I am doing my homework every day, but I would exit with my friends.
    I am using the telephone a lot of time every day and I wouldn't do this.
    I would return to normal life because i miss it, i would see my friend and my grandma.
    We should stay at home until the end of lockdown for return to normal life.

  16. luca T.
    My lockdown Is really boring. In this lockdown i've know Better my parents, they're very nice and they are good peaple. I've seen a lot of film with them and we have played cards many times.Thankfull i live in a house at the feet of the Mountain, so i had a lot of fun becouse i've done al lot of Walks on the Mountain and i went a lot by bike.Very often i'm in call with my Friends, without them i would have died. I can't wait for you to get out. I want to see my Friends again and embrace them as It was done before.

  17. Monetti A.
    During the period of lockdown, my family and I tried to be as bored as possible.
    Luckily my parents never stopped working so my brother and I often had the house to ourselves. We played a lot of sports with a video-lessons with our coach.
    We live in a small village surrounded by the countryside, so we could go for walks while keeping all precautions.
    In the evening we watched a lot of films with our parents.
    In the weekend we usually ate together with our maternal grandparents because we live in the same house.
    The good thing about this lockdown is that it allowed me to spend a lot of time with my parents and grandparents.
    I miss normality a lot and I hope this thing passes as soon as possible so I can hug my friends

  18. Giulia Caggiano
    My family and I are dealing with this block very well. My parents work from the computer and my dad, however, sometimes has to go on business trips while I take school lessons from the computer. Luckily no one was bad.

  19. Alberto G.

    Fortunately my family and I are spending the lockdown well, unfortunately it is boring to stay at home and not be able to go with friends or a simple walk. It’s also sad not being able to see your family, but I hope that very soon they will find a vaccine . Fortunately we have the technology to follow the lessons and to play video games to not be bored, but I’m tired of staying at home and I want to get back to normality. I want to spend the holidays without thinking about this virus that changed our lives.
