5A RIM Assignment on 8th March 2022


Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to Brexit.

1) Think about and answer the questions.

- What do you already know about Brexit?

- What do you want to know about Brexit?

2) Read the article "Is Brexit the Way Out?". For questions 1-6, choose the correct option.

3) Read the article again. In your notebook, take notes under the following headings as the content is covered:

  • The meaning of the word “Brexit”
  • The referendum in 2016
  • The reasons for leaving the EU
  • The reasons for staying in the EU
  • PM Theresa May’s position
  • What happened to the UK after Brexit

4) In the comment box below, list 3 interesting facts that you have learnt in today's English lesson, 2 connections you have made and 1 question you still have. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Victoria C.

    1. 1. the UK's reasons for leaving the European Union.
    2. 2. the two points of view between those who wanted to stay and those who wanted to leave.
    3. 3. the results of the referendum that yes and no were almost the same.

    What do other European countries actually think about the UK's exit from the union?

  2. Sofia

    3 important facts I learned in today's lesson are the reasons why the UK has chosen to leave the European Union. I also found interesting to know what happened after the choice to leave. I would like to know more about the consequences that the exit of the United Kingdom had on the European Union, and the reaction of other states.

  3. Erika S.

    Three interesting facts that I have learnt in today's lesson are: 1. the two different positions among people; 2. the situation after Brexit; 3. the results of the referendum. Two connections I have made: the EU and his main aims. One question: which are the consequences of this choice.

  4. Michelle F
    Three things I have learned are: first, people's two different ways of thinking and their reasons for staying in the Union or leaving it. On the other hand, I also understood what the trend of the 2016 referendum was.
    One question I have is about the reaction that this choice has brought to the European Union.

  5. Rosanna I.

    1. Percentages
    2. Dates
    3. Reasons
    2 connection: EU and motive
    Question: after all these changes, how is Britain doing?

  6. Angela G.

    Three interesting facts that I learned today about the topic of brexit are: first of all the different reasons that led the population to choose to leave the European Union such as the fact that the participation of Great Britain in the European Union was a restrictive element for the country but also the reasons of those who voted to remain in the European Union mainly for economic issues and finally the consequences of this choice for the country.

  7. Sabrina S
    3 reasons I learned today about Brexit are the reasons for the exit, the thinking of citizens for and against and the various consequences of the decision

  8. Cristina G.
    What I have Kearny
    1. The reasons because UK have decide to leave the EU
    2. PM Theresa Mary's position
    3. What is happen after Brexit.
    What are the consequences of Brexit?

  9. Debora V.

    1) I learnt why it takes so long to find agreements with other country.
    2) I learnt the reasons to stay in the EU.
    3) I learnt the reasons to leave the EU

    4) The connenction that I made was with spanish with the EU.
    5) Another connection that I made was with direct.

    6) A questions that I stil have are the agreements that UK have build.

  10. Antonio M.
    1) The reasons of the United Kingdom for leaving the European Union
    2) The balanced results of the referendum in 2016
    3) the differents points of view for leaving or remaining in the EU

    What are the consequences of this event on the english economy?

  11. Silvia C.

    In this english lesson, I learned: why Brexit happened, the reasons for leaving and for staying, and how’s the situation now.
    Connections that I have made are that they probably lose an opportunity leaving EU and that almost half the population voted for remain.

    Has negative consequences on the European Union?

  12. Virginia P

    1. the real meaning of Brexit
    2. the different reasons why the UK wanted to leave
    3. the consequences on the negotiations that arose after the Brexit process
    1 question: What was the reaction of the states to the UK's exit from the European Union?

  13. Elena C.
    About Brexit I already know the meaning of the world, Britain exit. I also know the main points about the topic.
    I have made some links with the opening of the barriers for the free trade of goods, services and people. In fact with the EU the douane controls are less than the past. In addition I understand the fact that the process of exit was quite long, because lots of time the negotiations among the States in this big organization are very long. I learned that the current prime minister was Theresa May, and that she has helped with the “controversial” between the leavers and the remainers. I would understand better if this choice about the exit is positive with the economic and the social progress or not, and what benefits/bad points has brought it.

  14. Alice T.

    The three interesting facts:
    1)The percentage of the votes for the Brexit
    2)The date of the exit of Britain
    3)The things that Britain must do after leaving the UE

    The connection:
    1)The UE
    2)The aims of the UE

    The question:
    1)How can Brexit affect the UE’s relationships?

  15. Francesco P

    The three interesting facts that I've learned are the reasons behind the decision of leaving the EU, the almost equal percentage of people voting "remain" and "leave", and the date of the Brexit
    I would like to know more about how this even will affect the future EU's relationships

  16. Valentina C.

    With this lesson I've learnt more about Brexit. For example, how it happened and how it started, who supported and voted for the exit of the UK from the EU and why, and who instead voted to remain in the EU.

    One question that I still have is: how Brexit have affected the EU with its exit, and how the relationship between UK and the other members countries has changed, but also for he UK have Brexit maybe caused negative effects?

  17. Alessia T
    The three interesting facts that I learned about Brexit are: the reasons why the population wanted to leave the EU, also why they didn't want to and lastly the almost equal percentage of the referendum. I'd like to know more about how this affected England and how did the people that didn't want to leave this partnership react

  18. Michela O.

    The three facts that I have learnt in the lesson are:

    1. The reason why the the UK leave to EU
    2. What is happen after Brexit.
    3. I learnt the reasons to stay in the EU

    Why didn't the european union persuade England to stay in the EU?

  19. marassi f
    I have learnt the reasons why the UK leave, the situation of the Brexit, the results of the referendum 2016.
    my question is: how the remaining countries in the UE reacted to the exit of the UK?

  20. Kevin B.

    The three facts that i have learnt in the lesson are the reason why the UK leave to European Union, the different point of view for remaining or leaving in the Eu and the situation after Brexit. The two connections are the EU and his main aims.

  21. Davide.A

    The three facts that I have learnt in the lesson are:
    -the reasons why the population wanted to leave the EU
    -the consequences after the Brexit process on the negotiations.
    -the result after the referendum

    What are the economic consequences?

  22. Nicola I.
    The three facts that I have learnt in the English lesson are:
    -What is the Referendum in 2016
    -The why that some people wanna stay in EU
    -The role of the Prime Minister Theresa May
    What will the future country come out?

  23. Chiara R.

    Three interesting facts that I have learnt in today's lesson are: the situation after Brexit 2.the two different positions among people; 3. the results of the referendum. Two connections I have made: the EU and his main aims.
    One question: what are the economic consequences?

  24. Alessio M.

    The first interesting fact is that the leavers think that to stay in EU is restrictive, the second is the membership fees and the last that's the bill is around £40bn!

    I have made a connection with the Churchill's speech in which he encouraged the creation of the EU and another connection with George Soros that's the founder of the open society foundation and he has done indebtedness the central bank of England.

    I haven't question about the Brexit.
