5B CAT REVISION / REMEDIAL WORK related to the history of architecture PART 1

  1. Have your coursebook and notebook close at hand.
  2. Download the worksheet and paste it into your notebook (in the Skills section).
  3. Complete the worksheet by checking the info required in both your coursebook and notebook.
  4. Hand it in on Tue. 6th November for feedback.

1A AFM H/W for Wed. 31st October

  1. Download the images which represent everyday activities and the images which represent free-time activities.
  2. Print the images in black and white.
  3. On a blank sheet paper on your notebook in the Use of English section, write a heading for each group of words/phrases.
  4. Cut the cards and paste them into your notebook in the Use of English section to create your own pictionary related to everyday activities and free-time activities.
  5. Write under each card the word/phrase which best describes it. Use one of the words/phrases below:
get up - go to sleep - sleep - take a shower - take a bath - wash my face - brush my teeth - shave - put on make up - comb my hair - brush my hair -  get dressed - get undressed - make the bed - clean the house - do the ironing - do the washing-up - do the laundry - walk the dog - feed the cat - feed the baby - go to work - go to school - take the bus to school - go to work - drive to work - go to the supermarket - leave work - get home - work - study -  make breakfast - make lunch - make dinner - have breakfast - have lunch - have dinner

relax - swim - play basketball - read a book - listen to music - listen to the radio play cars - exercise - write a letter - use the computer - play the piano - play the guitar - play - plant flowers - raad the newspaper - watch TV

Assignment "Write a Short Story in 140-190 words"

Here the rubric which will be used to assess the short stories.

5B CAT ENGLISH TEST on Tue. 30th October

PAPER 1 : TEST on your skills in reading. A mark will be given out of 10. Click here to do some practice.

PAPER 2: MINI-TEST on your knowledge related to the history of architecture. A mark will be given out of 4.
Topics you have to study for the test:

  • Prehistoric architecture (cf pp 218, 219)
    • megalithic architecture
    • the most famous megalithic structure in England, i.e. Stonehenge
    • other prehistoric sites in Britain
  • Roman heritage in Britain (cf notes and pp 226, 227)
    • cities and towns
    • road system
    • buildings, i.e. Hadrian's Wall and forts 
  • Architecture in Medieval Britain (cf notes, pp. 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236 extra worksheet on Lady Chapel and Poets' Corner) 
    • English Gothic architecture
    • an example of Gothic cathedral in the UK, i.e. Westminster Abbey in London
    • Norman architecture
    • two examples of Norman castles, i.e. Dover Castle and Windsor Castle
    • half-timbering building technique
    • black and white half-timbered houses in Chester and York