5B CAT ENGLISH TEST on Tue. 30th October

PAPER 1 : TEST on your skills in reading. A mark will be given out of 10. Click here to do some practice.

PAPER 2: MINI-TEST on your knowledge related to the history of architecture. A mark will be given out of 4.
Topics you have to study for the test:

  • Prehistoric architecture (cf pp 218, 219)
    • megalithic architecture
    • the most famous megalithic structure in England, i.e. Stonehenge
    • other prehistoric sites in Britain
  • Roman heritage in Britain (cf notes and pp 226, 227)
    • cities and towns
    • road system
    • buildings, i.e. Hadrian's Wall and forts 
  • Architecture in Medieval Britain (cf notes, pp. 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236 extra worksheet on Lady Chapel and Poets' Corner) 
    • English Gothic architecture
    • an example of Gothic cathedral in the UK, i.e. Westminster Abbey in London
    • Norman architecture
    • two examples of Norman castles, i.e. Dover Castle and Windsor Castle
    • half-timbering building technique
    • black and white half-timbered houses in Chester and York