1A AFM H/W for Wed. 31st October

  1. Download the images which represent everyday activities and the images which represent free-time activities.
  2. Print the images in black and white.
  3. On a blank sheet paper on your notebook in the Use of English section, write a heading for each group of words/phrases.
  4. Cut the cards and paste them into your notebook in the Use of English section to create your own pictionary related to everyday activities and free-time activities.
  5. Write under each card the word/phrase which best describes it. Use one of the words/phrases below:
get up - go to sleep - sleep - take a shower - take a bath - wash my face - brush my teeth - shave - put on make up - comb my hair - brush my hair -  get dressed - get undressed - make the bed - clean the house - do the ironing - do the washing-up - do the laundry - walk the dog - feed the cat - feed the baby - go to work - go to school - take the bus to school - go to work - drive to work - go to the supermarket - leave work - get home - work - study -  make breakfast - make lunch - make dinner - have breakfast - have lunch - have dinner

relax - swim - play basketball - read a book - listen to music - listen to the radio play cars - exercise - write a letter - use the computer - play the piano - play the guitar - play - plant flowers - raad the newspaper - watch TV