3A RIAF H/W Check 27th January 2020

TEST 4 Reading Part 5 p 120

ra‧ven /ˈreɪvən/

21- B
22- C
23- A
24- B
25- A
26- D

TEST 4 Reading Part 6 p 121

27- never // not
28- have
29- where
30- of
31- keep
32-  it

To be stored in your depository:
  • common expressions: of course - keep going  - it does not matter 
  • phrasal verbs: go back = return
  • synonyms: discover = find out
  • collocations: welcome to XXX - visit a website - share ideas about XXX - sit at the desk - make improvements

TEST 5 Reading Part 5 p. 138

21- D
22- C
23- A
24- B
25- A
26- D

To be stored in your depository:
  • phrasal verbs: put away = to put something in the place or container where it is usually kept
  • synonyms: cheerful = happy
  • collocations: spend time - get older - bring huge benefits - improve somebody's mood - connected with - feel successful at XXX
TEST 5 Reading Part 6 p. 139

27- for
28- much
29- since
30- one
31- are
32- be

To be stored in your depository:
  • common expressions: guess what - as you know - for ages = for a very long period - since then - one of the best things - it would be great to see you
  • phrasal verbs: sign up = to agree to become involved in an organized activity - go on = happen - come along = to arrive or appear at a place
  • synonyms: enlist = sign up
  • collocations: take interest in XXX - watch a match on TV - be on holiday