5A RIM Activities on Thu 16th January 2020

1) Watch the video on how to write a good opinion essay and take notes on the procedure on your notebook.

2) In your English class you have been talking about arguments for and against the EU. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an opinion essay.

Write your essay using three key arguments, including relevant examples and giving reasons for your point of view.

After having read through the arguments for and against the European Union, do you find yourself siding more with the supporters or the critics? Or do you agree with bits from both sides?

Write your essay in 140-190 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below.


  1. GP

    The EU is an economic community and a political organization of various States who, at the beginning of this creation, accepted to enter and to respect the treaties. Today some States or better some people have changed opinion and they try to get out. But how all countries would be as single States ?

    -First of all The EU gives to citizens the chance to move, to study, to work and to switch goods and services freely between members countries. This situation is possible if there is not conflicts, in fact The EU ensures peace.
    -Secondly The EU gives economic help to each State every day especially to the least developed countries and also in case of natural disasters, for example earthquakes or floods.
    -Finally The EU offers facilities and forms of integration to immigrants like non-European from Africa or from the Orient and it tries to help them. Furthermore, to fight racism, it promotes an European citizenship.

    In conclusion, The Europe, despite the considerable cost to run, creates a fairer and safer word, in fact it is strong and known in all the world.

  2. Nowadays we often hear about the advantages and disadvantages that affect the European Union and how there are now many opponents. The European Union is an institution that encompasses almost all the states of Europe therefore even if there are some flaws, we must focus on the benefits of the EU.

    First of all, the European Union has made it possible to create a stable and lasting peace. In fact it is an excellent goal especially because it has put an end to the numerous rivalries between the European states that for decades have caused clashes and wars, including the first and second world wars.
    Furthermore,thanks to the Shengen treaty, it’s allowed the free movement of goods, people, capital and services. In this way it is much easier to import and export products and services and it is also easier to travel
    Finally, thanks to the EU, we finally have a single currency. This makes exchanges much easier and faster and people who travel do not have to worry about changing money.

    In conclusion it can be said that the European Union is very useful and by now also fundamental to compete with the world powers

    188 WORDS


  3. The E.U. is a whole of Nations firstly created in 1957(under the name of E.E.U)which gives its member States several political and financial advantages.

    The popular opinion about the E.U. is really various...several people are sceptical about this organisation, mostly because of its huge costs and the domination of larger countries, just like Germany, upon littler ones just like Malta or Luxemburg.

    But, on the other hand, there are actually more people supporting the E.U. than people criticising it, mainly beacuse of the great opportunities git gives, just like the free movement of people and goods around the member States with no-barrier and taxes, and the presence of a unique currency(€)in almost all the States.
    Then, what is more, since its origins (1950s) it has brought peace in Europe, as World War 2 (ended in 1945)is the last war that has seen 2 or more european countries fight each other!

    In conclusion, we can easily affirm that the E.U. is very important for the States whivh are part of it, because the huge advatages guaranteed are worth the high costs.

    N° of words: between 180 and 190


  4. The European Union is a political and economic union made up of 28 member states.
    Its policies are designed to maintain common regulations on trade and to ensure free movement of goods, people and services.

    Are the supporters of EU right?
    First of all citizens of all member states are free to move from one member country to another.
    They can travel, study, work or live in any EU state of their choice. This provides citizens of member states who are plenty of options, to travel, find work, study wherever they choose.

    What is more, usually, goods transported or sold between countries are charged with customs tax but, because the EU has an integrated economy, no charges are applied.

    In addition to this, in the past European nations were often in competition.
    The EU created harmony on the continent, in fact it reduced the number of conflicts.

    In conclusion we can said that the aims of EU are exactly to establish peace and create a safer world.

    Number of words: 166


  5. Everyday, we hear about the European Union and what is going on around it especially during these lasts year with the brexit.

    Let’s begin by saying that the European Union (EU) is an economic and political union between 28 European countries.
    Some of the EU purpose are to promote peace, break down barriers to trade and borders and in general, make the EU citizens protect and facilitated.
    So one of the most important benefits of the eu, it has helped to modernize countries putting specifics criteria for membership.
    Then, the eu has also helped to improve local environments thanks to the union level regulations.
    In the end also travel is became easier with the eu. In fact before the union, there were for example, much more checkpoints and travel from nation to nation was quite longer than now.

    In conclusion, I think that the eu is really useful and helpful for both, the countries and their citizens.

    160 words

  6. The European Union was created by the idea and hope for unity and integrity. However, as it enlarges to 28 countries, many problems arise.
    But, at the same time, the EU has several arguments in favour of it.
    However, the EU has a for or an against impact on the States?

    * First of all the EU has permitted to State to haven’t any type of duties on goods they trade.
    * Secondly the EU allows its citizen to move freely in the States belonging to it. The EU has also helped the young citizens to study abroad their country.
    * On the other hand some people disagree the process of European integration. These people affirm that the “open borders” between the EU members are a risk in term of economy. And many other eurosceptics arguments.

    In conclusion, the EU represent one of the greatest experiments in political history; in fact the EU undertakes to spread peace and freedom and the EU makes sure to create a safer world.



  7. The European Union is a political and economic organization which includes 28 member states of Europe.
    The European union has a stable and democratic system of government with institutions that guarantee the right and respect.
    However, does the European Union have a positive or negative impact on states?

    First of all it's a family of democratic countries that have committed themselves to work together and to guarantee fundamental values ​​such as the peace, dignity, freedom, democracy and equality.

    Secondly, the European union joined by forming a huge single market that continues to develop and introducing a single currency, Euro.
    Now with the abolition of border controls between member countries, people can move freely.
    Finally The EU is committed to helping victims of natural or man-made disasters around the world and supports millions people every year, the EU plays an important role in promoting stability.

    In conclusion the European union is very important because it has guaranteed 70 years of peace, as the President of the European Commission recalled: «Sometimes we collide. But we collide with words and we solve conflicts around a table, not in the trenches ».

    words 189


  8. The European Union is a group of states that shares political and economical interests. These states are basically located in Europe.

    Nowadays, there have been some issues related to the request of the UK to be independent, then some of the european citizens started to wonder if being part of the EU is actually an advantage.

    Fist of all, a remarkable convenience of being part of the union is the absence of tariffs customs. This allows free trade between all the countries.
    Another advantage is the dual citizenship for all the people living in EU's countries.
    Finally there is the most important one: the freedom of travel or live in every european state without being stopped and checked at customs.

    On the other hand the eurosceptics argue about the open borders: in their opinion, open borders are a risk that supports the illegals activities.

    Even so, all the countries can count on their armed force that ensures safety for everyone.

    As a conclusion it can be affirmed that being part of the EU is a privilege and not a worry.

    180 words

  9. The EU was the biggest change in Europe after the Second World War since it gave importance to this continent , alongside the other world powers. However has it really improved the economy, welfare and policy of the member countries?

    Firstly, the EU creates a single market allowing to people, money, services and goods to move from a member State to another one without be subject to taxes and controls. This means ,for example,that a EU citizens can travel within the community territory only with their Identity Card.

    Secondly , since this organisation was born there have been no more wars in Europe. This is one of the most important success of the Organisation and in 2012, it was worth the Nobel Peace Prize to EU.

    Nevertheless, there are also negative aspects like the fact that the EU obliges countries to follow some rules which sometimes are not completely right . For instance each member have to help an EU State in crisis and so the strongest conutries have to paid huge amount of money to support it Economy.

    All things considered , the EU, from its birth , has built a strong international position for this continent starting to porsue fundamental objectives. However there still are many issues that must be resolved and so EU bodies have to continue to work hard.

  10. The European Union (EU) is a group of 28 countries that operates as a cohesive economic and political block. This international agreement has always had critics as well as supporters in fact people have different opinions.
    So the question is: is it a good thing for the countries?

    In the first place this union has assured total security and peace among the participating countries after decades of war in fact if one country is attacked,the others must take its side. Secondly people and goods can move freely between the borders of the Member States without being subject to specific controls but despite this the open borders of the EU are a big risk. In addiction, an other critic is that the agreement is dominated by the big countries so the smaller counties are more inferior having less decision-making power.

    In conclusion this agreement have many positive aspects because it guarantees safety and a bit of tranquility.



  11. Many people contend that the disadvantages of being part of the EU actually overcome the advantages of being part of it.
    The EU membership taxes are really high and its member are asked to pay several billions per year to partake into it.
    However there are multiple advantages that provide a reason to define the EU as a bargain.

    The EU was in fact formed to create a cohesive free-market and economic trade bloc sustained by a single monetary currency (the Euro).
    It is the biggest single market and its legislation is bound to facilitate the transmission of commodities and people within its member states. Indeed, if you are a citizen of an EU country, you can study and work in another one legally (since you have an EU citizenship).
    Moreover, consumers within the EU are exptemted from paying the majority of trade tariffs and taxes as well as custom duties.

    In conclusion, being part of the EU has a lot more pros than cons despite its costs.


  12. This text talk about the EU , European Union. There are two points that are analysed. The supporters and the critics.

    The EU is a political and economic organisation composed by 28 country.

    I agree and I’m happy that Italy is in EU.

    Firstly because in EU there is a very economic support between country. The EU has a stable market and the multinationals based in Europe, have a very strong internal market.

    Secondly, thanks to EU there are far fewer wars between countries and also an important peace that which has lasted for decades.

    In conclusion I think that the EU helped Italy, like many others countries, to get out of a difficult economic situation, especially after the Second World War.

    Moreover I disagree on the exit of England, because in my opinion the UK is putting imaginary walls towards other EU countries.

    150 words

  13. The EU is the biggest trading bloc with a budget of billions. The EU has always had critics, as well as supporters, in all EU countries. 
    The Supporters are a lot of people who see the EU as a great thing and the Critics are people who are opposed to the EU come from many different shades of opinion.
    What are the main aims of the EU?

    First of all to establish European citizenship. This means protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms.

    Secondly the EU is fundamental to ensure freedom, security and justice. This means co-operation in the field of justice and home affairs.

    Finally the EU helps to promote economic and social progress. This involves the single market, the euro, environmental protection and social and regional development.

    In conclusion, as we can see with the previous arguments, the supporters of EU are absolutely right.

    Number of words: 150


  14. The European Union is a political and an economical organisation that includes 28 members at the moment. This organisatiom has been created in 1957 with the aim of helps member states to overcome political and financial issues. Anyway, the UK had a referendum to leave the EU. Are they making the right choice?

    First of all with the exit of the UK from the EU there will be duties on the goods that the UK imports and exports. This is a big trouble for the industries which are based on the export.
    Secondly, it won't allow people from other countries to work or study freely, therefore there will be a decrease in the UK economy.
    In addition to that, an other important issue is the safety. In fact, there were no war for as long as there is the European Union.

    In conclusion, we can say that the EU is essential for its members because it was created to ensure peace in the decades after the World War 2.

    167 words


  15. Can you imagine our world without the EU? Or even worst, can you imagine Italy without EU?
    The European Union is a bunch of countries that cooperates as a cohesive economic and political block since its creation back in 1957.
    The usefulness of the E.U. has always been questioned, but it has increased in recent years with the Brexit issues.

    To begin with, one of the biggest achievement of EU was the peace-keeping since its inception. In fact, the EU is the world’s best example of former enemies working together to solve problems through discussions and compromises. War apart, the EU gives a lot of opportunities to its citizens, not only economic benefits (same currency), but also major educational choices and better job opportunities.

    Unfortunately, all these advantages have a cost, indeed, the issue of maintaining the EU membership is one of the most frequent reasons to leave the "Big European Group". Most of EU skeptics say that EU is a worthless expense and each member state would be stronger on its own.

    In conclusion, it is possible to say that the EU guarantees a safe environment to its citizens and provides to keep the peace in our beautiful world.

    Number of worlds: about 190.

    Mr. S.A.G

  16. The EU ( European Union ) is an economic and political union between 28 countries.
    Its purpose is to bring peace, prosperity and freedom for its citizens.
    Another aim is to make this world safer and more stable.
    But even the aims are good sometimes there is other side of the coin.

    For example the arguments for the EU are the ability to resolve conflict and all EU countries can have trade agreements with each other. These are only two examples but there are many advantages. Those who support the ideas of the EU are called pro-Europeans.

    On the other hand there are arguments against the EU; for example it’s expansive to run, the EU is trying to force regulation on policy areas and moreover the EU is dominated by the big countries. All those who support these arguments are called Euro-sceptics.

    In conclusion since the EU was founded, it has been created a barrier of protection around the members of this union. Despite the negative reasons, the EU is also a form of protection for countries.


  17. The European Union (EU), was born in 1992 and is an economic and political organisation composed by 28 countries.
    We know that there are people who agree and people who disagree with this union of states, but what are the advantages or the disadvantages? (43)

    First of all, we can affirm that one of the big advantages is the single market, that offers the opportunity of free movement of goods, services and money. It's a very usefull chance to interact with other countries members of the E.U. and an opportunity to help people and enterprises economically. (96)

    On the other hand, there are people that think it isn't a good political decision to create a union between these states, because they thinks that the Euro (€) as a single currencies can devalue national currencies. (133)

    However, we can say that the E.U. offers to the European citizens lots of opportunities in lots of areas, like the education and work, opportunities that need to be taken and exploited. (166)

    In conclusion we can confirm that the E.U. supporters have so many reason to support the E.U. so they are right. (189)

    (189 words)


  18. EU

    Started in 1951, the process to the creation of the European Union has seen many stages until 1992, when it was established by the Treaty of Maastricht.
    Over the time EU has achieved many positive goals, such as advancing causes of peace and democracy, as well as facing problems, resulting in its suitability being questioned today.

    Eu’s greatest advantage is that it enables people to move easier, to study and to work freely between member States. It also allows the free movement of money, goods and services, as well as facilitating and reducing costs of imports and exports since custom duties are not payable within a trading bloc.

    EU also takes mesures in order to stabilise member States’ economies, by providing funds to countries facing economic difficulties. Actually, ECB financial funds have helped many of them recover from 2008 economic world crisis.

    Thirdly, a bloc of nations is essential to face internationally with the major world powers such as USA and China.

    However, some people think that EU interference on individual states is excessive due to the fact that, In order to respect its aims, EU involves directives and controls on member States’ interior policies and imposes limits on their economies. Indeed, by the fiscal compact, EU requires to governments the achievement of a balanced budged.

    To conclude, although public opinion may think that EU policies reduce national sovereignty, I believe that several European States would find the administration of their country very difficult to manage without them.

  19. In the last few years the European Union is in the cebtre of a big discussion in all the EU states. In fact there are a lot of people that would like to leave the European Union (they are called Euro-sceptics) and ther are also people who want to stay in it (they are called pro-European)
    but which side has the strongest arguments?
    The pro-Europeans say that the EU can share power among countries, resolve conflict and allows EU citizens to work study
    On the other hand there are the Eurosceptics that say the EU is too much expensive to run, there are security risks in the open borders and the Euro is a threat to national sovereignty
    In conclusion we can say that the EU is defenitely one of the most important political institution in the word but there still are something that could be’ improuved
    D.C 148 words
