5A RIM Activities on Thu 6th February 2020

1) Watch the video on how to write an article and take notes on the procedure on your notebook.

If you feel like a dummy and you need to deepen your understanding of how to write an article, watch the following video:

2) You see this announcement on an English-language website.


Tell us what it is, why it is so important and what UN member states should do in order to respect such an agreement.
We will publish the best articles on our website.

Write your article in 140-190 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your initials before starting to write.


  1. The agenda 2030 is a very important agreement between manu EU's menber states concerning 17 points or goals. But why is it so important that all the member states respects this agreement? 32

    The 17 points are divided in 3 mains categories: environment, human being and economy.
    The first one categories is very important because the environment is one of the most discussed issues of today.

    In addition, the other two categories, represent the columns of the society and so, is fondamental to protect them with all the sesources 88

    On the other hand is understandable that not all the countries have the resources to acheive those goals, but we could solve this problem by helping those countries withloans of money 120

    In Conclusion we can say that it's not so easy to acheive those goals in all the countries but, whit the cooperation we could reach all the objective for the safeguard of the environment and the human beings.

    D.C 160 WORDS

  2. PG AGENDA 2030

    The UN discussed , at UN Headquarters in NY ,a new program to improve the lives of people everywhere. It is called "AGENDA 2030", but have you ever heard about this?

    The 2030 Agenda is an agreement which consists of a political Declaration, 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets, adopted as a global plan on 25 September 2015 in order to transforming our world, or better to save it.

    Furthermore the UN member states has to respect this program in order to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. It consists in: eliminating poverty, hunger, inequality; Ensuring Good Health, sanitation, Well-being and Education, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Peace, Justice, Strong Institutions and Clean water.

    On the other hand the goals of Climate Action, Life Below Water and Life On Land are the most difficult to reach because whole world interventions are needed to stop climate change, but unfortunately this does not happen. In fact, for example The USA did not sign the pact to decrease greenhouse gas emissions.

    Therefore Agenda 2030 perhaps can work as no, but it is a good beginning.

    188 words

  3. The new UN resolution

    Have you ever heard of AGENDA 2030? In 2015 the UN (which counts 193 members states) came to the conclusion that, in order to save the planet, governments must promote sustainability and implement new green economies. To do so, the UN elaborated a new program called AGENDA 2030, which consists of 17 objectives that must be achieved by the end of the decade.

    The 17 objectives could be defined as rules that must be followed by governments: all of them concern sustainable or humanitarian actions that, if done, could prevent the world from shutting down. Together with ‘climate action’ there are other targets that stand as crucial for the world’s sake and human welfare such as ‘no poverty’, ‘gender equality’ and many others.

    But how can governments really contribute to saving the planet? There’s no much to say here, however, nations are required to reduce unemployment, protect human rights a well as reducing inequalities and promoting peaceful societies.

    158 words


  4. V.B

    In 2015 The 193 United Nations member states has adopted the sustainable development agenda 2030 program.

    This plan consists in 17 goals in order to improve the lives of everyone in the world but also to protect the planet.
    In fact, these goals required a lot of action change by the member states and all their citizens that are essential to live in a better place with greatest people.
    We can say that the goals are divided in 3 main categories that are composed by global action, local action, and people action and they should be implemented, in effect, in 2030.

    Personally, i think it’s really important to be knowledgeable about this plan because it’s something that includes the quality of life of present and future people lives and also the health of the planet.

    240 words

  5. AGENDA 2030: 17 points for a better life

    “We don’t have a plan B because there is no planet B” said Ban Ki-Moon, general secretary of the United Nations.
    In September 2015, the 193 state members of the General Assembly of UN adopted the 2030 Development Agenda, which was entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
    Reading its 92 paragraphs, it is possible to spot the 17 global goals that are intended to be reached by the year 2030: they are split in five major categories regarding water, renewable energy, wasting, standard of living and tackling climate change.

    The fact that humanity is causing all these problems means that it can fix them too if we all work together and get creative.
    Each one of the 193 members of UN has pledged to work hard to achieve every goal: so far, Europe has managed to keep up with two thirds of the 17 goals, but there is plenty of space for improvement.

    Following the current trends, the 2030 targets will be hit in 2094: rich countries must collaborate with the ones most in need in order to live a better life in the future

    F.B. - 190 words

  6. IM Agenda 2030

    Agenda 2030 is an action plan signed by all 193 ONU's members countries. It contains 17 goals about Sustainable Development that all the countries want to achieve by 2030. But what exactly does this agreement consist of?

    Five years ago, the ONU's members signed this declaration, which is based on three key elements: economic growth, social integration and protection of the environment.

    Each goal is essential for the wellfare of the Earth and its inhabitants. For example, goal number six, deals about the importance of clean water and necessity of structures for health-care.

    On the other hand, there is the problem of money: it's necessary for our future to complete the project succesfully, but these goals are are very ambitious and nowadays there are loads of countries that are facing serious economic crises.

    But we remain positive and we hope that by 2030 all of these goals will be reached, and that the planet will be safe.
    (157 Words)

  7. The AGENDA 2030 is the solution?
    The 17 Sustainable Development Goals form the core of the Agenda 2030.
    The 17 points were adopted by the UN as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The SDGs are to be achieved around the world, and by all UN member states, by 2030.

    These goals concerne environment, human health and economy: 3 relevant categories. They could improve our world only if the UN members engage themselves.

    But, on the other hand, they have been criticised because some of the goals compete with each other. For example, seeking high level of quantitative GDP and GNP can make it difficult to attain ecological, inequality reduction and sustainability objectives.

    In conclusion, every country is needed to reach these ambitious targets. The creativity, technology and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SGDs in every context.

    167 words


    In order to contrast world's main problems, just like bad human conditions, poverty, global warming and climate changes, the UN have created, back in 2015, Agenda 2030. But...what is it?

    Agenda 2030 is a pact signed by all 193 member States of the UN, which are engaged to work out 17 main topics in order to reach important goals concerning the environment, human conditions and a sustainable development.

    Certainly, some of these objectives are actually harder to achieve than others: for example, creating sustainable city, with new technologies, is not as hard as ending world poverty and famine.
    What is more, many of these goals, just like the production of clean and renewable energies, are difficult to reach because of their contrast with great companies, rich businessmen and banks's financial interests.

    In conclusion, it is very easy to state that Agenda 2030 is a great project, but cooperation among States, industries, citizens and banks is definitely needed if we want to tackle and stop our world's problems and actually turn it into a better place.

  9. F.D.P
    Agenda 2030

    Agenda 2030 is an agreement that it was signed by the 193 members of the United Nations. This declaration was signed in 2015, and it shows 17 goals that every country shoud achieve within 2030. But what do this 17 goals consist of?

    This 17 objective refer to issues about ending poverty, economic growth and protecting the environment.

    On the other side, there is a contrast between the goals. For example, to protect the environment are required lots of money, so the economic growth will be surely lower.

    An other issue to mention is the fact that the time limit is getting closer: it's been 5 years from the time that the UN signed this agreement and at the moment nothing has changed

    In conclusion I hope that the countries will find a solution to solve these problems in order to save the world and increase the wellness of the people.

    154 words.

  10. Agenda 2030 is one of the most ambitious objective established by the United Nations Organisation. Howewer what it consists of?

    It is an agreement among 193 member countries of the UN, which includes a written declaration where are stated the 17 goals that every  member states should attend within 2030. These objectives aim to improve the quality of live in every part of the world , by preserving and protecting the planet for the future generations. 
    The Goals cover many sectors like environment, human beings, health, economy of the countries, cities and international cooperation in order to try to solve international problems such as poverty and environmental issues. 
    Moreover, being related to almost every aspect of people life, Agenda 2030 should be one of the most important priority of each country which should take into account it in its policies.

    All things considered , Agenda 2030 try to eliminate or at least reduce international issues in every part of the world. For this reason everyone should adopt behaviours and actions respectful of the environment and of every living being that inhabits it. However are the goals established really achievable everywhere within 2030 or they are only an utopian dreams?


  11. Agenda 2030 is one of the most ambitious objective established by the United Nations Organisation. Howewer what it consists of?

    It is an agreement among 193 member countries of the UN, which includes a written declaration where are stated the 17 goals that every member states should attend within 2030. These objectives aim to improve the quality of live in every part of the world , by preserving and protecting the planet for the future generations.
    The Goals cover many sectors like environment, human beings, health, economy of the countries, cities and international cooperation in order to try to solve international problems such as poverty and environmental issues.
    Moreover, being related to almost every aspect of people life, Agenda 2030 should be one of the most important priority of each country which should take into account it in its policies.

    All things considered , Agenda 2030 try to eliminate or at least reduce international issues in every part of the world. For this reason everyone should adopt behaviours and actions respectful of the environment and of every living being that inhabits it. However are the goals established really achievable everywhere within 2030 or they are only an utopian dreams?

    WORDS ;197

  12. AGENDA 2030 : all together for a better future !

    On September 25, 2015, 193 UN member states approved a program called the 2030 Agenda
    Have you ever heard about it? Do you know why it is a historical event?

    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action program for people, the planet and prosperity.The program contains 17 goals that have to be achieved by 2030.

    Furthermore, according to the agreement of the 2030 agenda, all countries are called to contribute to the effort to take the world on a sustainable path, without any distinction between developed, emerging and developing countries, even if evidently the problems may be different depending on the level of development achieved. This means that each country must commit itself to defining its own sustainable development strategy.

    On the other hand, the implementation of the Agenda requires a strong involvement of all components of society, from businesses to the public sector, from universities and research centers to information and culture operators and therefore has high costs .

    In conclusion, it is currently not possible to know whether all 193 will achieve their goals by 2030, but it is certainly an important event.

    198 WORDS

  13. THE 2030 AGENDA

    Why is Agenda 2030 so important?
    But first you have to know what it is and what is included.

    On 25 September 2015 the 2030 Agenda was adopted. It is an agreement achieved by 193 member states and it consists mainly of 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
    These Goals aim at eradicating poverty and achieve sustainable development by 2030 all over the world.

    The 2030 Agenda is so important because it is an universal plan applied in all countries.
    It predicts that all nations will take action with regard to the climate, reduce unemployment, support for gender equality and to raise peaceful societies.
    Therefore all countries and all stakeholders, acting together, will implement this plan.
    “We commit ourselves to working tirelessly for the full implementation of this Agenda by 2030” . This is a declaration that left the leadership of the UN.
    Will they achieve these Goals? We’ll only find out in time and meanwhile the whole world hopes for a yes.


  14. Transforming our world, Time is ticking!

    Have you ever heard about Sustainable Development Goals, also known as SDN?

    In September 2015, 193 Heads of State and Government of the world adopted the Agenda 2030 which consists of a written declaration and the 17 ambitious goals mentioned above to be achieved in 15 years time.
    This agreement aims to promote economic prosperity and people’s well-being, as well as protecting the environment.

    Statistics show that the world has made some progress, amongst them: the number of people who have access to potable water (goal no.6) are increased from 75% to 91%, vaccines have contributed to halve infant mortality in 30 years and in the last 20 years the number of people living in extreme poverty has almost reduced of 50%.

    Although some noticeable results have been achieved in the recent decades, the path is still long to be followed and only ten years are left in order to improve the quality of life by realizing the Agenda’s objectives. The issue is then open: will the world be able to reach all 17 by the Agenda’s final term?
    (187 w)

  15. 2030 is not just a date.

    Do you guys ever heard about Agenda 2030? If you haven't, you are in the right place.

    The Agenda 2030 is a commitment to end poverty and achieve sustainable development by 2030 world-wide, ensuring that no one is left behind. It is made of 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) also known as the "Global Goals" which were adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015 as a universal call to action.

    That's why the AGENDA is universal. It requires all nations to take climate action, reduce unemployment, promote peaceful societies and strengthen gender equality.

    Now you may ask, why is this Agenda so important? Well, cuz it promotes the standards that our world should have, thus reducing unjust things like poverty and world hunger, not to mention other unfair conditions that humankind is facing every day.

    The Agenda's message is clear: we need to do more. World cooperation is required.

    Mr S.A.G.
    (194 words)
