5A SIA Activities on 20th February 2020

1- On your notebook create a neat section whose heading is “REVISION about INTERNATIONAL TRADE ORGANISATIONS”. Read and study p 155 and your notes. Then answer the following questions - write each question and below it your answer.

  • When and where did the UN Bretton Woods Conference take place?
  • What did the delegates discuss about?
  • Which two international organisations were established during the UN Bretton Woods Conference?
  • What is the International Monetary Found?
  • How many member states make up the IMF?
  • Who is the current Managing Director of the IMF?
  • Where are its headquarters located?
  • What does the IMF promote?
  • What are the main functions of the IMF?
  • What is the World Bank?
  • Who were the founders of the World Bank?
  • What is the aim of the World Bank?
  • What are its main functions?
  • What is the World Trade Organisation?
  • How many member states make up the WTO?
  • Who is the current Director-General of the WTO?
  • Where are its headquarters located?
  • What is the main aim of the WTO?
  • What are its main areas of activity?
  • What principle is behind the WTO and its operations?
  • What are its main functions?
Ref lesson materials [Powerpoint slides here]

2- On your notebook, create a graphic organiser to store all the pieces of information about the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. Add as many details as possible.