5A RIM Assignment on 10th November 2020


Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to international organizations.

1) Surf the Web and carry out some research into the G20.
  • when and where did the first G20 leader’s summit take place?
  • when and where did the last G20 leader’s summit take place?
  • what international organisations took part in the last G20 summit?
  • what were the main topics discussed in the last G20 summit?
  • when and where will the next G20 leader’s summit take place?

2) Watch a clip about the G20. Put the topics discussed in the video in order.

[  ] what the G20 is
[  ] what G20 stands for
[  ] when the G20 was established
[  ] when the G20 summits take place
[  ] what criticisms have been directed against the G2
[  ] what the G20 has achieved so far
[  ] what the aim of the G20 is

3) Answer the following questions.

According to the video,

1. when was the G20 established?
2. what does "G20" stand for?
3. what is the G20?
4. how often do G20 summits take place?
5. who decides on the content of the summit?
6. what are the main topics usually included in the agenda?
7. what is the aim of the G20?
8. what has been achieved so far, thanks to the G20?
9. what criticism has been directed against the G20?

Watch the video again and check.

4) Check your answers here.

5) In your opinion, what are the main themes that the G20 leaders should focus on? Leave your personal comment in the comment box. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Sveva B.
    In my opinion, the theme that the G20 leaders should focus on is "Women's Empowerment". Women live in inferiority to male gender worldwide. Specially in the world of work, they suffer a high inequality, being discriminated and underpaid. Women, to achieve important roles in factory or in the politic world, has a longer way in relation to men. Fortunately, now girls have a better opportunities compared to the past, but there is a lot of work to reach a total equality with men.


    The world is facing a significant health and economic crisis that requires a global solution.
    At the moment governments have locked down their economies to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. But now I believe that it is time to find a resolution to tackle the problem.So I think that the global forum of G20 should focus on finding a recovery solution to the actual health emergency through the creation of a global growth plan.
    And hopefully as it led the way out of the global financial crisis in 2009 it will also succeed in ending this tragic global crisis too.

  3. Rita B.
    The G20, as well as the G7/G8, is an informal discussion forum without a permanent secretariat and staff. In my opinion the G20 leaders should focus on all the issues it deals with therefore: wars, famines, climate issues and economic crises, because each is consequential to the other.
    Given that:
    - war leads to hunger
    - climate change leads to poverty because there will be less and less land to grow.
    - pollution leads to a reduction in biodiversity,this involves a collapse of the ecosystem.
    - fish in the sea eating plastic thrown into the oceans ends up in our dishes. This involves health problems such as cancer.
    - the consumption of non-renewable resources in addition to polluting leads to conflicts between states to possess them, this door to war.
    - And war leads to the destruction of human rights.
    It is a cycle.
    In conclusion I think that in order to achieve their goals the G20 leaders should also listen to the weaker countries that are not part of the G20

  4. Marianna D.M
    Actually, the world is fighting a major global crisis, especially an economic crisis given the pandemic situation.
    I therefore think that the G20 must devote much more to health, and guarantee everyone the right to health, access to care and be sure to receive care in each country.
    Beyond this topic I think it is also important to focus on the global economy. Unfortunately for this situation many activities around the world will close, and there will be difficulties to find work. So I think the G20 needs to be about raising the global economy not just through the internet and web platforms.
    I hope that something will change, also in poor countries.

  5. Erika C.
    The G20 leaders focus expecially on Global Economy because in the video the man say that the connection with these group is the economic crisis in 1997 in many East Asian countries and to resolve, the 22 countries that were attacked by the crisis came together and formed the G20. But it discussed also Trade and Investement, Innovation, Environment and Energy, Employement, Women's Empowerment, Development and Health. The aims of the G20 are to fight global cries and to prevent crises. But in my opinion, the G20 leaders should focus also on Health and Environment and Energy because it's important the health of the people in the world and it's also important the Environment and Energy for a better and cleaner world.


  6. First of all, what is the G20?
    G stands for group and 20 stands for the 19 most important industrialized and emerging countries plus the EU.
    In my opinion the main theme that G20 leader should focus on the problem of the environment.
    The main environmental problems are: Pollution.
    Pollution causes the destruction of natural habitats for the animal and plant world, health problems and economic problems for the human population.
    I hope that these environmental problems reduce as soon as possible.

  7. Susan R.

    The G20 has a big impact on the world, even though its decisions are not imposed on countries. I think that an important theme to discuss about, it's women's empowerment. But I also think that lots of women should be involved in the conversation, because they are those who suffer the most from this kind of discrimination, but considering that almost every leader off G20 is a male, this will not give enough space to women's voices.
    Right now, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I think that it is important that the G20 debates about health and economy. This virus killed and affected a great amount of people all around the world , and in order to stop its spread, lots of shops and businesses were shut down, and the consequence is one of the worst economic crises ever.

  8. Stefania G.
    In my opinion the informal forum G20 should focus on the theme of employment. This is a problem that has become very serious during this time of pandemic. A lot of people lost their job and the number of homeless people has increased, for this reason also the spread of the virus increases. Unemployment also creates a very serious problem for the economy because people start buying less and less because of lack of money.

  9. Gabriele M.
    In my opinion the g20 should continue to work on the points that are present in the video, then reduce the global crisis, help developing countries and reduce the temperature of our planet to save it from global warming.
    In addition to these problems, the g20 should help the world economy to overcome this very difficult period caused to the Covid 19 pandemic, for example helping workers who have lost their jobs, or helping economic enterprises or shops that have closed after the lockdown.

  10. ELISA B.
    The year 2020 has put us in front of three consistent problems that have influenced the life of every human. In the first place, there is the HEALTH which has been threatened by a dangerous virus that has led to the death of many people and even today the situation is critical. Following this pandemic, even the ECONOMY started to collapse. The causes were the restrictions issued by governments to stabilize and block the spread of infections and which led to the closure of most of the works that were in contact with the public. And finally, these two problems created SOCIAL ISSUES. In fact, especially after the second lockdown, they poured into the cities revolts by traders who felt deprived of their rights to work.
    In conclusion, the themes that the G20 leaders should focus on are health, economy and social issues because they are problems that if they do not resolve will not guarantee anyone to return to a normal life.

  11. Roberta T.
    This year, the year 2020, has been and it’s still being really difficult for everyone, since there’s a virus, covid-19, causing a pandemic.
    In my opinion the main themes the G20 should focus more are the “Global economy”, “Employment”, “Women’s Empowerment” and last but not least “Health”.
    As we all know the virus caused and is still causing many problems regarding the economy: people are being fired, workers have to shut down their shops and even factories.
    From my point of view the most important, and the problem that should be solved first, is the health one, in order to guarantee everyone the necessary cures and help.

  12. Elisa G.
    Nowadays all over the world are in a difficult situation, there is a global crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic.
    In my opinion the G20 leaders should focus on the health system because it needs improvements, in this situation we need more hospitals and people that are able to cure the sick. Another important theme is economy, in this situation the state should give funds to all shops and activities that have found themselves in difficulty; for example use the internet and create some platform to buy things from different shops. The last theme that, in my point of view leaders should focus on is climate. We have to take care of the environment to protect our future and our world.

  13. Sara L.
    In my opinion the themes that the G20 leaders should focus on are "Health" and "Global economy". Two themes that in this period of epidemic are put in trouble.
    In this period of pandemic the health system is strongly tested and it presents some big problems and a lot of people are died.
    In addition, due to the virus and the restrictions to contain it the economy has suffered a severe blow, many activities heve been closed and many people have lost their jobs, so we need to act now to avoid the worst crise ever.

  14. Gabriele D.

    In my personal opinion the G20 should continue to work on the theme of employment, this theme in the last months became day by day more critical due to covid-19 , this pandemic caused a big unemployment, for example talking about the world of civil aviation more than 20’000 flight attendants and pilots lost their jobs, it’s a lot of people! Also here in the vicinity lots of industries closed because they couldn’t keep up with their production . This caused a increase of homelessness . Speaking in long term this may cause inflation.

  15. Martina T.

    In my opinion the G20 nowadays should focus on global crises, causes by the pandemic of COVID-19. When we get out of this emergency situation, we will be marked by the crisis and unemployment.
    In addition I think that other key points are poverty and food shortage, especially in and after this period these issues will be increased.
    These are important issues but the others that are mentioned in the video too, and they mustn’t be ignored.

  16. Barbara S.

    In my opinion the main theme that the G20 should focus more is the Health. For almost a year, the whole world is facing the covid19 pandemic and it is precisely in this tragic period that several problems have come to light: the most serious are the lack of specialized staff and the shortage of tools for intensive therapies. That’s why I think it’s crucial that governments invest large amounts of money in health care, in order to not create situations of serious distress for hospitals, provide the best possible health service to as many people as possible and avoid a likely economic and social collapse.

  17. Giada B.

    I think the point on which G20 should focus most is women’s empowerment. Years ago the woman had no right whatsoever and their only duty was to look after the family. Although the situation of women is improving today, there are still inequalities between men and women, such as the difference in wages in the workplace.

  18. Eleonora N.
    In my opinion the themes that G20 should focus on are: ‘Enviroment and Energy’ and ‘Health’.
    The first one is so much important because we have a limited time to improve the environmental conditions of the planet and only by working together we can achieve positive results.
    The second one is also important, especially in these days, because, as we are seeing, a simple virus can move quickly around the world and kill millions of people.
    For this reason we need an even more organized system, that allows all people access to treatment and that doesn’t allow doctors to stop treatment or choose which people to save.

  19. Angelica B.

    In my opninion, G20 leaders need to focus more on women’s empowerment.
    In my opinion, this is a very important issue because women are often underestimated and not considered equal to men in many are
    An example of women’s emancipation, especially at work is that of the newly elected United States of America, Kamala Harris, who has made her way alone to where she is now.as for a long time now.
    Unfortunately, there is still a long way to go to emancipate women and ensure that there are no differences between men and women.

  20. Fabrizio Combina

    In my opinion the G20 leaders should sometimes forgot the economy and should work on Human rights, because in the world there are still a lot of injustices, there are still many people who haven't got fundamental rights.
    I think the G20 leaders should work to stop climate changes because is one of the most important things, because we have not a second planet qe are going to destroy our planet.

  21. Alessia G.
    In my opinion, the themes that G20 should focus on are health and women's empowerment. I think that in our planet there are still too much countries in which health is not guaranteed for everyone, some of them because of poverty and some because of a private health system, and I’d be selfish if I said some people don’t deserve it, because everyone deserves health.
    Then,, women's empowerment is too important for a world in which reigns equality behind people.
