5A RIM Homework for Monday 19th October 2020

Decide which goal you think is most important to you, why, and how this goal is linked to the other goals, and write a paragraph explaining your choice and your personal pledges for helping to achieve it.

Leave your post in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Rita B.
    In my opinion the 2030 agenda's goal on which we should have priority is the number 13, which says to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

    The consequences of climate changing are: polar ice sheets and perennial ice, rising sea levels, increase in frequency and intensity of extreme weather phenomena, change in annual precipitation distribution rainfall, increased hydrogeological and flood risk, increased fire risk like in Amazonia, variation in the distribution of animal habitats, extinction of species, variation in the snowy distribution, expansion of the distribution area of certain water-borne diseases and vectors of disease such as insects and change in agricultural productivity and nutritional quality/capacity.

    So personally I think that if we take action on climate change we will also have an improvement in the agri-food economy and also in the field of poverty because they would burn less forests that give the timber,  fishing and agricultural activities  would be more profitable.

    Some solution to climate change could be:

    Plant new trees 

    Use sustainable means of transport

    Use more renewable energy

    Reduce CO² emissions

    Choose ecological products and resources both at home and in the industries 

    Eating vegetarian one day a week saves almost 900 kg of CO2 emissions every year

    safeguard rivers, lakes, seas and natural areas.

    But to ensure that this work should be taken into account by all, governments and individuals.

  2. Barbara S.
    In my opinion the most important goal on the 2030 agenda is the sixteenth one, because the values of peace and justice guaranteed by strong institutions are the foundations of a better world.
    Unfortunately, corruption and social inequality represent the emerging problems in our society, and the main cause of these two phenomenon is the vacillation of institutions. In fact, they are often influenced by the increasingly power of multinationals and world banks which continue to grow richer and richer. As a result, while the holders of power battle each other, the rate of poverty increases and injustices fall on those who cannot take justice into their own hands.
    In the first place, in order to solve these inequalities, the redistribution of money would need to be implemented. In addition, ceilings should be set up, so that even the most powerful cannot abuse their position. Finally, institutions should be able to do their jobs correctly and without any ulterior motives, truly taking care of the people they govern.

  3. Sara L.
    I think that the most important goal of the 17 sustainable development goals, contained in the 2030 agenda's goals, is the number 16 "Peace,justice and strong institutions".
    In my opinion this goal is the most important for three reasons, first because it contains the three things that should be present all over the world, secondly they are the basis for living a better life and finally thanks to the peace, the justice and strong institutions we can reach all the other goals.
    At the moment, my help in achieving this goal is simply to be a good citizen who respect the rules, with good education and sound principles.

  4. Roberta T.
    I believe that the most important sustainable development goal for me is the first one, the “NO POVERTY”.
    It’s important to support and help people in need to reduce poverty and increase the level of their lifestyle.
    I think that this goal can be linked to the number 2 “Zero Hunger”, number 3 “Good Health and Well Being”, number 4 “Quality Education” and number 6 “Clean Water and Sanitation” since, if the poverty decreases and there's more money, people have the possibility to eat more, the opportunity to have access the healthcare system, they can access to quality education and they can have access to clean water.
    In my own small way, I try to help people in need by donating used clothes that I no longer wear, toys I used when I was younger, objects that can be used to create a better lifestyle and when I can I donate food to the food bank which I can usually find in supermarkets. I also try to save water and avoid wasting it by closing the tap while brushing my teeth, washing my hair or even when cleaning the dishes.

  5. Sveva B.
    I think that the most important goal of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development is the eighth goal: decent work and economic growth. The aim is to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all. If this objective will be achieved, many other problems will be deleted. If people have a right payed employ, other goals like no poverty, zero hunger and good health and well-being may be solved. Economic growth leads to a higher standard of living and consequently access to services such as health services.
    Some pledges for helping to achieve the eighth goal could be the creation of public works to improve the city or enlarge some enterprises: this would increase demand for labour and more jobs for everyone.

  6. Gabriele d
    I believe that the most important sustainable development goal in this schedule is the number 1 : NO POVERTY , I think this goal is actually linked to every other goals in the agenda , it’s a bit sad to say that that but with money you can basically do everything, stop the hunger , improve the global health system and give to everyone who need it a better education etcetera, etcetera…
    In my own personal way I do all I can , I’m involved in a oratory as a volunteer ,whit this association we help children by giving Them foods and by helping them with homework and we also help families because while their children are whit us they can work and earn money . When I can I also donate old clothes and old toys and I try avoid wasting as much as I can .

  7. Giada B.

    I think the most important point is the first point: NO Poverty, because every day the phenomenon of poverty is spreading more and more, especially in developing countries. The main causes are: exploitation of the environment, violation of human rights, excessive population expansion, poor distribution of resources and illiteracy.
    To try to combat this phenomenon, we should first of all support an organisation that fights poverty, volunteer to organise a fund-raiser and, finally, donate so as to support organisations that fight poverty.
    A few years ago, through a friend of my mother I had the opportunity to give my clothes and my toys to an association that sends objects to areas with more difficulty.

  8. Eleonora N.
    In my opinion the most important goal of the 2030 agenda for sustainable development is the thirteenth: taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
    I think that this one is more important than the others because we can’t live well in a world that is changing in a bad way, and where greenhouse gases in the atmosphere have reached very high levels.
    It’s important to move quickly because any other delay in climate action will put the planet and its inhabitants at unimaginable risk.
    Global warming will have catastrophic effects such as rising sea levels and rising storms and hurricanes. These phenomena will have an impact on millions of people, with even greater effects on those living in the most vulnerable and poorest areas of the world.
    To help the world, we need to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees centigrade, and to do that we need to zero CO2 emissions well before 2050.


    I believe that the most important goal to achieve is: "The end of poverty in all its forms", which is also the one put in first place by the representatives of the Member States when drafting the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.
    This goal is so important because it represents the final piece of the puzzle, since to be achieved it would be necessary to:
    - provide all people with access to basic social services: such as education, health care, food, sanitation and clean water, in order to allow poor people to participate and contribute to the economic growth.
    - create and improve access to jobs.
    - provide access to technology and innovation in rural areas, including internet access and affordable energy.

    By doing so, most of the goals would already be achieved thus allowing to reach also the last goal of the "puzzle": The end of poverty.

  10. Stefania G.
    I think the most important goal on the 2030 agenda is the 6th goal that is “Ensure access to water and sanitation for all”. The most precious good in the world is water and I believe that all people should have access to this good. In addition to water, people should have access to sanitation, because many people do not have the possibility to be cured and many of these people die.
    I believe that anyone could donate money to associations that deal with people's health, and also anyone could take more care to use water and not waste it.

    In conclusion I think the most important thing to have a better world is to start helping the people who need it most and to take care of their health. because if people are not healthy, the economy cannot improve and neither will pollution because people that have water and food waste too much while people that have nothing die.
    So there should be a balance and everyone should have the chance to live a good life.

  11. Martina T.
    In my opinion, the most important goal is “No Hunger”.
    Nowadays it’s a very widespread phenomenon in the world and it’s very serious; many people die from this problem, but fortunately some people are working hard to fix it.
    Personally I don't waste food, I favor seasonal foods and with the oratory of my country we donate money to associations that take care of feeding the less fortunate.
    We periodically go to the shops in the country and we ask for anything they no longer need, then we bring the rest from home, we resell it and finally we give the proceeds to charity.

    I think the most important goal of the 2030 agenda is the first one.
    NO POVERTY: what does it mean?
    It probably means that by 2030 the tax of poverty should be reduced, they should take it almost to 0, but how this phenomenon could be destroyed by 10 years, when poverty exists from years and years...?
    I think it’s the most important goal, and I hope it would be achieved....
    Firstly, I think that we all have to stop for a minute our life, and start thinking to people who still haven’t food, who haven’t a job. We have to try to immedesim us in those people and how they live.
    Is it normal? Is it right? We are in 2020, and there are still people in these conditions.
    This is an old phenomenon, because poverty has been in the world for centuries , there always been division into social classes, there have always been developed countries and less developed countries. But we are in 2020, we have all the means to put an end to poverty and we can help all those who are in difficulty and poor.
    So I think that we all can do something to help the end of poverty. We have to start doing things.

  13. Alessia G.

    The most important goal to me, is gender equality, because I think that women deserve the same rights of a man and the same respect as a man. The most part of women is afraid of walking alone by night, because of catcalling and raping, just like in countries not developed like Ethiopia in which the 60% of women has been subject of sexual abuse, also in developed countries like USA one woman in six has been victim of abuse, and I think that all the forms of violence on women came from hatred, disrespect and the thought of superiority caused by the gender inequality. To achieve it, I try to explain to men what feminism really is, that feminists don’t want to be more than men but we want to be on the same level, I try to explain that women deserve to be respected and loved.

  14. Susan R.
    In the 2030 agenda there are so many important goals, but I think that, the one that I feel closer to me, it's gender equality.
    First, reaching this goal means to improve so many women's lives.
    It means to guarantee same access to education for both women and men, and give the opportunity to young women to start working in sectors that, for decades, were reserved to men. Secondly, by trying to reach gender equality, we can also reduce violence, because we can make laws that assure to men and women equality in court. Furthermore, by setting this goal, we can also resolve the gender pay gap issue, which is a thing in so many jobs.
    I think we all can take small steps towards a more equal world, by educating ourselves on this topic, in order to change, at least a bit, ideas that work against equality.
    Right now, in the world, there are countries that have taken big steps towards gender equality in the past years. But still there are countries were women find themselves in disadvantage. There are phenomenon, such as child brides, that can be interrupted by following a path towards equality.
    In conclusion, I think that achieving this goal, would improve our society, because I think that a society in which there is gender equality, could work better, because it could get the best both from men and women.

  15. I think the most important goal is "Reduce inequality".
    Inequality within and between countries is, in my opinion, a big concern. Income inequality has increased in nearly everywhere in recent decades, but at different speeds.
    In my opinion, reducing these social and economic inequalities within and among countries it is a necessary condition for sustainable poverty reduction and social cohesion. Inequality is a concept that refers to differences between individuals or groups and covers various dimensions like: economic, political, environmental, social.
    In conclusion, income inequality is a global problem that requires global solutions. This involves improving the regulation of financial markets, encouraging development assistance where is necessary. Facilitating safe migration and mobility of people is also crucial.
    An integrated approach is crucial for progress. Each of us should think about it and try to help to avoid these inequalities

  16. Elisa G.

    From these goals, I think good health and well-being is the most important thing in life. When there is good health and well-being people face their life in a positive and quiet way; this goal is at the center to the others because for having good health and well-being you have to reduce poverty, zero hunger, clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, responsible consumption and production, combat climate change and its impacts, peace, justice and strong institutions.

    I try to help to achieve it by doing separate collection of waste, saving water and electricity in my daily routine and eating as healthy as possible.

  17. ELISA B.
    The most important goal for me, is PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS.
    I think they are three fundamental points that should be at the base of every country.
    Peace guarantees the well-being of citizens and prevents wars; Justice safeguards gender equality and so reduces inequalities; finally strong institutions regulate all this and work for quality education, no poverty, decent work and economic growth, responsible consumption and production and much more.
    For helping to achieve this big goal, I can live respecting the human rights of everyone and being aware that no one must be deprived of it. I can follow simple rules provided by the institutions since they should know more than me.

  18. ERIKA C.
    I think that before every need there is the health and well-being of every person on earth, it is even in the first place before cleaning in cities, respect to nature and poverty.
    But the well-being maybe there is after the every types of sustainable.
    In this period the healthy is not for everybody because there is the Coronavirus that has attacked many people maliciously. So in my opinion, especially in this period, everybody need to repect the human rights and take our face mask to be protect.

  19. Fabrizio Combina

    I think the most important goal in 2030 agenda is number 13, climate action.
    In my opinion the situation is very critical, we have to do something all togheter right now.

    The impact of climate change is disastrous: there is an increase of hydrogeological risk, loss of biodiversity, melting of the glaciers and a lot of other terrible consequences on our lives.
    This goal is linked with the other goals because reducing pollution requires investment in renewable energy, which would create jobs and reduce poverty and because I think if we respect the earth we also respect other people.

    Personally I do a lot of little action like try to use less cars or buy less clothes on the web, don't waste water or support mouvment like "friday for futures" which is fighting to get laws to reduce climate change and reduce pollution.

    I think with the help of UN we can save our planet.
