3B RIM Assignment on 8th October 2020

Write a 100-word text about a school trip or a place you visited with your family.

Use the following prompts to help:
  • when did the trip happened?
  • where did you go?
  • who went with you?
  • how did you travel?
  • what did you see and do?
  • what was the best thing about the trip?
Leave your post in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Giada P
    The trip was happened on 25, 26 and 27 march 2019.
    I went go in Tuscany. In the different three days I visited San Gimignano, Siena and Volterra.
    I went with my old high school class and two professors.
    I traveled whit a small private bus. In this bus there was the driver, my class, my teachers and our guide.
    In San Gimignano we did a sightseeing tour. The country was very small.
    In Siena we visited a church and walked a lot before reaching the city center. Arrived in the center, the guide explained the ancient history of Siena. We saw the cathedral in Siena, it was beautiful!
    In Volterra we have seen how alabaster worked, the Etruscan remains, arched door and Roman theatre.
    The best thing about the trip was the difference between the various countries, different accents and historical centers.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  2. Camilla T.
    The last school trip it was the day the day in Turin, in first year of secondary school, around April whit my classes and two teachers;
    we traveled by train leaving in the morning around 8:30 a.m.
    we visited some historical places with a guide at the morning while in the afternoon after having taken a break we went to visit a historical Egyptian museum while we took notes.
    The nice thing is to have spent a school day in alternative way discovering many interesting things about the city of Turin.

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  3. Sofia.F
    With my family we visited many places but as I said yesterday, those that I care more are the camargue and greece. In camargue for a walk with horses and I saw flamingos. In Greece I saw the spectular sea and I ate fish. The best thing about trip was bathing in the Greece sea.
    The wrost thing was leaving the wonderful places.
    another place I visited with my family was near Slovenia. we went to visit some beautiful caves. They were very different and were divided into rooms, so our guide had told us. There was the white room, the pink one and the other black. What I was most impressed with was the black room, because when we got there it was all dark, you couldn’t see anything. then of course they turned on the lights and we saw the beautiful wonder that was hiding behind that darkness. Anyway they are trips that will remain forever impressed, then I give an extra value because made with mom and dad!
    I wanted to tell one of my most beautiful trips with my family, because with school I never got to see good places or make trips to tell.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  4. Nancy D.
    this summer I went on vacation with my family to Sicily for the whole month of August. we went by ship and arrived in Palermo on August 4th. in those days we visited many towns such as Taormina, CefalΓΉ, Scoglitti, Agrigento, Catania, Palermo and Licata. all the moments of this trip were beautiful especially when I went with my father to the "isola delle correnti" where the Ionian Sea meet mediterranean sea and it was fun, But in general it was nice to visit all the countries and spend some time with my family and also with my grandmothers who live in sicily

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  5. M. Valerio
    I've been in Turin last year, for learning more things about Roman Turin. It was a school trip, with my classroom, my English' teacher and my Italian's teacher. We traveled on train, because the station was near the school and the trip was very fast.
    I saw the ashes of the defenses and of the walls. Then I've been at the museum with my class, for learning something about the acient civilization. The best thing, was absolutely the freedom granted by our teachers, that allowed us to see other parts of the city. I've appreciated so much this trip, especially for the fact of had a good time with my scholastic's relations

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  6. NicolΓ² L.
    Two years ago I went in Tuscany with my class, the trip started on March 25 and ended on March 27. The first day we visited San Gimignano, the second day we visited Siena and the last day I visited Volterra. we left by bus from Pinerolo at 7.30. San Gimignano is a small city, in fact we did a tour without tour guide, we visited the remains of some Etruscan civilizations. In Siena instead we had the tourist guide, and we visited the historic center with an explanation. In Volterra we visited with a tour guide how to make marble souvenirs. The best thing was the bus trip with my friends and the evening in the hotel, I also liked to visit Siena but I would have preferred to walk less and have more light explanations.

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  7. Andrea R.

    My last school trip was with ex class 1A AFM when we have visited Torino Romana. We took the train at Pinerolo Olimpica and then we got off the train after about 30 minutes of travel. Arrived at Porta Susa the tourist guide was waiting us and then she began to show us some monuments. After we did a break to eat our lunch and then in the afternoon we visited a museum. Then we come back to Pinerolo at about 18:00. I think that the most beautiful thing about this school trip was the company with my classmates because we had fun.

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  8. Giulia.D
    I went from 9 to 11 May 2018 on a school trip. I went to Naples, but I was staying in Sorrento with me there were my friends and classmates and there were 4 teachers.we left at 6 in the morning we took a bus to arrive at the station in Turin and we took the Turin train -Naples, the journey lasted 6 very long hours. we visited many places, for example we went to see the most important squares of naples, we visited Spacca Napoli, we saw a lot of monuments and historical places, and we visited Pompeii, and we went to the sea. The highlight of the trip was the night walk on the beach with all my friends

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  9. Alessandra P.
    Last year in april I went in London with my mum and my sister. I took the plane from Turin to the airport of Garwick. I was only 4 days and I stayed in a hotel. Even I spent few days in London I have visited many place and I enjoyed anyway. I seen the Tower Bridge, London Eye, Buckingham Place, Hyde Park, Big Ben and Westminster abbey. I visited also Coven Garden, Soho and Camden Town. The best thing of this trip it was the culture, I've loved all the tipical food and tradition.

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  10. Alessia V.
    I went on a school trip in the third year at the high school of Cremona, I visited the center of the town, I only remember that we eat in a park and that we walked a lot, the best thing about the trip is the trip, we played and sang, it was fun , the worst part is that we walked too much. I'd like to return in that places another time with my friends, I think it could be insteresting.

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  11. Francesco P.

    In 2017 i've been at the Genova's acquarium with my old classmates.

    We did the trip by bus.

    I've certainly seen fish of all kinds and we've done the tour of the acquarium, but the best thing of the trip was of course have fun with my friends.

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  12. Luca P.
    Three years ago,during the 2 weeks between 6 and 20 of May, I went on a cruise.I was with my mom and her partner, we left the ship from Savona, we visited Marseille, Vigo, Paris, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, London, Lisbon. The days we were just sailing,I went to the gym or I played with my group of friends that had formed.The breakfasts, lunches and dinners with that sea landscape were spectacular.This are memories that will be always with me and those magnificent places we visited I will never forget like the people I met on that ship.

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