3A RIM Assignment on 7th October 2020


Write a 100-word text about a school trip or a place you visited with your family.

Use the following prompts to help:
  • when did the trip happen?
  • where did you go?
  • who went with you?
  • how did you travel?
  • what did you see and do?
  • what was the best thing about the trip?
Leave your post in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. When I was younger,I went with my parents and my sister in Sardinia.We went there with the car for a small piece of road and then we took the ship.When we are arrived we went home and we went to sleep.In the next days we always go to the beach but we everyday change beach and in the evening we usually go to a restaurant.The best things of the holiday was when we went to a special beach and we did the dives.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  2. Giulia Caggiano
    In a few years, when I’m older, I’d like to go to Egypt with my friends.
    I’d rather go by plane so I can see all the view from the other, I wouldn’t go by ship because I’m afraid of the open sea.
    Ever since I was a little girl I’ve always liked Egyptians so I’d love to go to the Egyptian museum in Cairo, see the sphinxes and temples, go to see the sphinx, the pyramids, temples and go to visit some of the most famous and beautiful cities the most beautiful thing of the trip will be the pleasure of going to a place where I have always dreamed of going and going, and visiting many interesting things.

  3. Grosso A.
    In 2018 i went go in Florida with my mum,my dad,my sister and my brother. We have catched the plane from Milano and landed in Miami. In Florida i have see a lot of beautiful city like Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Mayers, Key west, but the most beautiful place are the everglades, we have did the tour with a little boat inside them, and seeing the alligators in their natural habitat for me it was the best thing. The Florida trips has been one of the most beautiful travels, and i would go back again.

  4. Emiliano.L
    In 2017 il took a trip with my classmates. We went to gap a country of france on the border of Spain. The trip was very long and the tiring,is lasted 8 hours and we did it with two buses. When we arrived we put the bags in our rooms and the following Day we did many activities as:canoe,bike and catamarano. the activity I liked the most Was canoe because I have never done it before.i liked this trip very much and although the trip was very long we had a lot of fun and we learn New words in french.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  5. Simone Q.
    This year on August 15th I went to Tuscany with my parents and my sister. We left in the morning by car and headed to Marina di Massa. We stayed on the beach until lunchtime. In the early afternoon we went to Pisa where I saw the Tower of Pisa, the Monastery, the Duomo and the historic center. Before dinner, we made a quick visit to Forte dei Marmi. We then returned Marina di Massa where we had dinner before returning home. The thing I liked the most about this short tour was the visit to Piazza dei Miracoli in Pisa, because I had never been there

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  6. Alice M.
    Last year in May, I went to Santo Domingo with my family and with a group of people who do the same work of my dad.
    The travel was too long! We catched the plane at Milano malpensa and traveled for thirteen hours.
    When we arrived was night there, because there was time zone of six hours.
    We were in a tourist village called Catalonia gran duminicus and it was very beautiful.
    We went to the beach every day and I have known some italian guys there.
    The fourth day we visited the city of Santo Domingo.
    It was very interesting and characteristic but the best thing that I have visited was the saona island.
    I really loved it!

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  7. Roberta F.
    Last Christmas my family and I went to Rome and we stayed for a week. We went by camper and we stopped in an area camper near the centre of city, but to move we took the train or bus.
    We saw all the most important places like Colosseo, Fontana di Trevi, L'Arco della Patria and lots of other things.
    The best thing that we've done is when we visited Piazza San Pietro.
    We had take part at Christmas mass and we saw the Pope.
    The square was very beauty and big.
    Of course i will return beacause Rome i really like so much.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

    The trip that I am to tell it happened five years ago, when I went in Sardinia with my family and a my friend that he was with his parents.
    We went to port of Genoa by car and than we took the ship all the way to Sardinia.
    In Sardinia we went into the beaches and we did many baths.
    My parents and I went into the boat and we visited many beaches, reefs and we saw the cristal water of the sea.
    Beyond the sea places, we saw around in the evening many stalls and shows for the people an example are my father’s friends than they played on a stage in the street.
    I saw the mask native of Sardinia that is the mask of the old pastor.
    The best thing of the trip was the boat trip because beyond seeing the cliffes, my dad and I putted the wetsuit, the mask and the fins and we explored the sea floor.

  9. luca tamburini.
    on my last vacation I was in Calabria with my family.
    We drove all night and arrived early in the morning.
    We stayed for 7 days in a beautiful campsite near the beach.
    During the day there were many activities to do but we only went to the beach or the pool.
    After breakfast we stayed all morning at the beach, then returned for lunch.
    After lunch we usually went to our room for a quick nap and then went back to swimming and sunbathing.
    Sometimes we played football or beach volleyball, it was really fun.
    In the evening we would have dinner around and then we would go to the beach or sometimes we would visit the country.

    1. 🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly. Some necessary pieces of information, which were requested in the task, are missing.

  10. Massello N.
    I went to Florence with my family in January 2017, I went with my family and that of a friend of mine, the trip we did by car and it lasted 5 hours more or less. In Florence I visited the city and all the things it offered, the thing I liked the most is visiting Giotto's tower and climbing to the top. Another thing that I really liked about Florence are the Uffizi, I have seen many paintings that I liked. I am very happy to have gone there and I hope to return in the future.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  11. Thomas Luongo
    I went to Barcellona with my family in April 2015.
    With me there were my mom, my Dad and my brother.
    The trip we did by plane and ti lasted 1 hours more or less.
    In Barcellona I visit the city and the most important places
    The best thing of the trip is when I have met the best player of futsal another thing is when I visit the stadium of Barcellona because it is beautiful

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  12. dragone alessandro
    when i was 13 years i old, i went to tuscany with my class. I was in the first year of high school. We started in the morning and we arrived in destination in the afternoon. The trip has been very cool, i have been very happy. I have talk with my friend and i have stay very well. We went near Siena, It’s a very big city. I saw a lot of historical monuments and a lot of church, but the guide is very boring. This trip is very interesting and i’m very happy, because i was with my friend.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  13. Arianna B.
    When I was 12 years I went to Spain for a week with my family. It was my first plane trip. When we landed we took a bus that took us to the resort which was very large so our day took place inside where there were swimming pools and entartainers. The best day we saw beautiful beaches and villages, we bathed in the sea but the water coming from Atlantic Ocean was very cold and we ate Paella which is a typical dish from Spain. It was one of the best trips of my life.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly.

  14. I went in Tuscany 2 years ago, with my old class. We stay in a small hotel, near Siena for 3 days.We visit Siena, a beautiful city, we see the cathedral , piazza del campo the biggest square in Europe.We ate pizza all days We visit the museum of glass. I was not so well I had fever, in the night I go to sleep at 9:00 pm. In this school trips we vistit the etruschi-rest in Tuscany because we studied it. I like a lot this trips, I really enjoyed it

  15. Veronica G.
    In the summer of 2018 i went on a trip to Egypt for a week with my family and my cousins; we travelled by plane and also by bus because the village was far from the airport. In Marsa Alam i saw the desert, i swam with dolphins and rode a dromedary. The most beautiful thing was visiting a country outside of Europe.
