1B AFM/1C AFM Assignment on 22nd February 2021

 1) Look at the picture below.

2) Write a good description of the picture. In your description you must include the following words:

clowns - pirates - guitar - comics - tractor - skateboard - rabbit - panda

Write your description in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. ED
    at the top of the picture we can find some shelves with pirates, guitars and skateboards. in the centre we find two children watching the games, a table with a tractor on it and and a shelf with rabbit and panda plushes.at the right we find the people that observes the comics.at the left there is a clown with pink curly hair and a jacket green and yellow, purple pants.


    1. at the top of the picture we can find a pirates, guitar and skateboards. at the right we can find the people watch comics. in the centre we find the children watching games, a tractor, a rabbit and panda plushes. in the end at the left is a clown.
      Angela S.

  2. In this picture there are two clowns,One really buy other no.there Is a table and on this table there are a farm,tractor and Rabbit. on the shelves there are 3 guitarts,One Red ,One Blue and One yellow.on the shelv there are a topica with Imagines .there are tipo skateboards.in the First shelv there are panda and rabbit
    Emma barbieri

  3. at the top of the image we can find some shelves with pirates, guitars and skateboards.
    in the center we find two children looking at the toys, a table with a fasttoria above it with a tractor and a shelf with soft toys in the shape of a panda and rabbit.
    on the right we find a family looking at some comics in the window.
    on the left is a clown with pink curly hair and a green and yellow jacket, and purple pants.

    Alessandro b

  4. Samuele b
    in the centre we find 2 children, they watching the games a tractor, a shelf with rabbit and panda. at right we find the people that look the comics. at the top of the pictures we can find the shelves with pirates the guitars and the skateboards. at the left we find a clown with curly hair and the jacket yellow and green with purple pants

  5. Diego B.
    At the topo of picture I see many object and 3 guitars, pirates, comics, in the centre i see many people, at the bottom I see a tractor, on the right I see a skateboard, on the left I see a clown and rabbit and panda.

  6. Emiliano o
    At the centre there are two children watching the games a shelf with rabbit and panda plushes, on the top there is some shelves with pirates gutair and skateboard. At the right there are some people that look at the comics

  7. Nicolò A.
    The picture was taken in a toy shop, maybe in the afternoon.
    I can see two clowns, one near the entrance and one on the shelf in the centre of the picture. A the right of the entrance, on the top of the shelf, I can see a pirate with his parrot, and his ship is over the entrance.
    In the shelf, under the pirate, I can see three guitars, a yellow one, a blue one and a red one. At the right of the shelf, there is another one, which contains three comics and some people are interested in them. On the coffe table in the centre of the picture there is a small farm, with a cow, two sheeps and a tractor. On the shelf in the background there are four skateboards two blue ones, a red one a yellow one and a pink one. On the shelf in the centre there are four peluches: a panda, a lion, a rabbit and a cat.

  8. Francesca C.
    At the top I can see a pirates, guitars, skateboard and comics.
    At the bottom I can see a boy take the bottoms and the table where there are a panda, a rabbit and many animals.
    On the centre I can see a tractor.
    On the left I can see a clowns.

  9. in this picture i see pirat,guitars and skateboard. I watch the children look the game with his parents, i see a table with a tractor and rabbit and panda, i see the people look the comics and left there is a clown.

  10. giada d.s
    in this picture can see many children and adults in a toy shop. there are many toys, in the centre there are a small table on this there are a small farm with a blue tractor.
    at the bottom there are a big pirate ship in the
    shelf there are many guitars near there are more people who loking many comics. in the fareground there are many peluche f animals.
    on the left there are a clowns, and on the right there are many skateboards.

  11. Stella Hu
    At the toys shop. In the shop there are many people and toys. At the bottom on the left there is panda side there is a rabbit. In the centre on the table there is blue tractor. At the top in the centre shelf there is comics on the right shelf there is skateboard and on the left shelf there are pirates, under the pirates there is guitar. In the background on the left there are clowns.

  12. Ha
    In centre the picture there is a shelf with the guitars and a pirates,neighbors a shelf of comics ,in centre there is also a table upstairs with a tractor blue. On the right there is a shelf with the skateboards with many colours.at the bottom there is shelf of bears panda, rabbit ,lion and cat. On the lift there are the clowns.

  13. I think this picture was taken in the morning in the toy shop. At the top there are a lot of toys for example the pirate boat , the toy car and others and a selfs with more toys, 3 guitars , a parrot , different bear toys and other toys, then there is a family looking at the comics on their right there is another shelves with skateboards of different colors, balls and other toys at the cashier there is shop assistant that's helping a girl. In the center there is a cafe table with above the farm and tractor, above there is a shoe with wheels and a boy just entered going through seeing the toys and at the bottom there is another boy that is climbing up the shelves to take a clown toy ,with a panda toy ,rabbit toy ,lion toy and cat toy. On the left there is another boy with his dog seeing him and behind there are other toys and a cage with parrot and near there is a clown marionette .

  14. Lara M.
    In this picture I can see a toy shop and many people who are looking the toys. In the foreground I can see a boy with a red sweatshirt and he is buying a ball with a toy inside. Behind him there are three boys. One of them is climbing on the shelf maybe to get the clown. In the shelf there are also some puppets for example I can see a rabbit and a panda. On the left I can see a boy with his dog and behind the shelf I can see a boy near to the little tractor in front of the little farm. On the right I can see a girl and a cashier and the girl is buying a toy. In the background, I think there is a family and they are looking the comics, behind them there are some shelves with many toys for example there are three skateboards, a pirate with his parrot, three guitars,... Maybe they are at the toy shop because they are buying some presents for a special occasion.

  15. Sara P.
    IN this picture i can see a lot of people and toys. This picture is very colorful. At the bottom ther's store checkout and in front of i can see a child who take colored balls. At the top there are a lot of toys that thery're willing on yellow shelves. For example i can see a blue guitar, a red parrot, a pirate, different bears and other funny toys. Near this toys, i can see five people who are looking a comics. In a other shelves there is a red and yellow skateboards. On principal door there is a wooden boat and near i can see small aquarium. On the left there is funny clown beacuse he has got pink hair, red hat, yellow and green jacket, purple pants and yellow shoes. Near i can see a child with his dog. In the centre picture there is a table and on table there is a blue tractor and small farm with some sheep. Finaly i can see some snowmen. For example panda, lion, grey rabbit and small clown with green hair. I like this picture because is very colorful!!!

  16. Rebecca V.
    in this picture I see many people watching games in a shop. Inside the shop there is a child with her dog who observes the soft toys in the shape of a panda and rabbit. Then there is a boy who plays with the farm where there are animals and a tractor. On the left is a group of kids talking about comics in front of them, and to the left of them are guitars and to the right are skateboards. Above the guitars is a colorful pirate-shaped puppet and there are even two toy clows. This shop is great!

  17. Fabiana L.

    In this picture I can see a lot of people like childrens of all ages, a cashier and a group of friends.
    In the foreground there is a child, he has got brown hair and he's wearing a red sweatshirt and he's buying a ball. In the centre of the picture there is a blond boy, he's wearing a green t-shirt and he is near to a furniture, on it there are some puppets like a rabbit, a panda,a cat and a lion.
    In the background, on the left, I can see a clow, it has got curly pink hair, a hat, a red nose, a green and yellow t-shirt and violet trousers.
    In the background, on the right, there is a group of 3 boys and 2 girls, they're looking some comics books and a skateboard.
    Near the group of friends there are some shelves and on it there are guitars and a pirate.
    I think that this picture represents a toys shop because there are a lots of toys and childrens.
