5A RIM Assignment on 23rd February 2021

Brexit Pain at the Irish Border

Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to the UK geography.

1) Think about the following questions. Do you know …
  • when the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was created?
  • when the Irish War of Independence began and when it ended?
  • when Ireland was divided into the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland?
  • when the Republic of Ireland was proclaimed?
  • when Ireland joined the European Economic Community (now the EU)?
2) Look at the infographic and find out
  • the length of the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland;
  • the number of road crossings;
  • the number of people who cross the border daily to go to work.

3) Brexit Pain at the Irish Border is a seven-minute film that profiles residents, including many teenagers, who live along the border between Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, and Ireland, which belongs to the European Union. The film explores the history of the Irish border and touches on themes of identity, politics and history.

Use the chart below as you watch to record and consider the aspects that you find most important or interesting. First, on the left side, note a specific quote or detail from the film; next, on the right side, tell what you noticed about it, why you chose it, or what questions it raises for you.

4) What moments in this film stood out for you? Why? Leave your personal comment in the comment box. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Rita B.
    I was unpleasantly impressed from the division between Protestants and Catholics areas, because as the blond girl in the video said it is rough, instead of breaking down the walls the human being continues to create new ones.
    Another important topic mentioned in the video is that of memory, in fact 54% of Northern Ireland had voted to remain in the EU because they haven’t forgotten the violence suffered in the past, and in general the violence that hatred and division can cause.

    the moment which most stood out for me was the first sentence said by the boy, in which he made a joke ,about the fact that, because of the willingness of an Englishman to leave a bar in which there were also an Irish and Scottish men, has involved the exit of all from the bar. This deeply sarcastic joke refers to the fact that during the Brexit debates, they have only considered the accordance of the British people, neglecting in problems, which would have arisen at the border between Northern Ireland and The Republic of Ireland. And, now the inhabitants of Northern Ireland live without even being sure of their identity because of an invisible border.
    Another moment that particularly struck me was the final song, where the same guy said: "this paranoia when will it end.. I've heard it all before and I’m hearing it again" which refers to the country's bloody history and to how Brexit has reopened old wounds, by leading to another division, very similar to the previous conflict.

  3. Gabriele D
    for me the most important moment of the videos is when the girl whit the beige coat says : we don't have a national identity we can either decide to be British , Irish or both and it depends on how we feel about it . i found this very sad , they should be able recognize themselves in just one country .

  4. SVEVA B.
    I was impressed by the sadness with which they tell of the division and the high number of people that want to reunify the territory becouse they worried about the consequences that the border could take after the Brexit.
    I also found very strange that the boy interviewed told that he had never visited or simply walked in certain parts of his own hometown in 22 years, and this is certainly a very strong testimony of the division that there is in Ireland.

  5. Gabriele M.
    The moment that most stood out for me about the video is definitely the part where it talks about the division in Ireland between Protestants and Catholics, seeing the different ideas and the violence of the revolution impressed me.
    In addition, think that there is a wall that divides a city, and one of its inhabitants has never seen certain places of the other half is incredible.

  6. Erika C.
    In this film the moment that most stood out for me is when the women with blonde hair talks with the guys that i think they're living in the city that we see in the video. In this scene maybe I understand that there is a wall to divide a city whit a tower and if it is really so, it is incredible because the habitants have never seen the other part of the city. I was surprised also in the part of the video talks about the division in Ireland between Protestants and Catholics.

  7. ELISA B.
    In this film, the moment when young people claim to be against Brexit stood out. They speak in a cautious and peaceful way, expressing the reasons for their opinion and going to counter the violence used, instead, by those who wanted to leave the European Union at all costs.
    In addition to them, many citizens of Northern Ireland would have preferred to remain in the union, as shown by the grapgh of the votes of the referendum in 2016. And the reasons are very important, as well as determining the future of the country and that is why the question arises: “How did the LEAVE campaign win?”

  8. Giada B.

    At the beginning of the video the boy makes a sarcastic joke about an English man in the company of a Scottish and Irish man. The English man needs to get out of the bar and let out the last two. This line represents the fact that during Brexit, only the wishes of the British were taken into account.
    Another aspect that struck me was the division between Protestants and Catholics, which brought the city divided by a wall, and many inhabitants have never visited the other part of their city.

  9. Sara L.
    The moment that most stood out for me was the sentence said by the boy at the beginning of the video, he made a joke, about the fact that, the decision of an Englishman to leave the bar meant that the Irish and Scottish also left the bar. This sarcastic joke refers to the fact that during the Brexit period only the British wishes were considered without considering the needs of Northern Ireland.
    Another moment that particulary surprised me was when the boy interviewed said that in 22 years has never been in some parts of his hometown and this is a demonstration of the division of Ireland.

  10. Alessia G.

    The moment that stood out for me is when the expert of mental health Siobhan O’Neill said that the Brexit division it’s reopening old wounds for those who have been victims of violence, because is almost the same divisions as the conflict. I found it important because I think that Brexit didn’t care about the mental issues of people, and I think that mental issues deserve the same consideration of physical issues.

  11. Stefania G.
    The most significant moment of this film, for me it was the beginning, when the boy made the joke.It was really interesting to discover that the UK does not ask for approval or does not even listen to the thought of Northern Ireland.
    But it is also interesting that most of the people of Northern Ireland voted to stay in the European Union.
    Finally, a cause of this division, the inhabitants of Northern Ireland do not know whether they feel Irish or English and I think it is quite shocking, because they do not feel that they belong to either state.

  12. Roberta T.
    The scene in the film that stood out for me was the first one, where the Irish guy said that, basically, the decisions are made just by the Englishmen. They said that the Brexit is the United Kingdom based just on the wishes of Great Britain, while the others weren't even considered and that there was not even much thought. They are also struggling to see any positive for the Northern Ireland.

  13. Fabrizio C
    The moment which most stood out for me was when the Irish desire to stay in Europe, he says: “An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scottish man walks into a bar, the Englishman wants to leave so everyone has to leave”. In my opinion, these words contain all the deep feelings of disappointment on the part of the Irish. Brexit threatens to create several problems various problems on the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, and the lives of citizens risk to change radically for a will that is not entirely theirs.

  14. Susan R.
    The part of the video that most stood out for me was when a boy said that Northern Irish people were not considered when it came to Brexit. He quoted Theresa May's speech, in which she announced that the Uk was leaving the Eu, after British people's decision to do so. In fact, most of Northern Irish people voted to stay, because leaving the Eu could re-open wounds between them and the Republic of Ireland.

  15. Eleonora N.
    The moment in this film that stood out for me was when the high school students have spoken. These students expressed their opinion adequately and they said they were worried that Brexit might take new restrictions. In addiction another thing that impressed me was the words of the red-haired girl, especially when she says ‘you identify as how you feel’.

  16. The part that stuck with the video is when the irishman speak of decisions taken in the country. Explaining that their Irish are not considered by the choices that take the British. Taking an example on Brexit and what concerns the United Kingdom explaining that everything is based on English choices
    Another aspect was the division between Protestants and Catholics, that divided the city like a wall

  17. Genre Elisa

    In this film the moment that stood me out is when Theresa May said “in accordance with the wishes of the British people the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union”. We say the United Kingdom consists of Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland, so why did the Prime Minister use the word “British people”? We know that with this term she refers to the wishes of people that live in Scotland, England and Wales. Why did she exclude Northern Ireland?

    I found this situation a bit sad because it is not professional and correct politically and humanly.

  18. Alex K.
    In my opinion the most significant and deep part of this video is the gag that the boy said in the First minutes. In this sentence he implicitly explained that the northern Irish opinion doesn't matter for english people. This Is a bad thing when a country have to make an important decision like quitting Europe.

  19. Martina T.
    The moment that stood out for me was the first one, where the Irish guy said that they were not considered in the debate concerning Brexit, and and that it was a uniquely British desire. In fact, 54% of the inhabitants of the Northern Ireland had voted to remain in the EU and now they live with an invisible border.

  20. Angelica B.
    The moments that struck me in this film are 2:
    -when we talk about the theme of memory, since the Irish have not forgotten the past with all the violence suffered and the feeling of hatred brought by a division.
    In fact, the Irish fear that this thin thread that divides them may break and cause further controversy between them and the Irish Republic.
    -The main theme of this film is the thinking of young people who are opposed to the UK’s exit from the European Union (also known as Brexit), thet are opposed because this has led to open wounds for the Irish and also because now they feel they have no identity.

  21. Barbara S.

    In my opinion, the most significant fact of the video is definitely the beginning, in which the boy makes a sarcastic joke: he talks about an Englishman sitting in a bar with a Scottishman and an Irishman. The Englishman wants to get out of the bar and the other twos must follow him. This joke is really intelligent because it represents the fact that during Brexit, only the british’s wishes have been considered, while the majority of the Scottish and the Ireland didn’t seem to agree with them.Also the divergence between Protestants and Catholics in Ireland is really shocking because it leads the division of an irish city by a wall. It’s so staggering to find out that many inhabitants have never visited the other part of their city.
