3A RIM / 3B RIM Assignment on 15th March 2021

1) Watch the how-to video below.

2) Imagine you have to create a short how-to video for the website howcast.com.
  • What topic would you choose for your how-to video? Why?
  • What sort of instructional information would you include?
  • Where would you shoot it?
Write down your ideas. Then write a 100-word text in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


    I would choose to show you how to bake a cake because I think I’m pretty good at making one, and explaining the various proceedings.
    In my video I would give the following information:
    - the kind of cake I’m going to make;
    -the ingredients;
    - the various preparation procedures;
    -the plating;
    -the tasting.
    I would make my video in the kitchen, because it is the most suitable environment for baking a cake.

  2. NANCY D.
    How to make a cake? As an argument I would choose how to make a cake, because I like to cook, but above all I love desserts. At the beginning of the video I would put a picture with the recipe to make the cake so people before starting to follow the video make sure they have the necessary ingredients. Then I would explain each step slowly because going too fast people might not understand. Inside the video I would put some useful tips to prepare the cake, and at the end of the video I would put a summary of the steps to follow. This video would fit in my kitchen which is spacious enough and to make the cake I would use tools and ingredients easy to find, so the recipe can be made by everyone.

  3. Sofia.F
    I personally would choose to speak or explain the recipe for making crepes. They are one of my favourite dishes, perfect for a nice breakfast or snack. I would shoot this demo video in the kitchen, so that I could prepare it on the spot. The main ingredients for this recipe are milk, eggs, flour and some butter. First put the eggs and milk in a bowl and mix well. Then add a little flour at a time and continue to stir. Once you have the desired mixture, pour the dough little by little into a pan. Once cooked they can be stuffed with chocolate, honey or salty foods.

  4. Luca p
    For my how-to video,the topic I decided to talk about is how to make pizza at home. Because about a year ago,when Italy was put in lockdown,together with mum and her partner,once every 2 weeks we decided to make pizza on Saturday night.
    We started out that we weren't very good,but every time,it's always better now.
    I want to see how we make the dough,when we let her rest,after spreading it,preparation and cooking.
    I'd like to shoot it in the kitchen,with someone to shoot us three,while together we share and explain the steps for our Saturday pizza.
    In the hope that even in this situation,we can find and give moments of happiness that everyone needs!

    I would choose the tart for my video, because my sister and I always do.
    The main instructions I would give are the recipe and the procedure.
    -lemon zest
    -yeast for cakes
    Place flour, sugar, vanilla, butter, baking powder and lemon zest in a bowl and knead until a ball is formed.
    Place the ball in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
    After 30 minutes resume the dough and cut into 2/3.
    Take the part of the larger dough and roll it out in a pan, spread over the jam that you prefer.
    Take the remaining part of the dough and roll it out forming strips. Put the strips over the layer of jam so that they intertwine.
    Bake for 20/30 minutes at 180 degrees.
    The video I would shoot in the kitchen in order to see the ingredients and precediments well and then spread it on social platforms.

  6. Denis D.
    For in my demo video I would choose to show recipes for cakes, for example cakes, meringues, croissants, pancake or crepe because I really like to cook dessert for my family or my friend.
    In the video I would say ingredients and the quantity to put, how to prepare dessert and how many minutes it takes, whether it is easy or difficult and I’d show all the steps.
    I could make recipes for cakes or for dietetic cakes.
    This video I would shoot in the kitchen, with maybe my mother that helps me to make it faster and record the video.

  7. Nicolò L.
    I am quite good at cooking desserts, so I would probably make a video to show how a typical Italian dessert is made: tiramisù. I love this dessert, my mom taught me to prepare it and every time there is a birthday we do it to celebrate. my video I would do it in the kitchen showing everything you need to prepare the dessert. First I would show all the ingredients indicating the quantities for each of it, then I would show the steps calmly so they can all follow them and in the end I would put the time it takes to prepare the desert and the difficulty.

  8. greta d.
    Now I want to tell you my choice to make an how-to video.
    If I had to choose a topic that I'm prepared for, I will do an how-to video of a cooking receipt because I like to cook, especially I love to prepare some cakes or desserts in general.
    Surely I have to explain all the quantities of each ingredient, for example how much flour, how many eggs, how much sugar and so more. After that I have to show all steps to do the receipt correctly to make it clear in which order to put the ingredients and which kitchen utensils to use. Obviously I must shoot this video in my kitchen because I need a clear table, a balance and sometimes an hoven.

  9. Camilla
    For my video I would show the recipe on how to make homemade pizza, because I really like to cook and create new flavors to my pleasure.
    certainly as the first information I would put the list of ingredients to use, obviously you must also give space to your ideas, then I would indicate the kitchen tools that are used to make it, the various steps and finally indicate the temperatures and the time.
    I would make my video in the kitchen, it seems to me the most suitable environment, so you have everything at your fingertips

  10. Giulia.D
    I want to explain how baked pasta is made.
    and I think I'm very good at cooking it.
    in my video give all the information you need to do it right.
    I would say the ingredients, at what temperature it is cooked, how it is done.
    that you have to make the ragù and the béchamel first and put them on top and do a lot of layers.
    I would like to make this video in the kitchen because they usually cook there.

  11. Ilaria G.
    For my video I would choose to explain how to do gym exercises for physical and mental well-being.
    The main information that I would include is how to do the exercises, what type of exercise is best to do based on the physical diversity of each person, techniques of how to best perform the exercises in order, not to make mistakes and do them correctly to increase their usefulness, how long to perform one exercise and then move on to the next, the overall duration of the workouts, and how many times to do them during the week.
    I would shoot the video in my room with the mat and the appropriate tools to do the exercises, or in the gym.

  12. Valerio M.
    I would choose a how-to video, based on the creation of paper airplanes, in which the people can choose their own features, like the stability, the shape, the planing and the speed. I would make this video, because I know a lot of things about those little masterpieces.
    I would include all the steps for make a perfect airplane, starting from the details that can be essential for a good result. The video would be decorated with text and arrows, for point out all the movements. I think that a little recording at the end of all the videos, can be a brilliant idea, for show to everybody the different flights.
    I would shoot them on my desk for the first part, in which I show how to make the paper airplane. In the second part, the video would be recorded in a park, in which I launch it.

  13. JEAN
    in this period I will explain how to make a pizza at home.
    Since the restaurants are closed now and you can't go out to eat outside the restaurant I would like to explain how to make a pizza at home.I would also give doses based on what they want to eat this pizza and cooking times so that pizza is good and likes everyone.
    Shoot this video in my home kitchen showing how to make the dough and then how to set the oven at the end I would move to the dining room to eat this pizza with my family.

  14. Giada P
    The topic I would choose for the video is a simple, easy and quick recipe for when you are short on time. These kinds of videos are always well appreciated. In this video it is important to say the doses for the recipe, the tools to be used, the ingredients and the procedures without forgetting anything. I would shoot the video in the kitchen, because it is the place where we usually cook. In this case, I would choose to prepare tiramisu because it is my favourite dessert.

    I think I would choose the pizza. Because in the video he chose tea as an Englishman so I as an Italian would choose pizza but also because I know how pizza is made.
    In the video i put the instructional how make the pizza: ingredients, cooking times, specialties and how to serve it. I shoot the video in my kitchen because i know where are cooking tools and because it is a simple kitchen so that everyone can succeed.

  16. Alessandra P.
    If I have to create a short how-to video I’d choose how yo cook a cake. I think it’s interesting learn a new recipe. The instructional information include the various steps to achieve a delicious cake. In these steps I can say the ingredients, the quantity and the procedure. I can make the video in me home in my kitchen. I can show the various tools to cook so you can learn new skills yo cook better.

  17. Francesco P.
    I would choose the topic "how to make an hamburger" because it's a good meal simply to prepare. Firstly, in the video I will explain the ingredients, like the meat, the salad, the correct bread, onions, bacon, tomatoes, various sauces like ketchup, mayonnaise, bbq sauce, and chips as a side dish.
    Secondly, I will explain how to cook the meat and the chips in the frying oil.
    And finally, I will show the plating of my hamburger.
    Obviously, a video like this on I will do it in my kitchen because I should cook.

  18. Andrea R.
    Personally, I would do a video on how-to make a Carbonara, because I love that meal.
    First of all, you have to get the right ingredients, so pasta, eggs, black pepper, pecorino romano and guanciale, not bacon. Mix the yolks with the pecorino, until you get a sort of cream, then add a little bit of black pepper. In the meanwhile, cook the pasta and also the guanciale. Drain the pasta, add the cream and the guanciale an here is your Carbonara.
    I think i would shoot this video in my kitchen because it's comfortable.

  19. Victoria C.

    For my video I would choose a classic Italian dish, pasta with pesto! I like pasta and pesto is really delicious... I would include all the information on how to cook pasta because many countries in the world cook it the wrong way, then I would show how pesto is made, you need to put some basil, parmesan, oil, pine nuts, garlic (if you want) and salt. With these few ingredients you can make a very good dish! Finally I would shoot the video in the kitchen but also at the supermarket to show which ingredients to buy

  20. Veronica G.
    For my video I would choose to show how to cook pizza because it is a great dish, very good and easy to cook. The first thing to do will be to list the ingredients we will need, the quantities and the kitchen items we need. After I will have to tell the procedure, that is in what order to mix the ingredients and the cooking minutes of the pizza. Before cooking it, people will need to add their favorite ingredients on top of the pizza. I would shoot this video in my kitchen because I always cook there.

  21. Giorgia B.
    I choose for my how-to video to explain how carbonara is made, why it is my favorite type of pasta and when I eat it I’m always happy.
    In my video I would first say what ingredients are needed and therefore we serve: fresh pasta, egg yolks according to the people who will eat the pasta, the “guanciale”, pecorino and pepper.
    Then I would say what procedures I must follow.
    Put the water in the pot and leave it to boil, in the meantime beat the egg yolks then add salt, pecorino and pepper.
    When the water boils you have to throw the pasta, while you have to fry the guanciale in a pan.
    When the pasta is cooked, put it in the pan in which we fry the guanciale with the egg yolks, pecorino cheese and pepper and mix everything over a low heat.
    I shoot my video in the kitchen because it is the only place where there is the stove .

  22. Luca Tamburini
    For my video I would choose the kitchen as the topic, since I consider myself a good cook. I'd make a video explaining the process of cooking pancakes. the leavers are these: 100 g of flour
    1 egg
    1 glass of milk at room temperature
    15 g sugar
    1 tablespoon seed oil
    In a bowl mix the flour, sugar and a pinch of salt, shell an egg and with a whisk carefully whisk everything. Add a tablespoon of oil and milk. Add the yeast and stir again, after which they will be ready to cook. For sure I would make these videos in my kitchen, although it is not very big, but I really like them.

  23. Roberta F.
    I would like to show in my video how to prepare tiramisù. It’s my favourite dessert and I find that it is easy to prepare. In my video I would include what kind of dishes I’ll prepare, the procedure, the main products and I would show the result.
    First of all, it serves: sugar, cocoa, savoy biscuits, eggs, mascarpone and coffee. After having whipped the egg whites and after having put the savoy biscuits in the coffee, you have to join everything and mix. Finally, after giving the shape, add the cocoa.
    I would shoot my video in the kitchen because it is the place where you cook and I have everything I need.

  24. Simone Q.
    For my video, I would choose a dessert, in particular, tiramisù, because I love this dessert and I like to prepare it. In the video, first of all I would give the recipe and the quantity for each ingredient, then the procedure for making the tiramisù, recommending adding dark chocolate flakes. Finally, I would recommend the hours that the tiramisù must stay in the refrigerator, before being able to eat it. I would shoot this video, in the kitchen because I think it is the most suitable place and also to show all the utensils to be used to make tiramisù.

  25. Nicolò M.
    In my video I would like to show you how to prepare a pizza. Pizza is my favorite food and so I chose it for this. In my video I would include the parts to prepare the pizza. First you need: Flour, water, oil, salt and yeast. This is how the dough is prepared and then you wait a few hours. After we can put the pizza in the oven and wait for the pizza to be ready. These ingredients are used to make a margherita pizza, if you add things you can make many other types of pizza. I would shoot the video in the kitchen, so I have all the ingredients to prepare a fantastic pizza!

  26. Mattia
    For my video, i would like to show how to prepare pasta with a fresh tomatoes. I chose this dish because it is my favorite, and beacuse preparing it by the name seems but it is not.
    The ingredieents we will are: basil, pepper, fresh tomatoes, salt, oil, garlic and finally of course pasta, the one you prefer.
    boil the water pot to cook the pasta, then in a poot cook all the incredients said before together with the tomatoes, over low heat, when evrithing is ready we will put the pasta a little raw in the sauce to cook and make them take all the flavors.
    I will choose to make this video in the kitchen beacuse it is the most comfortable place.

  27. Longo G
    I would choose a cooking video, to start I would start with lasagna, a typical Italian dish, I would do it because I really like the ones my mother prepares every 2-3 weeks
    cooking time
    I would taste the dish saying if it is good or not
    I would undoubtedly turn it in my kitchen perhaps helped by a famous chef

  28. Catherine G.
    for my video I want to show a simple and tasty recipe for making crêpes, a dessert that I always ate with my grandmother. first you need to take two eggs, two glasses of flour, a glass of milk and sugar, put everything in a bowl and mix for 5 minutes, then with a ladle we put them in a pot with butter and every 2 minutes we turn the dough until it is cooked, at the end of cooking we put some nutella and icing sugar on top, they are really delicious!

  29. Cotza A.
    For my demonstration video I would definitely choose to show all the steps to prepare a perfect multi-level pastry cake.
    For this kind of cake it takes a lot of patience and precision so if you don't have enough I advise you not to try!
    I would illustrate all the basic ingredients that are needed, then obviously each of us can indulge themselves with the flavors they like best, then I would continue to show all the steps for the preparation.
    It's always fun to make a cake, whether you make it yourself or with your loved ones, it will be a special moment!

  30. Manuel G.
    for my cooking video I chose the pizza recipe.For make a perfect pizza you must have this ingredients:
    -brewer's yeast.
    This ingredients are for make the dough then after making the dough you have to dress it with mozzarella and tomato and put it in the oven for about 10 minutes at 200 degrees.

    1. Manuel G
      If you want you can season the pizza with many other ingredients such as french fries, sausage and many more.For me all pizzas are the best food you can eat.

  31. SOFIA B.
    Hello everyone, today I decided to show you step by step how to make the perfect cup of coffie.
    -first step, we must decided our cup, it's important this point.
    -then we must decided which coffee to make
    -I'm always on the side of cappuccino, so now, we make the best cappuccino ever
    -third step, put the milk in the cup, after, insert it into the machine that will do the rest of the work
    - when the milk is ready, we insert the coffe pod in the machine
    -after this last point our cappuccino is ready.

  32. Alice M.
    In my video-tutorial I would to show how to cook one of my favourite dishes: paccheri with salmon and cream.

    First thing you you have to put in the water to boil
    To prepare this dish you need a packet of paccheri, some salmone and cooking creem.

    Firsti thing you have to put some water to boil to cook the paccheri and put the salmon and the cream in another pan to cook everything.
    When the pasta is ready, mix everything and serve on a plate.

    I think the best place for to shoot it is kitchen, so I'll shoot it there.

  33. Emiliano.L
    For my demonstration video i would choose the preparation of baked salmon. Is a dish that I really like and is very simple to prepare. In my video I would put the steps you need to cook it and the products you need to prepare it.
    For cook this delicious dish, we need: salmon fillet, potatoes, lemon peel, parsley and salt.
    First cut the potatoes into slices, then make a sauce with parsley, lemon and salt. Put all over the slices of salmon and put it in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
    I would shoot my video in the kitchen because it is the place where i have the necessary utensils.

  34. Mehdi AZZOUZI
    In my video tutorial i sound choose the preparation of the pasta and salmon.
    I put the water to boil 20 minuts.
    After I throw the pasta.
    I take the salmon form the fridge.
    I put the salt in the water.
    As soon As It is dead I put the salmon in the pasta

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