5A RIM Assignment on 7th April 2021

The Magna Carta

Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to the UK politics.

1) Surf the Web and carry out some research into the Magna Carta.
  • what is is?
  • when was it signed?
  • in what language was it written?
  • what did it establish?
  • when was it printed for the first time?
2) Watch the two clips below about the Magna Carta. Check your answers to the questions in exercise 1 and take further notes.

3) Answer the following questions. 

According to the videos,
  • what does Magna Carta mean? .
  • what does its most famous line (still true today in British law) affirm?
  • who did the Magna Carta apply to and who did it exclude?
  • who were the “free men” at the time?
  • who declared the charter invalid?
  • when was Magna Carta made part of English law?
  • what is the Magna Carta legacy?
  • what does the Magna Carta symbolise?
  • who did it inspire?
  • how did the Magna Carta become a symbol of American Liberty?
  • what was the Magna Carta used to protest against in the 18th century?
  • how did the Magna Carta “go viral” in the 18th century?
  • why did the Chartists use the Magna Carta?
  • why did the Suffragettes use the Magna Carta?
  • for what countries around the world was the Magna Carta inspirational?
Watch the two videos again and check your answers.

4) Imagine you are invited to co-created a Magna Carta for the digital age. What are our rights and responsibilities online? Give reasons and specific examples to support your ideas. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.



    1.Internet must be free and freely accessible to anyone, wherever they are in order to facilitate the spread of democratic ideas and human rights all over the world
    2.it is absolutely forbidden to publish false information with the aim of directing public opinion in its favour, for any information, the respective source and further clarifications that prove the affirmed thesis must be indicated
    3.No incitement to hatred, racism, homophobia and any form of discrimination through online comments or videos. We are all human beings living within the same planet, therefore we must learn to live together peacefully without triggering conflict.
    Whoever breaks these rules will be severely punished in relation to the gravity of the crime committed

    1. Rita B.
      Before the creation and dissemination of computers made it possible to collect, organize and transmit an indistinct set of personal information very quickly and for the most disparate purposes, the right to privacy coincided with the right to be let alone, the right to be left undisturbed a private and intimate sphere was guaranteed.

      I think if Magna Carta was written nowadays,it would focus on the following points.

      Digital users should be aware of what data is taken from them by consenting to the cookies of a site and for what they are used.

      Specific rules for minors, such as to introduce protection filters to ensure that teenagers and children don’t come into contact with dangerous individuals on the web. 

      The promotion, the digitisation and sharing of library materials, the liberalisation of the use of works protected by copyright for teaching, scientific research.

      Insults, cyberbullying, incitement to hatred and rationing are prohibited

  2. Elisa G.
    If the Magna Carta was written nowadays our rights and responsibilities online would be:

    Don’t publish false information, in particular fake news, because the credibility of a news could decrease more and more. For example the investigation of Carole Cadwallard on Ebbw Vale, where some misleading ads on Facebook influenced people of this town to vote to leave the EU.

    Prohibited all kinds of discrimination in all its forms, like racism, homophobia and cyber bullying; in that way people would feel more protected and accepted for what they are and from the society in which they live.

    The Internet must have more materials and digital books for students.

    If some of these rules wouldn’t be respected, people would pay for breaking one of these prohibitions.

  3. Erika C.

    If the Magna Carta was written with our rights and responsibilities online, it could be focus on the following situations.
    First of all, I think that there should be no false information on the network, so the fake news, because creates a lot of confusion for people. So a reality check should be made when any information is published.
    Secondly it would be necessary to intruduce some specific rule for the minors, such as the protection or censure for many sites. In this way the teenagers and children will not be in danger of bullying or in contact with dangerous people on the web.
    Moreover the insults, cyberbullying and discrimination, like racism and homophobia, should be prohibited.
    Finally, it could be nice that Internet give more materials and digitals books free to all students.
    Many rules should already have been implemented but unfortunately no everyone respects them.

  4. ELISA B.
    If I had to create a Magna Carta for the digital age, some rights and responsabilities online included in the document would be:
    -everyone has the rights to access the Internet free of charge;
    -the personal data of each user must be protected to ensure compliance with its identity and privacy;
    -each person has the right to access his or her own date and, where appropriate, request its integration, rectification or erasure;
    -any kind of discriminatory act is prohibited;
    -revenge porn and cyberbullying are serious cyber crimes and are severely punished.
    Finally, I would promote the dissemination of real information and I would reject the harmful fake news.

  5. Giada B.

    1. anyone must have access to the Internet, wherever they are, in order to have easy access to the information they seek
    2. anyone who decides to spread a news story must do so responsibly, which means that they must not spread a false news or that they can shout someone’s sensitivity
    3. it is forbidden to spread hatred in any form. It is also forbidden to discriminate against any person based on physical, religion, political opinions, sexual orientation

    In conclusion, anyone who transgresses these rules will be punished according to the acts he has carried out

  6. Sara L.

    If Magna Carta was written nowadays it should focus on the following points:
    1. Everyone must have the right to access the Internet at any time and free of charge to have the opportunity to be connected with the whole world to partecipate actively in life.
    2. It is forbidden to broadcast false news online for the purpose of influencing public opinion, as happened for example during the Brexit with the spread of online misleading political messages through facebook which influenced public opinion or as it happens during this period of pandemic in which many false news circulate.
    3. Phenomena such as cyberbulling, homophobia, racism are prohibited through the dissemination of insults, videos and photos because they cause serious damage to victims both physically and psychologically which can also lead to extreme acts such as death.
    4. Improving respect for privacy through the protection of personal data such as credit cards numbers, account information, passwords or other information of a personal nature that may favor scams and identity theft.

  7. Roberta T.

    In my opinion the Magna Carta for the digital age would focus on these points:
    - free access to the Internet for everyone, wherever they are.
    - the use of the Internet by people younger than a certain age ( something like 14 years old) should be controlled by the parents or by the legal guardian.
    - hate and false informations are forbidden. Websites that want to publish news and documents regarding real matters, should be verified.

  8. Susan R.

    I think the Magna Carta for the digital age should contain these points:
    1-To protect more personal datas of users, for example not let them be used by entreprises or governments
    2-To defend people's right to have access to true and free informations (for example prohibit goverments to manipulate informations)
    3-Forbid to post stuff that encourage hate (such as homophobic, misogynist and racist posts) and forbid cyberbullism

  9. Gabriele M
    If the Magna Carta was written nowadays our rights and responsibilities online would be:
    1-Everyone has the right to access the Internet, independently of their origin or richness.
    2-Any form of discrimination, racial, homophobic, gender or religion is strictly prohibited.
    3-It is forbidden to disseminate false information, published articles must be true.
    4- There are no censors, everyone is free to publish what they want, within the limits of the rules and without discriminating against other people.
    Nowadays, some of these rules are already present in social networks such as Instagram or facebook, but they can not always make them respected by the users.

  10. Stefania G.

    In my opinion if the Magna Carta was written nowadays our rights and responsabilities online would be :

    The internet should be free and truthful, so there should be no fake news and then for this reason there should be more control over the news published on the internet.
    everyone should have access to internt to stay informed about what is happening in the world
    any kind of discrimination should be prohibited
    more privacy of users

    In conclusion, those who do not respect these rules should be punished with the restriction of internet use.

  11. Sveva B.

    Nowadays, a Magna Carta for social media and online website could include:
    - hard punishment for everyone that use violence on the Internet, for exemple cyperbullying and discrimination in area such as race, gender and sexual orientation
    - only verified journalist could publish news, in order to have only true information on the web
    - big online industries, such as Facebook, have to reduce their power on the users in order to give people more privacy
    - everyone must have the possibility to use online resources. The Government have to provide to all cityzens device for allow everyone to have a better access to the Internet.
    - school have to organize courses for students to teach them how to use Internet in a right and useful way.

    With this law, the web could become a more safe and equal place.

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  13. Fabrizio C
    If I had to write a Magna Carta for the digital era I think the points would be as follows:
    -Internet access must be guaranteed to everyone, even in the most deprived areas because access to the internet must be a right for all
    -on the net anyone can write information but only if supported by valid evidence in order to prevent fake news
    -It is forbidden to spread messages of hatred and discrimination of all kinds
    -students must be given free access to the school network

  14. Eleonora N.
    In my opinion, if Magna Carta was written nowadays the main point of our rights and responsibilities online would be: - Internet must be free for everyone; - must not contain fake news; - our personal data must be protected, such as password and home address; - all types of discrimination must be prohibited like racism and homophobia.
    In conclusion all people who don’t respect these rules should be punished.

  15. Marianna D.M
    If I had to write a Magna Carta for the new digital era I think that the main points for our rights and responsabilities online are:
    The granting of the internet to everyone, without any distinction, because it is an excellent tool to promote positive messages to the whole world;
    Another point is that a law should be established which seeks to prevent fake news through an economic sanction, and this also applies to insults of all kinds: racism, homophobia, discrimination.
    -anyone who tries to access our account on any platform is immediately reported to the competent authorities.
    Internet access on certain websites not suitable for minors must be certified with true documents.
    For this digital era now uncontrollable I believe that there are many laws to do to have proper control of social media and sites, because nowadays many children’s lives have been compromised because of the lack of control, and should be protected!

  16. Martina T.
    If I had to write a Magna Carta today my rights and responsibilities online would be:
    - that all people, without discrimination, can access the internet and be able to find out about any topic, developing a personal idea in a democratic way
    - that people can browse and inform themselves anonymously and privately
    - but that young people have a block on certain sites that don’t post age-appropriate messages
    - finally, that there is a more careful control with regard to racial or violent content.

  17. Gabriele d
    f the Magna Carta was written to give the internet some rules I would definitely establish this 3 rules :

    - [ ] 1: internet must be free , and accessible by everyone and everywhere in the world : nowadays not being able to connect with the rest of the world can be compared to a disability, social media and communication services are now at the base of today’s society
    - [ ] 2 : no hate , any kind of discrimination is not tolerated, no machismo, no xenophobia, no insults, no nomofobia, no transphobia and absolutely the internet must not be used as a platform to share hate ideas , fake news and manipulation.
    - [ ] 3 crime such as revenge porn , blackmailing, identity theft or personal data theft must be severely punished , people who commit this kind of crimes must do community service work

  18. If I had to create Magna Carta in these days there should be certain main points would be:
    - everyone should have internet access without any problem
    - should not circulate false information called "fake news" because they could cause problems among the people for this reason internet should have more control
    - all forms of racism, discrimination must be prohibited
    In conclusion I think that everyone should observe the rules so as not to be banned

  19. Alessia G.

    The main points that a Magna Carta for the digital age must include in my opinion are
    Free access to the internet and information for everyone, governments should not have the permission for stopping information into people in every part of the world.
    It’s forbidden to practice mental violence, cyberbullying, and every form of hate like homofobia, racism, sexism.
    Governments, enterprises, and also individuals must not have the access to personal datas of people who are using an online platform, according to the privacy rights

  20. Barbara S.
    Nowadays, a hypothetical Magna Carta that regulates the internet and social media should guarantee the following principles:
    1)Everyone has to be able to access freely to the internet and consequently to all the browsers, following the principle of equality;
    2)The internet and the social media must be safe and also controlled by a specialized team of internet professionals;
    3)Every user must respect the others and also respect their privacy; therefore, their dates must be protected;
    4)The internet and the social media must be devoid of violence and cyberbullying.
    5)Everything posted on social medias must be verified, so that the fake news can’t exist.

  21. Biondo Angelica
    Se fossi chiamata a creare una Magna Carta per l'era digitale, i diritti online che ne farebbero parte sarebbero:
    1- internet deve essere accessibile a tutti così che tutti possano liberamente navigarci ovunque si trovino;
    2- una protezione al 100% dei dati di ciascuna persona al fine di tutelare chiunque e nel rispetto della sua privacy;
    3-le false informazioni sono vietate, deve esserci specificata la provenienza da dove viene l'informazione;
    4- non devono esistere situazioni di cyberbullismo, o di discriminazioni varie come razzismo, omofobia, odio o qualsiasi pubblicazione di video con lo scopo di infliggere danni ad un soggetto.
