4A RIM Assignment on 16th April 2021

 1) Watch the video.


2) Imagine you have to create a similar promotional video to showcase the range of courses and activities on offer at IIS Michele Buniva.
  • What content would you include?
  • What school facilities would you show and why?
  • Who would you interview and why?
Write down your ideas in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Chiara R.
    I would include content as the English course and the French course that Buniva offers to students. And also the school's trips to England, France and Spain offered by Buniva.
    I would show our gym and our computer class as Buniva facilities because they are struments to help students and teachers at school.
    Then I would interview the Buniva's director and some teacher because they can explain better their point of view in Buniva compared to other schools. I would interview some students too, just to let anyone know what is like to study here and why should you choose Buniva instead of other schools.

  2. Francesco P
    I would include a short description of the various courses offered and a showcase of the three school's buildings locations, the possibility to complete an esabac exam and the different trips outside italy.
    Talking about the school facilities,the first things that I would show are the room dedicated to the teaching of the foreigns languages and the library, because I think they're all very useful for reaching a good level of learning.
    For the interviews,I would probably interview the Buniva's director but also some teachers, janitors and some students, so that the watchers can have a full idea of the school and his members.

  3. Michelle F
    - I would include school's trips in the others states, but also afternoon language courses offered by buniva school
    - Then, I would show the gym or the great hall because they are the largest places where more people can stay
    - At the end, I would interview some students because they are the majority of people in school, so I would do a student survey

  4. Casalino Silvia
    1. I would include all courses and activities, also the extra school activities, and the kind of people who attend this school.
    2. I would show the school facilities like the assembly hall, the gyms and the entrance hall because they are the spaces less damaged by students at school.
    3. I would interview the headteacher because he is the person who know more about the school; then I would interview also the janitors because they are the people who interact more whit students in a informal way

  5. Virginia P
    I would include a brief introduction of the school specifying the place where it is located. Then I would describe a typical day by adding possible language courses, remedial or other secondary activities. Finally, I would interview some people, obviously linked to the school, who could add other information.
    I would also show the gym inside the school because it has recently been redone and the computer, language and chemistry laboratories to make it clear that in this school there are many places useful for subjects that need them. You can also find the machines to get food during the break and the assembly hall for meetings.
    During this presentation I would interview the head teacher to ask him how he feels in such an important position and some professors and students to ask about their experience and to understand their relationships.

  6. Victoria C.

    If the Buniva were to create a promotion to show the activities it proposes, first I’d show the different courses such as those for language certifications and different laboratories. For example, I would show the laboratories of the art school where there are all the works created by the students and the classroom in general.
    The parts of the school that I’d show are the classrooms in which the students perform these activities, so you can see how the proposed activities are carried out.
    Finally I would interview those who coordinate the activities proposed but also all the students who attend them so that they can tell directly their experience.

  7. SERRA S.
    If I were to introduce my school, I would make a presentation video. I would include the most interesting activities that Buniva offers such as the hours of journalism, theater, music, painting, are not compulsory but totally free activities that the school offers to students. The places I would like to show are the headquarters of the artistic because it is much more aesthetically beautiful, the entrance hall and assembly hall, the language, scientific and artistic laboratories, while the classrooms are not because they are rather sad and ugly. At the end of the video I would interview the headteacher , the vice principal, the staff to present the school from their point of view but above all the students of each year and the students who ended up showing the skills of the buniva and the learning it leaves behind and how the teaching of buniva is lived during and after.

  8. In a promotional video for Michele Buniva I would include all the gyms and informatics labs he has available.  Also I would show all the courses for the languages ​​that there are, because they help a lot the studies with more difficulties in foreign languages.
    I would like to interview the head teacher because if the school is like this it is thanks of the work that he has done.

  9. Davide.A
    to create a good promotional video it is important to talk about the activities that the various courses offer. For example, the lessons with the UniCredit bank which for a boy who chooses an economic address are very important. Or the possibility of taking courses in the afternoon to improve languages.

    Then also show that there are very large gyms and rooms with computers that are useful both for languages ​​and for computer science.

    Obviously, I would interview the principal or vice-principal who are talking about the school in general, but also a boy who is a class representative which talks about what the students do and how they find themselves in this school.

  10. Angela G.
    If I have to create a promotional video like that of the Kent school of English I would like to include the educational offer of the IIS M Buniva: the presence of several courses among which students can choose, according to their ambitions and skills, the presence of help desks in mathematics, which allows students to deepen topics and improve the subject or also the opportunity to participate in courses in the afternoon to obtain language certifications in English, French and Spanish. The educational facilities that I would highlight are: the presence of two gyms, necessary for the number of pupils in the school; the language laboratory, present in both the school premises/locations, well equipped and comfortable as well as computer labs and high school art classes. For the realization of this promotional video I would interview especially the students, reliable and positively honest according to facilities and equipment offered by the school but also professors of different courses, to explain briefly the characteristics that differ them, finally also the principal, the main figure of the school.

    1.I would talk about the activities that there are in the school, such as: the different study courses or extracurricular activities, for example those for taking certificates in foreign languages.
    2.I would show the athletics track that we use during sports activities, the laboratories that we use for foreign languages and computer technology, the assembly all where the meetings of the institute take place and in the end, the entrnce all where students meet during recreation.
    3.I would interview the headmaster and the deputy headmaster to talk about the school in general, the students of the different courses to explain how they find themselves in studying specifics courses. Finally, I would like to make teachers of different school subjects to better explain what it is.

    1. i'm sorry, i didn't understand that we should write a text.

  12. Alessia T.
    If I had to take a promotional video about my school, I'd include Buniva's different courses so that a lot of people could be interested in taking part in one of them. For example drama, painting, music or even journalism.

    About the school facilities I'd show the language lab because it's equipped well, the artistic ones and the science lab too because it could be amusing. Then in addition to the laboratories, I would show the aula magna which is very spacious and the entrance which is quite well done. In the end I'd talk about the artistic building, it's very creative and well structured.

    First of all I'd interview the headmaster as he is the one who would best explain how our school works and its goals. Lastly I'd interview some teachers and also some senior year students, who being more in touch with school reality could provide more details

  13. -I would include some photoes and videos of Buniva school and some projects made by the students. I would briefly illustrate a school day-type, in order to show the principales Buniva's activities.
    - I would show the extra curricular activities, like the courses for keep langues's certifications. It's for illustrate the advantages of Buniva schoool.
    -I would intervew some teachers and students, in order to show the two points of view. I also would interview the head teacher, to ask him something about the organisation of all the activities.

  14. Elena C.
    I would include some interviews and some images of the school. It must be clear and not too long. I would also include some information about the place where the school is based.

    The school have lots of facilities in order to practice some languages and other subjects.
    We have a laboratory with some instrument that can help the students with the activities, likes computers or laptop. In the classes there are the interactive board that can help the teachers. In addiction we have two gym.
    There are also a laboratory for science.

    In the video I would interview the head teacher.I ask him the advantages of this method and his idea about the project.
    After I would interview the teachers that have based this facilities and support that. I ask them if they keep this methodology or if they discard it.
    In the end I would interview some students in order to know their ideas.

  15. Erika S.
    In the Michele Buniva high school there are lots of fun activities that students can do.
    In the morning, as an usual school, people can follow the lessons of a large variety of subjects, like math, languages, history, science and this kind of topics.
    In the afternoon the school organises languages-courses and sports activities like volleyball, football and basket championships for all students. People like a lot doing this works together because they increase the ability of working in a group of teenagers and this is very helpful for the sense of responsibility.
    There are some spaces in the institute where you can work with other people: we mean the ICT lab, the common library and the main room.
    Now we'll hear the headteacher that will show the main activities and then we'll listen to a student that is joining some activities proposed by the school.

  16. Debora Valz

    I would include different contet trips to different cities like Turin, italian lessons in the morning where you can learn the grammar and the pronunciation. In the afterrnoon I would offer some sport activities like volleyball, football, ice-skating ecc. And in the vening we cans play some games together or wacth a film.

    I would choose the informatic and the language lab because the students can improve they listening skills, the library where the students can be take a book and read it and the gym because the students can see a place where they can play sports games.

    I would interview the headtecher to promote the school, some teacher to show their level of english and italian and I would interview some students that have just made this experince to suggest it.

  17. Alessio M.
    There are a lot of content in the Buniva school that I would include: certification courses in English, in Frence and in Spanish; football and volleyball tournament; run and skii event; trips abroad, in place like England, France and Spain; extra-community trade, so exchange with guys of others countries; and also a lot of PCTO activities!
    The school facilities that I would show are:two gyms, ITC labs, a library and an auditorium. I would show those school facilities because they're very useful for all the school activities and lessons!
    I would interview the deputy headteacher because he's a great person with a lot of values.
    The professors because they're very competent and they know the school.

  18. Kevin B.
    To show the institute IIS Michele Buniva, I would initially include a video presenting of the structure and the classes. Also where it is located using a geographical map and what are around.

    I would show pictures of students who are in class so that they can see the teaching method. I would also show the computer labs to show the activities we do on the computer and the two gyms that we have available in the headquarters school to show which sports we do.

    I would like to interview the head teacher because he is the person who represents the institute and I would ask him a feedback on the school and future projects. I would also interview some guys in order to have testimonies of their five years in the school.

  19. Michela O.
    1. I would like to included more activity’s and more trips to visit museums.
    2. I would like to see many labs like english lab, science lab, history lab to included the students in the lessons and to included more sport activity’s or a creative labs, like music lab, paint lab or talking about job choices and how to choose the right path for us, and talk about economy and how to enter society.
    3. i would interview to head teacher, teachers, old students and the young students to talk the your experience and the reviews
