5A RIM Assignment on 12th October 2021


Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to globalization.

Why do we have to choose between nationalism and globalism, between loving our countries and caring for the world? In a talk with lessons for avowed nationalists and globalists alike, Wanis Kabbaj explains how we can challenge this polarizing, binary thinking -- and simultaneously be proud citizens of both our countries and the world.

1) Watch the video and take notes about
  • What the words “nationalist” and “globalist” are associated with:
  • What this issue impacts:
  • What nationalism guarantees:
  • What nationalists think of globalism
  • What the ugliness of nationalism brought in the past:
  • What the present supernational problems are:
  • What the main nationalist movements are in western democracies:
  • Why he mentions 1945 as the starting point of global positive changes:
  • What national identity is:
  • Examples of national icons that in fact come from other cultures:
2) Reflect on your learning about globalisation by completing these sentence stems:
  • I used to think ...
  • But now I think …
Leave your comment in the comment box. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Cristina G.
    I used to think that globalism introduce the idea of International, that is close to this last years. In fact, I think that we live in a world where there is lots of sharing among countries. It's like a thread that connect all countries togheter.
    But now I think that, thanks to nationalism, there are lots of icons that come from others cultures, like the alphabet; the English monarchy; The Tour Eiffel, inspired by United-States;the chinese's Marxisme, that come from Germany; The Buddhism, religion of India that is imported by China; Cricket, a sport praticate in India but discovered in England.

  2. Debora V.
    I used to think that globalism is more important than nationalism, so I always cared more about others counties safety, healthy, policy, poverty and aspectation of living. And I always thought little about our national problems because I thought that we were less important.
    But now I think that nationalism and globalism are both important at the same level. Thanks to globalism, we can share ideas, medicine and typical food; but more important we can also talk about the problems that other country have like racism, homophobia, poverty and exploitation.
    In the meanwhile, thanks to nationalism we can talk to the rest of the worls about the problems that our country have and take insipiration from other nations for finding solutions that we can use to solve ours difficulties.
    In conclusion, I think that both nationalism and globalism are important for worls development.

  3. Angela G.
    I used to think that nationalism was an aggressive feeling that in the past caused war and destruction and fueled governments' desire for power. I have always judged this feeling starting from its negative side that is shown by history without ever considering the other side of the coin.
    But now I think of nationalism as a strong feeling, even positive, capable of preserving the national identity of a country and ensuring social stability. Be nationalist means in some way to be proud of your country, your traditions, your culture. So be happy to share this joy with other people.
    But it is important to recognise that the wrong imposition of this feeling can turn ugly and generate terrible consequences, so it is important to balance it in order to always show its positive side.

  4. Erika S.
    I used to think that nationalism and globalism are two conflicting feelings that can hardly coexist, because the definitions are almost opposite. On the one hand, the nationalism is based on the single countries; on the other hand, globalism aims to standardize international policies.
    But now I think that these two words can coexist thanks to globalization, the sentiments are not as stronger as the past and with the birth of the European Union, the member countries have created rules for peaceful coexistence. Finally, I think that nationalism is the strongest feeling between the two, so we must prevent it from causing catastrophic consequences already happened in the past.

  5. Alessia T.
    I used to think that nationalism was a fairly negative feeling. I have always had a conception of it as if one thought only of oneself, selfishly and not caring about the outside world. I attributed to the term nationalism, terrible and traumatic historical events such as fascism and bloody wars. But after searching for the meaning of the term nationalism and having more information about this movement, I understood that it also has many positive sides. Now I actually feel that globalism and nationalism should coexist to live with stability. Nationalism helps to preserve what makes a country special and different, and also it makes the experience of living in your nation great. On the other hand globalism makes it possible to work together and give an help to one another when a country is having a difficult time, also we have a very rich culture because of international inspirations and imports.

  6. Alice T.
    I used to think that globalism and nationalism were very different processes. Before I believed that nationalism is a negative ideology because nationalist believe that their nation is superior to all others, so, in my mind, I thought that the population of countries only supported and exalted their country.
    But now I think that Nationalism and Globalism include a lot of different things. They can help to improve and resolve some country’s problems but also international problems. Thanks to globalism, we can have the possibility to use products from other countries,to believe and follow another religion, to try different typical foods. But thanks to nationalism, we can help other countries with their problems, like razism, terrorism or something like that. I also learned that we should try to make these two movements work together to have much more positive consequences.

  7. Michela O.
    I used to think that globalism is more important than nationalism, because in the future, for better security in the states, reduce poverty, no longer differentiate between poor and rich countries. We need more cooperation and improve relations between states and not only a manifestation of individual power of nation components. such as the perfect cover is the fight against climate change, as the management of the phenomenon requires an internationally coordinated policy to justify further taxation and, in order to manage the emergency.

  8. Fabio B.
    i used to think nationalism like a strong and selfish stuff, in which national things are exalted. in opposite i used to think globalisation as a positive ideology.

    but now i think that a nation is the union of more people with same culture so it's normal that when you are in your country you feel at home. by the way it's absolutly usual that you are fans of your country. i think both of them are importants for a economy and culture growth.

    in conclusion i think there are positive and negative aspects in both, but the best recipe it's a equal balance.

  9. Virginia P.
    I used to think that nationalism and globalism didn't get along very well as I thought that nationalism was a movement that only aimed at the supremacy of the nation alone. This would mean that, taking the current pandemic situation as an example, the single nation would only aim at safeguarding itself without sending any help to the others.
    But now I think I have to change my mind as I understand that these two processes can very well coexist together. On the one hand, globalism would work on the side of aid and relations with the other nations of the world. And on the other hand, nationalism would work to give the right importance to the single nation and to preserve every detail, whether social or economic.

  10. I used to think that nationalism is a bad thing , because it's the cause of the most of problems of 20th century.
    But after watching this video I think about the meaning of this word, "nationalism" and I find a good side of this feeling.
    So why we try to demonstrate that is a bad thing.
    Maybe because we see only the dark side.
    Globalisation is another thing that is very different but if we think about it, they coexist since there's more than one country.
    In the end I think that if the two feelings can be both accepted, we can use the true benefits that they bring together.

  11. Elena C.
    I used to think that nationalism is only a bad thing. At school we always learn that nationalism bring only war all over the word, but now I think to nationalism in a different way. I understand that nationalism is also the emotion that bring us united. It create inside our mind the idea of be part of a group that have the same language and culture. It is a good feeling that push us to be proud of our country.
    Now I understand that globalisation isn’t a recent process but it is present in a lot things in our life. Also if we don’t know that or we ignore that fact, globalism is very involved in our everyday life.
    In addictive now I understand better that globalism and nationalism can coexist. If there is a perfect balance between them, I thing that we can leave with some advantages. We have also to understand that they have some negative sides and we have to control them.

  12. Sofia S
    I used to think that nationalism was something important, making people feel part of their country, their culture, their language and their customs. It can be said that this word defines pride in one's country, even if it has caused terrible actions in the past.
    But now I think that the concept of feeling like citizens of the world and not of one's own nation is more important. Parts of the culture of one country derive from those of another; the video gives the example of Cricket, a sport loved in India but born in England. Feeling like a citizen of the world includes feeling part of your own nation but of a single society, which involves people from India, Italy, United States and all other countries of the world.

  13. SABRINA S.
    I used to think that nationalism was the cause of the biggest wars and that globalism was the solution, sharing everything to avoid inequalities But now I think that nationalism is not a bad thing indeed a strong feeling towards one's origin and traditions , at the same time I am in favor of globalism so I think that we need to put the two ideologies together to find the right balance.

  14. Silvia C.

    I used to think that globalism and nationalism were two separate concepts. In my opinion, the first one was an international concept like one large country where people share their own with the world. The second one, was a concept more restricted in a single nation and in a single group of people.
    But now I think that the two concepts are very related to each other, one concept don’t exclude the other concept. They have a larger definition because one is the consequence of the other.
    At this point I think that we all need both in our lives; in fact, thanks to globalism we can travel around the world, speak different languages and help people of other countries. In the meantime thanks to nationalism we have something smaller to believe in.

  15. Michelle F
    I used to think of nationalism as a negative ideology. In fact, in the history nationalism has often let to big wars and conflicts.
    But now I realize that nationalism also has a positive connotation: in fact, this terme also indicates the attachement to culture and traditions. For this reason I now understand that nationalism doesn't necessarily exclude globalism but that, on the contrary, these two can coexist

  16. Davide A.
    I used to think that globalism is a more important one because thanks to it we can now travel and get to know new and different cultures. nationalism in my opinion is not a conflicting feeling, because globalism and nationalism can go together. Thanks to nationalism we today know many things that without being we would not have known such as the alphabet or some sports. in conclusion, I think they are both important, but globalization has brought and can lead to important developments in the future.

  17. Nicola I.
    I used to think that nationalism was a negative phenomenon, but when I studied it in school, I realized what a good thing it is, because it is a phenomenon that manages to unite people who share the same culture even if I think that many times it happens that this makes people more closed and that they do not accept all other cultures or other diversities. On the contrary, with globalism, I think that this event can become increasingly rare, because globalism has existed for many centuries and we find it more and more especially when we eat products that are not typical of our culture, or when we listen to different music.

  18. Francesco P

    I used to think that nationalism was a negative phenomenon, based on the idea of the country seen as somenthing perferct and superior to the others, so an idea that led to horrible historical events based on the greed of a leader.
    But now I think that globalism and nationalism can coexist together, because now I can see also the positive sides of nationalism, now I realized that nationalism is not a selfish feeling, but more a sense of respect and proud of the state.

  19. Valentina C.

    Before this video I didn't realized what these two concepts truly mean. I used to think that nationalism was a wrong ideological, because of history and what happened in the past but also for a concept that a nationalist only care about its country, about its nation and itself. On the other hand, I used to think about globalism as a righteous concept that takes to developments, discoveries and positive things all around the world. But also that it could represent an issue for each country culture. After this ted talk I changed my mind about these two terms. Now I think that a balance between nationalism and globalism is a good concept. Because as Wanis Kabba stated, why we have to choose between loving our country and caring for the world. I also think that globalism is not a real risk for our culture, because if we think about it, thanks to the early globalisation we have our culture, originated from different parts of the world.

  20. Francesca M.
    I used to think that Nationalism and Globalism were two concepts that could not be together. The Nationalism is a doctrine that puts national interest above international considerations and I thought it was a negative phenomenon, while the Globalism is a planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis, it is a comcept most positive.
    Now, I think that globalism and nationalism are both positive and negative aspects. When a country is too nationalist or too based on globalization, it does not bring good proposals for the future, but when the two concepts coexist, the country is more efficient.

  21. Chiara R.
    I used to think that globalism was more important than nationalism because nationalism was the reason for the first and also the second world war, so I always thought about it in a negative way. In opposition I used to think that globalism was only a good thing for states.
    But now I think that nationalism is as important as globalism, because thanks to globalism we are able to share information, ideas, foods, medicines… Anyways, nationalism is also important because thanks to nationalism we have different cultures between nations but more important people from the same nation have a common identity.

  22. Victoria C.

    Before watching this video I had already heard of these two terms but I did not know their definition at all. I associated nationalism with something that only concerned one’s own nation and something patriotic, and globalism with something that was more international.

    Now I have much clearer ideas than these two concepts and I think both are equally important. We simply need to find a balance between globalism and nationalism, because both have many benefits and advantages but also negative aspects. So in my view, you have to find a compromise between the two.
