5A RIM Assignment on 22nd November 2021


Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to international organizations.

1) Surf the Web and carry out some research into the G20.
  • What is the G20?
  • What are the G20 members?
  • Where and when did the first G20 Summit take place?
  • Where and when did the last G20 Summit take place?
  • Where and when will the next G20 Summit take place?

2) Watch a clip about the G20. Put the topics discussed in the video in order.

[  ] what the G20 is
[  ] what G20 stands for
[  ] when the G20 was established
[  ] when the G20 summits take place
[  ] what criticisms have been directed against the G2
[  ] what the G20 has achieved so far
[  ] what the aim of the G20 is

3) Answer the following questions.

According to the video,

1. when was the G20 established?
2. what does "G20" stand for?
3. what is the G20?
4. how often do G20 summits take place?
5. who decides on the content of the summit?
6. what are the main topics usually included in the agenda?
7. what is the aim of the G20?
8. what has been achieved so far, thanks to the G20?
9. what criticism has been directed against the G20?

Watch the video again and check.

4) Check your answers here.

5) In your opinion, can the G20 really change the world? Leave your personal comment in the comment box. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Virginia P.
    I believe that the G20 could only truly change the world if states really and quickly get involved. By now climate warming is our life partner so we must do everything, even if in small doses, to ensure that it decreases. Furthermore, there is also the problem of pollution which everyone is complaining about but unfortunately nothing is being done to eliminate it. For example, given that one of the main causes of this phenomenon is plastic, the number of superfluous packages could be reduced by looking for a way to create them with other materials or, why not, to sell loose products and have people use bags made of canvas, or in any case reusable. And instead, for those products that cannot be put in bags such as coffee and sugar, create containers that every supermarket can give to consumers or simply use Tupperware.

  2. Debora V.
    In my opinion G20 can change the world in the future because some of the initiative that it had achieved can help the world in improvements. For exemple the financial support for poor countries can help to the development of all the poorer nations all over the world.
    And also the decision to keep the global warming under the two degrees Celsius that can help to stop the climate change.
    But I also think that this G20 need to include all the countries in the world because it's kind of impossible that only twenty states can chenge the world alones.
    In conclusion, I think tath it's neessary to expande the G20 and its initiatives to all the countries in the world in order to save and improve the planet more fastly, and oblige all the nations, through sanctions, to respect the things established on the summit.

  3. Silvia C.

    In my opinion G20 can resolve the majority of problems that affect the world using constancy and dedication from all the countries that joined this informal forum. I think that some issues are very difficult to resolve and the G20 isn’t enough. For example, the G20 focuses on economic crisis and environment issues, that, in my opinion, they are the most challenging problems. So, it can reduce the impact of an economic crise or the impact of pollution, but it can’t avoid it because it’s so difficult reconcile 20 different countries with 20 different ideologies.
    In conclusion, I think that G20 is a great initiative and that it is a way to take care of the world, or at least, try to do it.

  4. Chiara R.
    I believe that the G20 could change the world only if the multinationals and all the business help too becaming more sustainable. That's because there are already meny potencial solutions to the climate changing and all the relative problems, but no one do something for the environmental. The G20 can really help in that but we all have to collaborate for saving the planet and also our economy.

  5. Elena C.
    According to me G20 can really change the world or solve some important problems. It can be possible if all the states mermbers bring this important role with awareness. If they don’t understand the importance of agreements, so they don’t respect them, the goal won’t be achieved. For example if at G20 summit the states decide to reduce the use of carbon fuel and some states don’t respect the decision, the effor of other states will be useless.

  6. Cristina G.
    In my personal opinion, G20 can change the world, but not at all. This is because there are some problems more difficile to solve, for exemple the poverty in developping countries and economic problems. For solve this problems, it is necessary find a common idea, because 20 different countries can have different ideas.
    On the other hand, G20 have solve some problems relatore to global warming. In fact, they have decreased the global temperature of 2 degrades Celsius, in order to change the fenomenon of climate change.

  7. Erika S.
    I really think that the G20 can change the world because thanks to communication almost all the problems of the world can be solved. An important example is represented by the pandemic that we are experiencing. I mean that every country is studying how they can solve the health’ problems and they can exchange policies so that the problem may disappear as soon as possible. Others significant examples concerned the development of technologies, knowledge and any other important discovery that can improve the whole world, including environmental policies to fight Others significant examples concerned the development of technologies, knowledge and any other important discovery that can improve the whole world, including environmental policies to fight the collapse of non-renewable resources in favour of these renewables.

    1. * I really think that the g20 can change the world because thanks to communication almost all the problems of the world can be solved. An important example is represented by the pandemic that we are experiencing. I mean that every country is studying how they can solve the health’ problems and they can exchange policies so that the problem may disappear as soon as possible. Others significant examples concerned the development of technologies, knowledge and any other important discovery that can improve the whole world, including environmental policies to fight the collapse of non-renewable resources in favour of these renewables.

  8. Sabrina S
    in my opinion, G20 can change the world, being a group of leaders from the most important countries around the world who solve the main problems, they can solve all the problems together and more quickly. For example, we can think of the problems related to environmental impact, garbage and pollution that is strongly affecting our world. G20 thinks of solutions for these problems. For example, reducing plastic, using useless packaging. In conclusion, I think that G20 is a great initiative and that it is a way to take care of the world, or at least, try to do it.

  9. Angela G.

    Yes, in my opinion, the G20 could really change the world but only if all the members decide to impose initiatives with the common aim: to improve the future of our generation and future generations. One of the major problems that it is necessary to fight is climate change, and at the last G20 summit an agreement was reached on the need to act to maintain global warming by 1,5 degrees centigrade. This can be considered as a major step forward for our society, but what is important is the commitment of all states and the creation of useful initiatives related to the reduction of fossil fuel consumption or pollution reduction, such as the increased use of electrical means of transport but also the reduction of the use of plastic and the spread of zero waste stores. In conclusion, it is possible to say that the commitment must be common and lasting because only the union of all the members can generate concrete improvements.

  10. Victoria C.

    In my opinion, the G20 could really change the world, or at least try to improve it as much as possible.
    The G20 has the power to change the world because a single state alone could never do that, but thanks to the G20 and its initiatives in the world there will be a lot of improvements that at the moment the world needs.
    So all things considered, in my opinion, yes, the G20 could change the world.

  11. Francesca M
    In my opinion, , the G20 could can change the world in positive.
    The member countries decide to improve the future for the next generations. For example, they could help reduce pollution, find new regulations and seek new, more sustainable economies and consequentially
    reduce plastic, renewable energies, waste less water, recycle waste, these things could improve the current situation.
    In the future, more countries will be able to participate in the G20 for increase the chances of improvement.

    1. sorry but the site did not let me publish in anonymous

  12. Sofia G

    In my opinion G20 can help the world improve and can solve most of the problems related to the economy. For example, it can help economically poor countries with financial support to support their development. It is also possible that it may not be able to avoid more substantial problems such as economic crises, but they certainly can help to make them lighter.

    In my opinion, G20 could change the world thanks to their aims related to many aspects such as environment and pollution. In particular, it already solved some problems, for example it helped poorest countries.
    On the other hand, G20 could change the world only with the collaboration between the nations.

  14. Alessia T.
    In my opinion G20 could really make a positive change in our world. And that's because it's composed by the leaders of the most important countries. But their aims can only be reached by the collaboration between nations and that's also the reason why it's kind of difficult for it to work. Some examples of their good cooperation are the financial support for poorest countries or their development. Meanwhile, sometimes even if they worked together to solve some issues like the global warming they weren't successful

  15. Alice T.
    In my opinion, the G20 can change the world because, together, the countries analyse the problems and how to resolve them. The G20 can’t stipulate global laws, but after the reunion that they do every year, each country can make some laws to find a solution to reduce risks for citizens. Conversions have been made by decree following the G20 of 30/31 November in Rome. An example in Italy are the laws on forest fires, on the implementation of the PNRR and on infrastructure. States are starting to find a solution for the climate emergency, one of the most important problems in recent years. Developed countries, like the United-States, are going to create some space houses to combat the problem. They have already started to build houses and would like to create a space station to allow life elsewhere. This is one example of a consequence of the G20.

  16. Fabio B
    in my opinion, the g20 is too slow for change the world. in the last summit they took some decisions that weren't so progressive. Greta Thumberg is one of the people that cares more about enviromental issues. some days ago she said some sentences in front of the tv news. In her opinion they are just "bla bla bla" but they don't really care about issues.

  17. Kevin B.
    In my opinion, the G20 could change the world only if all states take a stand and seek solutions to the problems they live with every day.
    I also think that it isn’t easy to change the world but it is appropriate to make it better.
    As for the economic issue, the G20 could help to settle the economic situation of the poorest countries.

  18. Nicola I.
    In my opinion, the G20 can change the world, but I believe that all the countries of the world must be considered. I also believe that it can bring positive things but also negative things, for example, the development of certain countries and, on the contrary, some remain behind, But I think it helped in the situation of Covid because all countries were able to help with vaccines even if they were not produced by them.

  19. Davide A.
    In my opinion, the G20 can change the world but is very difficult because to change and to save the world all states need to help each other. The communication between the states must be controlled because many times it has brought about changes but also negative things, for example the covid instead the development of technology is one of the positive sides. In conclusion, the G20 needs to pay close attention, but if it succeeds in realizing all the ideas, they will be able to save the world.

  20. Michela O.

    I believe that the G20 is a stimulus for many people, especially for those who in the next few years will be the great BIGs of the world. In my opinion, the G20 unites all nations to understand the good of humanity and create links between nations by distributing products not only locally but also globally.such as reducing all possible risks that could cause much permanent damage to the world we live in, such as reducing gas emissions, the inappropriate use of natural resources and the exploitation of nature.

  21. Rosanna I.

    In my opinion the G20 can solve many of the world's problems, concerning global issues and everything that affects the planet. I think that if the nations collaborated more we could be able to solve many of the most serious problems.  On many occasions they have shown, all nations together, that they know how to collaborate, such as 1 year ago, when to fight the COVID-19 epidemic they all worked for a common good, thus managing to do research and studies for the vaccine.  The G20 has the power to help and solve many things that individual nations could not do.

  22. Francesco P

    In my opinion, the G20 can resolve the majority of our problems and change the world for the better, in particular in the economic and environmental fields; but I think that for a significant change they need to include more states because, even if they have a lot of powerfull resources, they're only 20.

  23. Valentina C.

    Today we have lots of global issues that are getting worst, and they should be solved. In my opinion, the G20 could help to change the world and to solve some of them. With all these powerful leaders, good things could be make, for example investing in sustainable economies, decreasing the differences between developed countries and not developed countries.
    However, I also think that their power it’s not enough. In the end, the power that has the most influence is how we all work together on it, helping and doing things for our planet.
