4B RIM Assignment on 3rd February 2022

 1) ๐Ÿ‘€ Look at the following writing task.

2) ๐Ÿ—ฏ Brainstorm ideas and plan your story according to the following structure:

Title: briefly describe what the story is about and make people want to read it!
Paragraph 1: set the scene and give the background of the story. Try to end the paragraph with some form of suspense to keep the reading going.
Paragraph 2 and paragraph 3: outline what happens, giving the main events of the story.
Paragraph 4: end the story. It is good to have a twist or surprise at the end. 

3) ๐Ÿ–‹ Write your story in 140-190 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Greta D.

    A day in a strange museum

    One month ago I went to a new art museum and I liked it so much because there were lots of particular paintings and statues.

    I had a good day and everything was fine until I saw a man who was looking at a statue, which represented a couple kissing, in a very strange way. He was touching it and pronouncing something incomprehensible so I got curious and I moved closer to hear better what he was saying.

    At a certain point something magical happened, the statue came to life and the two people started talking with the man. Initially I was scared about that but I took courage and I tried to have a conversation with them. They told me they had been trapped by a spell in the museum 100 years ago and they had finally been freed by that man.

    Suddenly the light went out and everything went back to normal. I turned to the man and he was laughing so I asked for an explanation and he told me that everything was a joke. I started laughing too but it still seems so real to me today.

  2. Nancy D.

    While observing an art exhibition, Charles heard noises coming from a statue.
    The statue simply represented a man and a woman embracing each other, but Charles heard noises inside it, as if someone was talking from inside the statue.

    Carlo didn’t pay much attention to it and came home, but he couldn’t get that noise out of his head and so he decided to sneak into the Museum and discover something more.
    Charles, once at the Museum, was shocked and could not believe his eyes. All the statues exhibited in the Museum moved and spoke, but he only approached the statue of the two lovers.

    The statue told him, "The humans don’t hear us and they don’t see us moving, but you do, which means you have something special." "Now I have a proof for you, if you can bring us the amulet kept in the hall of the director, I will grant you 3 wishes, but if you can not you will also become a statue".
    Charles was overcome with emotion, but he accepted the challenge and went to the director’s room to take the amulet, but something went wrong….

  3. Denis D.

    Marco, a man who loves history, museums, sculptures, ancient things and art.
    Is studying history at the university and next year should take the degree. In recent years have sought, researched, and especially he has a goal to visit all museums.

    Until he arrives at a museum and sees a statue that particularly attracts him, Because in all the museums you’ve never seen two women kissing, always man and woman were amazed at the open-minded person who created this.
    This statue was at all meant to represent LGBT that are opened criticized, and to make people understand that it can be a normal thing
    after that day, Marco changed his perspective, who didn’t think like him.

    Finally his job was to try to open minds and try to help people make the right choices.
    without being afraid of being criticized by others

  4. Valerio M.
    My uncle is an old man of seventy years old, who's having a deserved rest in retirement, after fifty years of work in a museum, as security boss.
    He always told me, when I was younger, about a magnificent sculpture that he saw at work, and how much he appreciated it. He was so grateful to work in a similar place, full of art, young people and old stories.
    Nowadays my affaires are going well, I'm quite rich and I appreciate my job too, so i decided, as a present for the birthday of his seventy-three years, to enter into a contract with his museum.
    They finally sold me the sculpture for a lots of money, but they wanted a warranty too, so that on my uncle's death, the sculpture will return back to the museum.
    And that's it, I took this photo few second after revealing him his present and he simply looks like shocked. He appreciated it so much and was so proud of me... I hope he's enjoying his piece of art.

  5. Sofia F.

    The museum of horror

    We’re in New York on Monday in October, when Gabriel walks into a bar for breakfast and sees a magazine...

    He began to browse it and at a certain point he saw something that struck him: there was a free ticket for a visit to the museum with the most beautiful states in the world.
    At that point he cut it out immediately and as soon as he found a day off went.

    When he entered the museum, however, he noticed strange things, for example that some sculptures changed depending on where you looked at them, but above all, the rooms in were placed were disturbing and the walls moved.

    Despite his worries he continued to tour this museum but when he finally went out, he realized that it had not been hours of a simple day but, you don’t know how, it had been years...

  6. Nicolรฒ L

    Michael until a few days ago was a happy man, with a nice home a nice family and a good job. but unfortunately life can sometimes be very cruel and soon Michael realized that his happiness was about to end.

    one morning a tragic car accident took away his wife and 9 years old son. Michael was broken. Friends helped him a lot and one day they took him to the art museum of the city, When Michael saw a statue, he suddenly realized that he was fond of art. When Michael came home I decided to start painting, and dedicated a painting to his wife and son.

    Today that painting is exhibited at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, and Michael is a world-renowned artist. One day during an interview he said, "Art sweeps our soul from the dust of everyday life."

  7. A.V

    A gentleman named Mark led a good life, had a good job and was always happy.It wasn’t always like that, in the past he was always angry and grumpy with all the people he met.The job was bad because no one wanted to go to Mark.

    One day, however, a lady named Katy came into her shop. It was the first in a long time, she had no prejudices about him and treated him normally.Mark realized that was his chance to change and show people that he could be better.

    And so it was, everybody changed their minds about Mark. He got married to Katy and he was happy. Katy started working in her shop and they worked shifts, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.Everything went well until one day Mark decides to go to work on Katy’s shift without telling her to keep her company, and sees his wife kissing another man.

    Mark gets angry and in a moment becomes the bad person of the past. He had never had a disappointment so great, he was so angry that he was able to petrify Katy with the other man.Mark ran away from changing country but his wife and that man remained forever petrified.

  8. Camilla T.


    Mr Giovanni has always been very passionate about the world of art, sculpture and paintings, he has gone several times around the most important museums, to observe the most important sculptures or those that affected him most.

    One day he decided to go and visit this new museum, where he had never been, in which there were new sculptures of young and emerging artists at that time.
    In happiness he decides to enter this museum and visit it, until he enters a room and sees this sculpture that leaves him speechless.

    It was one of the most beautiful sculptures he had ever seen, he came up to the sculpture to see it better, only suddenly he stumbled and fell near the statue that almost would not fall.
    Immediately the security people who stood next to him intervened and told him that he had to leave immediately.

  9. Andrea R


    It was a rainy sunday in october, so this man called Mike decided to go to visit an history museum in London. As soon as he entered in the museum he was struck by a statue, that represented two people kissing. He started looking at it and then he saw something, there was a secret tunnel under the statue.

    He started looking around the statue to find something to push like a button, or something to pull like a lever. He finally finally found the button, so he enterend into the tunnel.
    The tunnel led under the museum, where there were the best statues and the best paintings the man has ever saw. It seemed like it was another museum, because it was very big, and he had the opportunity to see it all without even paying a ticket for it.

    After three hours he came out behind the statue where he entered, and then he went back home. That day Mike was the happiest person in the world, because he saw some of the best paintings and statues that he ever saw, and he did not even paid for it.

  10. Giulia D.

    Today Luigi has decided go to art museum brcause he really likes art that represents history or mythological people.

    Luigi went to the museum oggi abbienti art lady sunday, he was mainly interested in the statue of the two kissing nymphs.
    at one point he arrives in the room dedicated to the two nymphs. This room was all embellished with frescoes inside, which resembled a lake.
    when he sees the two nymphs he mimics them fascinated and intrigued by the kiss of these two nymphs, and was so moved this statue was beautiful.
    he said they were beautiful.
    He was moved so much because there was harmony in the forms and because it was a simple statue but with a beautiful meaning, that is, that love is everywhere.
    in the end I continued my visit to the museum, and saw many other statues, but he liked none as much as that of the two nymphs. when he left the museum he met a beautiful girl who looked like one of the two nymphs, and he fell in love with her.

  11. ALESSIA L.

    a life of art and love

    one day a man finds himself visiting an art museum that speaks of love, because he is interested in taking inspiration from them to write a book.
    the story of her book is about an impossible love, because the two lovers were too different to be together.
    She was betrothed to a prince, but falls in love with a street boy. The two sneak around during the night, until one day they are discovered.

    The girl’s father then decides to lock him in the castle prison for two years, but the two continue to see each other because she manages to get down in the prisons.
    The boy while looking for a way to escape and leave with his lover. After two months he manages to escape from prison by breaking the bars.

    The two meet and try to escape, but the father discovers them and enraged decides to kill the two boys.

  12. Love of marble

    John,a gentleman passionate about art,some day ago,went to the largest in his city;decided to go for finally visit for the first time,his favoutite sculpture. He Loved her so much that he told his wife that he would do anything to get her.

    Once time arrived at the museum,he made his tour and finally arrived in front of his sculpture, he Was speechless.

    He was so excited,he had to call his best friend,also he loves art,in particoular this artwork,and to ask if he had been of help to make a madness.They were trying sto steal the sculpture.

    The best friends made them understand how impossible it was and precisaly for the Love of it,was necessary to leave it there.From that day,John went every day in museum to see the sculpture.

  13. SABRINA M.

    - The sculpture of memories -

    Mr Zack used to visit some museums in the city of Bristol, he loved to look at the paintings and imagine a life different from the one he was living.

    He was fifty years old, twenty of which he spent visiting museums, art galleries or theaters.

    Art reminded him of his mother, who was killed when Zack was a teenager.

    They often went to visit museums together, and returning to those places put zack a happy melancholy.

    One day the unthinkable happened.

    Zack found himself in front of an abandoned museum. How could such an important structure be built from a cultural point of view?

    Driven by curiosity, he came in, he was a little scared.

    There were still artwork that had not been taken away, and some were damaged.

    At the end of the museum it was a darker room than the others and he was always more curious to see what was there.

    In the back of the room it was a sculpture, the sculpture of memory.

    Suddenly it all came back to him.

    That was the last museum he had been to with his mother, and that was the sculpture where his mother was killed, right next the sculpture.

    They were together when it happened, and Zack remembered everything perfectly.

    He didn’t even have time to mourn the deceased mother who felt a blow on the back of the neck: he was the murderer of the mother.

  14. Alessandra Perronace

    The thief strikes again

    It was a day like any other, a spring day of april and at the British Museum, a few days ago, a sculpture arrived. It was very important, realized by Canova. The 21 april people were excited to see the new novelty of the museum, there were 200 people of all ages ready to see for the first time. Open doors, they entered the main hall and the sculpture wasn't there!

    The alarm went off immediately to understand what happened to the work of canova. The sculpture disappeared and nobody knew anything. The cameras showed a black screen and the police checked the cameras of the neighboring buildings and they found a very suspicious black van, so they tracked down the license plate and went to the owner. They arrested him and took him to the police station.

    The suspect was immediately very polite and cooperative and afterwards he confessed to being guilty of 10 other major thefts and had never been discovered.
    The police in this way discovered one of the most dangerous thieves of other times!

  15. Francesco P

    - Something missing -

    It seems like a normal day. The atmosphere is quiet, but the guard is bored: nobody is inside the museum, except for him. He decide to take a ride in the museum, to look at the different statues and works of art.
    In particular, he stands staring a statue of two people kissing, as if something is wrong. But something it actually wrong: the dog is missing.

    In the statue there was a little dog near the two people. The guard call immediately the boss to inform him of what happened: the dog was stolen. The news spread rapidly across the whole country.

    The boss is near to sack all the staff, but he decide to think about how to fix the situation, and he get an idea: cash rewards for those ho find the dog statue. All citizens start to search it, without getting nothing. Cops, firefighters, museum employees, the boss himself who has realized that he has no more funds to reward whoever finds the dog.

    Now it seems to be over,until the boss sees an open door in the museum, he notices an employee cleaning the dog statue. Therefore, all is well that ends almost well.

  16. Giulia D.
    Today Luigi has decided go to art museum brcause he really likes art that represents history or mythological people.

    Luigi went to the museum classical art last sunday, he was mainly interested in the statue of the two kissing nymphs.
    at one point he arrives in the room dedicated to the two nymphs. This room was all embellished with frescoes inside, which resembled a lake.
    when he sees the two nymphs he mimics them fascinated and intrigued by the kiss of these two nymphs, and was so moved this statue was beautiful.
    he said they were beautiful.
    He was moved so much because there was harmony in the forms and because it was a simple statue but with a beautiful meaning, that is, that love is everywhere.
    in the end I continued my visit to the museum, and saw many other statues, but he liked none as much as that of the two nymphs. when he left the museum he met a beautiful girl who looked like one of the two nymphs, and he fell in love with her.
