4A RIM Assignment on 4th February 2022

 1) 👀 Look at the following writing task.

2) 🗯 Brainstorm ideas and plan your story according to the following structure:

Title: briefly describe what the story is about and make people want to read it!
Paragraph 1: set the scene and give the background of the story. Try to end the paragraph with some form of suspense to keep the reading going.
Paragraph 2 and paragraph 3: outline what happens, giving the main events of the story.
Paragraph 4: end the story. It is good to have a twist or surprise at the end. 

3) 🖋 Write your story in 140-190 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Veronica G. Sofia B.


    It was a cold raining day of December. Freddy wasn’t worked and when he wolked in central park he decided to went in a very special place for him.
    When he arrived at museum he felt the miss of somethings that he loved. Afterwards he saw the statue who rapresent two lovers while hugging. Freddy si sentí very sad because he remeber the day when his wife took him in front of this monument.
    The more he looked at it, the more he thought her, until a tear come down on his cheek. Freddy loved his wife Mary so much, he loved her when she got sick and continues to do it today while he look up at the sky and he thought at the georgius angel that she became.

  2. Catherine G. Thomas L. Nicolò M.

    - The kiss of the queen (ex) -

    It was an October evening when mkkay solved the greatest crime in history.

    They had just announced on the news the theft of the most precious diamond in England which belonged to Queen Margaret, had a value of one million dollars kept in the most famous museum in London. the queen hired the best detective on the field to find the lost jewel, after the first days of research MCKAY discovered a shocking thing. the diamond had never left the museum.

    The next day the detective went to the museum to inspect the crime scene, and after a couple of hours he found a black glove under a statue near the crime scene, inspected it and found fingerprints already known to the English state, they were just that of queen margherita, the detective stayed in the museum until late at night, and when the lights went out he noticed a strange thing ... a kind of sparkle coming from the statue, it was the stolen ruby.

    MCKAY brought all the evidence to the police, and the queen was arrested immediately because she just wanted to get money from the state, the detective became a symbol of the British and they elected him King.

  3. E.L-M.G
    Mission Impossible

    In the winter of 1997, Robert, a renowned English thief, wanted to make his biggest hit. His goal was to steal a sculpture placed in the center of the museum that depicted a naked man and woman hugging each other. He wanted to steal this statue because it was the last one he wanted to complete his collection. This sculpture had an emotional value because it represented its ancestors. The strike was scheduled for the day of the British national holiday. When the day of the coup arrives he meets with his whole group of thieves, to check the plan in detail. At 12 o'clock, once they have passed the first guard they immediately move towards the statue, some of them had to create a different one for the numerous guards, While Robert had to take the statue. Everything seemed to be going well when a guard realizes that something was wrong. When Robert was one step away from the exit he was caught with his group with the statue, so they were all jailed and his last shot failed.

  4. The "petrified" detective

    A detective has been looking for a wanted couple across the country for a few years.
    These two guys, they should serve life in prison, because they’re accused of robbing the state mint of the country,have fled from England to Russia, Detective Jons is the only one who managed to track them.

    Jons, thanks to a state-of-the-art phone that makes it possible for you to track down without being tracked down, manages to listen to their conversation where they gave each other a meeting point, for their next shot.

    Their meeting point was a museum of Russian sculptures famous all over the world, in the vicinity of moscow.

    The detective, reached the museum, sees them from outside, through a balcony the wanted.In a hurry, he entered the museum, going to the floor where he saw them, hoping that they did not notice, and then to complete his task, but what he sees, was not what he expected...

    Giulia And Mattia


    Thief of art
    It was the end of Tom's watch shift, it seemed everithing in order like always but he decide to do the last control because three days before, there was a theft of necklace in the museum of queen's jewels.
    When he arrive in the room of the famous statues, remained incredulous.

    When he was near to the statue of the tee Venus, he noticed that the statue was broke:there was a hole in the head of the one of two Venus.
    Looking at it better he saw some prints. In consequence Tom called the forensics who examined the prints and discovered the that they were from the same thief of queen’s jewels.
    While the forensics examined the lrints, they don’t know that the thief was still in the museum.

    The thief after failing to get the statue so he is a lot upset and he doesn't realize that he's going into the room with the alarm.
    the thief triggers it and so the police finally manage to capture the most wanted thief in Europe



    After receiving an unexpected call, Mr. Smith, a private detective, immediately went to the London Museum. There was a big problem: the Love statue was stolen! Who is the thief?

    Firstly, Mr Smith didn’t know what was best to do. Then he called the police and they started to investigate together.

    For lots of days, the police and Mr. Smith continued to search for clues and they interrogated some London people. But nobody seemed to know anything.

    One day Mr Smith woke up earlier and he decided to look in the middle of nature. He notices an old abbandonate church and when he come in he found the statue.

    Some days later, the police discovered that the old priest asked to criminals to steal the statue in exchange for money. He was arrested and the Love statue returned to the museum.

  7. Alessandra C. Alessandro D.


    For several months, during the most important exhibitions in the city, there have been some thefts of very important works of art.

    The thief's face is still unknown, the only thing we know is that there will be a very important exhibition in two days….

    Everyone hopes that the thief will make a few missteps, in fact during the exhibition they have increased security.

    People, knowing the story, were much more alert; all quiet, until a person informed the police of the presence of a suspect person.

    He was a man, gifted with particular intelligence and cunning, in fact, his actions were not accidental. His plan was to be suspicious, to be questioned and deny any accusation so that no one would arouse suspicion of him again.

    There was a blackout and everyone understood and the most important work of the exhibition had disappeared and the man with it…

    The thief was not exposed and in the city of New York, he will always walk free, without anyone knowing his identity ...

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