5A RIM Assignment on 11th April 2022

Brexit Pain at the Irish Border

Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to the UK geography.

1) Think about the following questions. Do you know …
  • when the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was created?
  • when the Irish War of Independence began and when it ended?
  • when Ireland was divided into the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland?
  • when the Republic of Ireland was proclaimed?
  • when Ireland joined the European Economic Community (now the EU)?
Check your answer on the web.

2) Look at the infographic and find out
  • the length of the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland;
  • the number of road crossings;
  • the number of people who cross the border daily to go to work.

3) Brexit Pain at the Irish Border is a seven-minute film that profiles residents, including many teenagers, who live along the border between Northern Ireland, which is part of the United Kingdom, and Ireland, which belongs to the European Union. The film explores the history of the Irish border and touches on themes of identity, politics and history.

Use the chart below as you watch to record and consider the aspects that you find most important or interesting. First, on the left side, note a specific quote or detail from the film; next, on the right side, tell what you noticed about it, why you chose it, or what questions it raises for you.

4) What moments in this film stood out for you? Why? Leave your personal comment in the comment box. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Fabio B. in my opinion in this film the initial part is really an huge thought, in fact when the guy says the joke: an irishman, and Englishman and a Scottish man walk into a bar. the English man decides to leave so everyone has to leave. in think that doesn't make any sense to divide the northern of Ireland from the EU but live the Ireland in the EU. I guess in the future maybe the quarrels between Irish and British will be more and more.

  2. Victoria C.

    The moment in this film stood out for me is the moment when it is explained that, despite the positive referendum about leaving or remaining in the European Union, in Northern Ireland, there are a lot of residents who worry that the free flow of goods and people could end once the United Kingdom leaves the European Union.

  3. Angela G.
    What stood out to me about this film is certainly the importance that is attached to the personal identity of citizens living on the border between Northern Ireland and Ireland and their thoughts about their way of life. before I did not know the history of the border and it surprised me as well as the impacts it has had in the past and is still having particularly because of the brexit

  4. Sofia G

    A moment of the film that particularly struck me was the fact that many people were not in favor of Brexit because people remember borders as hostile and violent sources. Some people have said that they are in favor of a second referendum, and others have said that they want to see Ireland reunited. In general, Brexit brought back to mind the previous division of the country.

  5. Virginia P
    The moment that struck me most in this film was the arrogance through which the citizens of Great Britain imposed their wishes on the inhabitants of Northern Ireland as well. Furthermore, the wall that was created to divide the different religions was a horrible idea because, despite the different ideas, people have the right to live free.

  6. Erika S.

    The moment of this film that stood up to me is when, in the end, the guys are singing on how they feel exhausted about the situation in Northern Ireland. In particular, they heard a lot of time the debate among people with different ideas and they think that it is such a paranoia that seems to never end.

  7. Chiara R.
    The moment in this film that stood me up is the first part when the man sais that the Brexit is the exit of the United Kingdom based on the wishes of Great Britain, bacause I've never thought of that but the way Theresa May announce the Brexit could be interpreted this way. It also stood me all the problems that the people who lives on the border between Northen Ireladn and the Republic of Ireland have, now mpore than ever. It's really weird that people who live that close have so many differences in rules and laws nowadays.

  8. Elena C.
    I’m impressed about the fact that in the Northern Ireland there was a real border, that wasn’t passed by lots of people, also if they lived in this part. This issue is explained very well by a boys that speak in this video. He says that he lived in the country where there was the border and he had never seen the other side of the city in his entire life. This fact shocked because I really understand what mean border.

  9. Michelle
    one aspect of the film that struck me was the fact that Brexit brought to people's minds the old division of the country. In fact, many people were against Brexit because borders are seen as something violent. However, I was struck by the fact that Britain imposed its wishes on Northern Ireland.
