5A RIM Assignment on 2nd May 2022

 The Magna Carta

Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to the UK politics.

1) Surf the Web and carry out some research into the Magna Carta.
  • what is is?
  • when was it signed?
  • in what language was it written?
  • what did it establish?
  • when was it printed for the first time?
2) Watch the two clips below about the Magna Carta. Check your answers to the questions in exercise 1 and take further notes.

3) Answer the following questions. 

According to the videos,
  • what does Magna Carta mean? .
  • what does its most famous line (still true today in British law) affirm?
  • who did the Magna Carta apply to and who did it exclude?
  • who were the “free men” at the time?
  • who declared the charter invalid?
  • when was Magna Carta made part of English law?
  • what is the Magna Carta legacy?
  • what does the Magna Carta symbolise?
  • who did it inspire?
  • how did the Magna Carta become a symbol of American Liberty?
  • what was the Magna Carta used to protest against in the 18th century?
  • how did the Magna Carta “go viral” in the 18th century?
  • why did the Chartists use the Magna Carta?
  • why did the Suffragettes use the Magna Carta?
  • for what countries around the world was the Magna Carta inspirational?
Watch the two videos again and check your answers.

4) Imagine you are invited to co-created a Magna Carta for the digital age. What are our rights and responsibilities online? Give reasons and specific examples to support your ideas. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Kevin and Fabio B
    in our ideas we think that everyone must have the right to access online, without any distinctions of sex, religions, nationality. in add we suppose that every users have privacy rights such as cookies and anonymous search. about responsibility people have to respect others people ideas. in addiction users can't copyright images, songs, videos, movies and others things for economic purpose.

  2. Erika S. and Debora V.
    With the spread of technologies during the decades there is the creation of the fourth generation of rights that includes the digital right, the privacy and the digital identity. If we are users that surf the web we have to respect these rights, in particular we have to pay attention to the diffusion of personal information, photos or datas in order to respect our private lives. For example if we share on social media or a blog a photo in our house, it can be seen all over the world and in this way people can know our exact position and the characteristics of our house.

  3. Nicola I.
    If I were to create a Magna Carta for the digital age, I could choose I would leave all things as they currently are, but I would only change one thing, I would like there to be more respect in general without everyone being insulted. Because many people think that creating a fake profile can insult all the people they want without any problems, instead I think that putting a registration or a login with an ID card there would be much more respect, because even online you need to act like in real life. And as in real life I think it is right that these people who commit crimes online are punished for example with fines or lifetime bans from certain sites. Moreover, I believe that everyone can express their opinion as they already do.

  4. Davide A.

    For me the magna carta for the digital age must contain fundamental points. The rights that a person must have are: the possibility of having a digital identity, the possibility for anyone to be able to search for information and curiosities on the internet, on social networks they must have the ability to post and share whatever they want without being discriminated against. Another fundamental right is privacy, everyone must be able to search or do what they want on the internet without being tracked down by other people except of course by the digital police. The responsibilities of the people must be: to respect all other people who use the internet, to look for useful things and not to use the internet for useless or illegal searches. On social networks or other sites they must not post or write vulgar things, insults etc … . In conclusion the important words for the magna carta are respect, privacy and awareness.

  5. Virginia P, Silvia C, Francesca M, Sabrina S
    In our opinion, anyone has the right to have access to the internet and also the right to be able to present one's ideas and one's way of being. In relation to this there is also a need to set limits to ensure users' peace of mind. These limits, for example, should relate to the use of an appropriate language for a public platform and therefore the elimination of insults or unpleasant comments.

  6. Angela G.; Cristina G.; Victoria C.

    If we were invited to co-create a magna carta in reference to the digital age, we would like to include these our rights and responsibilities:

    The Internet guarantees the fundamental rights of every person recognised by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, national constitutions and international declarations on the subject.
    Access to the Internet is a fundamental right of the person and a condition for his or her full individual and social development.

    - Everyone has the right that data transmitted and received on the Internet should not be subject to discrimination, restrictions or interference. This because everyone has the same right to access the internet freely, expressing their opinion without being subject to discrimination.

    - Everyone has the right to respect for his or her private and family life, the right to retain control over his or her information, as a precondition for the exercise of many other rights of freedom. This because privacy is a fundamental right and as such must be guaranteed.

    - Everyone has the same right to access the Internet on an equal footing, in technologically appropriate and up-to-date ways that remove obstacles. This refers to the right of solidarity and equality, which aim to eliminate disparities.

    - Everyone has the right to the protection of data concerning him or her, in order to ensure respect for his or her dignity, identity and confidentiality.

    - Everyone has the right to access their data and to know the processing techniques, to ask for their integration, correction and cancellation according to the methods provided by law. It is necessary to establish that it is not possible to access a person’s data without prior authorisation.

  7. Sofia G, Antonio M
    Magna carta online
    There are a lot of rights and responsibilities online, so we think that all of us have to follow them in order to guarantee the health and privacy of all the world.
    For example we think that it’s important to respect all the internet users so one rule could be the prohibition of insults related to the others.
    Another important topic is the respect of the sensibility of all the people so another rule could be the limitation of upload-able contents .

  8. Chiara R. and Francesco P.
    The main right in this digital age is the privacy right. The opportunity to have an internet connection is becoming more important every year, however the privacy of uor data is becoming increasingly less protected. In conclusion, for that reason is even more important that all the companies must have our consent to access to uor personal data.

  9. Michelle and Alessia
    In our opinion, the magna carta of the digital age should include the right to privacy and give everyone the opportunity to have access to the internet and its information, especially in the world of school and work. However, people who use the internet must take responsibility for using it correctly, because what is written on the internet can affect millions of people.

  10. Michela O, Rosanna I.
    In our opinion everyone should be free to access the internet and to exploit advanced technologies without distinction of race, religion and social status. Everyone must have the freedom to be able to inform themselves about what is happening in the world and therefore be able to access information. You
    should always have the right to privacy and be able to surf the internet without problems. However, it is the duty of citizens to realize the dangers of the internet and not to allow children or very young children to make full use of the internet. More information is needed on the subject to avoid misinformation.Just as citizens in a society have certain rights and responsibilities, digital citizens in the online world also have certain rights and responsibilities.Digital citizens can enjoy rights of privacy, security, access and inclusion, freedom of expression and more. However, with those rights come certain responsibilities, such as ethics and empathy and other responsibilities to ensure a safe and responsible digital environment for all.The internet can be a powerful tool for advancing ideas and communities, but it can also be a destructive weapon when users' rights are impeded or if users are not given the opportunity to establish any rights whatsoever.Individual users, governments, industry and public institutions have an obligation to maintain the integrity of the internet community, whether it has local effects or international effects.

  11. Valentina C.-Elena C.
    Magna Carta for the digital ages:
    -Do not use or create fakes profiles
    -Use your own dates and do not pretend to be someone else
    -Use the internet or the social media for useful resources and not to hurt people
    -Pay attention on the website because there are lots of traps that can trick you
    -Avoid to put your personal information on the website and do not use other personal information for your interests
    -Choose difficult password to make sure that people do not enter in your account
    -Use antivirus on your laptop to avoid virus
    *People that break this roles have to pay penalty in order to refund the person.
    *The entity of the ticket is proportional to the crime committed.
