4D PS Revision / Extension Activities Present Tenses

Present Tenses:
Present Simple - Present Continuous - Present Perfect Simple


1) Gap-fill exercise: Tony and Leila are talking about global warming. Complete their dialogue by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Tense.
2) Gap-fill exercise: complete the letter about how to help preserve our town. Choose the correct form of the Present Tense.
3) Gap-fill exercise: complete the text about Rex, the dog. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Tense.
4) Gap-fill exercise: Mark and Alan are talking about where Linda is. Complete their dialogue by putting the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Tense.
5) Gap-fill exercise: complete the text about a trekking holiday. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the Present Tense.

Now test your ability in using the Present Simple and Present Continuous here.


1) Gap-fill exercise (1) & Gap-fill exercise (2) on the word order in sentences
2) Gap-fill exercise (1) & Gap-fill exercise (2) on yes/no questions & Exercise on wh-questions
3) Exercise (1)  & Exercise (2) on the Present Simple & Exercise on the auxiliary do/does
4) Exercise on the Present Continuous
5) Exercise (1) and Exercise (2) on the prepositions for and since

1D PS Practice in the Present Continuous

Activity Menu


Exercise on how to form the -ing form of the verb.


Exercise on the Present Continuous (affirmative form)
Exercise on the Present Continuous (negative form)
Exercise on the the Present Continuous (affirmative and negative form)
Exercise on the Present Continuous (interrogative form)
Exercise on the Present Continuous (affirmative, negative, interrogative form)


Test on your abilities in using the Present Continuous accurately.

3D PS Preparatory Activities for the Test on 14th Dec 2017

Activity Menu
Unit 9

Prepare your own vocabulary list (places in town pp. 102 + notes & things in town p. 103 & problems in town p. 108 + notes). On your notebook, write down
  • the English word/phrase,
  • the Italian equivalent.
OR check that your vocabulary list is completed.

Go to p. 226 and revise how to form "be + going to + verb", then do some exercises
  • here's an exercise to practise "be + going to + verb" for intentions for the future (1)
  • here's an exercise to practise "be + going to + verb" for intentions for the future (2)
  • here's an exercise to practise "be + going to + verb" for intentions for the future (3)
AND / OR go pp. 172, 226 and revise how to form the Present Continuous tense, then do some exercises
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (1)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (2)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (3)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (4)


Do some exercises in the use of either "be + going to + verb" or Present Continuous to talk about the future
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous / "be + going to + verb" (1)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous / "be + going to + verb" (2)

2D PS Preparatory Activities for the Test on 12th Dec 2017

Activity Menu
Units 5-7

Prepare your own vocabulary list (character adjectives pp. 80-81 & feelings p. 58). Write down
  • the English word,
  • the Italian equivalent, and
  • if possible, the opposite meaning.
OR check that your vocabulary list is completed.

Go to pp. 190-191 and revise how to form the Past Simple of the verb "be", then do some exercises
  • here's an exercise to practise the Past Simple of the verb "be" (positive and negative forms only)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Past Simple of the verb "be" (question form only)
  • here's an exercises to practise the Past Simple of the verb "be" (all forms - positive, negative and question forms)

AND / OR go pp. 198, 208, 209 and revise how to form the Past Simple of the regular/irregular verbs, then do some exercises
  • here's some exercises to practice the Past Simple tense
  • here's an exercise to practise the Past Simple of the irregular verbs (positive form only)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Past Simple of the regular verbs (positive form only)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Past Simple of the regular / irregular verbs (negative and question forms)

Test yourself on www.examenglish.com

4D TT Preparatory Activities for the Test on 11th Dec 2017

Here some exercises to revise the word order in statements and questions.

Extra exercises online:
click here to do Exercise 1 on esl.fis.edu
click here to do Exercise 2 on englisch-hilfen.de

Here some extra exercises to revise Present tenses.

1) PRESENT SIMPLE to talk about facts and habits

2) PRESENT CONTINUOUS to talk about situations in progres

3) PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE to talk about a situation which started in the past and which continue up to the present

4D PS Grammar Dossier

  1. word order in sentences
  2. word order in questions
  3. talking about present situations
    • verb tense: present perfect simple
    • verb tense: present simple
    • verb tense: present continuous
Here the dossier which contains the worksheets for our next lessons on grammar structures.

To download the materials, click here. Then, print them by Wednesday, 22nd November 2017.

The test will be on Wednesday, 6th December 2017.

4D PS / 4D TT / 5D PS CAMBRIDGE PRELIMINARY & FCE courses @ IIS "Baldessano Roccati"


giovedì 23 novembre p.v. per il corso di preparazione alla certificazione FIRST
lunedì 4 dicembre p.v. per il corso di preparazione alla certificazione PET


110 euro per il corso di certificazione FIRST (corrispondenti a 3 euro all’ora per 40 ore di corso)
90 euro per il corso di certificazione PET (corrispondenti a 3 euro all’ora per 30 ore di corso)

* per i ragazzi che non avessero versato il contributo volontario a inizio anno, la quota da versare è di 140 euro per il corso di certificazione FIRST e di 125 euro per il corso di certificazione PET *

Il versamento è da effettuare a mezzo bonifico bancario indicando come causale CORSO DI CERTIFICAZIONE PET oppure CORSO DI CERTIFICAZIONE FCE, NOME E COGNOME DELLO STUDENTE e CLASSE.

IBAN: IT 78 I 08833 30261 000110800002

I bollettini attestanti il pagamento vanno raccolti per classe in una busta e consegnati alla Prof.ssa Sanfilippo entro venerdì 17 novembre in sala insegnanti del Roccati dalle ore 11.30 alle ore 12. I bollettini delle classi del Baldessano verranno raccolti dalla stessa insegnante sempre venerdì 17 Novembre.

2D PS Extra exercises on the possessive case

Extra lesson on the possessive adjectives, taken from the grammar book Get Inside Language by Michael Vince:

For extra practice in the possessive adjectives, please click here to download a worksheet or go to
Here a video to revise the topic.

For extra practice in possessive pronouns, please go to

Extra lesson on the saxon genitive, taken from the grammar book Activating Grammar by Angela Gallagher and Fausto Galuzzi:

For extra practice in the saxon genitive, please click here to download a worksheet or go to

5D PS Dossier on Shakespeare

Topic: The fathers of the English Language & Literature

Geoffrey Chaucer; after Unknown artist; oil on panel, late 16th century, based on a work of 1400; National Portrait Gallery, London, UK

William Shakespeare; associated with John Taylor; oil on canvas, feigned oval, circa 1600-1610; National Portrait Gallery, London, UK

Here the document which contains biographical information about Geoffrey Chaucer.
Here the dossier which contains the worksheets for our next lessons on William Shakespeare.

To download the materials, click here. Then, print them by Tuesday, 14th November 2017.

3D PS Extra exercises on making comparisons in English

To do extra practice in making comparisons with the comparative & superlative structures, go to
- www.englishgrammar.org

1D PS Remedial Activities Use of English Test Units 0-1

If you need extra exercises on

- the subject/object personal pronouns, download this worksheet;

- the verb "be", download this worksheet;

- the verb "have got", download this worksheet.

Deadline to hand the worksheets in is on 14th November 2017.

1DTT Homework for Thu., 2nd November 2017


Please, follow the instructions:

1) download the mind map

2) print the worksheet and paste it into your notebook 

3) complete the mind map by writing nationality adjectives in each bubble (under the noun related to the country).

If you have any doubt or question, write it in the comment section below.

1D PS Possessive Case

To show possession you can:
- use the verb have got;
- use a possessive adjective followed by a noun,
- use the saxon genitive.

Extra lesson on the possessive adjectives, taken from the grammar book Get Inside Language by Michael Vince:

For extra practice in the possessive adjectives, please click here to download a worksheet.

Here a video to revise the topic.

Extra lesson on the saxon genitive, taken from the grammar book Activating Grammar by Angela Gallagher and Fausto Galuzzi:

For extra practice in the possessive adjectives, please click here to download a worksheet.

3D PS The Basics of Grammaring




1D TT The Basics of Grammaring




4D PS Dossier on English as a Widespread Language

Topic: English as a widespread language

Please download here your worksheets for our lessons in October/November 2017.

5D PS Dossier on English as an International Language

Topic: English as an international language.

Please download here your worksheets for our lessons in October 2017.

Written test on 26th October 2017.

5D PS English Lesson Mon. 2nd October 2017

Topic: reflections on the English grammar - the sentence structure.

Please download here your worksheet for our lesson on Monday, 2nd October 2017.

4D TT English Lesson Mon. 2nd October 2017

Topic: reflections on the English grammar - the verbs of sentiment.

Please download here your worksheet for our lesson on Monday, 2nd October 2017.

Assignment "A Museum of Me"

Create your own "Museum of Me":
  • choose 5 pictures that mean something to you (e.g. your interests, past experiences, aspirations and dreams) and make them into a poster collage,
  • prepare a unique presentation and be ready to exchange info about you in two lessons' time.
Here the rubric which will be used to assess the oral test (1st mark for the first term)

Main Info English Classes 2017-2018


1) Stand up and say "good morning" when the teacher steps into the class (do not chew gum, do not put make-up on, do not wear caps).
2) Keep your desk tidy.

3) Bring materials to class and complete assignments.
4) Speak English in class.
5) Do your best in class and at home.

  • coursebook,
  • ring binder (or notebook) with 2 sections 1) Use of English (grammar and vocabulary) and 2) Writing,
  • pens and pencils.

Please download it here and read it carefully.

Summer Homework for VC

Read one of the plays by William Shakespeare (see worksheet before making your choice) and then leave a comment on it in the comment box below.

The worksheet gives you detailed instructions on your summer homework. Please download it here, read it carefully and follow exactly what it is written there.

Extra Revision VC Thu. 6th June

Revise what you have learnt in the second term by downloading the worksheet and completing the activity on your notebook.

Listening & Speaking Course Lesson 20 [Groups 1, 2 & 3]

Topic under discussion: Learning English

Download your worksheet here and print it for our next lesson on Tue. 6th or Thu. 8th June.

Listening & Speaking Course @ IPC "Sella"

Topic under discussion: Ireland

Download your worksheet here and print it for our next lesson on Mon 5th June.

Time: 2:15 p.m. (Group 1) - 3.45 p.m. (Group 2)
Venue: IPC "Sella", ground floor, room A6

Grammar point: Past Perfect Simple

Download the slides in order to find the answer to the question.

Listening & Speaking Course Lesson 18 [Group 2 & 3]

Topic under discussion: Success @ school

Download your worksheet here and print it for our next lesson on Thu. 1st June.

Time: 2 p.m. (Group 2) - 3.15 p.m. (Group 3)

Venue: Liceo Classico, first floor, Room IIIC

Listening & Speaking Course @ IPC "Sella"

Topic under discussion: Cinema and Theatre in London

Download your worksheet here and print it for our next lesson on Mon 29th May.

Time: 2:15 p.m. (Group 1) - 3.45 p.m. (Group 2)
Venue: IPC "Sella", ground floor, room A6

H/W for VC: Watching a film

Here the film "The Best Offer" directed by Giuseppe Tornatore (2013). Watch it and then write a comment on it justifying your opinion in the comment section below.

Listening & Speaking Course Lesson 17/18 [Group 1,2 & 3]

Topic under discussion: Extreme Sports

Download your worksheet here and print it for our next lesson on Thu. 25th and Tue. 30th May.

Time: 2 p.m. (Group 1&2) - 3.15 p.m. (Group 3)

Venue: Liceo Classico, first floor, Room IIIC

Listening & Speaking Course @ IPC "Sella"

Topic under discussion: Icons and Institutions

Download your worksheet here and, if necessary, print it for our lesson on Fri 26th May.

Time: 2:15 p.m. (Group 1) - 3.45 p.m. (Group 2)

Venue: Liceo Classico, first floor, room VA

Listening & Speaking Course @ IPC "Sella"

Topic under discussion: Who speaks English?

Download your worksheet here and print it for our next lesson on Mon 22nd May.

Time: 2:15 p.m. (Group 1) - 3.45 p.m. (Group 2)

Venue: IPC "Sella", ground floor, room A6

Listening & Speaking Course Lesson 16/17 [Group 1,2 & 3]

Topic under discussion: Home Entertainment

Download your worksheet here and print it for our next lesson on Thu. 18th and Tue. 23rd May.

Time: 2 p.m. (Group 1&2) - 3.15 p.m. (Group 3)

Venue: Liceo Classico, first floor, Room IIIC

Listening & Speaking Course Lesson 15/14 [Group 1,2 & 3]

Topic under discussion: Storytelling

No worksheet will be necessary for our next lesson on Thu. 11th or Tue. 16th May.

Time: 2 p.m. (Group 1&2) - 3.15 p.m. (Group 3)

Venue: Liceo Classico, first floor, Room IIIC

Listening & Speaking Course Lesson 14/15 [Group 1,2 & 3]

Topic under discussion:

No worksheet will be necessary for our next lesson on Thu. 4th or Tue. 9th May.

Time: 2 p.m. (Group 1&2) - 3.15 p.m. (Group 3)

Venue: Liceo Classico, first floor, Room IIIC

Here the video we have watched in class:

Oral Test for VC

Prepare a detailed description of the painting on your worksheet which follows the 6 steps below and lasts at least 5 minutes.

Step 6: GIVE YOUR IMPRESSIONS AND OPINIONS on how the painting makes you feel

Use some visual aids to support your description of the painting e.g. you can create a poster by using Piktochart. Here a tutorial for you:

Here the rubric which will be used to assess the oral test.

Mind Maps about the Communicative Functions of the English Modal Verbs

Here the mind maps about the communicative functions of the English modal verbs created by the VC students at Liceo Classico "V. Alfieri" in Asti.

Rate which one is the best! Write it in the comment section below.

by Valeria Nikolovska
by Arena Rebecca
by Cantatore Matteo

by Fantolino Gaia
by Mana Claudia
by Moro Carola
by Manzoni Andrea
by Marone Benedetta

by Pero Paola

by Pinto Carolina

by Rissone Rebecca
by Serpi Annalisa
by Volpicelli Alessia

by Francesco Riso
by Silvia Grasso

by Valleri Riccardo
by Lorenzato Marta
by Bianco Camilla

by Elena Massano

by Mazoni Arianna

by Vitillo Matilde

by Alessia Doglione
by Benedetta Bottino