1B AFM/1C AFM Assignment on 12th January 2021

 1) Look at the picture below.

2) Write a good description of the picture. In your description you must include the following words:

costumes - crown - octopus - drum - photographer - 

wood - spots - flags - stage - lights

Write your description in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. EB
    In this picture there are some people. The clown, the teacher with children, the boy to paint a octopus, , the boys to play instrument, the boys with costumes on the stage, the dinosaur of wood,the flags with more color, the photographer, the ligts on the corner of stage, the crown on the book,

  2. In the picture I can see two children on the stage and they are wearing costumes. Above the stage there are big lights that someone turned on. A boy is playing a drum, while others are singing or playing the violin and a photographer is taking a photo of them. Another boy is painting an octopus and he's almost done. I can also see a clown with red spotted trousers, next to a girl who is making a dinosaur with wood. In the foreground a teacher is reading a book with a king and a queen on the cover, and a big crown in the back. Colored flags are hanged at the walls.


  3. Corna Matilde :In the picture there are a lot of people, there are a parents and children. In the room there are a lot of flags and balloons there is also a a stage and lights. One child is painting a octopus another one is playing a drum, a girl is reading a book and on the cover there is a big crown. Two child wearing a costumes and another one is build a wood dinosaur

  4. Diego
    On the stage you can see two children in costumes, a boy who is painting an octopus, another boy is playing the drums, in the center you can see a photographer, a girl is building a wooden dinosaur, in the background see a stage and lights illuminate it. Finally we see a crown in the book.

  5. Samuele Brussino in this party there are many costumes ,of guys playing with an octopus, others playing drums, then there is a clown with the pants stain spots next to him there is wood on stage there are many lights. there's a photographer.

  6. Emiliano Orsello
    It Is a party at the school with a costumes show on the stage with the lights, on the left there is a children who draws an octopus, on the right of this children there is a photographer who takes a photo of the singer and the children who play the drum near the photographer there is a clown with some red spot on the pantsand near him there is a girls who makes a dino with wood.
    On the wall there are a lot of flag and there is a women who readsa book with a crown

  7. Paola Roca
    In this picture there are more people, in particular you see the costumes of the people on stage.
    The girl read a book where is a big yellow crown. One boy paint a green octopus and another boy play his Drum for fun. The photographer make photo for his jurnal and one girl do her dinosaur with wood. I see the clown and on his trousers there are red spots. The flags are red, yellow, green and blue,they are so beatiful! On the stage there are more lights.

  8. Francesca Cabrini
    In this picture I can see a construction in wood make by clown.
    I can also see a stage with lights.
    On the left I can see a painter to design a octopus.
    On the wall there are a flags.
    On the right I can see a musicians to playing the drum.
    In the centre of the image I can see a photographer.

    1. In this pictures there is a clown with a particular costume, a child who dies an octopus,some boys who play the drump singing together, there are three photographers,an adult and two children, a girl who creates a wooden dinosaur, above the stage there are two singers and two mascots, a goose and an corpus, there are falso some guys playing the violin a girl in a wheelchair eating ice cream and the whole hall full of baloons, paintings, flags of all colors of the lights on the stage.

  9. Matteo Laveglia
    In this picture i can see a stage with lights also i see a dinosaur construction in wood make by clown.
    There are flags on the wall.
    On left i see a paint of an octopus.
    On right i see a musicans to playing the drum.
    In the centre i see a photographer

  10. Scaglia Sebastiano
    in this pictures we can see a stage with the lights,on the right a musicians use a drum,in the centre of this pictures a photographer,on the wall on the right there are flags,on the stage the are two childrens wear a costum,on the left there is a painter desing an octopus,on the left there is a child make a construction in wood.

  11. in this image I can see that there are flags of various colors. There is a teacher in a clown costume with red spots on his pants and a photographer. There is a boy who plays a drum and a girl who builds an octopus with wood. On the stage there are children singing and there are lights behind them. Sitting on a chair there is a girl reading a book where there is a crown on the cover

  12. in front of you there are a platform, on this there are lights,there's persons with costumes, there's a photographer under the stage. Suspected there are flags, on the right inrein there's a boy playing the drum. On the forenground there' a box on the ground with wood inside. A boy on the left draws a octopus with stains on the shirts. At the forefront is a lady who reads a book with a crown above boys.

  13. ED
    in this pictures i can see more people. There are a children on the stage wearing costumes and even a clown. On the left slide we find a child who paints. The boy with the purple t-shirt is playing a drum. The girls read a book where is a big yellow crown. In the center of the image there is a photographer. We can see a little girl building a dinosaur out of wood. The clown costume has spots. There are the flags with more color. We also find the lights on the corner of the stage.

  14. A.G.
    sul palcoscenico ci sono dei ragazzi in costume e altri 2 che vengono puntati dalle luci mentre un fotografo sotto il palco scatta una foto.
    davanti al fotografo ce un ragazzo che suona il tamburo e dietro di lui un ragazzo che dipinge un polpo.
    più in basso ce una ragazza che legge un libro dove sulla copertina è raffigurata una corona, alla destra della ragazza un clown con delle macchie rosse sui pantaloni ha appena realizzato una scultura di un dinosauro fatta di lagno e i muri sono stati allestiti con delle bandiere colorate

  15. Alice Rombolà
    in this room there are many people, two children on stage with the lights on are wearing costumes then a girl with a ponytail reads a book with a crown on the cover one boy is painting an octopus while another in a purple shirt plays the drum there is also a photographer who takes pictures. in the room there are colored flags and a clown wearing red spot pants next to a little girl who builds a dinosaur out of wood

  16. BB
    in this photo there are many people. A clown in a spotted costume, a boy draws an octopus, a girl builds a dinosaut out of wood, and another plays the drum with the musicians. There is a photographer and next to him there is a stage with some children in costumes. The hall is full of lights and colored flags

  17. In the party there are costumes , a photography which resumes , a stage what up lights coloreds,a musician playing drum , of sports, are flags coloreds , a painter drawn a octopus , a crown , a robot in the shape of a dinosaur made of wood

  18. Lara Mion
    In this picture there are some people, for example on the left we can see a clown with a bleu jacket and red spots on his trousers. Near the clown there is a boy, he is painting a green octopus. I can see a woman who is reading a book with a big crown on the back. In the center I can see a photographer, he makes photos for his journal. On the left I can also see a girl and she is doing a dinosaur with pieces of wood. On the right I can see a musician and he is playing the drum. On the wall there are some flags, they are very colorful. I can also see four children on the stage and two of them wear a costume. Above the stage there are four lights. I think it's a party!

  19. Andrea Maritano
    In the picture there are a lot of people there are a parents and children,
    the crown.
    The guys playing whit a octopus, in the picture there are a lot of people there are a parents and children.
    In the picture there are a lot of people, there are a parents and children.
    In the center of the images is a photographer, on the stage there are four people and two people have a costume.
    Above the stage are the lights that illumiinate, the stage is made of wood.

  20. Stefano Cimmino
    In this picture there are many people. There are girls building a dinosaur with wood. there is an artist drawing an octopus. On stage there are two children in costumes illuminated by lights. In the room there are a lot of flags and balloons. Tchere is one person playing the drum and another person photographing it. In the end there's a teacher reading a book on which there is a crown.

  21. Jessica = in this picture i can see the Flyers fun day is the special day in this school. There are most students in costumes on the stage illuminated by the light. There is a student that paints an octopus, a student that plays drums, a student that makes a wood sculpture then there is a clown and he has a pant with spots , there is in the center there is a photographer in this room decorated with flags in the end there is a one girl reading a book where there is a crown 👑.

  22. in this photo there are many people. on stage there are two people wearing very bizarre costumes, illuminated by spotlights.
    sitting on a chair a girl reads a book with a crown cover.
    a boy paints an octopus on canvas and next to him a girl builds a wooden dinosaur.
    near the stage a boy plays a big red drums while the photographer documents the event by taking pictures.
    finally to decorate the window there are colored flags.

  23. alessandro boetto
    On the stage you can see two children in costumes, a boy who is painting an octopus, another boy is playing the drums, in the center you can see a photographer, a girl is building a wooden dinosaur, in the background see a stage and lights illuminate it. Finally we see a crown in the book.

  24. Sara Pampiglione
    In this picture there are a lot people. On the stage there are four children and they wear special costumes. Above the stage there are big lights. On the right there are some people who are palyng violins and one boy who is playing his drum. On the wall there are colors flag and some balloons. I can see a girl who is reading a book and on the cover there is a crown. The children are listenig to her. On the left part there is a wood dinosaur and one child play with it. Near the girl there is a clown and he has red big spots on his trouser. I can also see one child that is painting a green octopus and near there is a woman. Finally there is a photographer who takes photos. All the people are happy!!!

  25. Stella. On the stage there are two people by costumes, there are lights and in front of the stage there is a photographer, one musicians use an drum, the left there is a child that paints a octopus, the wood is near the table, the clown has the red spots there is a crown in the red book, the flags of the picture are a different color.

  26. Martina
    In this pitture i can see some people,
    This is the fluyers fun day, the man with the camera is the photographer, there is musicians and use the drum.They built a wood turtle. A girls reading a book with a crown on it. There is a flags. Above the stage there are 4 people. The lights illuminate the stage. And the people are very happy

  27. Noemi Danese

    in this image I can see that there are flags of various colors. There is a teacher in a clown costume with red spots on his pants and a photographer. There is a boy who plays a drum and a girl who builds an octopus with wood. On the stage there are children singing and there are lights behind them. Sitting on a chair there is a girl reading a book where there is a crown on the cover
