4A RIM Assignment on 28th January 2021

1) 👀 Look at the following writing task.

2) 🗯 Brainstorm ideas and plan your story according to the following structure:

Title: briefly describe what the story is about and make people want to read it!
Paragraph 1: set the scene and give the background of the story. Try to end the paragraph with some form of suspense to keep the reading going.
Paragraph 2 and paragraph 3: outline what happens, giving the main events of the story.
Paragraph 4: end the story. It is good to have a twist or surprise at the end. 

3) 🖋 Write your story in 140-190 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Francesco P.
    A lot of years ago there was a very experienced impostor specialized in the thief of rare and beautiful pieces of classical art, especially famous painting and ancient sculptures.
    This man, while visiting one of the most famous city of art, heard about a special event, an exposition inside a museum of one of the most impressive pieces of art ever created; of course in the museum could only enter people of a certain social range.
    So, noticing this little problem but determined to steal one of the pieces of the exposition, he decided to forge a fake ID card, in that way he could have resulted as a rich person from abroad. Once inside the museum he went around looking among all the various pieces in search of the perfect piece to steal.
    Finded the piece, he studied how to efficiently take it without any kind of problem, so he returned at the museum the day after, ready to do what he came for, but he soon discovered that all the exposition was made up by order of the police for caught him.

  2. Cristina G.


    It was a normally morning, when Mr. Jones decided to go to his favorite art museum, placed in his city. After breakfast, he prepared himself and he went to the museum by car.

    When he arrived, he immediately payed the ticket and he went into the art gallery. After, he decided to go in the museum' s section called "The most important statues in the world". Walking along the corridor, a statue in particular attracted his attention. It remided him to some episodes of this infance, characterized by lots of emotions and love.

    But, distracted by his thoughts, he doesn't noticed that someone is going to observe him. After a little bit of time, he started to watch around him to find who is going to observe him so carefully. He doesn't see the person, but he heard someone running in the corridor opposite to that where are exposed the statues.

    He started running to came out the museum, but at the exit door, he saw an old man with a gun on his left hand. He immediately call the security, but unfortunately the man menaged to escape.
    A murderer was on the loose in the city.

  3. Emanuele F.
    That day I've had an inspection for the agency but I didn't know what I'd find….
    All means that the work was perfect, but one statue was different among the others.
    So I would check that all was good and I've found a hole. When I ask if the director was aware of this hole he said that it was only a problem of transportation….
    For this reason I thought that this statue was damaged and that it should not be exposed.
    The director insisted that it was perfect for the museum so I was curious to know why….
    I've also noticed that he avoided all the questions asked about the statue…..
    I've called some experts to check out the statue and at the end I've known a shocking truth….. that statue was fake and inside it there were some stolen moneys.
    After the information I've called the police that arrested those criminals and took the statue…
    I was very incredible about what's happened!

  4. Michelle F.

    Henry was a legitimate man who warked a lot. He was always in moviment and in recent days he didn't spend a lot of time with his family, or in general with himself. One Saturday he decided to spend a beautiful day with all his family: it was a very good day and it had a lot of fun but later the situation changed.

    Henry went to the bathroom and when he went out he couldn't find his family.. Well, in reality he couldn't find anyone in the museum. Suddenly he was the only man in the museum!

    So, Henry spent all the night in the museum: it was alone and in this moment he could think about his life, his family and about how much time he was losing. In conclusion, these night he walked all the time alone, watching some statues and some paintings, which made him think even more and gave him a positive vibes.

  5. Casalino Silvia

    The mysterious showcase

    In a Saturday morning of an usual day, there was a man in the main street of New York City.
    This man was walking to go to work, like every mornings, when he was attracted by a showcase of a art gallery. Suddenly he stopped his walk to look at this mysterious showcase, regardless of his delay to work.
    Soon after he decided to go inside to look better what affect him: it was a sculpture of a kiss scene. It might be a strange thing but for this man was the most important. This sculpture showed him with his wife, in fact the artist, a few years ago, asked to them to sit for sculpture.
    He was amazed by this experience so he decided to buy the sculpture. When he came home his wife was emotional because she didn’t forget the day when she sit for this artist. At the end they kissed in the same way of the sculpture.

  6. SERRA S.

    The man looks at the sculpture which has a very exciting history. In fact, the man knows the story of these two guys who have a passion for art but who have a forbidden love.

    These two boys, who lived in the 17th / 18th century, he is a rich young man from a noble family, she is a poor girl who was the caregiver of her father, they fall in love with her. Theirs was an impossible love story for the social classes they came from. To see each other they had to ask for help from the boy's friend, a sculptor and art lover, just like them.

    When the parents discovered their love story, the two boys were forced to flee but their father's trusted men kill them. In memory of him, the friend, now a renowned sculptor, made this statue in memory of his friend and adorable girl. The man next to him admired by this tragedy admires this sculpture and tells it to all visitors with much emphasis, sadness and love.

  7. Sofia Guerra

    The stolen painting

    That morning, the inspector Watson had woken up early enough, he was going to enjoy his day off. After getting up, he ate breakfast, coffee and croissants, reading calmly the newspaper.
    Later, since it was a beautiful day, he decided to take a walk in the park, to breathe some fresh air.
    After 10 minutes of relaxation, he began to hear the phone ring. He already knew what it meant, no more relax.
    It was his colleague, who told him to go quickly to the city's classical art museum, urgently.

    He got in his car and drove to the museum.
    As soon as he entered, he saw that a disaster had occurred, the most famous and precious painting kept in his city had been stolen. He knew there was no time, they had to quickly collect all the clues to find the thief, before he sold the painting.

    While observing the crime scene, he saw a man running with a painting in his hand across the street. He immediately started running, catching the thief. Unfortunately, falling to the ground, the painting broke.

    The theft case was resolved so quickly, the painting was repaired and put back in place.

  8. Davide.A

    The old art in the new world

    In this story I would like to talk about how art is considered now, in particular with a story about a man in a museum.

    That day, the wife of the man in the picture. Woke up with the desire to visit an important museum and immediately asked her husband to accompany her. At a certain point the man leaned against a kind of benches to rest but ended up dropping a work and sounded the alarm. As soon as the alarm sounded, the man got up and immediately tried to put the painting back in his place.

    He arranged it in time before a guard arrived. The guard asked him what had happened and he replied that he saw the painting a bit crooked and decided to put it right. Her wife was so embarassed that he decided not to take him with her anymore.

    As soon as they returned home, he decided to take two tickets for a very nice exhibition and at the end of this story one said that in reality art is not as boring but you have to understand it and you have to be good at imagining to understand it.

  9. Kevin B.

    The culture of art.

    The story is about a man who has never entered an art museum. He has always been interested in culture in general, but specifically in statues. He thinks that the people who make them are very good at reproducing a human body on stone.

    One day his family decides to give him a ticket for the entrance to a museum a few kilometers from where they lived.

    He was very happy because since he was a child he dreamed of visiting a museum but his parents had never taken it. His parents always forced him to work.

    The story ends with him driving to the museum accompanied by his daughter and her daughter's husband. When they arrived at the museum it was closed for reconstruction so they could not enter. There was a case with a statue near the entrance. He was fascinated by it but he would have liked to come back when the museum was open so they get in the car and drive home.

  10. Angela G.
    Different types of art

    Inspired by “Night at the museum”, one of his favorite films, the English man David O’Blein decided to partecipate a late evening charity event which took place in an important museum in this city, Glasgow.
    After a week the day arrived.

    He thought that he would have observed copies of popular pieces of art, such as the “Girl with a pear earrings” or also the “Ecstasy of Saint Teresa”.

    He saw lots of well know paintings and sculptures’ revisitations but in a modern and quite strange way that he didn’t like. There were lots of nudes and the artistic details had been replaced by others less pure and sophisticated. All the people around him were excited and highly impressed, but it wasn’t the same for him.

    So that David decided to find the exit way and out of the museum the deeply breathed and than he went home.

  11. Alessia T.

    It was Saturday night and in the Louvre Museum there were guards doing the night service as always. It was time for a break for some colleagues so Ed remained to control everything while the others were eating. Ed was a night guard at the Louvre Museum for a very long time and he loved his job, he was doing his control tour as he noticed something strange. The statue of marm was suspicious, it seemed like it was moved a little to the left and that was extremely weird because everything in that museum was perfectly placed.

    He called his colleagues to decide what to do and in the end they called the police. They came short after and they started to ask questions and control everything in the museum. It seemed like everything was okay but when they were going to leave, there was a sudden black out. They stayed where they were, worried that there was someone in the museum. The light came back and the officers and the guards felt relieved, but the statue was gone. They gave immediately the alarm and started to search for it everywhere, they couldn't find it so they thought that the robber was already gone with the piece of art. They quickly left the museum and the guards went to help them, leaving only Ed and some guards sleeping on the upper floor.

    When they were gone, the statue appeared again. Ed used some shadows plays and mirrors to give the impression that the statue was gone but actually it was there the whole time. After successfully tricking the police and the guards he had the time to remove the statue and steal it.
    When they all came back to the museum instead of the art there was a big question mark on the floor. Will the thief steal again?

  12. Fabio B.
    The sculture of Boxley
    We are in 1700.There is a sculture in Boxley called The Life sculture . the people from all the world come to Boxley to see a incredible event. Thousands of believers want see the only sculture in the world that all the night opens the eyes.

    But one day Grey Romanov, an investigator, get out with his friend Frank for check out the trick.
    As far as they Check out some information: they discover that the sculture of Boxley is a big business.

    After some day of investigation they understand the trick. Every night a Priest get inside the sculture and move the eyes like a crazy only for take the money from the beliviers.
    But from this day no one is coming to see the sculture: The con of Boxley.
    The investigators return at home happy.

  13. Victoria C.

    Last weekend I went to the museum with my family but something went wrong. Before entering I took my blood pressure pills as usual but I think the doctor prescribed them wrong because I started to see everything turning around me.

    Although I wasn’t feeling well, I decided to go in and visit the museum as we had decided because there was a guide waiting for us.

    When I entered I was very puzzled to see what was happening: all the statues around me were moving. So I asked the guide why and he took me for crazy because he said they were still. So, I decided to leave the room but it was impossible: in every room I went was always the same as the first, I was going crazy!

    I kept opening doors and changing rooms, but I always ended up in the same room. Until I heard a strange but familiar sound. I closed my eyes for a moment to understand where it came from and I found myself in my bed with the alarm clock next to me that I was playing. It was a nightmare!

  14. Virginia P


    Michael Payne, a famous businessman, was a very generous man. However, this did not last long because, following the death of his wife Diana, he became very authoritarian and greedy. However, it is said that this man is hiding a secret.

    Diana was a very beautiful sculptress and Michael was very much in love with her, in fact after her death, he began to devote himself to work to avoid thinking about it. It was said that she had carved a statue that represented the couple in a hug and a kiss full of love. But this statue was never found because Diana had carved it in a place that only she knew. But unfortunately, life went as it should go.

    Therefore, Michael's secret was the fact that he set out in search of this statue. After months of searching, he managed to find the statue in a place that was very important to the couple. After taking a good look at it, he found a note from Diana that said "My love, I will love you forever".

    After that day Michael went back to being that sunny man he was when Diana was still alive.

  15. Erika S.
    There was a man called James Lowell in that big museum in Paris, he was watching an interesting sculpture made of stone that was a representation of two people that were kissing. James tried to read the piece of paper collocated under the sculpture, but he heard a strange sound in the room next to him.

    Immediately, he went to watch what was happening, but he did not see people in the room, so he decided to continue his visit. Suddenly he heard that noise again. He was a little bit scared because there was only him nearby.

    James decided to go to the entrance as fast as possible. When he was there, the museum guide asked him what happened, James told her of that noise, and she went to see where the sound came from.

    When they were in the room, she said that the strange sound came from the museum ventilation machine used to keep the sculptures. Finally, James continued the visit more relaxed and he saw all the sculptures in the museum.

  16. Rosanna I.

    Everlasting love

    I introduce myself, my name is AL and I live in London. I was actually born and raised in America in Los Angeles, but I love art and so I moved for the wide variety of museums. Once while I was at the painted Hall and I met a woman, behind the statue, I was admiring, i moved and saw it, it maged to kidnap me with her gaze and I fell in love immediately and with an excuse I went to talk to her.

    We started dating more and more, until we became a couple. A few years later I ask her to marry me, and she said yes. Every year they always returned there for our anniversary, where we first met. In front of the statue.

    But like all good stories in ended in the worst way

    She died of a serious and nasty illness that lasted for years. And so every time I miss her I go back to the museum to admire her to never forget the love of my life.

  17. Incandescenza N.

    Thomas and the mystery of Belfried

    Thomas is an investigator who has to find the criminals of some crimes that the police have not been able to solve. Thomas has to look for hints around the city, but the villain is very good and manages to hide his evidence well until Thomas goes to the museum he loves since he is a child to relax and can find a clue.

    After finding the clue near a statue in the museum, Thomas immediately realizes what the criminal’s next move might be. After Thomas reached the place he hid to wait for the criminal, but he kept thinking about the story between him and his father, because they never had good relations and Thomas is afraid to become a father because he does not want to be like his.

    After some time the criminal arrives, Thomas manages to catch him and unmask him, discovering that the criminal was his father, after calling the police to have him arrested Thomas receives a call from his wife learning that he will become a father.

    San Domingo, 1998
    I was walking with my father through the streets of San Domingo that summer, trying to leave behind the worst winter of our lives.
    My mom had died just before Christmas, on a business trip and, shortly after, while my dad and i were a weekend at my grandmother's house , thieves came into our house and stole her favorite statue, in addition to the moral damage we suffered one damage of over 10 millions dollars.
    The holiday in Santo Domingo was not great until we decided to go to see an art exhibition in a village not far from the capital.
    We could not believe our eyes when we saw the statue loved by our mother, right there in the exhibition in the remote village of the Dominican Republic. We immediately called the police who immediately arrived and after all checks on it gave us the statue..
    A few days later they found the person responsible for the theft, the images of his arrest were broadcast in all the televisons of the country, the images of my mother’s arrest were everywhere!
    Antonio Maresca

  19. Elena Chapelle
    Last week in Rome is happened a strange con.

    At 1:30 a.m. two men have broke the alarm system in the famous museum in the Main Street in Rome. Without any noise the two frauds have brought the ancien sculpture witch had been staying in the museum since 1850. It is well-known all over the world and it counts 1.000.000 €. The men have transported it in a big car trought the city until the end of the city center. The police hasn’t noticed them. The alarm started working only four hours later, when the frauds were out of the city.

    They were arrested the next morning, when they were selling the sculpture.
    The police discovered that they were in Rome for a journey and they were Americans.

  20. Alessio M.
    The museum

    Today, I go to my favourite museum for find something that is new. Oh, I've forgotten my presentation: I'm Jim, Jim Scrool, I'm 70 and in my career I've been a business man; 45 years ago I came here, in this museum and I meet a girl, she was fascinating and really sweet. She was cleaning in the entrance hall, it was the second time that I came here and I was wondwring how I didn't notice her the first time.

    Two months later she was my girlfriend and two years later I asked her to marry me, she said... YES!! The best day in my life!
    Unfortunatly after 33 years of marriage she died. A very bad day 10 years ago she still worked there, in the museum but now she was the guide. On his way home he had an almost fatal car accident. He was in a coma for months before dying of a heart attack.
    The worst period of my life; I ate little, almost nothing, I spent the day in hospital and the motte I did not sleep.

    Today as it was 10 years ago on her birthday, I’m standing here in front of our favorite statue, we spend hours looking at it and looking at ourselves in this museum.

  21. Debora V.


    Last summer I went on an holiday with my sister and my friends in Emilia-Romagna for about ten days. We went to the same city as ever but when we arrived we noticed that city was silent and empty. At first we didn't gave it importance but when we arrived at our house we saw somenthing strange.

    We saw some people in the street but it seemed that they couldn't see us, so we went home because we were frightened. At home we put our things in our room and then we look out of the window and we saw that there weren't a person at sea even if it was summer.

    After evening we decided to go out to check if something was changed but we saw that nothing different happen from that morning. At a certain point some guys started following us, so we run away; when we finally arrived we close the door quickly.

    The next morning we got up late and we decided to go to the beach; while we were walking we met lots of people that said "Good morning" to us. After ten days we returned home but we never gonna forget that summer.

  22. Alice Toya

    In a small city near London, live a man, Marcus Fryder, called by everyone Coldman because he seems to be a very cold person without feelings that walks around the city centre without talking or helping anyone.
    One day, a small museum opened in London, so he decided to visit it. When he put his first foot in the first room of the museum, something happened to him.
    At the centre of the room there was a marble statue that expressed the feeling of love. Something went inside him. He began to remember all the good memories with his wife, who died ten years before.
    He decided to give others all the love and the strength that the statue gave him. He tooks himself as a cleaning officer in the museum to see the works of art every day and started to help all the people in this city.
    He was never a bad person, he was only suffering and didn’t know how to overcome a bad event.

  23. Alessia T.
    It was Saturday and in the Louvre Museum there were guards doing the night service. It was time for a break so Ed remained to control everything while the others were eating. Ed was a night guard at the Louvre Museum, he was doing his control tour as he noticed something strange. The statue was suspicious, it seemed like it was moved a little.

    He called his colleagues and they called the police. They came short after and started to ask questions and control the museum.

    It seemed like everything was okay but then there was a sudden black out. The light came back and the officers and the guards felt relieved, but the statue was gone. They gave the alarm and searched for it everywhere. They quickly left the museum, leaving only Ed.

    When they were gone, the statue appeared again. Ed used some shadows plays to give the impression that the statue was gone but actually it was there the whole time. After successfully tricking the police and the guards he had the time to steal it.
    They all came back and instead of the art there was a big question mark on the floor.  Will the thief steal again?
