3A RIM Assignment on 11th January 2021

1) ๐Ÿ‘€ Look at the following writing task.

2) ๐Ÿ—ฏ Brainstorm ideas and plan your story according to the following structure:

Paragraph 1: set the scene and give the background of the story. Try to end the paragraph with some form of suspense to keep the reading going.
Paragraph 2: outline what happens, giving the main events of the story.
Paragraph 3: end the story. It is good to have a twist or surprise at the end. 

3) ๐Ÿ–‹ Write your story in about 100 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Mehdi
    the policy goes to the requested’s house, to see if ls located in the apartment, are in the car and wait for it to come out, As soon as he leaves the house the two officers go to him to declare him under arrest, but it turns out that he is not the right suspect that it is not the right suspicion but the older brother, who helped him fix and clean up the crime scene. They’ve been arrested for competition for murder, but now they’ll have to say that their older brother

  2. Emiliano.L
    In the month of a cold December, in the Middle ages was born the son of a glorius knight. The fate of this child was to become like his father. At the age of eight he began training to become a knight. He worked very hard. At the age of sixtenn he found himself involved in a battle with his father. After a short time the father was wounded a lot.
    The son took him to safety, but his father could not survive.
    The son took courage, defeat his enemies and win the battle.
    This victory he dedicated to his father.

    1. The story you have posted makes no sense. It does not fulfill any requirements.

      It looks like you have copied and pasted it from the web.

  3. Victoria C.


    Elisa and Mia are two detectives who are investigating the cause of the death of John Belt, a wealthy man from New York.

    When they find suspects, Mia decides to suspend the investigation...
    Everyone knew John and many hated him because they wanted his money and power. The search for the suspect was very difficult because everyone had a reason to kill him, after questioning a large New York neighborhood, Mia and Elisa find the culprit, Mia's twin brother.

    Despite her job, Mia decides to suspend the investigation and blames an innocent person but after 20 years the police find the brothers who had fled to Germany and put them in prison.

  4. Thomas L.


    On a beautiful sunny day, Alex White decided to go to the beach to serf.

    Arrived on the beach I find it deserted. After a while Alex decides to go into the water and after a few minutes he saw a black shadow pass behind him, he did not understand what it was but after a few seconds .....

    A shark turns his serf board and drops him into the water where Alex came face to face with a four meter shark, but after a scream the shark left.

    The next day he read in the newspaper that a shark had been sighted the day before his meeting and therefore the beach was deserted for that reason.

  5. Veronica G.
    Carolina lives in a quiet town with her husband Jacob and their two children. She is a housewife looking after her children and he is a thief. Carolina believes that her husband is a partner in an automobile company, in fact he is always very busy. One day Jacob steals something owned by a very dangerous company and doesn't know that he will get into trouble.

    The company looks for Jacob and soon they find his home. Arriving in front of Jacob and Carolina's house they enter, but they find only Carolina and their two children. Olivia, the person who has to retrieve the item, kidnaps Carolina so that Jacob could return what he had stolen.

    Carolina is very scared because she didn't know what was happening and she is tied up in a company garage. Jacob returns the object because if he hadn't done it, his wife would have died. At the end Carolina and Jacob return to her house and he explains all this to her.

  6. Nicolรฒ M.
    John and Mark are two friends and one day they decided to go to the mountains. Arrived at their destination, the 2 ate lunch, without knowing that shortly afterwards, they would become heroes... A Mark, while taking the sandwich from the bag of the pick-nick, the phone fell into a ravine and the 2 immediately ran to look for it. John, after 20 minutes of searching, found the phone and after getting up in front of him, he found a huge cave with historical paintings. The 2 immediately called some friends of him to come and admire the fantastic discovery!!

  7. Emiliano.L.
    Two police inspector are investigating the disappearance of a person. They're thinking it was a kidnapping, because the cameras of security see a man wandering around the house the day of the kidnapping. A night the policewomen decide to go to the house of the kidnapped man and hide behind a bush. Suddendly they see a man coming out from behind a house.......

    This man go in the house of kidnapped man thinking of being alone. When he enters the police sneak into the house and risk capturing him.

    Finally take the thief and take him to the barracks to interrogate him and find out where he had taken the kidnapped man. The robber is imprisoned an the man returned to live in his house

  8. Mattia B.
    Amelia is a detective, Elisabeth was, she is out of action.
    Not being able to call the authorities, because it was a secret case, Amelia calls her trusty ex partner, Elisabeth, for find out the case.
    Once in the car Amelia explained the case to Elisabeth...it was all about finding out who helped escape half the world's most dangerous prisoners.
    The day before Amelia, she had installed a micrcrochipp under the suspect's car before calls Elisabeth.
    While they pointing more and more to the location indicated by the microchip, once arrived they they did not find him, but only the microchip, apparently the suspect was the right one, but for this time he managed to cheat them and even escape...

  9. Monetti A.

    Yesterday, my mum and I were in car. Sha was accompanying me to school because I lost the bus. She was a little angry for that because she was on her way to work with her colleague. At certain point my mum bracked abruptly...

    There was a big accident in front of us: Two car and one bike had collided! Behind us was arriving the ambulance. The cyclist broked his arm and the drivers, their heads were bleeding! The bike was destroyed and one of the two cars broked his glass and three tires!

    My mum took another route to school. I got to school and found I had a history test. I hadn’t studied!! After 10 minutes I heard a voice who said “wake up darling”
    It’s my mum! It was all a dream!

  10. Roberta F.
    On a hot june day, Kate and Mia are going to an important working meeting that they can't miss. The two girls are very nervous because it's an important opportuny for their carrer.
    Suddenly, they hear a very strong fear and a blow to the back of the car.They notice that a car collided with theirs and they understand that they can't go to meeting. Kate call immediately her director and she explains to him what happened. He answers that they're having serious connection problems so it'll be reschedule.
    Finally Kate and Mia decide to call for help and they return at home.

    1. A SETBACK
      (I forgot to write the title)

    Two friends and a betrayal
    Nancy a girl married with Jecob, one day she was at home and waiting his husband Jacob for the dinner, but he arrives 1 hour late and so she gets suspicious because him in 20 years of marriage he never arrived late
    So the next day Nancy decides to follow him and to follow him she calls her best friend Betty.

    When the friends were in the car to follow Jacob, Betty said to Nancy that she told her that he wasn't right.
    While they followed him he stopped the car and parked in front of a house, he entered.
    So the two friends hid in the car and waited.
    After 20 minutes he went out with a lady, they said goodbye and embraced, then he got in the car and went to work.
    While Nancy was crying and Betty was angry, they went home.

    When he went home she was stunned, her husband had made a picture of them together for her and said that a girl who lived near them had made him.
    But Nancy had already broken all the clothes and everything that belonged to Jacob, making him a nice surprise too.

  12. Alessandro D.
    It's Independence Day, it's an important day for the american people, but they don't know what's about to come.
    All people celebrate with their families, also the president, but that day,kidnapped his wife.
    all american people were scared for her and for the president.
    the thief of people were a black women, her name is Sandra.
    Sandra had no family and no job, he just needed the money.
    All the police units were looking for his wife, but Sandra wasn't scared.
    He was driving around in her stolen black Suv with the windows down. All people can saw the first lady.
    When the police found the stolen car, it was late.
    Sandra had killed the first lady and and then committed suicide, or at least, that’s what people know....

  13. Simone Q.

    Carla and Maria are two thieves who are planning how to steal in one of the most famous jewelers in Paris.

    Unfortunately, in the street where the jewelry is located, a great fire broke out, so the two thieves change their plans to carry out the theft. Then they get out of the car and, seeing the confusion, they enter the street on foot and taking advantage of the chaos, they enter the jewelry and steal the most precious jewels.

    When everything seemed to go well, the two thieves at the exit, find the police and are arrested.

  14. Sofia B.

    it's july, and it's hot outside, infact the car windows are lowered, Reachel and Isabel are two business women, and and they are going to a meeting. This meeting it's very important because they could receive a promotion.
    they are talking about what could happen. the woman who's driving it's very positive about that. while her friend has some doubts.
    But she calm down soon after.
    in the end, they understand that they don'y have to worry in advance.
    they are worked hard and hope to be rewarded for this, and to know it they just need to wait.

  15. Longo G
    It's summer, there is a great sun, the blonde woman's clock was stolen the pursuit has started.
    The thief is very fast, it goes left and right very quickly, the driver comes to the thief and starts shooting at the wheels of the car,
    The thief gets out of the car and enters a small shop of a mechanic,
    the girls chase him, but immediately upon entering the doors close and a black bag is placed over the girls' heads
    The two girls woke up in a large dark room, with 2 tall guys nearby

    Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl and a country boy, this guy was in love with her to the point of giving life in order to marry her. But we all know that a beautiful girl will never marry a guy like that. 2 years passed and Noah, the boy, never stopped thinking about Ellie, the beautiful girl. One day noah passing through a street in the forest meeting a witch, this made them a spell in which it made it become more beautiful and richer. As soon as noah saw himself in the mirror he immediately stepped up and went to ellie's, ellie got in love with this beautiful boy and they decided to get married. The witch, however, cursed the boy, in fact every day that passed with his love, it became seem weaker, until Noah could no longer get out of bed. Ellie not knowing what to do, donates her life to the boy, through the witch, and that's how Noah lived happy and healthy, or almost!

  17. Arianna.B.

    In a parking lot of a hotel is parked a car with two women inside who are intent on spying on someone. This is Carly and her best friend Cat who, for days now, have been following Carly’s boyfriend, because after well-founded suspicions of the woman want to catch him in the act with the mistress. Carl, the man in question, was acting strangely, told his friend Carly, came home very late, went out very early and didn’t pay any more attention to her. So they followed him and waited to see him with another woman. After a short time Carly sees Carl enter the hotel and go up to the rooms, so she decides to follow him and when she sees the door closing after him she has almost tears in her eyes. She decides to confront him, but when Carl opens the door, Carly realizes that she was preparing the room for the proposal. Finally they declared their wedding happy.

  18. Manuel G.
    A trip through time
    In 1967 a family went on holidays in a small village of Indians, that was in Canada.A that period of the year it snowed a lot and the temperature were very low, but this family decided to go anyway.
    When they arrived in that village of indians they met the boss of the indians who told them to go to the a hut near of his hut and told them that it would be their home for 2 weeks.In this 2 weeks without phone and internet this family has traveled trough time thanks to the experiences lived with the indians who have always been used to living like this.
    When the family returned home they appreciated how the life is fun without internet and phone even they tought that without phone it was a boring holiday.

  19. Giulia C.
    Brad was a very young boy, he was 21 years old and lived with his girlfriend Rachel and his three-year-old son Tom. Brad is a very smart boy but, due to the unexpected arrival of his son, he dropped out of school to look after Tom, because Rachel was working early in the morning until dinner time and there was no one to look after the child.
    One day on her way home from work, Rachel had a very serious accident and lost her life. Brad, overwhelmed by the pain of what had happened, ran out of savings in a short time and found himself homeless. The boy and his son found themselves sleeping in the car.
    After a few weeks on his way to take his son to school, he saw a job advertisement for brokers of a company made up of people who lived in luxury thanks to this job.
    So Brad decided, for his and his son’s future, to attend three-month courses without getting paid.
    Only one in 50 people can get the job. Despite his precarious situation, Brad decided to study night and day until, after three months, he made the selection and got the job. His life out of the blue had a twist and finally he and Tom could have the life they dreamed of.
