3B RIM Assignment on 11th January 2021

1) 👀 Look at the following writing task.

2) 🗯 Brainstorm ideas and plan your story according to the following structure:

- Title
- Paragraph 1: set the scene and give the background of the story. Try to end the paragraph with some form of suspense to keep the reading going.
- Paragraph 2: outline what happens, giving the main events of the story.
- Paragraph 3: end the story. It is good to have a twist or surprise at the end. 

3) 🖋 Write your story in about 100 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Greta D.
    daughter or not?
    this is a story about a family that is made of a father, a mother and a little girl.
    Emily was born on 30th October 2016 and we think she is the daughter of Cristine and Joan.
    Joan is a South-American man and he is married with Cristine, a New York lawyer’s. One day she is called to defend a man, Dylan, accused of murder and once the process is finished they came out for a cafe .
    since that day , they start a relationship and shortly after , she became pregnant but she didn’t know who is the father.
    when Emily was born , Cristine saw that her skin was white, so she could be daughter of Joan or Dylan. Therefore Cristine decided to do a DNA test and she found that the father was Dylan so she must had to tell Joan the truth.
    Cristine is a famous lawyer so the photo over this post was made by journalists when the scandal came out.

  2. NANCY D.

    Double identity
    Ashley is a 35 years old girl who hides a big secret, in fact she has two identities. During the day she is a normal art teacher named Ashley, while at night she turns into Eleonor, a professional thief.
    Ashley has never been exposed ,until she meets Marcus and Léon, two police officers, who will complicate her life.
    The two policemen are in fact looking for the thief who is stealing in all the houses in Miami,so Ashley not to arouse suspicion decides to make both men fall in love with her.Ashley is engaged simultaneously with both Léon and Marcus, without being discovered. By doing so, Ashley can continue to steal without being discovered, but as time goes on, she begins to truly fall in love with both policeman.But one day, while she was going to school, Ashley finds Marcus and Léon staring at her with a disgruntled look, and at that moment she realizes that they have discovered her double identity.

  3. Alessandra P.
    The policemen and the businessman
    Jake is a man who since che was a chill wanted to be a policemen to catch bad people. When he relized his dream he immediately starts to investigate and catch thieves and criminals. One day a businessman call the police because someone had stolen the man's wallet. Then Jake intervenes and searches in many areas of the city some clues to find the person of the theft. They have localized the person in a park and when they went at place they were amazed because the person with the wallet was a child. The businessman realized the condition of the child so he gave him some money.

  4. Giada P.
    Daiana works as a detective in Los Angeles, and is well known. She is one of the best detectives in her field along with Tommy, her best friend, and they usually work in pairs.
    Daiana and Tommy are assigned very difficult and complicated cases, and in the penultimate case they risked dying from a fire in the building where they were looking for evidence.
    Today, 24 February 2021, the new case for the two was to find the perpetrator of celebrity of the young girl’s crime; They were on the path of truth when…
    …A black off- road vehicle passes by them, on the street where the murder took place, and fires with a pistol in the chest of detective Daiana.
    Will she be able to survive?

    In this story there are two best friends who imitate an argument in the car.
    The two best friends are called Sara and Lucia.
    At some point Lucia has to go to the bathroom and then asks Sara’s dad to stop the car.
    After some time, Sara’s dad not seeing the girls come back decides to go find them.
    Sara then tells her dad that she killed Lucia for the argument by throwing her off the bridge.
    Sara’s parents then start thinking about how to defend her daughter trying not to understand the daughter’s guilt.
    Lucia’s father wants to talk to Sara to know if she knows anything about the daughter, but Sara’s parents do everything to prevent them from meeting.
    Sara’s parents then decide to kill Sara’s dad.
    The next day, however, Lucia shows up at Sara’s house saying that Sara had helped her to meet her boyfriend by pretending to have killed her.

  6. Andrea R.
    John is an ex marine soldier, but because of a conspiracy set up by his bosses when he was in the marine and his ex best friend bob, his family was killed. John initally was upset, but after discovering the conspiracy he just wanted one thing: revenge. He didn't know at the time that Bob was involved too, but when he found out he didn't spare him either, holding him the most responsible, as he had chosen money over friendship. After completing his revenge John paused to think, and realized that all this has been in vain, as what he had done had not brought back his family.

  7. Camilla T.
    It was two o'clock at night, and a kidnapping had happened in Mrs. Medlock's house, Detective Bond's cell phone was ringing, it was Mrs. Medlock asking for help, she suddenly woke up, but suddenly the call fell and screams could be heard in the distance.
    The detective in the while he called a colleague to help him, they headed as fast as possible to the house, but it was too late, the lady was already dead.
    Near her were a pearl necklace that belonged to her and a gray patch that did not belong to her, later the detective saw a note with the words: "wanted for killing", then she went back inside and asked who was inside the house during the murder, a waitress who worked there told him that there were only her and one of her nieces acquired, that since she died the lady had not been seen again.
    Later, the detective saw blood stains and a gray patch hole on the waitress's apron, he tried to stop her but she ran away.

  8. Sofia .F
    Berlin 2006, Miriam Nielsen a young high school girl,began her career in opera singing, thanks to the young Swedish tenor Sebastian Schmidt. Together they will perform some of the most famous operas in the world. Miriam is very close to her brothers: Michel a young police officer (the one to the left of the photo) and Gabriel a teacherof psychology (the one to the right) are willing to do anything for the happiness of her younger sister.This photo however, was taken on February 18, the two brothers were spotted in a rather suspicious scene... The person to whom she is very close and secretely in love, is her friend Lukas, ready to defend and protect her. In 2015, Miriam suddenly retires to become a police officer after the alleged disappearance of her sister-in-law Livia caudes by the serial killer Kevin. Miriam has not been able to forget that impossible love... The young policemen together with the help of Sebastian, the king of the opera, begin the hunt for the killer.

  9. Nicolò L.
    Kevin is a 32-year-old African American from Miami who has just joined the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration). He works with Tom against drug trafficking between Miami and Colombia.
    Tom is 44 years old, he has been fighting drugs for many years but without success. Finally with the arrival of Kevin they manage to intercept many kilograms of cocaine from colombia, but things don't change.
    Tom realizes that the kilograms of cocaine from Colombia are not decreasing but increasing more and more.
    One day Tom intercepts a 20-year-old boy who was carrying cocaine. he decides to question him and discovers that the cocaine was from Colombia. The boy decides to collaborate and names the person who ran the cocaine trade in Miami. Tom is happy but also disappointed, because according to the boy, kevin is the person who manages the drug trade

  10. Giulia.D
    my daughter's stalker.
    this story is about Carola a 17 year old girl.
    carola di lei lives with her family made up of her father Luca, her mother Agata and her sister Lucia.
    a few days ago Carola had realized she was being chased by a stranger.
    wherever he went he was there, but until that evening she Carola hadn't worried, she thought they were coincidences.
    one evening Carola's parents go out and go she is her best friend, they stay at home.
    the two girls were watching a movie, but at one point they hear a strange noise coming from the garden.
    then her friend Carola gets up to see what it was.
    A few minutes pass and her friend has not returned yet.
    then carola goes to see her and sees her friend passed out, and she finds the boy who has followed her everywhere.
    she screams at her in fear and he closes his mouth with his hand and tells her she must shut up.
    Meanwhile, Carola's friend wakes up and she asks for help.
    and she goes to wake up the neighbor who was a policeman named Nicolas.
    Nicolas breaks down Carola's door, takes the unconscious girl and stops Carola the thief, the story is published in the newspaper where the photo of the policeman with the thief is placed.

  11. Denis D.
    The murder
    This story is set in Los Angeles. Jack is a married writer with two daughters. One day, when Jack arrived home, he found his daughter dead on the floor. Three days later, it turned out to be murder.
    He is called to trial with his wife and daughter, they ask questions and Jack begins to suspect because they were weird and not sad. After months, Jack continues his life as a writer and publishes 3 books. One day, as usual, he returned home and also found his wife dead at the same spot where his daughter was killed. The trial is repeated, and they find no evidence of who might have done it. Months later, he also finds his last daughter on the ground. 3 Years later it was revealed that he killed all his family, but he didn’t remember anything.

  12. Valerio M.
    The handshake
    A famous businessman called Jeff, is working on a environmental project that will change the word, starting from the agricultural sector.
    The proceeds of his work, are over the immagination, so he decides to give all the money to the no-profit associations, all over the world.
    One evening, an ex veteran of the marines is watching over the window, looking at the big house in front of his, while he's listening to music. He see a strange man, wearing black clothes, moving with suspicion in the house.
    Before his donation, in the same stormy evening, Jeff gets hit in the head, from behind, while he's at home. Mafia as captured him!
    The veteran comes out of the window and before the car starts, he knocks out the criminal.
    Then, the two men join hands and become friends.

  13. Sabrina M.
    They are two policemen, they aren’t friends, and they have no passions in common, except that of justice.
    One of the two is called Joseph, while the other man calls himself Sniper, nobody knows anything about him.
    We are in Brooklin, in 2025.
    The two policemen have been assigned the case of a Swedish scammer who with his cunning takes possession of several very important companies.
    The treacherous hires a hitman to kidnap Sniper's sister, and then kill her.
    Sniper has nothing more to lose, because he only had his sister left. For a moment he considered quitting.
    Joseph convinces him to stay to find the culprit and punish him.
    It will not be easy to find it, because it hides in a very isolated place, he hides and works from the internet, and if he has to leave the house he disguises himself. But thanks to the complex actions on the internet Joseph succeeds to find the position of the place.
    As soon as the two policemen arrive they unmask the face of the culprit, it is their ex-colleague!
    Sniper doesn’t resist and pulls the trigger, to claim his dead sister.

  14. Francesco P.
    The precious object
    Roman is an ex-pilot under house arrest. He made a deal with Carter to recover a precious object lost from Carter, a police chief, in exchange for his freedom.To do this Roman needs a teammate, and in the scene you can see Roman and Carter as they watch Eddie's arrive, his teammate.
    They go with their car to a car wrecker, where they find the object in a car.
    After returning from Carter, Roman is framed and he discovers that Carter isn't a police chief and Eddie is his collaborator, so Roman is arrested by the police for violating house arrest.

  15. Ilaria G.
    The pursuit
    In 2015, a dangerous motorcycle gang takes possession of an Illinois city, committing numerous crimes. Soon the two county cops discover the two main gang leaders and a real chase begins between them. To unmask the two gangsters, the policemen set up a mission to catch them and arrest them while they carry out an illegal act, namely a bank robbery, of which they had learned thanks to a policeman infiltrated in the motorcycle gang. Arriving at the bank on the day of the shot, the two policemen are discovered and their mission too, so a shooting opens and all the motorcyclists try to escape, but without good results. in the end,the mission is completed and the two bikers are arrested, but the younger policeman loses his life in the shooting.

  16. Alessia V.

    The memory in the drawer

    A man of 59 years old named Leonard had an accident when he was 38 he was in a coma for months and when he woke up he lost his memory Leonard has a wife who has always been close to him, they had a daughter, Beth. his own life and moved on, but every day he tried to find information about the life he has forgotten. One day Beth was looking for her game and, looking in her mother's drawers, she found a photo of her father with another man, taken before he made the accident. He calls his father and shows him the photo and asks if he remembered who the man was. Leonard doesn't remember anything in the drawer to look for something else. He saw a letter, in which it was written that the man was his brother, who died in the accident. His wife did not tell him the truth so as not to make him feel bad.

  17. Gabriele P.
    Every newspapers talk about the most important and most uncertain transfer ever of a basketball player. The champion Tom Smith who has been stopped for more than a year with a knee injury. He is just passed from the Boston Celtics to Los Angeles Lakers. President Trevor Johnson hopes that Tom Smith, despite having been out for more than a year, will be able to return to his pre-injury. Tom's first match with the new team is in a few days everyone is waiting to see Tom on the court to know if he will still be the Tom of the past or a new Tom, but the experts are not optimistic. At the end of the season the shot of Tom are impressional.

  18. Luca P.
    In 2009,one year later the economic crisis,John,a rich Floridian imprenditor,met Adam,a Nigerian boy.They knew each other thanks to a journalistic announcement where Adam searched a job.
    They went to a restaurant for lunch and they talked about the company of John.Adam was very amazed for John’s project and he asked him to collaborate and become one of the partners of the company.After signing the contract Adam moved to Miami with his family and he started to work hard.
    Today,their company is one of the most important in the USA and this is a story that explains how believe in ourself.

  19. Jean Nicolò L.
    Life changed
    This is the story of a boy named jack, a 2 year old boy who lives in New York.
    Jack is a very poor boy forced to steal in order to survive.
    In Jack's footsteps there were 2 New York policemen Tony and Kevin, these two cops got anonymous news about an upcoming jack shot.
    Jack didn't know that night outside the shop he had to rob were the 2 policemen.
    When he left the shop I find the 2 policemen in front and he started running, he managed to escape and hide.
    He understood that he could no longer stay there, took all his things and managed to get on a transport boat.
    This boat would take him to the Philippines where with the few savings she had she managed to open a shop and change her life completely.
