Topics you have to study for the oral test:
  • Prehistoric architecture (cf pp 218, 219)
    • megalithic architecture
    • the most famous megalithic structure in England, i.e. Stonehenge
    • other prehistoric sites in Britain
  • Roman heritage in Britain (cf notes and pp 226, 227)
    • cities and towns
    • road system
    • buildings, i.e. Hadrian's Wall and forts 
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Architecture in Medieval Britain (cf notes, pp. 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236 extra worksheet on Lady Chapel and Poets' Corner) 
    • English Gothic architecture
    • an example of Gothic cathedral in the UK, i.e. Westminster Abbey in London
    • Norman architecture (-> here the slides shown in class)
    • two examples of Norman castles, i.e. Dover Castle and Windsor Castle
    • half-timbering building technique
    • black and white half-timbered houses in Chester and York
  • Renaissance architecture in Britain (cf notes, p. 238)
    • the Renaissance
    • Pietro Torrigiano and Hans Holbein as those who brought the new ideas of the Renaissance to Britain
    • Inigo Jones as the responsible for introducing the classical architecture of Rome to Britain
    • Inigo Jones's works in England
    • Hampton Court Palace in Surrey, England
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Baroque architecture (cf notes, pp. 240-241)
    • what factors influenced the development of the Baroque building style
    • Christopher Wren as one of the English prominent Baroque architects
    • Saint Paul's Cathedral in London
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Georgian architecture (cf notes, p. 242)
    • townhouse as a typical Georgian building
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Gothic Revival (cf notes, p. 243)
    • Augustus Pugin as a leading figure in the English Gothic Revival
    • the Palace of Westminster and Tower Bridge in London
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Neoclassicism (cf notes, p. 243)
    • Robert Adam as an important figure in the English Neoclassicism
    • the British Museum, Mansion House and the Royal Opera House in London
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Norman Foster (cf notes, pp. 256-257)
    • his life
    • his most famous works: the British Museum, the Millennium Bridge, 30 St Mary Axe, Wembley Stadium
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Frank Lloyd Wright (cf notes, pp. 248-249)
    • his life
    • his most famous work: the Guggenheim Museum in New York (-> here the slides shown in class)
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Frank Gehry (cf notes, pp. 258-259)
    • his life
    • his most famous works: Richard B. Fisher Center, Ray and Maria Stata Center, Walt Disney Concert Hall, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao (-> here the slides shown in class)
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Richard Rogers (cf notes, pp. 254-255)
    • his life
    • one of his most famous works: the Millennium Dome
-> Here the slides shown in class.

The rubric which will be used for the assessment of your oral test can be downloaded here.

4 SIA Activities on 17th December 2018

Choose the activities that best interest you.
  • ACTIVITY 1: Let's watch a video in which four Premier League players talk about the sorts of films they like.
Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. First, watch the video. Then do task 1, task 2, task 3 and task 4.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 2: Let's watch a video about the London Film Museum and find out about the facilities for making film in the UK.
Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. First, watch the video. Then do task 1, task 2, task 3 and task 4.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 3: Let's listen to a girl talking about her love for horror films.
Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then listen to the audio. Next do task 1.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 4: Let's listen to two people talking about what film they want to see.
Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then listen to the audio and do the two exercises to check your understanding.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 5: Let's revise vocabulary related to the cinema industry.
Go to www.esl-lounge.com. Then, do the vocabulary exercise.

  • ACTIVITY 6: Let's read an article about the Cannes Film Festival.
Go to www.esolcourses.com. First, read the text to get a general idea. Then read the text again and answer the multiple-choice questions.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 7: Let's read an article about the BAFTA awards.
Go to www.esolcourses.com. First, read the text to get a general idea. Then read the text again and answer the multiple-choice questions.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

4A CAT Activities on 14th December 2018

  • ACTIVITY 1: Let's discover the world of pop-up galleries.
Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org. First, watch the video. Next go to the tasks section and do the activities.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 2: Let's understand more about artistic creativity in Great Britain.

Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then, watch the video and do the two exercises to check your understanding.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 3: Let's discorver street art in Belfast.

Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then, watch the video and do the two exercises to check your understanding.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

  • ACTIVITY 4: Let's listen to a 5-year-old kid explaining art to professional art critics.

Go to learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org. First, do the preparation task. Then, watch the video and do the two exercises to check your understanding.

If you need help, you can ask your teacher at any time.

3A CAT Follow-up activities

Choose the activities that best suit your needs.

Did you got a good mark in the reading comprehension test? Practise and improve your reading skills here.

  1. Choose a topic.
  2. Follow the instructions.
  3. Do the activities suggested.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3.

Did you got a bad mark in the reading comprehension test? Practise and improve your reading skills here

  1. Choose a topic.
  2. Follow the instructions.
  3. Do the activities suggested.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3.

4A CAT Activities on 7th December 2018

Watch the video in which four Premier League players talk about the sorts of films they like.

Go to learnenglish.britishcouncil.org and do task 1, task 2, task 3 and task 4.

4A CAT Follow-up activities

Choose the activities that best suit your needs.

Reading Practice at B1 level

Have a look at the following activities if you want to do some practice and improve your reading skills:
  • Task type: three-option multiple choice. 
    • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.

Listening Practice at B1 level

Have a look at the following activities if you want to do some practice and improve your listening skills:

  • Task type: three-option multiple choice 
    • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.

4A CAT Preparation for the Skills Tests

Choose the activities that best suit your needs.

Reading Practice at B1 level

Have a look at the following activities if you want to do some practice and improve your reading skills:
  • Task type: true/false. 
    • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
  • Task type: four-option multiple choice.
    • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.

Listening Practice at B1 level

Have a look at the following activities if you want to do some practice and improve your listening skills:

  • Task type: multiple choice. 
    • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
  • Task type: gap-fill.
    • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
  • Task type: true/false.
    • Click here for exercise 1. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.
    • Click here for exercise 2. Read the instructions carefully before doing any activity.

5B CAT ENGLISH TEST on Tue. 27th November

PAPER 1 : TEST on your skills in listening. A mark will be given out of 10. Click here to do some practice.

PAPER 2: MINI-TEST on your knowledge related to the history of architecture. A mark will be given out of 4.
Topics you have to study for the test:
  • Renaissance architecture in Britain (cf notes, p. 238)
    • the Renaissance
    • Pietro Torrigiano and Hans Holbein as those who brought the new ideas of the Renaissance to Britain
    • Inigo Jones as the responsible for introducing the classical architecture of Rome to Britain
    • Inigo Jones's works in England
    • Hampton Court Palace in Surrey, England
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Baroque architecture (cf notes, pp. 240-241)
    • what factors influenced the development of the Baroque building style
    • Christopher Wren as one of the English prominent Baroque architects
    • Saint Paul's Cathedral in London
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Georgian architecture (cf notes, p. 242)
    • townhouse as a typical Georgian building
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Gothic Revival (cf notes, p. 243)
    • Augustus Pugin as a leading figure in the English Gothic Revival
    • the Palace of Westminster and Tower Bridge in London
-> Here the slides shown in class.
  • Neoclassicism (cf notes, p. 243)
    • Robert Adam as an important figure in the English Neoclassicism
    • the British Museum, Mansion House and the Royal Opera House in London
-> Here the slides shown in class.

4 SIA Assignment "Describe a Painting"

Prepare an oral presentation of the painting assigned to you, supported by some visual aids.

Your 5-minute presentation must

  • introduce the painting by giving some information on it e.g. the title, the painter, the museum in which it is on display
  • describe the painting, by following the 6 steps below
Step 6: GIVE YOUR IMPRESSIONS AND OPINIONS on how the painting makes you feel

Use some visual aids to support your description of the painting e.g. you can create a paper poster or a poster by using Piktochart. Here a tutorial for you:

Here the rubric which will be used to assess your oral test.

3A CAT H/W for Mon. 12th November 2018

Click here to download a worksheet related to "the Present Perfect Simple with the adverbial phrase of time introduced by for/since". Then, print it.
  1. Paste the worksheet into your English notebook in the Use of English section.
  2. Study the grammar rules, highlight the most important ones and stick them in your mind.
  3. Do the exercises to check whether you have understood or not.
  4. Bring your homework to school on Mon. 12th November 2018.

5B CAT BBC Documentary about Renaissance in Britain (episode 1)

Art historian Dr James Fox makes the case for a singularly British renaissance, telling the stories of the artists and artisans who changed Britain forever.

5B CAT Lady Chapel and Poets' Corner in Westminster Abbey, London

Click here to download the worksheet. Print and paste it into your English notebook (in the Skills section).

5B CAT REVISION / REMEDIAL WORK related to the history of architecture PART 1

  1. Have your coursebook and notebook close at hand.
  2. Download the worksheet and paste it into your notebook (in the Skills section).
  3. Complete the worksheet by checking the info required in both your coursebook and notebook.
  4. Hand it in on Tue. 6th November for feedback.

1A AFM H/W for Wed. 31st October

  1. Download the images which represent everyday activities and the images which represent free-time activities.
  2. Print the images in black and white.
  3. On a blank sheet paper on your notebook in the Use of English section, write a heading for each group of words/phrases.
  4. Cut the cards and paste them into your notebook in the Use of English section to create your own pictionary related to everyday activities and free-time activities.
  5. Write under each card the word/phrase which best describes it. Use one of the words/phrases below:
get up - go to sleep - sleep - take a shower - take a bath - wash my face - brush my teeth - shave - put on make up - comb my hair - brush my hair -  get dressed - get undressed - make the bed - clean the house - do the ironing - do the washing-up - do the laundry - walk the dog - feed the cat - feed the baby - go to work - go to school - take the bus to school - go to work - drive to work - go to the supermarket - leave work - get home - work - study -  make breakfast - make lunch - make dinner - have breakfast - have lunch - have dinner

relax - swim - play basketball - read a book - listen to music - listen to the radio play cars - exercise - write a letter - use the computer - play the piano - play the guitar - play - plant flowers - raad the newspaper - watch TV

Assignment "Write a Short Story in 140-190 words"

Here the rubric which will be used to assess the short stories.

5B CAT ENGLISH TEST on Tue. 30th October

PAPER 1 : TEST on your skills in reading. A mark will be given out of 10. Click here to do some practice.

PAPER 2: MINI-TEST on your knowledge related to the history of architecture. A mark will be given out of 4.
Topics you have to study for the test:

  • Prehistoric architecture (cf pp 218, 219)
    • megalithic architecture
    • the most famous megalithic structure in England, i.e. Stonehenge
    • other prehistoric sites in Britain
  • Roman heritage in Britain (cf notes and pp 226, 227)
    • cities and towns
    • road system
    • buildings, i.e. Hadrian's Wall and forts 
  • Architecture in Medieval Britain (cf notes, pp. 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236 extra worksheet on Lady Chapel and Poets' Corner) 
    • English Gothic architecture
    • an example of Gothic cathedral in the UK, i.e. Westminster Abbey in London
    • Norman architecture
    • two examples of Norman castles, i.e. Dover Castle and Windsor Castle
    • half-timbering building technique
    • black and white half-timbered houses in Chester and York

1A AFM H/W for Fri. 28th September

Click here to download a worksheet related to prepositions of place. Then, print it.
  1. Study the grammar rules, highlight the most important ones and stick them in your mind.
  2. Do the exercises to check whether you have understood or not.

Assignment "A Museum of Me"

Create your own "Museum of Me":
  • choose 5 pictures that mean something to you (e.g. your interests, past experiences, aspirations and dreams) and make them into a poster collage,
  • prepare a unique presentation and be ready to exchange info about you.
Here the rubric which will be used to assess the oral test for students attending 2C AFM & 3A CAT.
Here the rubric which will be used to assess the oral test for students attending 4A CAT, 4 SIA & 5BCAT.

Main Info English Classes 2018-2019


1) Stand up and say "good morning" when the teacher steps into the class (do not chew gum, do not put make-up on, do not wear caps).
2) Keep your desk tidy.

3) Bring materials to class & complete assignments.
4) Speak English in class.
5) Follow directions & raise your hand if you have a question or a comment to make - it is the only way to ensure that we ALL have an equal voice in the classroom.
6) Work hard & do your best in class and at home.

  • coursebook,
  • ring binder (or notebook) with 2 sections 1) Use of English (grammar and vocabulary) and 2) Skills,
  • pens, pencils and coloured markers.

Please download it here and read it carefully.


Summer assignments for 1D PS:
  • click here to download assignment directions.
  • click here to download directions for the remedial test in August 2018.
  • click here to download the English syllabus 2017-2018.
Summer assignments for 1D TT:
  • click here to download assignment directions.
  • click here to download directions for the remedial test in August 2018.
  • click here to download the English syllabus 2017-2018.
Summer assignments for 2D PS:
  • click here to download assignment directions.
  • click here to download directions for the remedial test in August 2018.
  • click here to download the English syllabus 2017-2018.
Summer assignments for 3D PS:
  • click here to download assignment directions.
  • click here to download directions for the remedial test in August 2018.
  • click here to download the English syllabus 2017-2018.
Summer assignments for 4D PS:
  • click here to download assignment directions.
Summer assignments for 4D TT:
  • click here to download assignment directions.

5D PS Syllabus


  • English as a Lingua Franca: the no. of people who speak English in the world and the fields in which it is used (cf worksheet “Who Speaks English?” taken from Aspects p.8)
  • Who speaks the best English in the world and why (cf worksheet “Learning English” taken from Aspects p.16)
  • The main varieties of English (British English and American English) and their areas of difference
  • What Globish is and its main characteristics (cf worksheet “If You Can’t Master English, Try Globish”)


  • Main events in Shakespeare’s life
  • The reasons why we study Shakespeare
  • Shakespeare as a Sonnet Writer: his collection of poems (the no. of poems he wrote and when it was published)
  • Sonnet CXXX: reading and analysis (cf worksheet taken from Perfomer Heritage 1 pp.112-113)
  • Shakespeare as a Playwright: his collection of plays (the no. of plays he wrote and when it was published)
  • Romeo and Juliet’s Prologue: reading and paraphrasis (cf worksheet taken from Perfomer Heritage 1 p.120)
  • The reasons why Shakespeare set most of his plays abroad (cf worksheet “Why are many of  Shakespeare’s plays set abroad?” taken from Perfomer Heritage 1 p.116)
  • What a Shakespearian theatre looks like (cf worksheet “A Shakespearian Theatre”)
  • Recent performances of Shakespeare’s plays in refugee camps


  • What Learning Disabilities are (cf worksheet “What are Learning Disabilities?” taken from Growing into Old Age p.172)
  • What the main causes of Learning Disabilities are (cf worksheet “What causes them, and how do you know it is a Learning Disability?” taken from Growing into Old Age p.173)
  • Coping with Learning Disabilities (cf worksheet “Coping with a Learning Disability” taken from Growing into Old Age p.174)
  • Several types of Learning Disabilities (Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and Dysgraphia): their causes, their symptoms, their consequences and some helping strategies at school (cf worksheets “What is Dyslexia?”, “What is Dyscalculia?” and “What is Dysgraphia?” taken from Growing into Old Age pp.176-179 and see worksheet “Learning Handwriting for a Child with Dysgraphia”)
  • Famous people with Learning Disabilities


  • The World Report on Disabilities: what it is and what it mainly states (cf video “Children with Disabilities” taken from Growing into Old Age)
  • Down Syndrome: the type of disability, the causes, how it can be diagnosed, the typical physical features of patients and their life expectancy (cf coursebook p.260)
  • Autism: the type of disability, the causes, how it can be diagnosed, the typical behaviour of patients and the cures (cf coursebook pp.264-265) 


  • Gambling: what it is, its causes, people at higher risk, and its cures (cf video “Gambling Problems in the UK” taken from Growing into Old Age)
  • Compulsive Shopping: what it is, its causes and consequences, and its treatment (cf worksheet “Compulsive Shopping and Spending” taken from Growing into Old Age p.283)
  • Tobacco Addiction
  • Health Effects of Smoking: health consequences among teenagers, young people and adults, and laws and regulations on tobacco (cf worksheet “Health Effects of Smoking among Young People” taken from Growing into Old Age pp.278-279)
  • Strategies to reduce tobacco use among young people (cf worksheet “Reducing Youth Tobacco Use” taken from Growing into Old Age p.)
  • Drug Addiction: the no. of people who take drugs regularly, the reasons why people start taking drugs, the effects of heroin and ecstasy (cf worksheet “Focus on Drugs” taken from Growing into Old Age pp.266-267)
  • Anti-drugs programmes in British schools (cf worksheet “Drugs in Schools” taken from Growing into Old Age p.271)
  • Alcoholism: what it is, the causes and consequences of drinking alcohol, the regulations in the UK and USA, some support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (cf worksheet “Fighting Alcoholism” taken from Growing into Old Age p.272)
  • Drinking alcohol among young people (cf worksheet “Alcohol and Teens” taken from Growing into Old Age pp.273-274)

Click here to have a look at some useful questions for your revision for the final exam.

Cambridge English Preliminary Exam Booster

Cambridge English Preliminary - Writing Part 1

  • please download some tailored-made activities, taken from Activating Grammar Digital Edition by Gallagher and Galuzzi
  • please do some online practice here

Cambridge English Preliminary - Speaking Part 2

  • please watch the video for some essential tips

Cambridge English Preliminary - Speaking Part 3

  • please watch the video for some essential tips

  • please download my guidelines on how to describe a picture

2D PS Preparatory Activities for the Test on 7th May 2018

Activity Menu
Unit 9

Prepare your own vocabulary list (places in town pp. 102 + notes & things in town p. 103 & problems in town p. 108 + notes). On your notebook, write down
  • the Italian word and
  • the English equivalent.
OR check that your vocabulary list is completed.

Go to p. 226 and revise how to form "be + going to + verb", then do some exercises
  • here's an exercise to practise "be + going to + verb" for intentions for the future (1)
  • here's an exercise to practise "be + going to + verb" for intentions for the future (2)
  • here's an exercise to practise "be + going to + verb" for intentions for the future (3)
AND / OR go pp. 172, 226 and revise how to form the Present Continuous tense, then do some exercises
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (1)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (2)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (3)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous tense for future arrangements (4)


Do some exercises in the use of either "be + going to + verb" or Present Continuous to talk about the future
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous / "be + going to + verb" (1)
  • here's an exercise to practise the Present Continuous / "be + going to + verb" (2)

1D PS Practice in Past Simple tense

Activity Menu


Exercise on regular and irregular verb forms of the Past Simple


Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on the Past Simple of the verb be
Exercise 1Exercise 2 and Exercise 3 on the Past Simple tense (affirmative form)
Exercise on the Past Simple tense (negative form)
Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on the Past Simple tense (interrogative form)

Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on making questions in the Past Simple tense


Test yourself with a quiz!

3D PS Practice in using some modal verbs

Activity Menu


Exercise on expressing obligation with "have/has to + base form of the verb"
Exercise on expressing lack of obligation with "do/does not have to + base form of the verb"


Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 on expressing obligation and lack of obligation
Exercise 1 , Exercise 2 and Exercise 3 on giving advice
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 and Exercise 3  on expressing obligation and prohibition
Exercise on expressing lack of obligation and prohibition

Quiz 1 about the semi modal verb "have to"
Quiz 2 about the modal verb "should"


Test 1 , Test 2 , Test 3 , Test 4 on your abilities in using modal verbs accurately.

5D PS Dossier on Hot Issues

Topic: Hot Issues

Here the dossier which contains the worksheets for our next lessons on hot issues.

To download the materials, click here. Then, print them and bring them to your English class on Tuesday, 27th March 2018.


You are allowed to attend 10-hour meetings @ Club Linguistico (first floor, language lab) to do remedial activities and improve your skills in English.

For 1D TT students:
  • create your glossary related to classroom objects and language (p. 301, 305 + notes): write the heading "classroom object and language" in a blank page of your notebook, list all the words, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • create your glossary related to the body (p. 306): write the heading "body" in a blank page of your notebook, list all the words, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • create your glossary related to the family (p. 307): write the heading "family members" in a blank page of your notebook, write the words in your notebook, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • study and do exercises about subject personal pronouns and object personal pronouns.
  • study and do exercises about the Present Simple of the verb "be" and "have got".
For 1D PS students:
  • create your glossary related to classroom objects (p. 10 + notes): write the heading "classroom object" in a blank page of your notebook, list all the words, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • create your glossary related to everyday objects (p. 14-15): write the heading "everyday objects" in a blank page of your notebook, list all the words, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • create your glossary related to hobbies and free time activities (p. 24-25): write the heading "hobbies and free time activities" in a blank page of your notebook, write the words in your notebook, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • study and do exercises about subject personal pronouns and object personal pronouns
  • study and do exercises about the Present Simple tense ("be", "have got", all verbs)
  • study and do exercises about the prepositions of time (at, in, on)
For 2D PS students:
  • create your glossary related to family members (p. 58 + notes): write the heading "family members" in a blank page of your notebook, list all the words, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • create your glossary related to feelings and character (p. 59, 80, 81 + notes): write the heading "feelings and character" in a blank page of your notebook, list all the words, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • create your glossary related to the parts of the house, furniture, the types of houses (p. 68-69 + notes): write the heading "house" in a blank page of your notebook, list all the words, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • study and do exercises about the possessive case (whose?, saxon genitive, possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns)
  • study and do exercises about the Past Simple (verb "be", regular and irregular verbs) 
For 3D PS students:
  • create your glossary related to animals (p. 90, 94): write the heading "animals" in a blank page of your notebook, list all the words, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • create your glossary related to geographical features (p. 90, 91 + notes): write the heading "geographical features" in a blank page of your notebook, list all the words, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • create your glossary related to weather conditions (p. 97): write the heading "weather conditions" in a blank page of your notebook, list all the words, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • create your glossary related to places in town and things in town (p. 102, 103 + notes): write the heading "town" in a blank page of your notebook, list all the words, learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, the translation into Italian.
  • study and do exercises about the comparative structure
  • study and do exercises about the superlative structure
  • study and do exercises about future arrangements with the Present Continuous
  • study and do exercises about intentions for the future with "be going to"
For 4D PS students:
  • do reading comprehension activities on www.ngllife.com (choose an article, select "read more", look at the glossary and the key words, read and listen to the article, and answer the questions). You must read at least 10 articles.
For 4D TT students:
  • create your glossary related to the tourism industry: write the heading "the tourism industry", list all the words (p. 13, 15, 17, 20, 21), learn the exact spelling and, if necessary, translation into Italian.
  • do reading comprehension activities on www.ngllife.com (choose an article, select "read more", look at the glossary and the key words, read and listen to the article, and answer the questions). You must read at least 5 articles.
For 5D PS students:
  • study the topics "English as an International Language" and "Shakespeare as a literary institution"

2D PS Practice in making comparisons in English

On your coursebook Get Thinking 1, complete the mind map on p 220.

To do extra practice in making comparisons with the comparative & superlative structures, have a look at

You can choose the exercises that best fit your needs.

4D PS Dossier on Addictions

Topic: Addictions

Here the dossier which contains the worksheets for our next lessons on addictions.

To download the materials, click here. Then, print them and bring them to your English class on Tuesday, 16th January 2018.

5D PS Dossier on Learning Disabilities

Topic: Learning Disabilities

Here the dossier which contains the worksheets for our next lessons on learning disabilities.

To download the materials, click here. Then, print them and bring them to your English class on Tuesday, 9th January 2018.