2A AFM HOMEWORK 18th-19th March 2020


1) Watch the following video to revise how to talk about definite future plans and uncertain future plans.

2) Write a 80-word text in which you discuss your future plans for when the Italian government's Coronavirus lockdown ends.

Write your text in an appropriate style in the comment box below by Friday 20th March 2020. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. (nancy)when the coronavirus emergency ends, I'm going to take my little brother to the playground, I'm going to do it because he likes being outdoors and it making me happy. Then I'm going to a pizzeria with my family, Why, because of this emergency,it is impossible and I'm going to see my boyfriend. Later, when school starts, I'm thinking of going to shopping with my friends,we going to buy many clothes and spend the afternoon together without having to stay 1 meter away.

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim. Good organisation of the text. Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors may impede understanding, but the overall message is clear.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "it making me happy" "Why, because of this emergency,it is impossible" "Later," "we going to"

  2. Thomas l.
    When the coronavirus emergency is ends I want to go out with my friends, and go around and have fun, the I want to go back to playing football and swimming.
    Thank I'm gong to a pizzeria with my family, when the emergency ends I want to go see my grandparents again and have a lunch with then.
    Then I want to ride a bike with my friends and finally go and cut my hair because it has become long.

    1. Acceptable achievement of the communicative aim. Quite good organisation of the text. Acceptable level of grammatical and lexical accuracy. Errors sometimes impede understanding.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "When the coronavirus emergency is ends" "the I want to go back to playing football and swimming" "Thank I'm gong" "a lunch" "a lunch" " go and cut my hair" "it has become long"

  3. nv- After quarantine I don't know exactly what I would like to do ...
    The first thing would be to hug my parents and my grandmother.
    Afterwards I would rush out to the center to meet my friends or just to see the world again.
    I could propose a trip with my family, to some beautiful city in Italy. Maybe go to Lithuania, to my city, to see my beloved uncles, with my little cousins. I would like to stay there forever, immersed in the unique nature of the north.
    I would like to go and see the sea, the quarantine in my opinion will end in the summer, with high temperatures.

    1. Full accuracy achievement of the communicative aim; the text is easily read and understood by the reader. Good organisation of the text. Appropriate range of grammatical and lexical items. Good level of accuracy.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "rush out to the center" "some beautiful city" "in the summer".

  4. Simone Q.
    My future plans for when the coronavirus block ends are: the first thing is to be able to get out and appreciate how beautiful outdoor life is. Being able to finally go to my dear maternal grandparents, give him a big hug and fill them with those kisses that I have lost in these long, terrible and difficult days. An experience that I hope to never live again in my life, and finally to be able to go back to school and resume everyday life.

  5. Gouthier
    I'm going to tell about my future plans for when the Italian government's Coronavirus lockdown ends.I'm going to go out with my friends because i haven't seen them for a long time, do shopping and go to the disco to have fun. With my family I'm going to eat a pizza and embrace my relative, for example my grandparents. I'm going to see the sea in my house in Liguria when the Coronavirus end. These things are routine but in this period I understood that they are very important for me.

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim. Good organisation of the text. Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors may impede understanding, but the overall message is clear.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "tell about "some beautiful city" "i" "do shopping" "With my family I'm going to eat a pizza" "embrace my relative" "see the sea in my house" "the Coronavirus end" "I understood"

  6. Andrea Oggero
    When the Coronavirus emergency is ends,i hope it does not increase the quarantine status for too long but i prefer to do video lessons from home.
    I will to see my friends again and go back to begin with them;i will celebrate my birthday even if a few weeks late whit my frinds, i will too see my parents from first to last and go eat whit them all,go back to playing with my team and have fun with them.

    1. Your text is difficult to follow. Errors frequently impede understanding. Poor spelling and punctuation. Very limited text organisation.

      Please do the writing task again.

  7. Before I learned about this health emergency, I was offered an stage in Switzerland in june, but it will surely be too early to cross the border,so when the coronavirus emergency ends, I am going to leave for the stage hoping that this opportunity will still exist or anyway I am going travel because now that we have to stay at home and limit the movements to the necessary I realize that the thing I miss most is just traveling.

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim. Acceptable organisation of the text. Appropriate range of grammatical and lexical items. Errors may impede understating but the overall message is clear.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "learned" "an stage" "june", "leave for" "am going travel" "to the necessary"

  8. Alberto
    The things I will do as soon as this emergency situation ends are some: the thing I miss most is to go around as before without risking anything, then for sure I will organize some party with my friends, see relatives, go back to doing sport, riding bikes. I think I've always been used to it and I've always been lucky, compared to other people in the word, and therefore I don't appreciate everything but then when things like these happen I understand how lucky I am.

  9. Nicolò Massello
    When the coronavirus emergency ends, i will immediately embrace my brother,my parents and all my loved ones.Afterwards i will go out into the courtyard to run,play football and many otherthings that i cloud do until racently.Then the school will start again,i will find teachers,classmates and above all all my friends,them i'm going a pizzeria .Finally football will start again,the sport that i love and that i will love even more when we cloud resume playing whitout staying 1 meter away.I hope to do all these things soon and that the coronavirus will end!

  10. CT- After the end of the coronavirus emergency, the first thing I will do is go and hug my relatives and grandparents. I will finally go out with my friends after a long time, I will go with my family to eat a pizza in a restaurant, I will have fun, I will go for a nice walk with my dog and I will go around the shops or the supermarket without any problem.

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim. Good organisation of the text. Good level of accuracy.

  11. (G.G.) When the quarantine end I am going to celebrate my birthday with my friends but in particular with my dad’s relatives because my cousin does 18 year the 31st of March and my grandma the 6th, than I am going to celebrate with my grandad that was born the same day of me,the 12th of March. Than I will going out with my friends in our town, after I am going to exit with friends of school and I play volleyball in my team.

    1. Good achievement of the communicate aim. Acceptable organisation of the text. Acceptable level of grammatical and lexical accuracy. Errors sometimes impede understanding.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "the quarantine end" "my cousin does 18 year" " the 6th" "than" "the same day of me" "I will going out" "exit with friends of school" "play volleyball in"

  12. E.B.
    I when this coronavirus problem i woUld Mike to visit my friends to talk a little and have fun. At the end of this strange situation i would like to go for nice bike rider in nature with maybe my friends or my family, I would amico like to go for a few motorbike rides up the Woods with my friends or my dad. I hope all of this ends soon to return to normal and everyday life.

    1. Acceptable achievement of the communicative aim. Acceptable organisation of the text. Acceptable level of grammatical and lexical accuracy. Errors sometimes impede understanding.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "I when this coronavirus problem i woUld Mike" "bike rider" "I would amico like" "I hope all of this ends"

  13. A.R.
    When the coronavirus emergency ends, I'm going to go out with my friends, then I will go to play football because I miss it so much. Then I will organise a dinner with my family to meet all of us again. I hope that this emercency will finish soon because it is a very uncomfortable situation, but I think teachers are working hard to keep us teaching.

    1. Full achievement of the communicative aim. Good organisation of the text. Good range of grammatical and lexical items. High level of accuracy.

      The following phrase has some mistakes: "keep us teaching".

  14. For the end of Coronavirus'lockdown, I'm going to spend some good time with my family and my friends. Then, I'm thinking of traveling in some quiet location of Italy, maybe with my sister. I'm spending a lot of time on the screen, so this summer I'm going to live without the smartphone for a week, for rest the eyes. I'm going to visit my father too, but I have no particular ideas. I only hope to spend a lot of time outdoors, in the nature, in total freedom.
    M. Valerio

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim. Good organisation of the text. Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors do non impede understanding.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "For the end" "traveling in" "some quiet location of Italy" " for rest"

  15. For the end of coronavirus lockdown i'm going to visit my friends and my boyfriend.In this quarantine i spend a lot time whit the mobile phone and tv.I think when we can go out i won't go home for a few days ahah.I would like to go to the cinema,go out to eat,go for shopping...
    Finally i would like to spend a lot of time with my grandparents, now i miss them and i'm afraid that something will happen to them.

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim. Appropriate organisation of the text. Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors do non impede understanding.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "For the end" "i spend" " whit the mobile phone and tv" "go out to eat" "go shopping"

  16. L.P
    The first thing will i do as soon as this nightmare will finish, it will be running to hug my grandfather. The only thing about this bad situation is that I understood how beautiful is hug people and avoid to be far from people we love. I talked about my grandfather before, beacuse he's the person I iss more than anybody else in this time and I'm really scared he can leave me.

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim. Appropriate organisation of the text. Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors may impede understanding but the overall message is clear.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "will i do", "as soon as this nightmare will finish" "I understood" "how beautiful is hug" " avoid to be far"

  17. Emiliano.L.
    when the italian government will allow us toreturn to normal life and the coronavirus will be gone,the things I want to do are: meet my friends,cycling,running and being able to embrace all my relatives and friends that in this moment of difficulty I can not meet.I hope that this tragic situation will be resolved quickly mostly for all doctors and nurses forced to work for too many hours and in costant danger....and now we have to stay at home otherwise we create many problems and risks of contagion of the virus.

  18. Francesco P.
    When this emergency will ends, i want to meet my friends, my classmates, and, especially, my grandmother. I miss a lot of things, like eat pizza and play soccer with my old classmates, and those will be the things that i will do when this pandemonium ends. I feel good in my house, but it's good to leave the house after long times like these, hoping that the quarantine will not extend beyond the summer holidays, because it would be one of the worst things.

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim. Quite good organisation of the text. Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors may impede understanding but the overall message is clear.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "When this emergency will ends", "eat pizza and play soccer" "eat pizza and play soccer"

  19. I expect that at the end of this forced quarantine few things. First, I expect my father to recover from the pneumonia he has taken. So I would like my beard to grow. Thirdly, I would like all discrimination and arrogance in the world to end. Finally, I would like to finish writing a book that I started writing in a language invented by me that a person can understand in class.

    1. Quite good achievement of the communicative aim. Good organisation of the text. Acceptable level of grammatical and lexical accuracy. Errors sometimes impede understanding.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "I expect that at the end of this forced quarantine few things." "he has taken", "So I would like" "that a person can understand in class."

  20. L.G.
    When the quarantine will ends, i think that i will resume my everyday life.
    First, i will resume to going to the gym and go out with my friends, like before the virus. If the quarantine will ends before than the school, i will resume to going to the school end to see again my friends.
    I hope that this emergency will end fastly because i hate to stay at home without all the things that i was accustomed to do.

    1. Your text is difficult to follow. Errors frequently impede understanding.

      Please do the writing task again.

  21. HU. When Coronavirus emergency ends, i hope my mother come back to us, because when the virus broke in China, she couldn't come out; when in China got "better", the virus broke in Italy so she couldn't come out again and she is worried about us. And i will go shopping, watch films and take a walk with my friends.

    1. Quite good achievement of the communicative aim. Quite good organisation of the text. Quite appropriate range of grammatical and lexical items. Errors sometimes impede understanding.

      The following phrases have some mistakes: "when the virus broke" "come out" "i will go shopping" "take a walk".
