3A RIM HOMEWORK 13th March 2020


1) Look at the following picture:

2) Refresh your memory on how to describe a picture for the B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2 by watching the video below:

3) Think about and plan the description of the photograph, following the procedure:
  • Give a general description of the scene.
  • Say what you can see in the foreground and in the background.
  • Describe people/places – you can also make some guesses.
  • Give your impressions and opinions about the scene illustrated in the picture.

4) Write your description in an appropriate style in the comment box below by Friday 13th March 2020. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Angela G.

    In this picture I can see two ladies, who are sitting around a wooden table. the table is set for more than two people and on it there are two glasses of juice, maybe, some appetizers and a basket with bread and breadsticks. this picture has been taken outdoor,indeed in the background I can see a garden and one side of the building; there are two big Windows, various types of plants and some objects for the garden. On the left I can see a woman who is wearing a white tank top, she has long, brown/blonde, wavy hair; she is talking on her phone. Instead, next to her, there is another woman, who is wearing a salmon coloured top, she may have short hair or tied behind but I can't see very well. She seems bored becuase her friend is talking on the phone and not considering her.

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim as the description is well organized and it is easy to follow. Ideas are presented in a clear and logical way.

      Content is relevant and mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding, i.e. “ladies”, “one side of the building”, “objects for the garden”, “tied behind”. Pay attention to capital letters and to the order of adjectives, e.g. “long, brown/blonde, wavy hair” should be replaced with “long, wavy, blond hair”. Here a video tutorial about it: https://youtu.be/UL-qh3-dxlo.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. Angela G.

      In this picture I can see two ladies, who are sitting around a wooden table, maybe in a hotel. The table is set for more than two people and on it there are two glasses of juice, maybe, some appetizers and a basket with bread and breadsticks.
      This picture has been taken outdoor,indeed in the background I can see a garden and two big windows.
      In the right corner there are different types of plants and an ancient vase. On the left I can see a woman who is wearing a white tank top, she has long, wavy, blonde hair; she is talking on her phone. Instead, next to her, there is another woman, who is wearing a salmon coloured top, she may have short hair or a collected hairstyle but I can't see very well.
      She seems bored becuase her friend is talking on the phone and not considering her.
      In my personal opinion, this restaurant seems like a good place for a brunch, especially on sunny days like this.

  2. Erika S.
    In this picture I can see two women sitting at a table of a restaurant or maybe an hotel.
    In the foreground I can see the table with some empty plates of ceramic and two glasses on it.
    In the background I can see three windows of glass.
    On the right I can see a plant and a black flowerpot.
    On the table of wood, I can see a lot of plates and cutlery of steel, two glasses and one basket full of bread.
    The girl on the left is wearing a grey short sweater, she has long wavy blond hair, she’s phoning to somebody and she looks happy.
    The girl on the right is wearing a red t-shirt and a black watch on her left hand. She has long blond hair collected in a hairstyle and she looks bored.
    I suppose they’re friends and maybe they are in a luxury restaurant because there are particularly chairs and windows.
    I suppose the weather is sunny because they’re wearing short clothes and maybe it's in spring or summer.
    I think that’s all.

    1. Content is relevant and fully detailed. Target reader is fully informed.

      Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. It shows some ambition. Due to it, some errors occurs in the text e.g. "an hotel", "plates of ceramic", "windows of glass", "table of wood", "cutlery of steel", "particularly chairs", "short clothes". Pay attention to the order of adjectives, e.g. “grey short sweaterr” should be replaced with “short grey sweater"”. Here a video tutorial about it: https://youtu.be/UL-qh3-dxlo.

      Adequate achievement of the communicative aim as the description is adequately organized. Ideas could be better presented in a smoother way, so that your text can flow better.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. Erika S.
      This picture has been taken outdoor, I can see two women sitting at a table of a restaurant or maybe a hotel.
      In the foreground I can see the table with some empty ceramic plates and two glasses on it. In the background I can see three glass windows. On the right I can see a plant and a black flowerpot.
      On the wooden table, I can see a lot of plates and steel cutlery, two glasses and one basket full of bread.
      The girl on the left is wearing a short grey sweater, she has long wavy blond hair, she’s phoning to somebody and she looks happy. The girl on the right is wearing a red t-shirt and a black watch on her left hand. She has long blond hair collected in a hairstyle and she looks bored.
      I suppose they’re friends and maybe they are in a luxury restaurant because there are special chairs and windows. I suppose they’re waiting for other people because I can see more than 2 plates.
      I think the weather is sunny because they’re wearing light clothes and maybe it's spring or summer.
      I think that’s all.

  3. Victoria C.
    in this picture I can see two girls who are sitting at a table maybe of a restaurant. In the foreground I can see some bread put into a bin and two glasses where there are some drinks into them. In the background there are some windows and some plants and in the right corner I can see a vase. At the bottom of the picture there is a wood table where the two girls are sat: the first has got a quite long blonde hair and she’s wearing a white shirt, she’s talking on the phone and she’s happy or maybe surprised. The second girl has the hair up and she’s wearing a red t-shirt and a clock on the right wrist and she looks sad. I guess that the second girl is unhappy because the first girl isn’t talking with her but at the phone.

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim as the description is well organized and it is easy to follow. Ideas are presented in a clear and logical way.

      Content is relevant and mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding, e.g. "of a restaurant", "bin", "a wood table", "are sat", "a quite long blonde hair", "clock", "at the phone".

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. Victoria C.

      In this picture I can see two girls who are sitting at a table, maybe a restaurant or a bar.

      In the foreground I can see some bread put into a breadbasket and two glasses where there are some drinks into them. Rather, in the background I can see some windows and some plants and in the right corner there is a vase.

      At the bottom of the picture, there is a wooden table where the girls are sitting: the first has got a long blond hair and she’s wearing a white shirt, she’s talking on the phone and she’s happy or maybe surprised.
      The second girl has the hair up and she’s wearing a red t-shirt and a watch on the right wrist and she looks sad.

      I guess that the second girl is unhappy because the first girl isn’t talking with her but on the phone!

  4. Davide A.
    in this picture I can see two girls, they are probably sisters because they look alike, they are having lunch in the garden, sitting around the table. in the background I can see three big windows and plants and one side of the building.in the foreground I see the table set there are cutlery, napkins and glasses; two glasses with two drinks, one red and one orange. the girl on the left wears a gray dress and she is talking on her phone, she looks happy. instead the other girl ,on the right, wears a red dress and looks bored or sad. i think that’s all

    1. Content is relevant and mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Appropriate range of lexical items. Limited range of grammatical items. Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "one side of the building", "I see", "the table set there are", "wears", "a gray dress". Pay attention that resent continuous is the tense that is necessary when it comes to describe a picture.

      Good achievement of the communicative aim. The description is adequately organized. Ideas could be better presented in a smoother way, so that your text can flow better.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. Davide A.
      in this picture I can see two girls, they are probably sisters because they look alike, probably they are having lunch in the garden, there are sitting on the chairs around the table. in the background I can see three big windows and plants and one part of the house.In the foreground I can see the table,there are cutlery, napkins and glasses; two glasses with two drinks, one red and one orange. the girl on the left have a white dress and she is talking on her phone, she looks happy. instead the other girl ,on the right, have a red dress and looks bored or sad. i think that’s all

  5. Debora V.

    This picture has been taken outdoor, In the middlegroun I can see two woman that are sitting around a table. One women is calling someone,becouse she has her phone near her hear and she is talking and smiling maybe becouse the person who is calling has said somenthing funy. She has long,wavy,and light brown hair with brown and small eyes; she is wearing an elegant withe tank top,and she has jewellery. The other woman has brown, straight and tied hair, she is wearing a red t-shirt and she has a colck on her arm; I think that the second girl is angry or bored because her friend isn't considering her. In the background I can see a beige house with a very big window and some trees, some grass and a black vase. In the fore ground I can see the table where on it there are two glasses of orange juice, some bread on a contenitor, some plats, cutlery and napkins. I think that they are waiting someone becouse there are other chair and plats, probably is a summer morning becouse the two woman have summer clothes, one of them has tied hair and there is much light to be afternoon. I think that they are in a garden and they are sitting under some construction; probably they are rich becouse the house behind them is very big, elegant and modern and they have a big garden. I think that's all.

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim.

      Effective organization of the text as ideas are presented in a very clear and logical way.

      Content is relevant and fully detailed. Target reader is fully informed.

      Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. It shows ambition. Errors which impede understanding sometimes occur in the text, e.g. "outdoor", "two woman", "One women", "becouse", "hear", "funy", "brown and small eyes", "withe", "brown, straight and tied hair", " a colck on her arm", "on a contenitor", "waiting someone", "are other chair", "probably is", "construction".

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. Debora V.
      This picture has been taken outdoor, in the middlegroun I can see two women that are sitting around a table. One woman is calling someone, because she has her phone near her hearand she is talking and smiling maybe because the person who is calling has said something funny. She has long, wavy and light brown hair with small and brown eyes; she is wearing an elegant white tank top, and she has jewellery. The other woman has tied, straight and brown hair, she is wearing a red t-shirt and she has a watch on her arm; I think that the second girl is angry or bored because isn't considering her. In the background I can see a beige house with a very big window and some trees, some grass and a black vase. In the foreground I can see the table where on it there are two glasses of orange juice, some bread on a container, some plants, cutlery and napkins. I think that they are waiting for someone because there are other chairs and plats, it probably is a summer morning because the two women have summer clothes, one of them has tied hair and there is much light to be afternoon. I think that they are in a garden and they are sitting under a construction; probably they are rich because the house behind them is very big, elegant and modernand they have a big garden. I think that's all

  6. Edoardo R
    In this picture i can see two women,who are outdoor, probably in a bar or restaurant.
    The woman on the left have a light brown, long,curly hair, wear a gray dress and us talking on the Phone. She seems happy and interested.
    Instead the woman on the right have a light brown , straight, long hair ; wear a Red dress and seems bored, probably because her friend is talking on the Phone.
    In the foreground i can see two glasses of juice ,many cutlery and plates on the wooden table .
    In the background i can see three big windows that reflect the garden of building

    1. Good organization of the text as ideas are presented in a clear and logical way.

      Content is relevant and mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Appropriate range of lexical items. Limited range of grammatical items. Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "outdoor", "bar", "a light brown, long,curly hair", "wear", "gray dress", "us talking", "a light brown , straight, long hair", "many cutlery", "the garden of building". As a consequence, adequate achievement of the communicative aim.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

  7. Kevin B.
    In this picture i can see two girls, i suppose they are in someone’s home garden. They are sitting in chairs around the table and drinking something, maybe some juice.
    In the foregroud is the table set, appetizers and a basket of bread.
    The girl in the lett is talking in her phone and is happy. She has curly blond hair and wears a gray t-shirt.
    The other one looking sothing and si unhappy or angry. She has brown hair and wears red t-shirt.
    In the background i can ser three windows, some plants, a vase and a part of the light brown house.It’s a sunny day.
    I thik that’s all

    1. Content is relevant and mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Limited range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "in chairs", "In the foregroud is", "in the lett", "in her phone", "wears", "gray", "The other one looking sothing ", "si unhappy", "a part of". As a consequence, acceptable achievement of the communicative aim.

      Acceptable organization of the text.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. Kevin B.
      In this picture i can see two girls, i suppose they are in someone's home garden. They are sitting on chairs around the table and drinking something, maybe some juice.
      In the foregroud there is the table set, appetizers and a basket of bread.
      The girl in the left is talking on her phone and is happy. She has curly blond hair and have a white t-shirt.
      The girl on the right looking something and is unhappy or angry. She has brown hair and have a red t-shirt.
      In the background i can ser three windows, some plants, a vase and one part of the light brown house.It's a sunny day.
      I thik that's all.

  8. Michela O.

    In this photo I see two girl. the first girl is dressed in a white dress while and she has long dark blonde hair and very long ;the second girl is dressed more sporty and she has brown hair gathered in a ponytail and keeps a watch on her left hand .They are sitting at a table maybe of a restaurant.In the background I can see which the garden and a two big Windows and are located in an outdoor restaurant.
    the first girl has a cell phone in her left hand and who speaks the second girl seems annoyed by this.
    In the foreground I can see the table with some empty plates of ceramic and is well prepared.There are a two glasses with two different types of juice.
    I think that’s all

    1. Content is relevant and mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Limited organization of the text as ideas do not progress logically and are not well connected.

      Limited range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors frequently impede understanding, e.g. "two girl", "is dressed in", "while and", "long dark blonde hair and very long", "more sporty", "hair gathered in", "keeps a watch", "see which the garden", "a two big Windows", "a cell phone", "in her left hand", "who speaks", "plates of ceramic", "well prepared", "a two glasses". As a consequence, limited achievement of the communicative aim.

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

  9. Cristina G.
    In this picture i can see two girls who are in a garden.they are sitting on two chairs.
    they are going to drink a juice, probably an orange juice.
    one girl is going to talk to the phone. she is at the left of the picture. she has long blond hair,and light skin. she wears a white t-shirt. she has a big smile on her face.
    the other girl is at the right of the picture.
    she has blonde hair, probably long, because her hair are tied up. she has light skin as the other girl. she wear a pink t-shirt. her face has a different expression as the girl at the left. she appear annoyed, probably because her friend is going to phone someone while they are togheter for do breakfast togheter.
    in the background I can see three Windows that are so big. they are white. in their reflection I can see one tree and some plants. at the left corner there is a little piece of garden, covered by grass. at the right corner i can see a blue jar. in the foreground, in front of the two grls, there is a table mades of wood. on the table, there is a chest of bread, some plats and some cup that contain the food.

    1. Content is relevant and mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Limited organization of the text as ideas within text are not well connected.

      Appropriate range of lexical items. Limited range of grammatical items. Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "one girl is going to talk to the phone", "at the left", "she wears", "at the right", "she has light skin as the other girl", "a different expression as the girl at the left", "she appear", "they are togheter for do breakfast togheter", "in their reflection", "at the left corner", "two grls", "a table mades", "a chest of bread", "some cup", "the food". As a consequence, adequate achievement of the communicative aim.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

  10. Nicola I.
    In this photo there are two ladies sitting at a table and they are taking a spritz while waiting for their other friends, I think for a lunch together. The table is made of wood and is set, in the center of the table there are slices of bread and breadsticks. The lady on the left is on the phone while the girl on the right seems annoyed by her attitude. In the background there seems to be a nice park.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant, but some details are missing. Target reader in on the whole informed.

      Acceptable organization of the text.

      Appropriate range of lexical items. Limited range of grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding, e.g. "ladies", "taking a spritz", "there seems".

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

  11. Tommaso L.
    In this picture I can see two women sitting at a table in a restaurant or a bar.
    Maybe they’re waiting for their husbands who are coming back from work.
    On the table there are two glasses of juice, some bread, some dishes and cutlery.
    They are outside and in the background I can see three big windows and some plants and a black jar.
    On the right I can see a lady who is wearing a red dress, she has short,light brown hair and she has a watch on her wrist, and next to her there’s another lady with a grey dress, she has long,blonde wavy hair and she’s talking on her phone.
    It’s a sunny day because they are wearing summer dresses and I can see the sun.
    It looks like the lady on the right is bored because her friend is talking on the phone and not considering her.

    1. Content is relevant and mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Limited organization of the text as ideas within text are not well connected.

      Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding, e.g. "bar", "dishes", "lady", "long,blonde wavy hair".

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. Tommaso L.

      In this picture I can see two women sitting at a table in a restaurant or a café.
      Maybe they’re waiting for their husbands who are coming back from work.

      On the table there are two glasses of juice, some bread, some first courses and cutlery.
      They are outside and in the background I can see three big windows and some plants and a black jar.
      The woman who is in the right side of the photo is wearing a red dress, she has short,light brown hair and she has a watch on her wrist, and next to her there’s her friend with a grey dress, she has long,wavy,blond hair and she’s talking on her phone.

      Both of the women are wearing a summer dress because it’s a sunny day.

      It looks like the woman on the right is bored because her friend is talking on the phone and not considering her.

  12. Maria Fernanda H.
    In this picture i can see two young women. They seem to be outside a house or a restaurant, i would say that they are in a garden.
    Both of them have drinks, the could be appetizers or just fruit juice. Both of them are sitting at a round table, but they are not talking to each other. The first girl -who is wearing a light grey blouse and a ring- is on the phone, she is laughing so i assume that she heard something really funny. The other girl -who is wearing a red shirt and a watch- doesn't seem that happy.
    Both girls are blonde and none of them are eating. They might be waiting for more people to come and join them, as there are many empty places around the table that they are sitting at.
    In the background i can see some big windows and lots of plants. It definitely seems like a nice place for lunch or brunch outdoors.

    1. Excellent achievement of the communicative aim. Content is relevant and fully detailed. Target reader is fully informed.

      Good organization of the text as most of the ideas are presented in a clear and logical way.

      Good range of lexical and grammatical items with a good level of accuracy.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

  13. Rosanna I.
    In this picture i can see two ladies sitting at the table. I think they wait other people because there are other places on the table. The girl on the right is talking on the phone and smiling, she is dressed in a white shirt and has wavy blond hair, and is drinking a red drink. the girl on the left is not smiling, I think she was thinking, she has her hair tied up, a red shirt and a watch on her wrist, and she drinking a orange drink.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant, but some details are missing. Target reader in on the whole informed. As a consequence, acceptable achievement of the communicative aim.

      Limited organization of the text as ideas within text are not well connected.

      Limited range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "ladies", "they wait other people", "other places on the table", "is dressed in", "she was thinking". Pay attention to the fact that Present Continuous is the tense that is necessary when it comes to describe a picture.

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

  14. Brun
    In the pictures there are two women waiting for other guests; one woman is happy and talking on the phone while the older is sad. There are outdoors and the day is beatiful and I think they will ha e lunch then.

    1. Content in very limited. Target reader in not informed enough.

      Limited range of lexical grammatical items. Errors frequently impede understanding, e.g. "while the older", "There are outdoors", "the day is beatiful", "hey will ha e lunch then".

      Poor organization of the text.

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

  15. Alessio M.
    In this picture I can see two girls sitting in a round table, I suppused in a hotel, they’re drinking a juice or a spritz. One of them is talking on the phone and she seems excited, while the other women looks bored because her friend isn’t talk with her.
    In my opinion the two ladies are sisters see that they’re so similar.
    On the table there are two glass, some dishes, a lot of cuplery, a tray under four small cups and a basket of bread and breadstick.
    Maybe they’re in a terrace of a hotel and in the background i see a luxury bulding with big windows, the garden with more trees and bushes and a very large black vase.

    1. Content is relevant and mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Limited organization of the text as ideas within text are not well connected and do not flow.

      Appropriate range of lexical items. Limited range of grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding, e.g. "sitting in", "I suppused in a hotel", "the other women", "isn’t talk", "ladies", "see that", "two glass", "some dishes", "cuplery", "a tray under", "breadstick", "with more trees".

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

  16. Fabio b.
    In this picture I can see two girls sit in a bar. They are in the foreground around a table, and in the background we can see three bigs windows.
    The woman on the left is wearing a grey dress and is speaking at the phone while the woman on the right is wearing a red t-shirt. I think is summer because they aren’t wearing a lot of clothes. They are drinking one orange juice and one red orange juice.
    Probably they are going to have a tasty lunch and they are waiting their family.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant, but some details are missing. Target reader in on the whole informed. As a consequence, acceptable achievement of the communicative aim.

      Acceptable organisation of the text.

      Appropriate range of lexical items. Limited range of grammatical items. Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "two girls sit", "at the phone", "I think is", "a lot of clothes", "one orange juice", "one red orange juice", "waiting their family".

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. Fabio B.
      In this picture I can see two girls, they are in a beautiful outdoor bar. They are in the foreground around a table, and in the background we can see three bigs windows. The woman on the left is wearing a grey dress and is speaking on the phone while the woman on the right is wearing a red t-shirt. In my opinion the picture is taken because they aren’t wearing many clothes. They are drinking two bigs juice.
      Probably they are going to have a tasty lunch and they are looking if their family arrive.
