4A RIM HOMEWORK 4th-6th March 2020

1) Watch the video on how to write a good opinion essay and take notes on the procedure on your notebook in the skills section.

2) In your English class you have been talking about working from home. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an opinion essay by Friday 6th March 2020.

Write your essay using three key arguments, including relevant examples and giving reasons for your point of view.

If you work from home, you can have a better quality of life. Do you agree?

1- time spent commuting
2- relationships with colleagues
3- .............................................. (your own idea)

Write your essay in 140-190 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below. Choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and only the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. C. Erika

    1-time spent commuting
    2-relationships with colleagues
    3-no traffic in the city and no pollution

    If you work from home, you can have a better quality of life, but I do not totally agree. You do not spend time commuting and so there is not traffic in the city, but you have not relationships with the colleagues.
    On the one hand, you can not wake up early to have time to go to work. Moreover you can also stop your work when you want and then you can have some free time for yourself.
    On the other hand, if you do not know who are your colleagues, you can never have a relationships with them. Despite this, when you work alone you have not stressful, but perhaps in the long run you can become sad and depressed.
    I partially agree because when you work at home you do not use your car and therefore there is not traffic in the city so there is not more pollution. Although, if you work a long time with computer from home, you can have some physical problems like eye, back or posture.

    WORDS: 174

    1. Content: complete, relevant and mostly detailed.

      Organisation: good use of linking phrases and linking words.

      Grammatical accuracy: some errors which impede understanding occur in the text. The negative form of the verb “have”is “do not have” or “does not have” according to the subject.

      All in all, adequate realization of the task. You need to improve how to organize ideas into paragraphs. See the following video tutorial on paragraphing: https://youtu.be/MPGhEJicbC4

  2. Rita Bonanno.
    Time spent commuting
    relationship with colleagues
    menagement of the time

    In recent years, work from home has been adopted from some enterprises but it is wanted also by some workers.
    That could be possible thanks to technological progress.
    I think that work from home is a new door for helping unemployed people.
    It could also help commuters that every day waste their time waiting trains or in general public transport because the place where they work is very far from their home.
    Although there are also some weaknesses in this kind of work, because the employed can not speak with his colleagues or he can not have a direct contact with the customers. Maybe it is not good for the relationship.
    In my opinion who taking place about work from home can menage better his time, for example the worker could divide the hours dedicated to work and the hours dedicated to physical activity or to stay with his family and he can split them as he wants.
    In conclusion I partially agree that work from home allow employed to save time about transport and also to handle better the personal life but it could have negative effects on relationship of the worker.

    words: 195

    1. Content: complete and relevant.

      Organisation: good use of linking phrases and linking words.

      Lexical and grammatical accuracy: some errors which impede understanding occur in the text. You cannot write “employed”, but you should write “employed people” or “employee”. Pay also attention to the use of pronouns and possessive adjectives.

      All in all, quite adequate realization of the task. You need to improve how to organize ideas into paragraphs. See the following video tutorial on paragraphing: https://youtu.be/MPGhEJicbC4

  3. Alessia G.
    -Time spent commuting
    -Relationships whit colleagues
    -Seriousness of working at home

    Working at home is more and more common in our society.
    On the one hand working at home help you to save a lot of time, especially for who lives in a big city, people don't have to wait trains or other public transports and don't risk to be stuck in traffic.
    On the other hand you have to work alone, that is good if you don't like people, but in the majority of cases it could be so boring, repetitive and exhausting.
    An other bad point is that if you work at home you could be distracted cause you have a lot of distractions and if you are not good on dividing the time you will waste a lot of time.
    In conclusion I think that it depends of the personality, for someone could give a better quality of life and for someone else could be worrying.

    1. Content: all content points required are included and somehow expanded.

      Organization. good use of linking phrases and linking words.

      Lexical and grammatical accuracy: some non-impeding errors occur in the text. The word “an other” is spelt “another”, the word “‘cause” is informal so it is better to write “because” in an essay.

      All in all, quite good realization of the task. Your introduction is weak: please watch the following video tutorial to learn how to write an effective introductory paragraph. See https://youtu.be/FGU5Tkh-Rvg

  4. Anonymous said…
    B. Giada

    1. time spent commuting
    2. relationships with colleagues
    3. pullition and stress

    Nowadays it is possible to work even at home wearing pajamas?
    Today the possible are huge, we can almost do anything so I think you can very well work at home.
    In large cities very busy any worker can spend a lot of time stuck in traffic and this causes a lot of stress. For example, a citizen of Rome spends an average of 426 hours a year stuck in traffic. A solution to this problem could be to use a bicycle to be more agile in traffic and to relieve stress but unfortunately most months of the year temperatures are not very pleasant.
    Secondly, by taking as a point of reference an employee, can interact perfectly with the boss or have meetings using programs like FaceTime to be able to see their colleagues.
    I think not all jobs can be done directly from home as for example a mechanic cannot repair a car sitting on his living room, but I think many jobs can be in favor. I would be in favour of this change because it would reduce pollution and maybe people would be kinder given that less stressed.

    1. Your ideas are good and relevant, but they do not flow smoothly. A lot of errors which impede or interrupt understanding occur in the text. Please watch another video tutorial on how to write an essay: https://youtu.be/TAbNTFT0wcU

      You have missed to write the total number of words.

  5. Sara L.

    1.time spent commuting
    2.relationship with colleagues
    3.management of time

    In the last few years a number of people who work from home is increasing.
    Most people find this way of working more confortable especially for mothers.
    In my opinion working from home doesn't make a better quality of life.
    First of all work from home leads the person not to relate to other people like colleagues,I believe that you can work better to learn from others and maybe you can create new friendships.
    Secondly a person who works from home can have many distraction like tv,social and also children if you are a mother or a father, so to work well you have to be a very organized person and who knows how to manage time.
    On the other hand there are people who believe that work from home can improve our lifestyle for example for transport, of course it is convenient not to have to move with means of transport such as cars or trains, you can avoid delays or accidents.
    In conclusion I think that working from home has advantages like transport but reduces relationships with people and requires a lot of self-management and organization to work well.

    Words 191

    1. Your ideas are good and relevant and they flow smoothly. Good range of grammatical and lexical items. A few non-impeding errors occur in the text. All in all, quite good realization of the task.

      The 3-paragraph body and the conclusion are really well organized. Your introduction, instead, needs improvements. Please watch the following video tutorial to learn how to write an effective introductory paragraph. See https://youtu.be/FGU5Tkh-Rvg

  6. Eleonora N.

    -Time spent commuting
    -Relationships with colleagues
    -Free times

    Nowadays a lot of people work from home for some health conditions but staying all day at home isn't good for different reasons.
    Firstly, even if is so tired taken the public transport or the car to arrive in time at work but in this way you can meet new people that are working in your sector or in another one.
    Secondly if you work at home it's more difficult to communicate with your colleagues, while if you go to your office you can talk and work with them more easily.
    In addiction, at the end of the working day, you and your colleagues can go out to eat something or to talk, for example about your family and your life, and spend the rest of the day together.
    In conclusion working outside can give you a better life because you can breath clear air, meet new people and have fun with the people that you know.

    Words: 155

    1. Your ideas are good and relevant even if you expanded only 2 content points. The content mentioned in the third and fourth paragraphs is linked. Therefore the third new content point, which should have been included in the fourth paragraph, is missing.

      Your conclusion needs improvement. Watch the following video to understand how to write effective conclusions: https://youtu.be/NBiiRrgZJfk

  7. Elisa M.

    Time spent commuting
    Relationships with colleagues
    Highest concentration in a office

    Is it better work at home or in a office/company?
    I think that in both ways there are negative and positive aspects.
    If you work from home you don’t wast any time with the movements of means of transports like in the big cities frequently in the street there is a lot of traffic in the morning so if you work from home you avoid all that and you can wake up later.
    However there might be a negative aspect which is the relationships with colleagues, working at home does not relate you with other people. But moreover if you work at home you can spend more time with your family like in the lunch breaks.
    Having said that I think that you have much more concentration in a office because working from home can distract you a lot instead if you are in a company you do your job without interruption.
    In conclusion I think that working outside is better for relationships, for the communication and to focus better on yourself.

    WORDS: 187

    1. Content: all content points required are included and somehow expanded.

      Organization. good use of linking phrases and linking words.

      Lexical and grammatical accuracy: some errors which impede understanding occur in the text, e.g. “wast time”, “movements of means of transport”, “working outside”. Break your sentences into smaller parts, this can help your reader to follow better your content.

      All in all, quite good realization of the task. See the following video tutorial on paragraphing: https://youtu.be/MPGhEJicbC4

  8. ELISA B.
    -time spent commuting
    -relationships with colleagues
    -comfort and security

    Are we sure that if we work from home, we can have a better quality of life?
    There are pros and cons about work at home, but each person perceives them differently.
    To start commuters shouldn’t think about the problems with delays or suspensions of public transport; at the same time who travel by car doesn’t waste time looking for parking. In addition they save a lot of time, but also money used for tickets for example.
    On the other hand there wouldn’t be relationships with colleagues and this would be work harder. They could need advices. Instead some people prefer to be alone to have more tranquility and concentration.
    Work from home allows to be more indipendent and to manage the days with comfort and security because there is more privacy too.
    To sum up work at home has several positive aspects, but we must not forget the traditional jobs in the offices/ industries because the human being needs to be in contact with society.

    Word: 167

    1. All the content points required are included and expanded appropriately. Ideas are clearly organized into paragraphs. Good range of grammatical and lexical items.

      Your opinion is not stated clearly. You could learn how to better write introductory paragraphs. Watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/FGU5Tkh-Rvg

      All in all, good realization of the task.

  9. Gabriele d
    -notes :
    Time spent commuting
    Relationship whit the colleagues
    Wasting time

    Working from home ,is that better then working in a class or in a office
    Well I think that working from home is not very productive .
    Of course working in a class involves an effort , you have to wake up early in the morning , you have to get ready , then walk or take a bus to your school and to share the same room whit a lot of peoples for severals hours, which can be nice or upsetting , depending from your own personality.
    In my opinion sharing the class and also the work you have to do whit your classmates is a good way to communicate and also to confront , we need this type of relationships, humans are social animals .
    I also think that online schools prevents students from interacting whit others, because they simply stay at home hidden behind a computer wearing tracksuits , we need to talk to new peoples, and we also need a bit of healthy competition because it could push us improving
    something .
    And yeah we can’t lie working from home allows us to waste a lot of time, while in school we are obligated to pay attention.
    Sure working from home could improve our life qualities but also making it quite boring .

    1. Your ideas are good and relevant even if you expanded only 2 content points. The third content point lacks explanation and details.

      The register is not formal, especially in the introduction and in the conclusion. See the following video tutorial on paragraphing: https://youtu.be/MPGhEJicbC4

      You have missed to write the total number of words.

  10. Sveva B.

    1- time spent commuting
    2- relationships with colleagues
    3- domestic distractions and interruptions

    Nowadays, more people dream of working at home, with a cup of tea and a blanket on their legs. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages.
    On the one hand, it can optimize the production because the time waste on displacement, that often cause traffic delays, stress or problems, is removed. Moreover, pollution is drastically reduced especially in the big city and therefore the health can be better.
    On the other hand, relationship with colleagues are limited. On the workplace you can meet interesting people and build a true friend bond with them that is impossible to do on a screen. Have a work team is also more stimulating compared to work alone.
    In my opinion, work at home can be interrupted by domestic distraction such as television. To have a good final result of our work, concentration have to be at the top and the place have to be quiet: sometimes at home this isn’t possible.
    In conclusion, I think that have a workplace out of our domestic walls is better for the final result, although the health could have some benefits from the work at home.


    1. Content: complete, relevant and fully detailed.

      Organization: well organized into paragraphs and ideas are well connected by a wide variety of cohesive devices. You could learn how to write more effective conclusions. Watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/NBiiRrgZJfk

      A few non-impeding errors occur in the text. Pay attention to the difference between “work” and “working” as nouns.

      All in all, very good realization of the task.

  11. Susan R.
    1- Time spent commuting
    2- Relationships with colleagues
    3- Your Health

    Thanks to the technology, many workers have started working from home using computers and other devices.
    However I am not convinced that working from home can give a better quality of life.
    I agree that this kind of work can reduce the traffic and the pollution, especially in big cities, but if you use public transport you will pollute less and you will have the chance to interact with people, which can be good for your state of mind.
    Talking about interactions, if you go to work in a placement, you will have colleagues. Having people around you that do things similar to what you do can be very helpful, especially if you have a problem to deal with, because you can ask for suggestions.
    It is also a good way to meet new people and make new friends.
    Furthermore working from home will make your life much more sedentary and you will spend much more time at home than you usually do. So after a few it can be no good for your health, unless you decide to keep yourself fit doing outside activities.
    In the end, I think that it is better to work in a suitable placement

    WORDS: 194

    1. Content: complete, relevant and fully detailed.

      Organization: quite well organized into paragraphs and ideas are well connected by a wide variety of cohesive devices. You could learn how to write more effective conclusions. Watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/NBiiRrgZJfk

      A few non-impeding errors occur in the text. Pay attention to the meaning of the word “placement”.

      All in all, very good realization of the task.

  12. Stefania G.

    1- time spent commuting
    2- relationships with colleagues
    Can you have a better quality of life working from home?
    The quality of life is not better working from home.
    Firstly if you have a job near to home you can go on foot. Therefore you can stay outdoors and also do some sports.
    Secondly if you work from home you can’t have relationship with colleagues because you stay at home all time and you can’t speak with them. Contrary to work out you can make new friends and meet new people. Because working with people improves your day and work better if you are happy. While if you work at home you are alone and you can’t talk to anyone.
    It is true that you work from home is more peaceful and a lot of people prefer to work in peace than in a place where there are many distractions and everyone talks to others.
    At the same time working from home involves a union between your life and work. Because it is true that work from home is more comfortable because you can work where and when you want, but your work and your life will be the same thing.
    In conclusion I think working from home can improve the quality of life as it can’t.

    1. Content: relevant and somehow expanded.

      Lexical and grammatical accuracy: some errors which impede understanding occur in the text.

      Organisation: ideas are connected by some linking devices. An essay must not begin with a question.

      All in all, adequate realization of the task. See the following video tutorial on paragraphing: https://youtu.be/MPGhEJicbC4

    2. You have missed to write the total number of words.

  13. Nouhaila Z.

    -time spent commuting
    -relationships with colleagues

    Imagine if your office chair was your sofa,
    Imagine not being afraid of getting to work late anymore.
    That's everybody's dream right?
    But let's think about the benefits and the consequences of this possibility.
    Firstly if you work from home you don't have to worry about transports and good timing because as soon as you wake up you'll be already in your "office",which is more comfortable and you would also get a bigger amount of sleep that will help you be more concentrated and productive at work.
    Another benefit that you can get by working at home is more freetime,since you can decide and organise your working hours yourself.
    But despite all,there are also some negative aspects,for example: you will always think of your home as a work place and get the illusion of being always at work,and that could cause anxiety and stress.
    Another consequence is related to the relationships with your collegues which is a very important thing,that you wouldn't be able to recreate at home.
    In conclusion I think that working from home would be more comfortable and productive but it is also negative for your health and communication.

    1. Content: all the content points are included and somehow expanded.

      Organisation: ideas are connected by some cohesive devices. The register in the introduction is too informal. Watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/FGU5Tkh-Rvg on how to write effective introductory paragraphs.

      Lexical and grammatical range: a wide range of grammatical and lexical items.

      All in all, good realization of the task.

    2. You have missed to write the total number of words.

  14. Marianna D.M.
    -times spent commuting
    -relationship with colleagues
    -distractions at home and too much comfort.

    Nowadays, a lot of people starts to work at home… But is it sure that they can have a better quality of life?
    On the one hand I want to say that if you work at home you don’t have to waste your time commuting, that is a very good point because when the weather isn’t good, you probabily will be late, so work at home can give you a lot of advantages.
    But on the other hand, it’s worth saying that if you work at home you limit all the relationship with your colleagues, that can make your day better, with a coffee, or a good talk.
    Furthermore I think that work at home give you a sense of comfort, and you can’t be 100% concentrated on what you have to do. Despite this, at home you also have to do your housework, or look after your dog, your son… And this can be another source of distraction.
    In conclusion, I think that work at home can’t give you a better quality of life!

    1. All content points required are included and expanded appropriately. Ideas are connected by a wide variety of cohesive devices. Wide range of grammatical and lexical items.

      Do not use contracted verb forms and dots when it comes to write an essay. It is a formal piece of writing.

      All in all, very good realization of the task.

      You have missed to write the total number of words.

  15. Marianna B.
    -times spent commuting
    -relationship with colleagues
    -mental and phisical health
    would we really have a better life working from home?
    first of all it would save time, money and health, every day commuters have to face these problems to get to work or to return home while instead working from home would be much safer.
    secondly, being in contact with colleagues or with people can sometimes be stressful but without them, as in a home, work can be useless, also being not in the workplace but in one's own home, is created a state of comfort which can prevent the proper performance of the work.
    I think that work comfortably in your home living room would not be bad but you would lose contact with the outside world. If people didn’t have a specific task and a scope of work in which you have to do it, I'm sure that no one would do his job independently using his own mind so in the long run nobody will do anything


    1. All content points are adequately covered even if not adequately organized into a clear 3-paragraph body.

      The conclusion of the essay is missing.

      Some errors which impede understanding occur in the text.

  16. Fabrizio Combina

    1- time spent commuting
    2- relationships with colleagues
    3- concentration during the work

    Yes I agree, if you work from home you can have a better quality of life. I think there are a lot of advantages to working from home but to do so in my opinion there are some things without you can’t work, the most important thing is to have a good internet connection because today is very important in the world of work.
    If we have these requirements, work from home can improve our quality of life beacuse if you don’t need to travel to work you don’t loose time, you can have more time for the work and in addict you don’t risk to be late if there is traffic or road accidents. Another good thing is not have relationships with colleagues because sometimes can be very bad and maybe you cant’t work very well with other people. In my opinion in addition is easier found the concentration if you are in a familiar place.
    In conclusion I think work from home can improve your quality of life if you have some necessary requirements to do so.

    1. Ideas are quite good and relevant.

      Wide range of grammatical and lexical items. It shows ambition. Errors which impede understanding occur in the text.

      You could learn how to better write introductory paragraphs. Watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/FGU5Tkh-Rvg

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

    2. You have missed to write the total number of words.

  17. Gabriele M.

    -Time spent commuting
    -Relationships with colleagues
    -Poor concentration at home

    Nowadays the phenomenon of work at home has increased and now let’s talk about advantages and disadvantages about this subject.
    Firstly I want to talk about the time that a worker can save if he worked at home, he can get up later because he doesn’t have to go to the office, to get dressed and he not need to worry about traffic, public transport , so work at home help specially the big city with the problems of pollution and traffic.
    But there are some negative aspects, for example the relationships with colleagues, because work in a office is very useful for increase the cooperative learning so if you need an help you can ask to one of your colleagues.
    Work with other people is useful also for the relation outside the office because working togheter is positive for make new friends, and is more difficult through a screen.
    Work at home could be very difficult for the noise made by the family with the television and other disturbing things, so in a office you can concentrate better.
    In conclusion I think that a worker should alternate days in the office with days at home.

    1. All content points are included and expanded even if not adequately organized into a clear 3-paragraph body. I appreciated your conclusion very much.

      Wide range of grammatical and lexical items. It shows ambition. Errors which impede understanding occur in the text. Pay attention to the difference between “work” and “working” as nouns and pay also attention to verb tenses e.g. “if he worked” “he not need” “work at home help”.

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

  18. Barbara S

    1.time spent commuting
    2.relationships with colleagues
    3.mental stress

    Are you tired of waking up at 6am?
    Fortunately, nowadays, we have the incredible possibility of working from home through internet.
    Now let’s discover all the relatives features.

    Firstly, staying at home can reduce dramatically the pollution and the traffic, because you don’t need to use any vehicles. In addition, you can optimise the time that you would spend on the public transport working on your tasks and completing your job responsabilities.

    Don’t worry about your working relationships! It’s easy to cooperate with your colleagues by using electronic devices and thousands apps, such as Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook etc. On the other hand operate by yourself can allow you to organize your projects depending on your particular needs and goals.

    Moreover doing your job at home reduce a lot your mental stress for two reasons: having your private space allowed you to relax and work in a comfortable way; in addition you avoid distractions and useless clashings caused by your colleagues.

    In conclusion I think that starting to work from home could be a great idea to reduce the pollution, the fatigue and your mental stress!

    WORDS: 189

    1. All content points required are included and expanded appropriately. Wide range of grammatical and lexical items.

      Do not use contracted verb forms and exclamation marks when it comes to write an essay. It is a formal piece of writing.

      Please watch the following video tutorial to learn how to write an effective introductory paragraph. See https://youtu.be/FGU5Tkh-Rvg

      All in all, good realization of the task.

  19. Martina T.

    1- time spent commuting
    2- relationships with colleagues
    3- greater autonomy

    In recent years many people started working from home. For some it’s better, for others it’s worse. It depends on your concentration, if you are be able to organise the things you have to do.
    Certainly you don’t have to move yourself, so for people like me it’s better, because you can use the time you used to move for work. In doing so, there will also be less traffic and pollution.
    However, if you work alone you can’t build relationships with your colleagues and it’s very important for improve your performance. Having relationships is also important for learn to talk to others about your and their work, give advices and grow up.
    I think this is the only bad thing, because you can also have a greater autonomy, you can decide how and when do something. For busy people, it’s the best way to work.
    In conclusion, I think that if you work from home you can have a better quality of life, because you can organise yourself and this involves less stress.

    WORDS: 174

    1. The first and second content points are well expanded. The third content point is weak since you do not expanded it.

      You essay in well organized, except from the fourth paragraph which is messed up.

      Do not use contracted verb forms when it comes to write an essay. It is a formal piece of writing.

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

  20. Alex K.

    1- time spent commuting
    2- relationships with colleagues
    3- concentration

    Nowadays many people work at home. I think working at home have a better quality of life, but there are things to say about this argument. There are advantages and disadvantages, firstly work from home can improve our quality of life beacuse if you need to to travel for to go to work you waste a lot of time in car or train or bus and you can have more time to work. A disvantage is that you don’t have colleagues to talk for example on the break but it could be a positive thing because you can work better alone and at your home. Another good thing is to be more focused at home and consequently work better if you are alone at home or if you have a room for do this.
    In my opinion I think working at home improve your quality of life.

    1. All content points required are included and somehow expanded

      It is better to organise the body of an essay into 3 paragraphs: one paragraph for each content point. Watch the following video tutorial https://youtu.be/UGM_TZQpIyk

      A lot of errors occur in your essay. They interrupt or impede understanding while reading, e.g. “working at home have”, “argument”, “if you need to to travel for to go to work”, “in car”, “on the break”, “is to be more focused at home”, “for do this”.

      “In my opinion I think” is a repetition.

  21. Genre Elisa
    1. Time spent commuting
    2. Relationship with colleagues
    3. Distraction
    In recent years people would like to work at home, but in this way, we could have a better quality of life?
    On the one hand could save time because of people lose time spent commuting to and from work. And could be reduced the pollution because people use cars and public transport to go work, unless they use the bike.
    On the other hand relationship with colleagues are reduced because they no longer interact with people but with an electronic device. This, if it is done with constancy, could reduce the ability to relate to people and could be excluded from society.
    Furthermore there are a lot of distractions, like the children that always asked you something. You risk to relax too much yourself on the sofa and maybe fall asleep for example.
    In conclusion I think it’s better do not work at home, but to go out, speak and interact with people, although the pollution could be grater.
    WORDS: 161

    1. All content points required are included and somehow expanded.

      Your essay is well organized into clear paragraphs.

      A lot of errors occur in your essay. They interrupt or even impede understanding while reading, e.g “on the one hand could save time because of people lose time spent commuting”, “and could be reduced the pollution because people use cars and public transport to go work”, “relationship with colleagues are reduced because they no longer interact”, “the children that always asked” “relax too much yourself” “it’s better do not work”. The subject of the verb is often missing.

      “we could have a better quality of life?” does not follow the structure required by a question.

      Do not use contracted verb forms when it comes to write an essay. It is a formal piece of writing.

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

  22. Biondo Angelica

    -times spent communiting
    -relationships wiht collegues

    I think it's easier to work at home because you can organized better.
    Whorking at home is more confortable because you can manage your work more quietly especially do not risk work stress.
    First of all, people are more motivated to work at home than outside because they are non tense.
    For exemple, those who work in the office, works at home in more confortable for him.
    You can orgnize your time.
    In second place, you can have more professional ralationships with your colleagues because you can't talk to them and you can work well and confortable.
    In my opinion, working at home reduces pollution because to go to work we use vehicles such as buses, cars, trains,...
    If we worked from home, we colud really reduce pollution.
    In conclusion, I think it is better to work at home but a lot of people might prefer to work in jons.


    1. Your ideas are good and relevant even if you expanded only 2 content points. You missed the first content point - the one related to time spent commuting"

      Your essay has got 10 paragraphs and your ideas are not connected by linking words. It is better to organise your essay into 5 clear paragraphs.

      A lot of errors which impede or interrupt understanding occur in the text.

      Please watch another video tutorial on how to write an essay: https://youtu.be/TAbNTFT0wcU
