5A RIM HOMEWORK 12th-13th March 2020

Cf coursebook p 154

1) Download the PowerPoint Slides here.

2) Complete all the activities suggested.

3) Refresh your memory by watching again the video tutorial on how to write a good information report.

4) Look at the following writing task . 
Write your information report in 140-190 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below by Friday 13th March 2020. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Are the USA the modern "Kings of the hill"?

    We know that the USA are very renowned in the world because of their territory and their success during their history, but there's something more important. The USA belong to two main trading blocs: what does this mean?
    Firstly, let's clarify a few things: a trading bloc is essentially a group of nations that promotes free trade in a certain geographical area and the adoption of a common trade policy in the rest of the world.
    Doing so, a national market can be competitive on a global level.
    Now let's get back where we started: when we talk about trading blocs, USA play a major role in the business.
    With Canda and Mexico they form NAFTA, the world's biggest trading area. Unfortunately, USA's president Donald Trump revolutionized the deal, exacerbating the automotive market and the wage of 30% of its workers.
    USA are also a member of APEC, with every other country watered by the Pacific Ocean: together they form a trading bloc without treaty obbligations.
    In conclusion, USA might be really powerful but they can't be recognised as kings yet.

    F.B. // 190 words

    1. The introduction really hooks the reader and makes him/her want to read your writing. Full accuracy is guarantee throughout the text.

      The second and third subtopics developed in the body are not so expanded. Paragraphing must be improved. Here a video tutorial which can help you to write stronger paragraphs: https://youtu.be/Mwv3OlYojWw.

  2. TRADING BLOCS: Nations growing together

    Throughout the last decades of the 20th centuries, as new markets were emerging and developing among nations and continents, several countries started to group together in order to promote free trade, with no barriers, and adopt a common trade policy: the "Trading Blocs" were born!

    For example, the community where we live, the "European Union", born in 1993, is actually a trading bloc, as the 27 member countries have a single market, with a single currency (€), and a custom union.

    Also the "Commonwealth of Nations" is a good example of a trading bloc. This organisation is headed by the British monarch Queen Elizabeth II, it is formed by 53 English-Speaking countries (most of the UK's former colonies) and, in addition to trading advantages among member countries, it also promotes democracy and economic development worldwide.

    In conclusion, we can easily state that Trading Blocs are very important associations, as they give their member countries the opportunity to develop their commerce by cooperating with other ones, encouraging, as a consequence, also a collective growth.

    L.D. N° of Words: 185/190

    1. Your information report flows smoothly and it keeps the reader hocked and interested. Accuracy is guarantee throughout the text, except here “develop their commerce by cooperating with other ones”.

      The writing does not meet the requirements stated in the task. Read the task again and more carefully: it states that the report must have been about two of the following trading blocs - EFTA, NAFTA, OPEC, APEC, MERCOSUR, ASEAN. You didn’t have carried out any research and then written an information report on it.

  3. Discovering some trading blocs

    A trade bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement, often part of a regional intergovernmental organization, where barriers to trade are reduced or eliminated among the participating states.

    The North American Free Trade Agreement is a free trade agreement signed between the United States, Canada and Mexico.The agreement was signed by the heads of state of the three countries, including President Bush, on December 17. NAFTA led to the immediate elimination of customs duties on half of US products bound for Mexico and Canada and the gradual elimination of other customs duties over a period of 15 years.
    Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, on the other hand, is an organization created in 1989 with the aim of promoting economic cooperation, free trade and investments in the Asia-Pacific area. It includes 21 economies. From the point of view of international law, in fact, APEC defines itself as an international body and not an organization because of being composed of economies and not of States, it has no full legal personality. This explains why continental China, Hong Kong and Taiwan can be part of it at the same time, that is, three realities that, territorially, belong to a single state : the People's Republic of China

    In conclusion it can be said that trading blocs are all very important, whether they include only three states such as NAFTA or they includes 21 economies such as APEC. In fact, thanks to these agreements,the trade is more free today.

    171 words

    1. All content points required are included and expanded. Some interesting facts are mentioned. Effective organisation into clear paragraphs. Good range of grammatical and lexical items.

      In order to improve your skills in creating good flow in writing, please watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/cEIHsKXZZgE


    A trade bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement, often part of a regional intergovernmental organization, where barriers to trade are reduced or eliminated among the participating states. The main purpose of a trade bloc is to create a free market between the member. But which are the main trading blocs in the world?

    On the Pacific coasr we can find the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation). It is an inter-governmental forum headquartered in Queenstown, Singapore. This organisation has 21 membrers and it allows a free market between those states..

    In Europe we can find the EFTA (European Free Trade Association).It is a regional trade organization and free trade area consisting of four European states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland. This organisation cooperate whit the European Union and allows the 4 member states to participate to the European Single Market but, however, the are not party of the European Union Customs Union.

    In conclusion we can say that these organisations are a very important resourece for all the member states that can trade goods and services in a free way without any barriers or duties.

    D.C 186 words

    1. All content points required are included and somehow expanded. The facts you mentioned are adequately organized into paragraph, even if some flow is missing. In order to improve your skills in creating good flow in writing, please watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/cEIHsKXZZgE

      Spelling mistakes, e.g. “coasr”, “membrers” “whit”, “resourece”. Please remember to double check before handing your assignment in.

  5. TRADING BLOC; a relevant economic leverage

    A so-called ‘Trading a bloc’ is a interngovernmental agreement between a non-specific number of nations in a particular geographical area, which facilitates trading and exchanging within them.

    Many are the advantages for a nation of partaking in such an agreement; it protects its member nations from exeternal economic threats, remove trade barriers and causes greater efficiency and productivity for domestic businesses.

    Together with the European Union, which is the largest trading bloc in the world, there are many others which are undoubtedly remarkable such as APEC and EFTA.
    The APEC is a inter-governmental group that counts 21 member states, including the USA and the People’s Republic of China. It has no treaty obligations since the appoval of a decision or commitment must be volontary and consensual.
    The EFTA, on the other hand, is an organisation comprising only four member nations (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), which promotes free trade and economic integration.

    In conclusion, trading blocs are essential to provide smooth economic flow and global competition.

    (173 words)

    1. All content points required are included and expanded. Full accuracy is guarantee throughout the text.

      The third paragraphs lacks some flow. Content points and sentences are not so well knitted together. In order to improve your skills in creating good flow in writing, please watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/zayfRlAx_5M

  6. PG

    A trading bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement where regional barriers to international trade, are reduced or eliminated among the participating states to increase global economic integration, jobs and protection.

    There are various commercial blocs in the world including EFTA and MERCOSUR both regional trade organization and free trade area, linked in turn by an interregional framework agreement on trade and co-operation.

    The European Free Trade Association was established in 1960 to administer the free trade area and its external relations ant to ensure free trade in industrial goods. It’s composed by 4 European states: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland which operate in parallel with the EU.

    The Southern Common Market was initially established in 1991 by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and subsequently joined by Venezuela and Bolivia, in order to promote a common space that generates business and investment opportunities through the competitive integration of national economies into the international market.

    The idea is that a trading bloc can open up new opportunities or establish barriers to trade, which has a significant impact on global trade.

    184 words

    1. All content points required are included and expanded. Full accuracy is guarantee throughout the text.

      Your report lacks some flow. Content points and sentences are not so well knitted together. In order to improve your skills in creating good flow in writing, please watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/zayfRlAx_5M

  7. Two different types of: Trading blocs.

    A trade bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement, where barriers to trade (tariffs and others) are reduced or eliminated among the participating states.
    Nowadays in our world there are loads of trading blocs, and each one of these is different compared to the others.

    The first organisation analysed is ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations). This association was founded in 1967 by 5 South East Asian nations and its peculiarity is promoting social progress more than just improving economic growth. Now the association has 10 member states.

    On the other hand we have another association: OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries). This association is formed by 12 countries which produce oil.
    Therefore their interest is to unify the petroleum policies and ensure the oil market stability.

    This two associations have two differents objectives, both very important.

    In conclusion we have analysed two opposite examples of trading blocs that may have been established for different reasons, but that are essential to ensure free trade and human rights around the world.


    (178 Words)

    1. Your report keeps the reader hocked and interested. I really appreciated your choice as far as content points are concerned. Full accuracy is guarantee throughout the text.

      Paragraphing should be improved. Here a video tutorial which can help you to write stronger paragraphs: https://youtu.be/Mwv3OlYojWw.

  8. Trading blocs
    A trade bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement, often part of a regional intergovernmental organization, where barriers to trade are reduced or eliminated among the participating states.
    The first trading bloc that I would analyse is the “NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)”. NAFTA was founded on January 1, 1994 and its member states are the United States, Canada and Mexico. This agreement has removed the barriers on cross-border and the industries affected by this agreement include agriculture, automobile, textile manufacture, telecommunications, financial services and energy.
    The second trading bloc that I have chosen is the “MERCOSUR”. This agreement was founded in 1991 and its members are Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. Its members have a combined area of 13,771,194 km² and a population of 264 million people if counting only the full member states. The official languages are Spanish, Portuguese, and Guarani.
    In 1995 customs duties between the six countries were abolished and a common customs tariff was introduced for third countries. The objective of Mercosur is to achieve a common market, even if there are still strong protectionist barriers between the various states.
    190 Words

    1. Your report flows and your reader is well informed. A good range of grammatical and lexical items is present with a good degree of control. The collocation “this agreement was founded” does not work.

      The third and fourth paragraphs should be joined since they deal with the same topic. You missed to write a conclusion. Please watch the following video tutorial to understand how to write effective conclusions: https://youtu.be/NBiiRrgZJfk

    A trading bloc is composed by a group of nations whose aim is the one to promote free trade, remove trade barriers between the member nations and to adopt a common trade policy for the entire world.
    There are severals types of trading blocs and the two I want to focus on today are the MERCOSUR and the APEC.

    The first one, MERCOSUR (Mercado Comun del Sur-Southern Common Market), is a South American trade bloc established by the Treaty of Asunción in 1991 and its full members are Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay while Venezuela is a full member but has been suspended.
    The purpose of this trade is to promote free trade and the fluid movement of goods, people, and currency.

    On the other hand, there is the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) which is the only inter-governmental group in the world operating on the basis of non-blinding commitments and open dialogue with all its 21 members.
    APEC's aim is to facilitate economic growth,trade,investment and cooperation in the Asia Pacific region (Oceania, USA and Asia).

    180 words

    1. Your report flows and your reader is well informed. A good range of grammatical and lexical items is present with a good degree of control.

      Please note that a paragraph is a single bloc. Do not begin a new line within a paragraph.

      You missed to write a conclusion. Please watch the following video tutorial to understand how to write effective conclusions: https://youtu.be/NBiiRrgZJfk


    A trade bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement, often part of a regional intergovernmental organisation, where barriers to trade are reduced or eliminated among the participating states. Trade blocs can be stand-alone agreements between several states or part of a regional organisation.
    In the North America there is the NAFTA. Its member states are Canada, United States and Mexico. NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement, so tariffs are eliminated and all duties and quantitative restrictions. It also includes chapters covering rules of origin, customs procedures, agriculture and others.
    Another association is ASEAN that we can find in the South-East of Asia. Its member states are ten: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. The aims of ASEAN are to accelerate the economic growth, to promote regional peace, active collaboration and to provide assistance to each other.
    In conclusion, all Trade Organisations have specific aims but all are very important because in this way in most parts of the world we can find free trade and thus favour the economy.
    178 words

    1. Your report flows and your reader is well informed. A good range of grammatical and lexical items is present with a good degree of control.

      In order to improve your skills in creating good flow in writing, please watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/zayfRlAx_5M


    A trading bloc is an agreement among countries to reduce or remove all trade barriers and adopt a single policy for international commercial exchanges.

    One of the most important trading bloc is the NAFTA, an agreement signed by the USA, Canada and Mexico that became effective on first January 1994. It was founded to increase investor’s opportunities, promote transparency and economic growth and eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers among its members countries. Today the NAFTA has achieved its original objectives and it’s the largest free trade area by producing many economic benefits to these three States. The OPEC is another important trading bloc established during the Baghdad Conference of September 1960 which bring together 13 oil producers. It is different from others trade associations since its members have not geographical links but are connected by a product. This organization aims to unify and coordinate petroleum members’ policies and stabilize the oil market in order to guarantee good economic conditions to oil consumers, producers and investors.

    Trading blocs are an essential part of the international trade since they help their member countries to be more competitive in the global market. By promoting economic growth, cooperation and many others activities these associations divide the world in different business areas.

    205 words

    1. Your report keeps the reader hocked and interested. I really appreciated your choice as far as content points are concerned.

      The body of your report should be split into 2 paragraphs: the first focused on NAFTA and the second focused on OPEC.

      In order to improve your skills in creating good flow in writing, please watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/zayfRlAx_5M

  12. Trading Bloc

    A trading bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement, often part of a regional intergovernmental organisation, where regional barriers to trade are reduced or eliminated among the participating states.

    Trading blocs have become influential for world trade.
    They have advantages in enabling free trade between geographically close countries. This can lead to lower prices, higher growth, economies of scale and greater competition.

    However, it can lead to compromise and also the move to free trade tends to create winners and losers, with some domestic industries losing out to lower cost imports.

    The best-known examples of trading blocs in Europe are:
    the European Union, which is the most important trade bloc; the North American Free Trade Agreement, which covers Canada, the USA and Mexico; the Commonwealth which is an association of 53 countries headed by Queen Elizabeth II.

    In conclusion trading bloc promote free trade and adopt a common trade policy for the rest of the world.

    Number of words: 168

    1. The writing does not meet the requirements stated in the task. Read the task again and more carefully: it states that the report must have been about two of the following trading blocs - EFTA, NAFTA, OPEC, APEC, MERCOSUR, ASEAN. You didn’t have carried out any research and then written an information report on it.

      Please note that a paragraph is a single bloc. Do not begin a new line within a paragraph. The first, second and third paragraph should be joined since they deal with the same topic.

      Some errors which impede understanding occur in the text.


    A trade bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement, often part of a regional intergovernmental organization, where barriers to trade are reduced or eliminated among the participating states.

    Trading blocs lead to trade liberalisation and trade creation between members, since they are treated favourably in comparison to non-members.

    There are several types of trading blocs like North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

    North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, creating a trilateral trade bloc in North America. The agreement came into force on January 1, 1994. The NAFTA trade bloc is one of the largest trade blocs in the world by gross domestic product.

    The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is an inter-governmental forum for 21 member economies in the Pacific Rim that promotes free trade throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
    APEC started in 1989, in response to the growing interdependence of Asia-Pacific economies, it aimed to establish new markets for agricultural products and raw materials beyond Europe.

    In conclusion trading blocs can have advantages in enabling free trade between geographically close countries.

    186 words

    1. All content points required are adequately covered.

      Please note that a paragraph is a single bloc. Do not begin a new line within a paragraph. The first, second and third paragraph should be joined since they deal with the same topic.

      In order to improve your skills in creating good flow in writing, please watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/zayfRlAx_5M

  14. F.D.P


    Trading blocs are usually groups of countries in specific regions that manage and promote trade activities. A trade bloc has the purpose of removing trade barriers among member nations. This is a way for the countries to reduce taxes on the exports.

    There are lots of trade bloc, like for example the European Union, NAFTA, APEC, OPEC and Commonwealth.

    The European union is composed by 27 membes states. They are all European countries and their purpose is the free exchange of goods and services.

    The APEC (Asia-pacific economic cooperation), it is composed by 21 Asian member states and it is the only inter-governamental group in the world on the basis of non-binding committents. Their mission is to facilitate the economic growth, trade, investments and cooperation in Asia.

    In conclusion, trade blocs are very useful for countries because they facilitate the economic growth and it is also important for companies that want to export their goods and services.

    160 words

    1. Your report is adequately organized into paragraphs. Ideas are connected by some basic linking devices. In order to improve your skills in creating good flow in writing, please watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/cEIHsKXZZgE

      All content points required are adequately covered. The writing does not meet all the requirements stated in the task. Read the task again and more carefully: it states that the report must have been about two of the following trading blocs - EFTA, NAFTA, OPEC, APEC, MERCOSUR, ASEAN. You didn’t have carried out any research and then written an information report on it.

      Some non-impeding errors occur in the text.

  15. TRADING BLOCS: not only Europe
    A trading bloc can be defined as a group of nations which decide to set up an organization depending on their geographical position (Europe or ASEAN), on a particular product they trade (OPEC) or because of their historical links with the UK (Commonwealth of nations), for example.

    The main aims of these organizations are to promote free trade and to remove barriers, in fact custom duties are not usually payable among member states of a bloc. Nations of a bloc also adopt a common policy for trade with the rest of the world.

    The Association of South-East Asian Nation (ASEAN), mentioned above, was founded in 1967 by Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia and 5 others have joined the association at later stages (Myanmar, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Brunei). Its objectives are the promotion of social progress, peace and development in the South-East Asia.

    The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has been established in 1960 in Iraq and is made up of 20 countries all producers of oil, in order to ensure oil price stability and to unify petroleum policies.

    The advantages of these associations are noticeable, they facilitate and reduce costs of imports and exports among member nations, for instance.
    Nevertheless, countries in a bloc can become easily dependent on each other and this can represent a threat to single State’s sovereignty.

    1. Your report keeps the reader hocked and interested. I really appreciated your choice as far as content points are concerned.

      Please note that a paragraph is a single bloc. Do not begin a new line within a paragraph.

      In order to improve your skills in creating good flow in writing, please watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/zayfRlAx_5M

  16. TRADING BLOC: The way to success

    You may be asking yourself why a trading bloc is a way to success. Well, it is easy, because is one of the smartest things ever invented by humans.

    A trading bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement where trade barriers (tariffs and others) are reduced or even eliminated among the participating countries.

    Over the last decades, plenty of new trading blocs have been established, like the APEC or NAFTA.
    Talking about The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is an inter-governmental forum composed by 21 member economies in the Pacific Rim that promotes free trade throughout the Asia-Pacific region. APEC was established in 1989, in response to the growing interdependence of Asia-Pacific economies and the advent of trade blocs in other parts of the world. Nowadays its mission is to facilitate economic growth, trade, investment and cooperation.

    Alternatively, halfway around the world, there is the North American Free Trade Agreement or more simply NAFTA. So this trade bloc is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States its purpose is to reduce trading costs, increase business investment, and help North America to be more competitive in the global marketplace.
    Lastly, this agreement came into force on Jan 1, 1994 and recently the the United States, Mexico, and Canada reached an agreement to replace NAFTA with the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA)

    Thanks to the trading blocs of all over the world, almost each nation has successfully improved its economy.

    Number of words: 198

    Mr S.A.G.

    1. All content points required are included and somehow expanded. Some interesting facts are mentioned. What is the difference between NAFTA and USMCA? You haven’t stated it.

      Good range of grammatical and lexical items and good degree of control.

      Please note that a paragraph is a single bloc. Do not begin a new line within a paragraph.

      In order to improve your skills in creating good flow in writing, please watch the following video tutorial: https://youtu.be/cEIHsKXZZgE

    A trading bloc is a group of nations in a particular geographical area which have grouped together in order to promote free trade and adopt a common trade policy for the rest of the world.
    An example of trade organisation is the European Union which is a political and economic group of 27 States that are located primarily in Europe. The EU were established when the Maastricht Treaty came into force in 1993 and it delivered more than half a century of peace, stability and prosperity, helped raise living standards and launched a single European currency: the euro.
    Another example is the NAFTA which is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico and the United States. It came into force on January 1, 1994 and currently it is one of the largest trade blocs in the world by Gross Domestic Product. The goal of NAFTA was to eliminate barriers to trade and investment between these three countries.

    In conclusion, based on these examples, we can say that a trading bloc can increase export potential, higher growth and greater competition.

    180 words

    1. Your report flows and keeps your reader hocked. Some interesting facts are mentioned.

      Your report is well organized into paragraphs. Good range of grammatical and lexical items and good degree of control.

      The writing does not meet all the requirements stated in the task. Read the task again and more carefully: it states that the report must have been about two of the following trading blocs - EFTA, NAFTA, OPEC, APEC, MERCOSUR, ASEAN.

  18. Trading Bloc

    A trading bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement, often part of a regional intergovernmental organisation, where regional barriers are reduced or eliminated among the participating states.
    Its purpose is to promote free trade, remove trade barriers among member nations and adopt a common trade policy for the rest of the world.

    One of the most important trading bloc I would like to talk about is APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation).
    APEC's 21 members aim to create greater prosperity for the people of the region by promoting balanced and secure growth and by accelerating regional economic integration.
    APEC ensures that goods, services, investment and people move easily across borders.

    Furthermore I would like to focus on NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement).
    It's about a treaty between Canada, Mexico, and the United States. That makes NAFTA the world’s largest free trade agreement.
    Its purpose is to reduce trading costs and increase business investment. NAFTA created specific rules to regulate trade in farm products, automobiles, and clothing.

    In conclusion, after analysing these trading blocs, we can say that they are essential to provide global competition.

    Number of words: 188

  19. Trading bloc
    A trading bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement where regional barriers to trade are reduced or eliminated among the participating states.
    In this way national market can remain competitive on a global level.

    EFTA is an intergovernmental organisation made up by Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. The agreement was signed in 1960. The aim is the elimination of customs duties on import and export and the promotion of trade exchanges between member states.
    NAFTA is a treaty of free trade between USA, Canada and Mexico. It was founded in 1994 and it’s the world’s largest free trade area. This organisation born on the already existing agreement of free trade between Canada and USA (FTA). This agreement purpose the gradual elimination of all customs barriers between member states.

    In conclusion trading blocs are very significant for the international market because the member states of these agreement can continue their economic growth.

    153 WORDS


    A trade bloc is an intergovernmental agreement where tariffs and other barriers to trade are reduced or completely eliminated.
    These trade blocs can be autonomous agreements between States or just part of a regional organization.

    The trading bloc has many goals but the main one is to remove barriers to trade within a group of countries.

    Two important trading blocs are the EU (European Union) and the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation).
    The EU currently includes 27 member states : Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
    Its main activities are agriculture, business and industry, competition, culture, customs.

    Instead the APEC, founded in 1989, includes 21 members the United States; Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Peru; The Philippines; Russia; Singapore; Republic of Korea; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; and Viet Nam.
    Its mission is to facilitate economic growth, trade, investment and cooperation in the Asia Pacific region.

    Words : 181


  21. Trading blocs

    A trade bloc is a type of intergovernmental agreement, often part of a regional intergovernmental organization, where barriers to trade are reduced or eliminated among the participating states.Trade blocs can be stand-alone agreements between several states or part of a regional organization. Depending on the level of economic integration, trade blocs can be classified as preferential trading areas, free-trade areas, customs unions, common markets, or economic and monetary unions.

    Historic trading blocs include the Hanseatic League, a Northern European economic alliance, and the German Customs Union, formed on the basis of the German Confederation and subsequently the German Empire. 

    Many advocates of global free trade are opposed to trading blocs. Trade blocs are seen by them to encourage regional free trade at the expense of global free trade. Those who advocate for it claim that global free trade is in the interest of every country, as it would create more opportunities to turn local resources into goods and services that are both currently in demand and will be in demand in the future by consumers.

