3 RIAF HOMEWORK 12th-13th March 2020


1) Look at the following picture:

2) Refresh your memory on how to describe a picture for the B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2 by watching the video below:

3) Think about and plan the description of the photograph, following the procedure:
  • Give a general description of the scene.
  • Say what you can see in the foreground and in the background.
  • Describe people/places – you can also make some guesses.
  • Give your impressions and opinions about the scene illustrated in the picture.

4) Write your description in an appropriate style in the comment box below by Friday 13th March 2020. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. In this picture i can see four people ( two girls and their parents); they are indoor ,in their house that la full of colors and very bright . They are coloring the eggs ,indeed ,in the foreground, there are many colored eggs and one fake rabbit on the wooden table .
    All people wear gray or white clothes ,and the dad wear the striped t-shirt.
    Instead in the background i can see a plant and four Colored pots .
    All people seem very happy ,indeed the dad and the bigger girl are smiling .
    Probably is Easter

    1. Content is on the whole relevant but not so expanded. More details can be added. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Limited achievement of the communicative aim (i.e. difficult to follow for the reader) because errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. “indoor”, "that la full of", "many", "wear", "the striped t-shirt", "bigger".
      Pay attention to the “I” that is always a capital letter. Present continuous is the tense that is necessary when it comes to describe a picture.

      Limited organization of the text as ideas do not always progress logically.

      All in all, quite adequate realisation of the task.

    2. Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo.

    3. Edoardo R
      This photo has been taken indoor.
      In the picture i can see four people:a man ,a woman and two little girls.
      They seems to be a family who's celebrating Easter because there are some Easter eggs and two Easter bunnies on the wooden table .
      The children are painting the eggs with the dad.
      All the family wear a white t-shirt and the children are wearing headbands with rabbit ears on top .
      In the background, on the shelves, there are four colorful vases with flowers; there is a big window ,in which i can see that is a sunny day . Near the window there are some colorful flags.
      They seems very happy , in my opinion the parents are content because they can spend some time together

  2. Virginia P
    In this picture there are four people, one man and three girls, two of these girls are a child. They are obviously a family and they are all wearing a white t-shirt and in addition the two little girls are wearing a bunny ears. These people are sitting at a table in their home, they are laughing and decorating eggs in fact, on that table there are many decorated eggs. In the foreground on the left there are two small plants and two rabbits that aren’t real. In the background on the right there are many plants and in the center and on the left there are a decorations. These things make me think that the period of this photo is the easter period.

    1. Content is relevant with details. Target reader is well informed.

      Acceptable organization of the text.

      Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "girls", "are a child", "a bunny ears"," a decorations", "he period of this photo is the easter period".

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

    2. Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://youtu.be/PcpYbT6-pfw.

  3. Michelle F.
    In this picture I can see one family (two little girls and their parents) who are paintings some eggs. They are all in the foreground with a lot of eggs and colors, next to them there are also two statuettes in the shape of a rabbit and a plant.
    In the background I can see many plants on a shelf and the walls decorated with festoons.
    The two girls are wearing rabbit ears and look very happy, besides they are all dressed with light t-shirts but the dad has a striped shirt.
    This photo is taken indoor and probably in the period of Easter : I think they love this period because they are all very smiling.

    1. Content is relevant with details. Target reader is well informed.

      Acceptable organization of the text.

      Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "are paintings", "statuettes in the shape of", " is taken indoor", "in the period of Easter"

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

    2. Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    3. Michelle F
      This photo was taken indoor and probably in the spring.
      I can see a family who, probably, is celebrating Easter: in fact they are decorating some eggs.
      In the foreground there are the parents with their two daughters: the oldest I think is more or less 6 years old and the youngest probably 3. In the background I can see many plants on a shelf, a wall decorated with some festoons and a window that makes the room very bright.
      The two girl are wearing rabbit ears and look very happy, besides they are all dressed with light t-shirts but the dad has a striped shirt.
      I think they are very happy because they are all smiling.

  4. Simone G
    In this picture there are four people, two child girls,one adult woman and one adult man. It seems that they are a family who is celebrating Easter, because there are many colored eggs and their mood is really happy,they are all wearing white t-shirt .In the backgroung on the top middle there are many windows with some decorations, on the top right there is a shelf with four plants. I the foreground on the bottom left there are two plants, there are two fake rabbits and one basket full of colored eggs, in the bottom middle there are many colored eggs on the table.

    1. Content is relevant with some details. Target reader is well informed.

      Good organization of the text as ideas are presented in a clear and logical way.

      Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "child girls", "adult woman", "adult man", "their mood is really happy", "wearing white t-shirt", "there are many", "I the foreground"

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

    2. Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    3. Simone G.
      In this picture i can see a family who, most likely, celebrating easter.
      This photo is been taken indoor, the whole family is wearing white shirts and the girls are wearing rabbit headband.
      On the left i can see two plants, one in the light green vase and the other one in a purple vase.
      On the table i can see one basket full of coloured eggs, there are two rabbit sculptures one bigger than the other one, on the right i can see four containers of colours, they are yellow, green, blue and purple.
      In the background i can see five coloured vases with flowers on the shelf, and a big window that brings sun light from the outside.
      I think, that this family love stay togeter because they are all smiling and seems really happy.

  5. Silvia C

    In this picture i can see four people, in particularly a family, whose members are three girls and one boy. They are probably in their house, in the Easter period, maybe in the afternoon. It seems like a peaceful place and they looks happy. The girl on the left looks older than the baby girl in the middle. In the background i can see a lot of plants with coloured vase, a window and colourful flags. In the foreground i can see a lots eggs with different colours, two rabbits made of plastic, brushes and two plants.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant but not so expanded. More details can be added. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Acceptable organization of the text.

      Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding, e.g. "three girls and one boy", "in the Easter period", "baby girl", "with coloured vase". Pay attention to the “I” that is always a capital letter.

      All in all, adequate realization of the task.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

  6. Stefano Perotti

    This picture has been taken indoor.
    I can see a family,composed by four people:
    two little girls and their parents sitting at the table,probably in their house.
    The two little girls are wearing rabbit ears and a white t-shirt like the mum,while the dad is wearing a striped t-shirt.
    Probably is Easter,because the family is painting some eggs of different colours and they are very happy because they are laughing.
    The house is decorated with many festoons,on the table there are two puppets depicting the Easter bunny and in the background i can see some plants.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant but not so expanded. More details can be added. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Limited organization of the text as the text is not well connected.

      Very simple structures. Too simple. Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. " indoor", "composed by", "like the mum", "the dad", "Probably is Easter", "eggs of". Pay attention to the “I” that is always a capital letter.

      All in all, quite adequate realisation of the task.

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

  7. Sabrina F.
    This picture has been taken indoor.
    First of all, i can see one women, one man and two young girls, i think that they are a family.
    They are sitting togheter in a decorated room and they are colouring the eggs.
    One girl has a light blue pencil and a pink egg in her hands and the father has in his hand a green egg.
    There is a wooden table in front of they and on the left of the table i can see a lot of coloured eggs in a container, two small sculptures of two rabbits and two vases.
    On the right i can see four contains of colours, they are yellow, green, blue and purple.
    There are uniforms coloured eggs but also eggs with lines and dots.
    In the background i can see five coloured vases with flowers inside on the shelve, many decorations and a sunlight so i think there is a window and also a curtain.
    Everybody in this family are wearing a white t-shirt but the t-shirt of the man has also grey lines.
    The young girls are wearing a circlet with rabbit ears.
    For all of these things, i think is Easter.
    They are a nice family and they are smiling because, in my opinion, they love stay with their family.
    That’s all.

    1. Good realization of the task. Content is relevant with plenty of details. Target reader is fully informed.

      Good organization of the text as most of the ideas are presented in a clear and logical way.

      Very simple structures. Try to create more complex structures within sentences and among sentences. You need to create a smoother text which flows naturally. Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "indoor", "one women", " they are a family", "the father", "in front of they", "contains", "uniforms coloured eggs", "shelve", "i think is", "love stay". Pay attention to the “I” that is always a capital letter.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. Sabrina F.
      This picture was taken in a decorated room, maybe in a living room.
      First of all, I can see one woman, one man and two young girls, they are most likely a family.
      They are sitting togheter and they are colouring the eggs. One girl has a light blue pencil and a pink egg in her hands and her father has in his hand a green egg.
      There is a wooden table in front of them and on the left of the table I can see a lot of coloured eggs in a basket, two small sculptures of two rabbits and two vases.
      On the right I can see four cans of colours, they are yellow, green, blue and purple.
      There are colored eggs with only one colour but also eggs with lines and dots.
      In the background I can see five coloured vases with flowers inside on the shelf, many decorations and a sunlight so I think there is a window and also a curtain.
      Everybody in this family are wearing a white t-shirt but the t-shirt of the man has also grey lines and the young girls are wearing a circlet with rabbit ears.
      For all of these things, I think it is Easter.
      They are a nice family and they are smiling because, in my opinion, they love to be with their family.
      That’s all.

  8. In this picture there are four people that preparing eggs for easter. There are three girls and one man, 2 of the 3 are children ; the two children, one older and one smaller, wore a headband with bunny ears, all with white shirts.
    The two girls watch the eggs while the parents watch their girls smiling.
    In the foreground besides the people there are colored eggs, baskets is a rabbit, jars and plants, are placed on a wooden table.
    In the background you can see flags, colorful vases with plants. They seem very happy and serene, ready to definitely celebrate Easter.
    In my opinion this image describes the serenity that only the family can transfer especially during the holidays.
    SERRA S.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant but not so expanded. More details can be added. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Acceptable organization of the text.

      Errors frequently impede understanding, e.g. "that preparing", "for easter", "three girls", "2 of the 3", "wore", "watch", "baskets is a rabbit", "transfer".

      All in all, quite adequate realisation of the task.

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

    2. In this picture there are four people are preparing eggs by easter. There are mom,dad and two little girls ; the little girls , one older and one smaller,are wearing a headband with bunny ears, all with white shirts.
      The two girls are watching the eggs while the parents are watching their girls smiling.
      In the foreground besides the people there are colored eggs,near the baskets there are rabbits , jars and plants, are placed on a wooden table.
      In the background you can see flags, colorful vases with plants. They seem very happy and serene, ready to definitely celebrate Easter.
      In my opinion this image describes the serenity that only the family can to broadcast especially during the holidays.
      SERRA S.

  9. Alessia T

    This photo has been taken indoor.
    The picture shows four people: a man, a woman and two little girls.
    It seems to be a family who's celebrating Easter because they're sitting at a wooden table, painting eggs.
    The girls are wearing a rabbit headband and the whole family is wearing white shirts.
    On the table I can see on the left a basket full of eggs already painted by them but not decorated yet. Next to it there are two rabbits sculptures: one is bigger and on only two paws, instead the other is smaller.
    Always on the left I can see two little plants, one in a green vase and the second in a purple one.
    On the right side of the table there are some little vases with different paints inside of them.
    In front of them there are two containers and inside we can find colorful eggs decorated with dots and lines.
    In the background I can see some plants and the fact that the room is decorated, also there is a big window that makes the room bright.
    The family seems very happy maybe because they're spending time together!

    1. Very good realization of the task. Content is relevant with plenty of details. Target reader is fully informed.

      Effective organisation of the text as all the ideas are presented in a very clear and logical way.

      Appropriate range of grammatical and lexical items with a good level of accuracy.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

  10. FRANCESCA M.(avevo sbagliato compito)
    This image rapresented a moment in the family.
    There are parents with their two girls who have light hair.
    In the foreground, on a table, there are colored eggs, with jars that have very bright colors inside; the eggs are dotted, striped and plain. These eggs are coloring them all together and a little girl is coloring one pink. Dad helps the smallest girl and makes her green.
    You may also notice a rabbit watching the family work.
    In the background we can see a shelf with some seedlings inside colored pots.
    There are triangle flags hanging on the wall.
    The family seems very happy and seems to be celebrating Easter.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant. More details can be added. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Limited organization of the text as ideas within the text are not well connected.

      Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "rapresented", "moment in the family", "These eggs are coloring them", "coloring one pink", "Dad helps", "makes her green", "the family work", "seedlings".

      All in all, adequate realisation of the task.

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

  11. Francesco P
    This photo has been taken indoor
    In this picture I can see an happy family composed by two adults (probably the mother and the father) and two girls (probably their daughters)
    They're wearing simple white clothes, but the girls are also wearing an headband with the ears of the rabbit on.
    It's probably Easter because in the foreground I can see that they're painting the eggs with multiple colours and on the left side there's two statuettes and a basket with the decorated eggs in.
    This room is full of plants, because I can see two pots with plants on the foreground, near the statuettes, and in the background, all over the wall near the window.


    1. Content is on the whole relevant. More details can be added. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Good organization of the text as most of the ideas are presented in a clear and logical way.

      Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding.

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. This photo has been taken indoor, probably inside their own house
      In this picture I can see an happy family composed by two adults (probably the mother and the father), a toddler and a child (probably their daughters)
      The mother is wearing a simple white shirt, the dad is wearing a striped white t-shirt and the daughters are wearing a simple white shirts and an headband with the ears of the rabbit on.
      It's probably Easter because in the foreground I can see that they're probably having fun painting the eggs with multiple colours and on the left side, near the woodwn wall, there's two statuettes, a basket with the decorated eggs in and some plants for decorate the room.
      This room is also full of plants, because I can see two pots with plants on the foreground, near the statuettes, and in the background, all over the brick's wall near the window in some colorful pots.
      I can also see two different type of decoration probably attached to the ceiling.

  12. Emanuele F
    The picture shows four people(two girls and their parents)that are coloring some eggs. They are indoors. So in the foreground there is this family and in the background i can see a window and on the top right corner there is a shelf with above some vases. In the bottom there are some colored eggs, in the bottom right corner there are some jars with inside the colors yellow, red and blue. In the bottom left corner there's a basket with eggs inside and next to the basket there's a gray and white rabbit. The mum wear a beige sweater and the dad wear a t-shirt white with dark gray rules and the two girls wear white dress.
    They appear relaxed and happy so they feel good. I can't see their trousers because they are behind a wooden table and also the other walls are made of wood.
    In my opinion they are celebrating the easter day.

    1. Content is relevant with some details. Target reader is well informed.

      Limited organization of the text as ideas within the text are not well connected.

      Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding. Present continuous is the tense that is necessary when it comes to describe a picture.

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

  13. Sofia G.
    In the picture i can see four people, in detail a family. There are the mother and the father that seem too young. The children are two females and they wear rabbit ears on the head.
    The photo was taken indoor maybe at a party, because there are some decorations hanging on the wall.
    In the background there is a big window and it’s impossibile look out of it. There is a shelf with some plants on.
    In the foreground there are the parents that play with their children. There is a square table made of wood, and on the table there are many eggs drawn by the older girl. On the left there are two little plants and a statue of a rabbit.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant. More details can be added. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Limited organization of the text as the ideas within text are not well connected.

      Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "the mother", "the father", "too young", "females", "wear", "the head", "indoor", "with some plants on", "that play", "there are many". Pay attention to the “I” that is always a capital letter. Present continuous is the tense that is necessary when it comes to describe a picture.

      All in all, adequate realisation of the task.

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

    2. In the picture I can see four people, probably a family. There are two young parents (mother and father) and two children. They are two little girls and they have got rabbit ears on the head.
      The photo was taken indoor, maybe at a party, because there are some decorations hanging on the wall.
      In the background there are a big window and a shelf; on the shelf and on the table there are some little plants and flowers. This is probably an Easter celebration because there are decorations with rabbits and eggs. The family, in fact, is painting on the eggs with paint brushes and colors.

  14. Francesco c
    This picture has been taken indoor, I can see a family where there are two small children, the small girls on the left is older than the right one.
    The parents are very young.
    Together wearing white clothes.
    In my opinion it is a Easter season, because they are painting the egg whit colours that represent Easter.
    On the foreground I can see a lot of egg on the table, on the middle ground there are a family, but on the left there are two rabbits next to a basket whit many eggs and two flower pot. On the background on the top right there are many flower pots, they are resting on a shelf, and under this shelf there is a plants whit yellow flowers.
    On the top left there is a curtain, and in my opinion, behind this curtain there is a window. I think that's all.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant. More details can be added. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Limited organization of the text as ideas do not always progress logically.

      Limited achievement of the communicative aim (i.e. difficult to follow for the reader) because errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. " indoor", "the right one", "The parents", "Together wearing", "a Easter season", "the egg whit", "a lot of egg", "on the middle ground", "whit many eggs", "two flower pot", "there are many", "a plants".

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

    2. This picture has been taken indoor, it shows an happy family where there are two small children and two adults, probably the father and the mother and they are very young.
      All the family wearing white clothes.
      In my opinion it is Easter, because they are painting the egg whit bright colours.
      On the foreground I can see many eggs on the table, in the middle ground on the left there are two rabbits next to a basket with the eggs in. On the background on the top right there are flower pots, they are resting on a shelf, and under this shelf there is a plant whit yellow flowers.
      On the top left there is a curtain, and in my opinion, behind this curtain there is a window. I think that's all.

  15. Andrea c.
    in this picture, i can see four people,probabily they are a family and i deduce it's easter.
    In the foreground i can see the parents and two daughters.they are sitting around the table. In the table there are small eggs, the family it's very happy for paiting them, and two fake rabbits. The father has a black and white t-shirt and blond hair. The mum has long black hairs and a pull grey. The two daughters are sitting next to their parents and they are wearing rabbit ears.
    In the background i can see a small plant and a big window.On the left there are small fleg, hanged up on the wood.

    1. Content is relevant with some details. More details can be added. Target reader is well informed.

      Limited achievement of the communicative aim (i.e. difficult to follow for the reader) mainly because there is a limited organization of the text. Ideas do not always progress logically.

      Errors frequently impede understanding, e.g. "they are a family", "i can see the parents", "sitting around", "In the table", "the family it's", "happy for", "a pull grey", "are small fleg", "on the wood". Pay attention to the “I” that is always a capital letter.

      All in all, quite adequate realisation of the task.

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

    2. Andrea C.
      In this picture I can see four people: two adults and two childrens.
      0n the left I can see two fake rabbits. A smaller one and a bigger one,
      a purple vase and a yellow one with some plants and a bin with some painted eggs. In the center I can see a woman and two young girls, a younger one and a older one. They are wearing fake rabbits ears.
      On the right I can see a man holding a green egg.
      In the background I can also see a table on which there are a lot of plants and a lot of flags.
      I suppose that the photo shows a family celebrating easter:that is why they look so happy and they are paiting the eggs.

  16. Chiara R.
    This photo was taken indoor, there is a family of 4 people. In the foreground there are the parents and 2 children sitting at a table. On the table there are some Easter eggs, 2 Easter bunnies, some flowers and some paints. In the background there are some flower and a window. I can see that is a sunny day outside. In the all room there are many colorful flower pots. The children are painting the eggs and they look really happy. I think this photo was taken some days before Easter. There are eggs painting in blue, in yellow, in red and in pink. All the family wear a white t-shirt and the children are wearing a headband whit rabbit ears on it. I think the children are really happy for the arriving of the Easter because they’re waiting it for eating some chocolate and many sweet food, like I was years ago.

    1. Very good realization of the task. Content is relevant with plenty of details. Target reader is fully informed.

      Good organisation of the text as most the ideas are presented in a very clear and logical way.

      Appropriate range of grammatical and lexical items with a good level of accuracy.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. Chiara R.
      This photo was taken indoor, there is a family of 4 people. In the foreground there are the parents and 2 children sitting at a table. On the table there are some Easter eggs, 2 Easter bunnies, some flowers and some paints. In the background there are some flower and a window. I can see that is a sunny day outside. In the all room there are many colorful flower pots. The children are painting the eggs and they look really happy. The children are wearing a big smile on their faces and the parents too. I think this photo was taken some days before Easter. There are eggs painting in blue, in yellow, in red and in pink. All the family wear a white t-shirt and the children are wearing a headband whit rabbit ears on it. I think the children are really happy for the arriving of the Easter because they’re waiting it for eating some chocolate and many sweet food, like I was years ago

  17. Federica Z.
    In this picture i can see four people:two children,a man and a women. They are obviously a family and they are sitting at a table in their home. The older girl is on the left and mon is on her left. The father is on the right of the photo and nex to him is the mother with the smallest child in her leggs. In the background there are a door or a big window with a tent. On the wall there is a shelf with very colorful pots. Under the shelf there is a plant with yellow flowers. In the foreground i can see a table with colored eggs, a basket and two or three plant on it. The family is painting eggs. The three girl are wearing a white shirts and the man is wearing a white shirt with grey stripes. I think it's morning or afternoon because i can see a sun light through the door or window. I guess we are preparing something for Easter because they are painting eggs, on the table there is a fake rabbit and the childrens wearing a headband with bunny ears.

    1. Content is relevant with plenty of details. Target reader is fully informed.

      Limited organization of the text as the ideas within text are not well connected.

      Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding.

      All in all, good realisation of the task.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. In this photo I can see a possible family consisting of four people: two parents and two children. They are sitting on the table. On the table there are many eggs, two Easter rabbits, two plants and some paints of different colours: pink, blue, green and yellow. The older girl is on the left and mon is on ger left. The father is on the right of the photo and nex to him is the mother with the smallest chil in her legs. In the background I can see a window or a door, on the wall there are many colored plants. All wear a white t-shirt and the two children wear a headband with bunny ears. The photo was taken in the afternoon because I can see a sum light through the door/window. I guess we are preparing something for Easter. The all seem very happy with the arrival of Easter and can be seen by the smile they wear.

  18. Antonio M.
    this picture has been taken indoor, probably in a living room or in a kitchen.
    in this photo i can see a family composed by the mother, the father and two daughters, the one on the left is older than the one on the right.
    all the family are wearing a white t-shirt, only the dad has stripes on it, and the childrens have fake ears, like those of a rabbit, on their heads.
    in the foreground, on the table, i can see a lot of colored eggs and two grey rabbits, for this reason i think this photo represents a moment in easter holidays.
    they are painting the eggs togheter, the mum and the dad are helping their daughters.
    in the background i can see a big window, perhaps it is a balcony door.
    the picture is too much bright so i think it has been taken in the morning.
    always in the background i can see a shelf with six colorful vases with plants and garlands hung on the wall.
    in my opinion this picture is really nice, maybe it has been made by another component of the family, they are happy and enjoying that moment togheter.
    i think that's all.

    1. Content is relevant with plenty of details. Target reader is fully informed.

      Acceptable organization of the text.

      Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "indoors", "family composed by", "the mother, the father", "the dad has stripes", "childrens", " in easter holidays", "made", "component". Pay attention to the “I” that is always a capital letter.

      All in all, quite good realisation of the task.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    this pictures is indoors,I suppose is a kitchen.
    In this pictures I see that there are four people, there is one man one girl and two young girls,i suppose that they are a family.
    In this picture they look happy because they are smiling.
    I suppose that it is Easter because there are many dedecorations with different coloours.
    In the foreground I see a table with many declarations over, for example two rabbits And many coloorful eggs.
    In the middle ground there is the family they are wearing white t-shirts and the young children's are wearing whit strange cap whit rabbits ears,
    They are making other decorations.
    The man has short brown hair and the woman has long black hair, the young girls have light brown hair.
    In the background there are other decorations and there are many flowers and plants, finally there is a shelf and there is a window with white curtains.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant. More details can be added. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Limited achievement of the communicative aim (i.e. difficult to follow for the reader) mainly because there is a limited organization of the text. Ideas do not always progress logically.

      Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "I suppose is a kitchen", "I see", "one girl", "different coloours", "many declarations", "many coloorful", "In the middle ground", "the young children's", "whit", "cap".

      All in all, quite adequate realisation of the task.

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

    2. Francesco.v
      This picture is indoors.I think it is a kitchen.
      In the foreground there are four people: a man a woman and two young girls.
      The man is wearing a white t-shirt with Grey horizontal stripes and he has brown hair, the woman is wearing a white pullover and she has long black hair, the young children are wearing white dresses and hairbands with rabbit's ears, they have long brown hair.
      I think that they are a happy family because they're smiling and they're sitting near a table, where there are many decorations like for example two Grey rabbits two green plants and many Easter colourful eggs. Some of them are in two baskets.
      In the background there are other decorations, many plants and many flowers, some of them are on a shelf. And finally there is a window throught which the light come into the room.
      I think that in this period it is Easter because I see Easter decorations.

  20. GIULIA B
    This picture has been taken indoors, maybe in a kitchen. I can see four people, maybe a family, a mother, a father, an older daughter, and the little one. They are decorating some eggs, especially the older girl and the father, I guess they are doing it for Easter. In the foreground there is a table, and on it there are lots of things, on the left the are two rabbits, in the middle there are all the painted eggs, and on the right there are some paints, probably used before. In the background there are some decorations too, on a shelf on the right there are some colorful vases with flowers, and on the left, near the window there are some flags. All of them seems happy, in my opinion the parents are content beacause they can finally spend some time with the family. Instead the girls could be happy for different reason, maybe because they like their rabbit's ear, or just because painting some eggs is a really enjoyable activity.

    1. Very good realization of the task. Content is relevant with plenty of details. Target reader is fully informed.

      Effective organisation of the text as all the ideas are presented in a very clear and logical way.

      Appropriate range of grammatical and lexical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. GIULIA B
      This picture has been taken indoors, maybe in a kitchen. I can see four people, it’s probably a family, a mother, a father, an older daughter, and the little one. They are decorating some eggs, especially the older girl and the father, I guess they are painting them for Easter. In the foreground there is a table, and on it there are lots of things, on the left the are two rabbits, another sign that let us under stand that is Easter. In the middle there are all the painted eggs, and on the right there are some paints, of different coulors, probably used before. In the background there are some decorations too, on a shelf on the right there are some colorful vases with flowers, and on the left, near the window there are some little flags. All of them seems happy, and in the spirito f the solida, in my opinion the parents are content beacause they can finally spend some time with the family. Instead the girls could be happy for different reason, maybe because they like their rabbit's ear, or just because painting some eggs is a really enjoyable activity.

  21. Veronica A.
    In this picture, i can see four people, probably mum, dad and two daughters. They are sitting on a rectangular table. On this table there are small Easter eggs, two bunnies, many jars with different colors and two small table plants behind a rabbit. They are coloring the eggs with brushes and i think they are having fun. The two daughters are wearing a white top and a headband with two bunny ears. Dad is wearing a white striped t-shirt and mum is wearing a white stitch. In the background, i can see many colorful vases with flowers on a shelf, white and pink curtains, a window and two colored festoon. This photo looks like in summer because they are dressed with light clothes.

    1. Good realization of the task. Content is relevant with some details. Target reader is well informed.

      Good organisation of the text as most the ideas are presented in a very clear and logical way.

      Appropriate range of grammatical and lexical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding.

      Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    2. Veronica A
      This picture was taken inside a very colorful living room. In this picture, i can see four people, probably mum, dad and two daughters. They are sitting together on a rectangular table and they are colouring the eggs with brushes and i think they are having fun. The two daughters are wearing a white top and a headband with two bunny ears, dad is wearing a white striped t-shirt and mum is wearing a white stitch. One girl has a blue pencil and a pink egg in her hands and her father has a green egg in his hand. On this table there are small Easter eggs,two bunnies, many jars with different colours and two small table plants behind a rabbit. On the right of the table, there are four cans of colours, yellow, green,blue and purple. In the background, i can see many colorful vases with flowers on a shelf, white and pink curtains, sunlight so probably there is a window and two coloured festoon. In this picture looks like in summer because they are dressed with light clothes but also Easter because they are colouring these eggs. In my opinion, they are a very nice family.
      That's all

  22. ALICE A.
    This photo was taken in a room, maybe in a house.
    In this photo I can see four people, maybe a family consisting of two parents and two daughters.
    In the foreground, on the table, I see eggs to be decorated and other eggs already decorated.
    I think they celebrate Easter because in addition to the eggs, I see two rabbit statues and her girls have bunny ears on their heads.
    In the background I see many green and colored plants, on the wooden walls there are many colored decorations.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant. More details can be added. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Limited achievement of the communicative aim (i.e. difficult to follow for the reader) mainly because there is a limited organization of the text. Ideas within text are not well connected.

      Very simple structures. Too simple. Errors occasionally impede understanding.

      All in all, quite adequate realisation of the task.

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

  23. Valentina C.

    In this photo I can see a family, mum, dad and two little girls. They are all sitting around a table and they are painting a lot of Easter eggs, with many brights colours. They look very happy and they have fun, and I think for this that they love this holidays. The whole family wears a white t-shirt, the dad with the black stripes. The little girls also wear the bunny ears. In the background I can see many plants, with light and summer colored flowers.
    I suppose they are in their home, decorated with colored eggs and Easter decorations on the wall.

    1. Content is on the whole relevant. More details can be added. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Limited achievement of the communicative aim (i.e. difficult to follow for the reader) mainly because there is a limited organization of the text. Ideas within text are not well connected.

      Very simple structures. Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. " a family, mum, dad and two little girls", "sitting around", "with many", "they have", "they love this holidays", "wears", "the dad with the black stripes", "wear the bunny ears", "I can see many", "summer colored flowers". Present continuous is the tense that is necessary when it comes to describe a picture.

      All in all, quite adequate realisation of the task.

      Watch the video tutorial again: https://youtu.be/ihIQ8_-49Fo

  24. Elena C.
    In this picture I can see four people, two young girl and two woman, I can also see that the woman in the right is older than the woman in the left and the baby in the right is younger than the baby in the left. In the background there is a big window or maybe a door with a tent . On a shelf there is a plant and under the shelf I can see a tall yellow plant, maybe a flower. In the left there is a wood wall.In the foreground this four person are talking and laughing. They are painting on some eggs.In the foreground there is also a table with some tinghs on it:plants, eggs, a basket...All the girls are wearing a white t-shirt. The woman in the right has shorts hairs than the girl in the left has longs hairs.I think it's morning or afternoon beacause there is a sun light through the window/door.I guess they are preparing some things for easter beacause in some countries there is this routine. Perhaps they are a family or friends.

    1. Content is relevant with details. Target reader is well informed.

      Acceptable organization of the text.

      Errors sometimes impede understanding, e.g. "two young girl and two woman", "this four person", "tinghs", "shorts hairs than", "longs hairs" " routine". Non-impeding errors also occur e.g. "in the right", "in the left", "they are a family or friends".

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

    2. Here a video tutorial which can help you improve your skills at describing pictures illustrating people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcpYbT6-pfw

    3. Elena C.
      In this picture there is a family.I can see a mum, a dad and two children.In the background there are a shelf and on it there are some pink,white and red flowers. Maybe it's spring.Under a shelf there is one high plant with yellow flowers.In the background there is also a window or a door with tent but I can't see very well. THe wall on the left is made with wood. In the foreground there is a family. They are decorating some eggs whit some colours likes blue, yellow,red and pink. The eggs are on a table made with wood. On the table there are also some green plants. I suppose it's morning or afternoon beacause in the room there is natural light. All people in the room are wearing white clothes. The woman and the children on her legs have longs hairs. The family are talking and laughing all togheter.I think it's easter because in some country people decorating eggs for this celebrate.

  25. ALICE T.

    This picture has been taken indoor. There are 4 people, 2 children and 2 adults . the childrens are 2 girls, they are sisters. The girl on the left is the older sister instead the one on the right is the smallest. I suppose they are a family and the adults are the parents. I think it’s Easter because on the table there are a lot of eggs. They are painting the eggs and the parents are helping their childrens. On the table there are also 6 jars with the colors and brushes. They are happy. The daughters are wearing some circles with rabbit ears. In the left there is a fake grey rabbit and it’s between 2 small plants. On the wall, that are made with wood, there are some colored jaws. In the background there is a shelf with some other plants , the vases where the plants are, are of different colors. Under the shelf I can see some plant bigger than the others. I also see a window. I think it’s a sunny day because the room is bright. The tent are white. I suppose that the family are sitting on some chairs. Mother has brown hair of medium lenght and she wear a white shirt. She’s looking at the older sister and has the smaller sister on her legs. Father has brown hair thet is clearer then his wife, he wear a white t-shirt with light blue stripes. The sisters have brown hair and wears some white clothes . That’s all.

    1. Good achievement of the communicative aim. Content is relevant and plenty of details. Target reader is fully informed.

      Quite good organisation of the text, as some ideas are presented in a clear and logical way, but some ideas are not so well connected within the text.

      Good range of lexical and grammatical items. It show some ambition. Errors occasionally impede understanding, e.g. "indoor", "the one on the right is the smallest", "In the left", "On the wall, that are", "made with", "some plant", "I also see", "the family are", "Mother", "she wear a white shirt", "sister", "Father", "thet is clearer then", "he wear", "wears".

  26. Stefano Perotti

    This photo has been taken indoor.
    In foregroung I can see four people:a man, a woman and two little girls,probably a family.
    The woman has long black hair and a light shirt while the man has short blonde wavy hair and the shirt he wears is clear with orizzontal stripes.
    The two little girls wear bunny ears over their light hair and their shirts are white.
    This family seems very happy has everyone is smiling.
    They are painting eggs for Easter,many are scattered on the table others are in a basket next to a stuffed rabbit.
    The wall on the left of the room is made of wood covered with festoons,the curtain of the window is white.
    In the background I can see many colored vases containing plants that cheer up the environment.
