5A RIM HOMEWORK 4th-6th March 2020

1) Watch the video on how to write an information report and take notes on the procedure on your notebook.

2) Watch the video on how to structure paragraphs in information reports and take notes on the procedure on your notebook.

3) Surf the Net and carry out some research about the World Fair Trade Organization. Write an information report on your findings by Friday 6th March 2020. You should include relevant information on its foundation, mission and activities.

Write your report in 140-190 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.



    The World Fair Trade Organization is an association, founded in 1989, of 401 organisations in 76 countries.
    WFTO is aimed at improve the living conditions of marginalised producers and workers, and offers to its members assistance and services to refine their knowledge of world market.
    WFTO deals with fair and equitable trade.

    The Fair Trade movement is full of examples of women bucking social norms and overcoming gender equality.

    In Fair Trade enterprises women are the decision-makers, leaders, professionals, and artisans driving change. This can inspire broader social change and help empower more women.

    74% of 965,700 livelihoods impacted are led by women, 51% of broad positions are held by women and 52% of CEOs are women.
    We celebrate International Women’s Day 2020 by profiling the inspiring women who are creating the path to gender equality.

    On the whole we can say that 54% of seniors roles are held by women so WFTO has reached and is maintaining its aim.

    WORDS: 169

  2. #fairtradeinnovates
    The World Fair Trade Organization, is a global association of 401 organizations who are committed to improving the livelihoods of economically marginalised producers.
    It was created in 1989 and was formerly the International Federation of Alternative Traders ("IFAT").

    WFTO has also a stated mission that is to enable producers to improve their livelihoods and communities through Fair Trade.

    On their official website is possible to check out all their activities and events about what they’re doing.
    So for example on the 11 May 2019, the WFTO has celebrated the Fair trade day In which, they were celebrating all the innovations and solutions founded for the people and the planet.

    The main innovations last year were: Innovations in product development, so new products designed to let consumers to live an ethical lifestyle, then Innovations that empower women, beacause Fair Trade Enterprises have 52% female CEOs and the Fair Trade business models provide a space for women to become leaders.

    In conclusion, we can say that the WFTO do a big job to make our life more enjoyable.

    VB 170 words

  3. The WFTO (World Fair Trade Organisation)
    The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), is a global association of 401 organizations who are committed to improving the livelihoods of economically marginalised producers. It’s formed by 76 countries.
    The WFTO was created in 1989 with the aim of verify fair trade enterprises. In addition, this organisation has created cooperatives and associations, export marketing companies, importers, retailers, national and regional fair-trade networks and Fair-Trade Support Organizations.
    It has five main goals that be:
    1. To be the leading network of the Fair-Trade movement
    2. To provide an environment for sharing and learning
    3. To raise awareness of and promote the Fair-Trade model, and advocate for change to conventional trade.
    4. To create market access opportunities for members
    5. To enhance WFTO’s capability to deliver a broader range of services to its members
    Finally, this organisation should follow their own daily activity for ensure the respect of 10 fundamental principles.
    “Creating Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producer and Respect for the Environment” are some examples of the 10 basic principles.
    175 words

  4. WFTO: where trade meets sustainability

    1989 was probably one of the most relevant years for our society: Berlin Wall's collapse, the Angolan Civil War halted by cease fire but most importantly the birth of an organisation that connects social enterprises and fair trade.
    The World Fair Trade Organisation is recognised as an association which deals with fair and equitable trade. It includes more than 60 different countries all over the world: 65% of the members come form South America, Asia and Africa. WFTO's aim is to improve disadvantaged producers' prosperity by offering its members support and services in order to make international organisations adopt equal rules in trade.
    WFTO has a major impact on our planet: it includes nearly a million livelihoods and more than half of all senior roles are held by women. In fact, one of WFTO's most important activities is Women's Day: the Fair Trade movement shows great examples of women overcoming gender barriers.
    WFTO found 10 principles of fair trade, which go from providing opportunities for disadvantaged producers to respecting the Fair Trade's environment. Organisations and businesses must adhere to these fundamental concepts and for now WFTO is doing a great job.

    190 words

  5. If it's fair we should care!

    The world fair trade organisation is a global community of social entreprises that practise Fair Trade. The principal aim of this organisation is to enforce transparent international trade as well as promoting social and economic development.

    The new inspirational trade models set by the WFTO offer the opportunity for disadvantaged producers in third world countries to be included into the world trading market along with promoting cooperation.

    But why is the WFTO so important in developing countries? Fairtrade ensures fair prices, living wages and community benefits for workers and their family whilst protecting the environment.

    Furthermore, Fair Trade Entreprises educate for a better world and seek solutions to broader issues like the careless and excessive consumption of natural resources, women's empowerment, refugee livelihoods, inequalities and human rights.

    In conclusion we can easily affirm that the WFTO is making the difference for workers in third world countries and that it's necessary to recognise its importance.

    160 words


    The World Faire Trade Organisation is a global community of businesses and social enterprises that practice Fair Trade and it’s an international model focused on the interests of people and planet first.

    The WFTO was created in 1989 to follow the internationally recognized Fair Trade principles of fair wage, gender equality, long-term relationships, concern for the environment, democratic decision making, safe working conditions, respect for culture, and prohibition of child exploitation.

    Over a million small-scale producers and workers are organized in as many as 3,000 grassroots organisations and their umbrella structures in over 75 countries around the worldfair trade, claiming up to 50% of the total alternative trading organization turnover in 2005.

    Fair Trade Enterprises support organic agriculture, adopt circular economy production processes, generate new models of social enterprise and create new ways to champion the dignity of workers, farmers, artisans and communities around the world. Nowadays the 74% of them are women.

    We all have a choice when we make a purchase, for this, the WFTO exists to vision a future where trade is fair.

    182 words

  7. The World Fair Trade Organization is an international association including 401 organisations who improve the livelihoods of economically marginalized producers.
    WFTO was created in 1989 and was formerly the International Federation of Alternative Traders (“IFAT").

    WFTO has members in 76 countries and these members are primarily fair trade enterprises.
    WFTO members use commercial activity to achieve a social mission and have been defined as 'Fair Trade Social Enterprises’

    The WFTO trademark can only be used by verified fair trade entreprises. These companies are constituted cooperatives and associations, export marketing companies, importers, retailers, national and regional fair trade networks and Fair Trade Support Organizations.
    Therefore WFTO’s aim is to allow producers to improve their livelihoods and communities through Fair Trade.

    To conclude it has five main goals: to be To be the leading network of the Fair Trade movement, to supply a place for sharing and learning, to sensitize and promote the Fair Trade model and supporting the change of conventional trade, to create market access opportunities for members and to improve WFTO’s capacity to provide its members with a wider range of services.

    184 words

  8. WTFO:the home of Fair Trade Enterprises

    The World Fair Trade Organization is the global community of Fair Trade Enterprises.
    Founded in 1989, it has over 400 members across 70 countries.

    The membership includes over 330 Fair Trade Enterprises, as well as the broader movement of 70 organisations and networks that support them.
    The WFTO verifies the commitment of its members to Fair Trade through peer reviews and independent audits.

    WFTO is the home of Fair Trade Enterprises, which put people and planet first.
    WFTO members are social entrepreneurs and artisans, farmers and campaigners, innovators and Fair Trade pioneers. They join together as a global community showcasing a new business model that can prioritise a social mission.

    Fair Trade Enterprises can be social enterprises, cooperatives, family-businesses and social businesses. They have all adopted practices and structures that give priority to workers, farmers and artisans in their business decisions. They were born against inequality and injustice.

    In conclusion we can say that WFT0 puts the planet and people first, maybe we should do it too.

    173 words

  9. WFTO:an innovative trade

    The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) was created in 1989 and is a global association of 401 organizations in over 76 countries. The mission of the WFTO is to improve the living conditions and well-being of disadvantaged producers by connecting and promoting with fair trade organizations,

    WFTO is committed to developing producers' skills and specific activities to guarantee them adequate support and continuity in commercial relations and assumes the responsibility of assisting both producers and import / export organizations, improving their management skills and access market .
    it is also transparent in management and commercial relations and treats its partners clearly and respectfully. It is correct towards all its shareholders, in a process that respects the delicacy and confidentiality of the information provided.
    Finally, the WFTO also provides women and men with opportunities to develop their skills and actively promotes the allocation of available places to women. Working women are encouraged through management training courses to take on leadership roles. I

    In conclusion it can be said that it is an organization that cares about all its members and is an innovative way of commerce that should involve everyone
    Words : 190


  10. The World Fair Trade Organization is a global association of 401 organizations with members in 76 different countries, mainly in Asia, South America and Africa.

    The WFTO was founded back in 1989 under the name of "International Federation of Alternative Traders"(IFAT) and, since its creation, it has been run in a democratical way, on a one member/one vote basis.

    This association's main objective is to improve the livelihoods and the life quality of economically marginalised producers, through Fair Trade. The enterprises, companies, importers and retailers which are part of the WFTO can put the WTFO label on their products, but first, they need to be verified.

    There are 10 principles that the WFTO strictly follows in order to reach its main goal, concerning the promotion and the respect of human rights, financial laws and gender equality, in particular in the poorest areas of the world.

    In conclusion, it is easy to state that the WFTO is definitely a huge alternative to develop, in order to change the world.

    N° of Words: 180/185



    The World Trade Organization is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. It was officially founded on 1st January 1995 under the Marrakesh Agreement (signed by 123 nations on 15th April 1994) which was replacing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and its headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland.

    Firstly the WTO is the largest international economic organization in the world. It is formed by 164 countries, which represent 98% of the global trade flows, and others as observers. On 29th July 2018 Afghanistan became the 164th member of this agreement.
    Secondly it is a permanent agency which promotes international trade and economic development. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible, especially by reducing restrictions on trade.
    Finally it carries out various activities. It is responsible for administering WTO agreements, dealing with any trade disputes and monitoring national trade policies.

    In conclusion economists believe that the establishment of the WTO can have positive effects on the global economic framework in the coming years.

    179 words


    The WFTO is a global community of social entreprises that practice Fair Trade. Their Guarantee System verifies that their members are truly Fair Trade Entreprises. This means, they pioneer models of business that put people and planet first.

    In 2011, the membership of the WFTO decided to develop a new type of Faire Trade system to meet the ever-growing demand for a more trustworthy Fair Trade recognition scheme in the international market.

    The GS was approved and implemented by the WFTO membership in May 2013. It has five major components: new membership admission procedure, Self Assessment Report, Monitoring Audit, Peer Visit and the Fair Trade Accountability Watch. The major aspects in the development of the GS were credibility, sustainability and robustness of the system.

    The primary goal of the GS is to improve Fair Trade practices in the supply chain. Carrying out all the components allows WFTO members to be more competitive and responsive to envolving markets thereby creating the potential for increased sales.

    The Guarantee System is not a product certification system, but is an assurance mechanism. Members that pass the GS process attain the “Guaranteed Fair Trade Entreprises”.

    190 words

  13. WFTO: Fair Trade Innovates

    The World Fair Trade Organization is a global association of 401 organization and it's spread across 76 counties.
    The WFTO was born in 1989 and it's the home of Fair Trade Enterprises.
    WFTO's mission is to enable producers to improve their survival through fair trade.
    The interest of producers is the main priority in all the policies, governance, structures and decisions making within the WFTO.

    Why are Fair Trade Enterprises innovating?
    First of all we can speak about the World Fair Trade Day: it falls every second Saturday in May.
    It's an inclusive worldwide festival of events celebrating fair trade as a contribution to sustainable development.

    In addition to this an important innovation is to create economic opportunities: humankind has developed rapidly.
    Fair Trade Enterprises' mission is to create work and sustainable livelihoods.

    Furthermore another innovation is to save the planet.
    Fair Trade Enterprises exist to provide alternatives with responsible production.

    In conclusion we can affirm that WFTO wants a future where people can live in a fairer society and it's really important.

    Number of words: 185

  14. The WFTO: a movement, a community, an idea
    By affecting 965700 livelihoods and 323 fair trade enterprises of 76 countries the World Fair Trade Organisations is an international community that put people and planet first of all.

    This organisation was born in 1989 in Netherlands but the foundation process started before. Indeed from 1940s have been organised many actions, like the establishment of European Fair Trade Association ,to create a more equitable trade. Since it’s born it is focused on both social enterprises and Fair Trade that are the core of its missions. This is defined in the “Fair Trade Charter” where are stated the ten principle for a correct commerce . The WFTO’s actions are based on transparency and equity in international trade to build a better future for people and planet .It is active in different sectors by supporting all producers , changing the rules of the conventional trade and fighting poverty, gender inequality, climate change and injustice.

    The WFTO try to build a new equitable economy no more focused on profit. It has already achieved important objectives but it still has to work a lot to really change the current dominant model based on capitalist laws.

    WORDS 197


  15. The WFTO: what World truly needs.

    The WFTO, also known as World Fair Trade Organisation, is a global and unique association founded back in 1989. It now counts more than 400 companies associated and it takes place in 76 countries all over the world.

    Its mission is simple. The WFTO has to enable producers to improve their livelihoods and communities through Fair Trade. It also advocates for Fair Trade, ensuring producer voices are heard. By doing this, it impacts over 1 mil livelihoods, 74% of whom are women.

    To clarify what it is, the Fair Trade always looks out for solutions to broader issues like overuse of natural resources, women’s empowerment, human rights and so on.

    So this is why the WFTO is that essential for the well-being of the world. Its actions are grounded on transparency and fairness in international trade to set up a better future for people and naturally the whole planet.

    Words: 156

    Mr. S.A.G.

  16. F.D.P

    The World Trade Fair Organisation was born in 1989 and it is a global association composed by 401 organisation. The WTFO has members in 76 countries. But which are its goals?

    First of all we have to say that it has 5 goals, including to be the leading Network of the Fair Trade movement, create market access opportunities for members.

    Secondly, we have aslo to say that the WFTO also discusses about issues like environment and no child labour and they are able to reach their goals even respecting the environment and human rights.

    Then, Fair Trade Enterprises impact 1 million livelihoods, and 74% of them are women. These entreprises are building a new economy. In fact the trade with each other and they meet regularly.

    In conclusion we can say that WFTO is very important for fair in the international trade and for the environment and human rights.

    148 words.

  17. The WFTO: why it works?
    The World Fair Trade Organisation is a global association, composed of 401 organisations from 60 different countries, whose main aim is to pursue the fair trade beetween countries, avoiding multinationals' monopoly by supporting and promoting smaller companies.
    The WFTO idea has been very succesful since 1989, but why?

    First of all is very interesting to look at it's 10 principles that concern loads of key points like for exemple the Gender equity, the Fair Payement, respect for the environnment...
    This topics are very current and in some places in the world there are Countries that are still fighting for guarantee them to everyone.

    Then it's also remarkable that the WFTO is against the big multinationals that exploit producers by paying them less of fair.

    To sum up, the method of this association works becouse of the importance of goals proposed and also beacause in our world, there are still people who work to stop the inequalities, wishing good for all.

    165 words

  18. N.R.A.


    What's the WTFO (World Fair Trade Organisation) ? What can we say about its foundation, its mission and its activities?

    First of all you have to know that the WFTO is an important association composed by 401 organisations who are committed to improving the livelihoods of economically marginalised producers and this association was born in 1989.

    Furthermore we can say that the WFTO achieve an important social mission using commercial activities.
    This mission is "to enable producers to improve their livelihoods and communities through fair trade".
    It also follows some important goals about the fair trade.

    Finally we can affirm that most of the activities that the WFTO do follow the mission, the goals and the principles established for the day-to-day work of the fair trade organisations, for exemple to creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers.

    The WFTO is also divided in regional representative bodies that operates in different key regions that are composed by different members.

    (160 words)

  19. WFTO
    The World Fair Trade Organization is a global association whose main goals are to fights poverty, climate change, gender inequality and injustice by promoting better trading conditions and offering help and security rights especially to marginalized producers and workers.

    The current organization was formerly the International Federation of Alternative Traders but took the name of WFTO in 1989 and today it is democratically run by one member on one vote basis.

    Present in 76 countries, the organization counts 401 members, who are primarily fair trade enterprises whose business must be verified in order to be referred to as ‘Fair Trade Social Enterprises’.
    Approximately 65% of its members are located in the South (Asia, Africa and South America), the rest are in Europe, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

    The authorization of using the WFTO logo is for enterprises that demonstrate full commitment to Fair Trade in all their business activities. It shows that an organization follows the WFTO's 10 principles of Fair Trade, among them: respect for the environment, good working conditions, no child or forced labor, and no discrimination.

    To quote its website, “WFTO it’s a movement, a community and an idea”, not just an organization.
    (200 w)


  20. The World Trade Fair Organisation is a global association born in 1989. The WTFO is composed by 401 organisation that are located in 76 differets . But which are its main goals?

    First of all,the main goals are 5:are to fights poverty, climate change, gender inequality and injustice, better trading conditions and offering help and security rights to the weakest workers.

    In the second place, WFTO discusses about issues like environment and child labuor. In fact the world Trade Fair Organisation is very sensitive about this kind of issues and they are trying to reach their goals rispecting all the human rights.

    In addinction, the Fair Trade Enterprises impact 1 million livelihoods. The 74% of them are women. Approximately 65% of its members are located in Asia, Africa and South America. The rest of them are in Europe, North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

    In conclusion we can say that WFTO is a very important organisation for the creation of a new type of economy and for the respect of the human rights

    DC 174 words

  21. The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), is a global association of 401 organizations who are committed to improving the livelihoods of economically marginalised producers. WFTO has members in 76 countries.

    Members are primarily fair trade enterprises, whose business model is verified by independent audit and peer review.Verification is at enterprise level, which covers all aspects of the business and supply chain.The WFTO product label can only be used by verified fair trade enterprises, which consist of producer cooperatives and associations, export marketing companies, importers, retailers, national and regional fair trade networks and Fair Trade Support Organizations. WFTO is democratically run on a one member one vote basis. It was created in 1989 and was formerly the International Federation of Alternative Traders ("IFAT").
    WFTO members use commercial activity to achieve a social mission and have been referred to as 'Fair Trade Social Enterprises.

    The WFTO logo is for organizations that demonstrate a 100% commitment to Fair Trade in all their business activities. Only monitored WFTO members are authorized to use the logo. The Fair Trade Organization Mark (WFTO Logo) shows that an organization follows the WFTO's 10 Principles of Fair Trade, covering working conditions, transparency, wages, the environment, gender equity and more.

