3 RIAF HOMEWORK 24th April 2020

Have you heard that a Wellingtonian family went viral with their hilarious "Lockdown Boogie"?

1) Watch the video.

2) Write down the transcript and translate it into Italian.

3) Watch the video in which the Buchanan family from Wellington tells what has happened behind the scenes of the viral video in an interview on Radio New Zealand (RNZ).

4) What about you? How are you and your family coping with the lockdown? Write a 100-word text in the comment box below. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Sabrina F.

    My days are very similar to each other, in the morning I wake up to have breakfast and to prepare for the video lessons, while on the weekend I can wake up a little later. For lunch and dinner we are only three as my sisters no longer live with us and we haven't seen each other for several months. In the afternoon I do my homeworks, so that in the evening I can watch a movie or continue the Prison Break series that I have just started.
    The part of the day that I prefer is the evening when my family and I make the video call and we can see each other even if in a different way.

    1. 🌟🌟 Detailed; quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "I wake up to have breakfast and to prepare" "For lunch and dinner we are only three" "continue the Prison Break series" "we can see each other"

      Here some mistakes: "on the weekend" "homeworks" "movie" "make the video call"

  2. Federica Z.
    Our days are quite the same. My sister and I get up early in the morning, have breakfast and then connect with the school for video lessons. In the afternoon we watch TV series or do homework, sometimes we do gymnastic. My parents go to work all week and in the evening we watch a movie all together, but sometimes only with my mon if dad doesn't come back. On the weekend we got up later, we have lunch and in the afternoon, sometimes, my sister and I cook some dessert or something to eat for dinner and then we connect with the family.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "Our days are quite the same" "connect with the school" "go to work all week" "if dad doesn't come back" "we connect with the family"

      Here some mistakes: "movie" "mom" "On the weekend" "got up" "some dessert"

  3. Francesca M.
    During the quarantine I wake up at 8.45 am, have breakfast and follow the video lessons I have during the day.
    Then have lunch and for an hour I relax on social media and listen to music.
    Then I train, help my parents, prepare some recipes and do all the homework I have to do.
    The positive thing that has given me this period is when we put on the music and we all sing and dance; this moment gives a few minutes of lightheartedness in this bad period.
    In the evening, after having dinner, I watch a good movie.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "prepare some recipes" "The positive thing that has given me this period is"

      Here some mistakes: "lightheartedness", "movie".

    My days are very similar to each other. In the morning I get up early, have breakfast and prepare for video lessons, while on the weekend I can wake up a little later. For lunch, we always wait for my mom to come home from work so that we can all eat together. In the afternoon I usually do my homework or study, sometimes I do gymnastics, or play cards with my family. The evening is the moment of the day that I prefer most because I make video calls with my grandparents and so we can see each other anyway.
    I hope that we return to normal soon and to see again soon our loved ones!

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      The following phrase is not naturally-sounding English: "we return to normal"

  5. Virginia P
    This period of lockdown drastically changed my and my family's routine. Everyday I have lunch alone because my mother work and the only moment that we're together is the evening when we have dinner and when we sit on the sofa to watch the tv. In the morning I wake up early to follow the lessons of the day and then, if I still have time, I keep watching a TV series. During the afternoon I have a lot of free time. To start, I do my homework, then I put my room in order and I do some household chores and at the end I go out on the veranda to sunbathe. Sometimes I do physical activity. I think that, even if this period is very boring, it is protecting us to the virus.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; Good range of lexical and grammatical items with a good level of accuracy.

      The following phrase is not naturally-sounding English: "the only moment that we're together is the evening"

      Here some mistakes: "my mother work" "is protecting us to"

  6. Francesco P.
    During these days of lockdown my routine is very similar everyday, except for the weekend when the only change is that I sleep a little bit more
    I usually wake up one hour before the lessons and in this hour i can have breakefast and prepare myself for the morning lessons.
    When the last lesson is finished, I have lunch with all my family
    During the afternoon I do my homework and spend the rest of the time using my smatphone for chatting and sometimes videocalling my friends
    Then I have dinner with my family and after I usually watch a film or a TV serie

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      Here some mistakes: "the last lesson is finished" "a TV serie"

  7. Michelle F.
    During this difficult period my family and I have to changed a lot our routines.
    Every morning I woke up early, I have breakfast and I take part in my online lessons but fortunately I can sleep more at the weekend.
    I usually have lunch at 13 o'clock and in the afternoon I do more or less always the same things: I do my homework, I play with my sister and I watch tv series.
    My mather instead works every day so I often prepare lunch for me and my sister, but in the evening we are alway all three together.

    1. 🌟🌟 Detailed; quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "have to changed a lot our routines." "at 13 o'clock" "My mather instead works every day"

      Here some mistakes: "to changed" "I woke up" "mather" "alway".

    We are all in quarantine from March 9, my parents don't work and we kids don't go to school. During my days, I wake up almost every day at 8:30 am because I have lessons at 9:00 am, I teach all morning, I have lunch and I take a few hours of rest. In the afternoon, I do my homework or study and when I'm done
    I usually do cakes or physical exercises, sometimes it happens to help my sister with homework or my mom with the housework. I spend the evening with my family watching movies, talking or playing board games.

    1. 🌟🌟 Detailed; quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "We are all in quarantine from March 9" "I take a few hours of rest" "it happens to help my sister with homework"

      Here some mistakes: "I teach all morning" "do cakes" "movies"

  9. This period of lockdown changed a lot my family's routine and now my days are really similar to each other.
    In the morning I wake up 15 minutes before the lesson so I have time to eat something and prepare myself, but on weekends I sleep more. Sometimes me and my sister after the lesson prepare lunch and do some house chores. In the afternoon I do my homeworks, study and play with my dog. In the afternoon I watch films with my family or do videocalls with my friends, I miss them very much.
    I can't wait to go out again with my friends and get some fresh air.
    Alessia T.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: " me and my sister after the lesson"

      Here some mistakes: "the lesson" "on weekends" "homeworks" "do videocalls"

  10. Simone G.
    since the lockdown my family's routine changed a lot, and all the days are similar to each other.

    I can't sleep very well, so at 6:30 / 7 am already awake, for breakfast I only drink coffee and I am on the phone before the video lessons, often my family and I stay on the balcony for a few minutes to spend this is the time during the quarantine, in the afternoon I usually rest for an hour and go back out to the balcony to get some sun and around 18 o'clock I take a shower, usually we have dinner for 7pm, after dinner I go back to the balcony until it is dark and I watch some videos on youtube before going to sleep.

    1. 🌟 Unclear and incorrect in most parts.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "since the lockdown my family's routine changed" "at 6:30 / 7 am already awake" " I am on the phone before the video lessons" "to spend this is the time during the quarantine" "go back out to the balcony" "going to sleep"

      Here some mistakes: "drink coffee" "I am on the phone" "18 o'clock" "for 7 pm" "

  11. Elena C.
    I've been staying at home with all my family since the quarantine it's start. Usually I study in the morning and after the lunch. In the afternoon I do different activity(always at home) but I'm so bored during this time. I finish all the series and I cook lots of cakes(like cheesecake).A few days during the week I do some exercices at home. But after a few weeks the situation it's little bit heavy!!Luckily I've a brother and somethings we cook together or watch netflix's series but we bicker often! We are doing lots of works in my house like paint some rooms.

    1. 🌟🌟 Detailed; quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "I'm so bored during this time" "A few days during the week" "after a few weeks the situation it's little bit heavy" "netflix's series"

      Here some mistakes: "since the quarantine it's start" "after the lunch" "different activity" "I finish" "I cook" "paint"

  12. GIULIA B
    During this situation I'm trying to spend more time with my family, instead of staying in my bedroom with my mobile phone or with my laptop. I’m having really good time with them, ad our relationship is consolidating. Unfortunately my mother has to go to work, so I during the day I stay with my father. We do different things like playing cards, or watching films together every evening, we are writing down all the films we are watching and then we give them a mark. When my mother is at home I’m cooking with her, for example today we did the icecream

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "I’m having really good time" "we are writing down all the films"

      Here some mistakes: "ad" "so I during the day I stay" "did the icecream"

  13. Edoardo R
    We are in quarantine from 9 March , in this period of lockdown is changed my family's routine and unfortunatelly my days are similar to each other .
    I wake up half an hour before the lesson, i have breakfast and take part in the lesson . At the lunchtime i go down to eat with my .After eating, in the afternoon , i do my homework or watch the tv and then i do physical exercises or cakes. In the evening we eat at 20 30 and then we watch a food films.
    In the Weekend the only thing that change is that i sleep to more and don't have lessons.

    1. 🌟 Unclear and incorrect in most parts.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "We are in quarantine from 9 March" "in this period of lockdown is changed my family's routine" "After eating"

      Here some mistakes: "unfortunatelly" "At the lunchtime" "go down to eat with my" "do cakes" "at 20 30" "a food films" "In the Weekend" "the only thing that change" "sleep to more"

  14. SILVIA C.
    In my family’s routine the days are similar to each other.
    During the week I wake up early for the video lessons, then I have lunch and I do my homework. At 6.00 pm I do workout to relax me, then I have a shower and dinner too. In the evening I play board games with my family or I play video games with my friends online. Later, before sleeping, I watch tv series. My mom always cooks, my dad does some chores for the home and my two brothers help him. My sister feels better than everyone: she’s in quarantine in Tenerife!

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "In my family’s routine the days are similar" "do workout" "before sleeping" "for the home"

      Here are some mistakes: "relax me" "mom" "is in quarantine"

  15. Francesco V
    In this period of lock down the days during the week are different from the weekends.
    From Monday to Friday I wake up early because I have to follow video lessons and afterwards I have lunch. In the afternoon I do my homeworks,I listen to music,I have some training and I play video games online with my friends.
    In the evening I relax and I watch TV series.
    During the weekends I wake up later and I help my family with some home activities for example cutting the grass, in the afternoon I relax and in the evening I video call my friends and I go to bed very late

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      Here some mistakes: "lock down" "homeworks" "have some training" "home activities"

  16. CHIARA R.
    In this quarantine after waking up I do my yoga and wash my face, than I have my breakfast and I prepare myself for the video-lessons. After finish that I make my bed, I do my esercise and some sport before lunch. At 13 I eat with my family and after I do my homework and I study. If I don't have to study I clean my room and the entrance or the bathroom. After I have done that I relax myself with some TV series. In the evening, after dinner, I do some yoga again, I call my boyfriend and than, I finally go to bed.

    1. Chiara R.
      I'm so sorry, it's 'then' not 'than', I wrote it wrong all the times.

    2. 🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      Here some mistakes: "After finish that", "esercise" "At 13"

    my days are all the same, both for me and my family, except for my father, he is in Latvia on a military mission, so his days are quite different :). I get up in the morning, I give lessons online, now I appreciate them much more since they keep me busy. only lunch and dinner we are all together, during the day everyone stays in their own room, so as not to go crazy ... once I was a sportsman, now the desire to run has passed, I stay in bed all day watching netflix (even if there's nothing to watch) and hope that this quarantine will end.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Interesting and detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "I give lessons" "only lunch and dinner we are all together" "so as not to go crazy" " the desire to run has passed"

  18. Alice Toya
    My family and I, during the quarantine, we try to spend time with some activities. In the morning we work on our own. My mother and i have video lessons and my stister work at home; we cook food together for lunch and then we eat together. In the afternoon we play cards or we read book. After we work other two or three hours on our own but, at 5pm, my sister and I do workout to keep us trained. In the evening, we often watch a movie on the TV or we talk with our friends. At the weekend i love to paint or draw.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; Good range of lexical and grammatical items with a good level of accuracy.

      The following phrase is not naturally-sounding English: "we cook food "

      Here some mistakes: "my family and I, during the quarantine, we" "spend time with" "my stister work" "read book" "movie"

  19. Andrea C.
    During this time we have all changed our lifestyle habits. Every day I try to do and learn new things in a completely new situation.
    During the week I don't get up late because we have videolessons.
    In the afternoon I do my homework and in the evening I watch tv series or I play video games with my friends.
    During the weekend I do small works in the garden such as cutting the grass. I also discovered that I like
    to cook. During this day I tried to cook different cake and biscuits.
    I hope to back to my real life soon, for playing football with my team and going holiday with my friends.

    1. 🌟🌟 Detailed; quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "During this time we have all changed our lifestyle habits" " I like to cook" "I hope to back to my real life soon, for playing football with my team and going holiday with my friends."

      Here some mistakes: "different cake"

  20. Stefano Perotti

    In this quarantine period the days are very similar to each other.
    In the morning during the week after waking up and having breakfast I follow the video lessons until lunch time.
    In the afternoon after resting,I study and do my homework and when I finish I do gymnastics and some basketball shots until dinner time.
    After having dinner with my family I call my girlfriend and then I connect to the play station to play with my friends.
    During the weekend my days are similar to those I spend in the week, the only thing that changes is that having not video lessons, in the morning I can sleep a little more.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      The following phrase is not naturally-sounding English: "the only thing that changes is that having not video lessons, in the morning I can sleep a little more."

    Usualy,in my quarantine I give up at 8:20 and I wear a T-shirt and a short trousers.
    I prepear myself for the videoconferences and after I have lunch.In the afternoon I take part at my lessons if I have or i do my homework. If I haven't any lessons and homework, I go out and play football with my neighbours or I relax on my hammock.
    Sometimes I listen to music with my hearphones or with the speaker and play videogames.
    Usually I walk in my big garden, I see my swimming pool and my red fishes, and I play with my dog.
    If my parents need help, I help they about the work on the house/garden.
    At the end of the day I see a tv serie or a film and go bed for an other day.

    1. 🌟🌟 Detailed; quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "if I have" "I see my swimming pool" "about the work on the house/garden"

      Here some mistakes: "Usualy" "give up" "a short trousers" "prepear" "take part at" "I haven't" "red fishes" "help they" "see a tv serie" "an other"

  22. Brun Noemi
    During the quarantine, my family and I are divided to get things done. In the morning I do the videolessons with the teachers, my mom does the housework, my dad is out in the garden and my brother has started to work. After dinner I go to my room to watch a movie or listen to music.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

      Here some mistakes: "are divided" "mom" "has started" "movie"

  23. Sofia G.
    During this quarantine, unfortunately, I can’t do many things.
    I spend these days playing with my family, taking care of my dog ​​and making some cake.
    Luckily I have a sister, so I'm always in company. In the afternoon, after lessons, I do my homework and some physical activity with my sister.
    I have watched many tv series and many movies on netflix and I have read some books. I've always enjoyed reading, but I've never had much time because I was busy with school. In this quarantine I read two novels by Jamie McGuire and "pride and prejudice" by Jane Austen.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "I'm always in company" "I was busy with school"

      Here some mistakes: "some cake" "some activity" "many TV series" "many movies" "much time"

  24. Alice A

    Since 9 March, I have been closed at home with my family.
    My days, compared to a few months ago, have changed a lot.

    During the week, I wake up early and get ready to do the video lessons and I no longer have the serious concern of losing the bus.
    The rest of the day is spent with my family, with whom I do many jobs at home; to play the harp; to do my homework and look after my horse which I am lucky enough to be able to visit.
    Instead, I spend the evening watching funny movies with the family or playing with them.

    This period has distanced me a lot from my friends whom I have the opportunity to see only in video calls, but despite everything I try to have fun and not be bored, hoping that everything will end very soon.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; Good range of lexical and grammatical items with a good level of accuracy.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "I do many jobs at home" "with the family".

      Here some mistakes: "movie"

  25. Valentina C.
    I’m spending this period of quarantine with my mom, it’s me and her at home for almost two months, while my brother just before the quarantine began went to live alone. I'm spending this period with positivity, trying to enjoy this period to be with my mom. During these days, in the morning I get up around 8:30, to attend all the online lessons of the day (while on the weekend I sleep a little more)
    After lunch I do my homework for the following days and study for a couple of hours. After, I start my workout, when the weather is fine I do it in my garden. When I’m bored I try to do constructive things, I am following an acting course, I follow videos to strengthen the use of languages, I read many books, I listen to music. After dinner I usually watch Netflix.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Detailed; Good range of lexical and grammatical items with a good level of accuracy.

      The following phrases are not naturally-sounding English: "it’s me and her at home for almost two months" "while my brother just before the quarantine began went to live alone" "trying to enjoy this period to be with my mom

      Here some mistakes: "I get up around 8:30" "on the weekend" "read many"
