5A SIA HOMEWORK 30th April 2020


Take your notes in your English notebook in the section dedicated to globalization.

1) Surf the Web and do some research into the Ebola outbreak and epidemic in 2014.
  • What sort of disease is the Ebola Virus Disease?
  • How is the Ebola Virus Disease transmitted?
  • Where was the first suspected victim of Ebola Virus Disease located in 2014?
  • What countries did the Ebola Virus Disease reach in 2014?
  • How many people were infected and how many people died in 2014?
2) In March 2015, Bill Gates gave a TED Talk on preventing the next Ebola or similar outbreak. Watch the video and put the topics he discussed in order.

[  ] one positive thing that could come out of the Ebola epidemic
[  ] the most likely causes of a global catastrophe
[  ] the progression of Ebola Virus Disease during 2014
[  ] the key missing pieces in the healthcare system during the Ebola epidemic in 2014
[  ] a possible response system to deal with a future infectious disease
[  ] the main problem during the Ebola outbreak in 2014
[  ] the progression of a virus which spread through the air in 1918

3) Answer the following 10 questions.

According to Bill Gates,

1.   what is the most likely cause of a global catastrophe?
2.   why are not we ready for a future epidemic?
3.   what was the main problem during the Ebola outbreak in 2014?
4.   what were the key missing pieces in the healthcare system during the Ebola epidemic in 2014?
5.   what evidences does he mention to support his statements?
6.   what is one of the limits of the World Health Organization (WHO)?
7.   what are the three reasons why the Ebola Virus Disease did not spread more?
8.   what are the advantages we have today in terms of science and technology? 
9.   what are the kinds of things we need in order to deal with an epidemic?
10. what are the main benefits of such investments?

Watch the video again and check.

4) Bill Gates stated that the World Bank estimated that if we had a worldwide flu epidemic, global wealth would go down by over three trillion dollars and we would have millions and millions of deaths. What are the current data about losses and deaths caused by Covid-19 epidemic so far?

5) In your opinion, were we ready for the Covid-19 epidemic? Why? Why not? Leave your personal comment in the comment box. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Alessandro A.
    I think we are ready for the COVID-19 but many people must respect the security measures cause many don't respect them. Because of these people the virus can spread quickly and the infections and deaths increase. In according to Bill Gates we are ready from a technological and scientific point of view, but we need an efficient system with an efficient security mesaures, technology and science is not enough. from the 4th of may in Italy we an go out from girlfriend/boyfriend and from our parents, but security mesaures have increased. In this case i think stay at home a little longer it would have been better.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  2. Federica Lippolis
    In my opinion, we were not ready for the Covid-19 pandemic because the possibility that an epidemic of this type involving the whole world has always been underestimated. The unpreparedness of the government, above all, is denoted by the fact that decrees continue to be made and issued with contents that are inconsistent with each other and difficult to understand when they are explained.
    Furthermore, due to the fault of people who do not follow the guidelines, both the health of the individual and the collective is compromised, bringing more and more infections and slowing down the virus isolation process.

  3. Alessandro Gambone

    I think we're not ready to thwart covid 19 because the way Bill Gates says we don't have a way to kill this virus
    But I also think that if all the people around the world put some awareness
    with everyone's help we could easily counter it
    There are many people who don't use their heads and even go out when they shouldn't
    in my opinion Italy had to take this epidemic more seriously from the start and take precautionary measures from the beginning
    and in my opinion we could fight it much easier
    in the end I want to say that if we are leaving it is thanks to all of us
    but above all it is thanks to the doctors and all the nurses who work for us every day and to help and cure us
    so if we are now able to face it and above all thanks to them

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

  4. Federico M.
    In my opinion we were not ready to face COVID-19, because if we had been ready we would have been able to contain the infection before it spread all over the world, but we were able to adapt immediately to this epidemic by setting fixed rules for all countries and seeking the non-spread of the virus.
    All nations are committed to keeping this pandemic under control, and now we just have to wait to find a cure to get out of this period of crisis.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

  5. abderahim Z

    If we have come to live this terrible situation it is because we have not been ready and therefore unable to manage this virus. the whole world was not ready, people did not take seriously the possibility that an enemy like the COVID-19 virus could infect the whole globe and destroy the economy of the affected countries, we underestimated the emergency and now we have to take our responsibilities, respect all the rules to prevent virus and make some sacrifices in order to return one day to our life without being threatened by this epidemic

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

    In my opinion we are not ready for the covid-19 because unfortunately for some people the issue is not yet taken seriously.
    in Italy there are still too many people who dont think about the virus, who go around as if the virus did not exist.
    we need a sense of responsibility towards others, knowing that we go out we could hurt other people, for now this sense of responsibility is not there, and everyone thinks only of theimself.
    I think until you find a cure this situation will go on.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  7. Giuseppe di Vito
    The task of preparing for such a catastrophe is one of the key points on which a good government must necessarily pay attention and allocate adequate funding.
    It is clear to everyone that no state was ready to face the pandemic despite repeated expert signals.
    Personally, I believe that it is essential to protect our health through prevention and, when possible, to finance scientific and technological development for the organization of adequate health systems that are often lacking in economically more fragile states.
    I believe that once again the economy is the main tool necessary to ensure the well-being of the world and I hope that this tragedy will serve as a lesson for future generations.

    1. 🌟🌟🌟 Most clear, quite correct and orderly in all parts.

  8. Surely as all the media and the state say, Italy was not prepared for such a thing, such an epidemic.
    Besides being unprepared the doctors, even hospitals are not ready for such a misfortune, only now ,after months of quarantine, hospitals and doctors are quite prepared to fight such an epidemic;
    but we can hope that the people respect the limits that the state impose and everything will be good.
    Moreover I hope that we will go deeper and that the real causes will be discovered so that we can avoid similar situations in the future.
    At the moment i personally am quieter and I think you're going to go over the end of this situation.

    Riccardo Giovinazzo

  9. Stefano B.
    In my opinion no State was ready for Corona Virus, but there have been State that have dealt best the virus such as South Korea or Taiwan. In Europe, the State weren't ready for Covid19 and there are a lot of dead. In Italy the virus had to be prevented in february. Many countries in the world have helped people with economic aid, in Italy there are many people received nothing from the government. People have understood many things in this situacion.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  10. LUCA R.
    I think that to face a global pandemic such as COVID-19 we were absolutely not ready and looking in the smallest part of our state we can see that it was not ready because the cuts to health, the lack of staff and beds, the lack of real their remedies for containment are proof that a global pandemic has always been underestimated by the whole world which in a short time is having to do something to remedy and some big mistakes which if they have been avoided we will not find ourselves in this situation .
    he is not ready for this eventuality, it must be admitted that the way in which this pandemic has been dealt with has been excellent and now more than before it is up to us to end this crisis by respecting the rules.

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.

  11. Andrea P.

    I think we weren't ready for a pandemic, many people (people with power and politicians) took this virus as an influence.So the rules for fighting the virus globally were taken late, now they are talking about conspiracy, we still cannot know, but the fact remains that we were not ready at the health level; unfortunately many people don't respect the rules and the contagion doesn't stop, but the dead continue to rise

    1. 🌟🌟 Quite clear and correct in some parts, but not over all.
