3A RIM HOMEWORK 2nd April 2020

1) Look at the following writing task and study it.

2) Watch again the video tutorial on how to write a story and memorize the 8 steps.

3) Brainstorm ideas and plan your story.

4) Write your story in about 100 words in an appropriate style in the comment box below by Friday 3th April 2020. Remember to choose "anonymous" as an identity, but write your name and the initial of your surname before starting to write.


  1. Angela G.

    It was a spring afternoon like any other, my best friend lily and I were at home. Bored and hungry we decided to take the car and go to the fast food closest to us.

    We were on our way and we didn’t believe the scene we saw in front of us: the row of cars ahead of us was so long and it ended at our destination, the burger king. We asked information about it and a man told us they have just launched a new menu.

    After another hour we arrived at the counter and the employee told us to close for insufficient supplies. Angry we come back home.

    1. Content is relevant to the picture and it is mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed. Title is missing.

      Good organization of the text as most of the ideas are paragraphed and sequenced.

      Your text is simple and easy to read. Good achievement of the communicative aim. Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding. The following sentences have some mistakes: "lily" "the fast food closest to us" "asked information" "have just launched" "employee" "told us to close". Edit also "the row of cars ahead of us was so long" and "Angry we come back home".

      All in all, good realization of the task.

    2. Angela G.

      It was a spring afternoon like any other, my best friend Lily and I were at home. Bored and hungry we decided to take the car and go to the fast food closer to us.

      We were on our way to and we didn’t believe the scene we saw in front of us: the line of cars in front of us was very long and it ended at our destination, the burger king. We asked for information about it and a man told us they had just launched a new menu.

      After another hour we arrived at the counter and the clerk told us to close for insufficient supplies. Angry we got home.

  2. Victoria C.

    It was a very quiet morning, I was drinking my coffee and I was listening the news on the radio when my phone rang and stopped my quiet: It was my friend Lucy.

    She told me that she had to go at an important job interview but her car didn’t leave and in addiction she was very late. For this reason, she asked me to accompany her to the meeting.
    When I arrived to her, she was so elegant and professional while I was still wearing my pajama shirt!

    All the way around, my friend was so nervous and worried because there was a lot of traffic. In fact for this reason, we arrived late and she lost the opportunity!


    1. Content is relevant to the picture and it is mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed. Title is missing.

      Good organization of the text as most of the ideas are paragraphed and sequenced.

      Acceptable achievement of the communicative aim. Errors sometimes impede understanding. The following phrases have some mistakes: "was listening the news" "my quiet" " go at" "her car didn’t leave" "in addiction" "accompany" "arrived to her" "All the way around".

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

    2. Victoria C.

      It was a very quiet morning, I was drinking my coffee and reading the newspaper when my phone rang and stopped my peace of mind: it was my friend Lucy.

      She told me that she had to go to an important job interview but her car was broken and she was very late. For this reason, she asked me to bring her to the meeting.
      When I arrived, she was so elegant and professional while I was still wearing my pajama shirt!

      While we were in car, my friend was so nervous and worried because there was a lot of traffic. In fact for this reason, we arrived late and she lost the opportunity!

  3. Cristina G.
    I was with my business colleague. It was 12.30 p.m. and we decided to go to our favorite restaurant in the city center.
    When we arrived at the restaurant, we saw a lot of people mooving away from the restaurant.
    In the beginning, we don’t understand what was going on, but later we hear a girl shout “go away! A men is going to burn this piace! He is a delinquent!”
    A few moments later, we smelt a strong burning smell, and at the same time, the firefighters and the police arrived. They arrested the man and they put out the fire.
    Terrified, we come back to work.

    1. Content is relevant to the picture and it is mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed. Title is missing.

      Good organization of the text as most of the ideas are paragraphed and sequenced.

      Your text is simple and easy to read. Good achievement of the communicative aim. Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding. The following sentences have some mistakes: "mooving" "In the beginning" "don’t" "we hear a girl shout" "a men" "delinquent".

      All in all, good realization of the task.

      I was with my business colleague. It was 12.30 p.m. and we decide to go to our favorite restaurant in the city center.
      When we arrived at the restaurant, we saw a lot of people mooving away from the restaurant.
      At the beginning, we don't understand what was going on, but later we hear a girl, who shout: "Go away! A men is going to burn this place! He's a criminal!"
      A few moments later, we smelt a strong burning smell, and at the same time, the firefighters and the police arrived. They arrested the man and they put out the fire.
      Terrified, we come back to work.

  4. Kevin B.

    It was a particular morning, i had to go shopping but when i switch on the car, the battery was empty. So i decided to call the mechanic and he didn't answer me.

    I was angry and didn’t know what to do, panicked i decided to ask at my friend Robin if she could accompany me. After an hour he arrived with her car and we went shopping together but there was a lot of traffic.

    Finished shopping, Robin took me at home and i asked her to stop for lunch with me and she said yes. The mechanic called me again and he arrived at 3:00 P.M.

    1. Your content is relevant to the picture and it is mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Title is missing.

      Quite good organisation of the text as most ideas are paragraphed. Sequencing should be improved.

      Acceptable achievement of the communicative aim. Errors sometimes impede understanding. The following phrases have some mistakes: "particular morning" "switch on the car" "and" "panicked" "ask at my friend Robin" "accompany" "he" "Finished shopping" " took me at home" "stop for lunch"

      All in all, quite good realization of the task.

    2. Kevin B.

      It was a strange morning, I had to go shopping but when i turned on the car, the battery was empty. So i decided to call the mechanic but he didn't answer me.

      I was angry and didn't know what to do,worried I asked my friend Robin if she could bring me. After an hour she arrived with her car and we went shopping together but there was a lot of traffic.

      When we are done shopping, Robin took me at home again and i asked her for have lunch with me and she said yes. The mechanic called me again and he arrived at 3:00 P.M.

    3. Kevin B.

      A day with Robin

      It was a strange morning, I had to go shopping but when i turned on the car, the battery was empty. So i decided to call the mechanic but he didn't answer me.

      I was angry and didn't know what to do,worried I asked my friend Robin if she could bring me. After an hour she arrived with her car and we went shopping together but there was a lot of traffic.

      When we are done shopping, Robin took me at home again and i asked her for have lunch with me and she said yes. The mechanic called me again and he arrived at 3:00 P.M.

  5. Davide A.
    it was a February morning; my friend Emily and I had to go to buy a birthday gift for a friend of ours who was celebrating her birthday the next day.

    Emily was the only one of us who had a driver's license and a car. He had given me an meeting at 2 o'clock in the afternoon near to my house, to then go to the shopping center. After much indecision, we chose a red dress and a white skirt.

    We arrived at the party in the evening, and when our friend opened the gifts she was very happy and excited about the gifts that Emily and I had given her.

    1. Your content is relevant to the picture and it is mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Title is missing.

      Good organisation of the text as most ideas are paragraphed and sequenced.

      Good achievement of the communicative aim Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding. The following phrases have some mistakes: "driver's license" "He had given me an meeting" "near to my house" "to then" "After much indecision"

      All in all, good realization of the task.

    2. Davide A.
      A Difficult gift

      it was a February morning; my friend Emily and I had to go to buy a birthday gift for a friend of ours who was celebrating her birthday the next day.

      Emily was the only one of us who had a car.We met at 2 pm at my house, then we went to the shopping center. After 2 hours of shopping , we chose a red dress and a white skirt.

      We arrived at the party in the evening, and when our friend opened the gifts she was very happy and excited about the gifts that Emily and I had given her.

  6. Alessio M.
    Title:EVIL DOING
    I still remember the day...
    It was a morning of spring and I’d just dropped my son at school; I was in a suv with the head of the company, while we were going to a meeting.
    After entering on a roudabout, I looked the road and I saw a traffic accident.
    I and my head stayed amazazed, because the car crumpled into a wall.
    After one hours in line the boss he told me that we were too late and to leave and to overcome. I listen her and I cleared about 10 car, but I hitted a boy!!
    We decided to continue, meanwhile I began to cry.

    1. Content is relevant to the picture. The title is not understandable. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Limited organization of the text. Idea are not well paragraphed and sequenced.

      Limited achievement of the communicative aim since the text is difficult to follow. Errors frequently impede understanding. The following phrases have some mistakes: "the day" "a morning of spring" "dropped" "the company" "after entering on a roudabout" "looked the road" "traffic accident" "I and my head" "stayed amazazed" "crumpled into a wall" "one hours in line" "the boss he" "too late" "and to leave and to overcome" "listen her" "I cleared" "10 car".

      All in all, your story needs improvements.

    2. Alessio M.
      Title: bad memories
      I still remember that day...
      It was spring, like every morning I’d just dropped my son at school. I was driving my suv, inside the car there was me and the chief of the company were I work. We were going to an important meeting.
      After had entered a traffic circle, we immediately notified that a car had crushed against a wall. We clearly saw the man inside the vehicule all bloodied.
      We were too late for the meeting, without saying a word, we decided to not call the autorities, I pushed the accelerator.
      I really hoped that someone could have been able to save him.

  7. Tommaso L.

    It was the first week of August, when my mum and sister came by car to join me and my dad who were staying in Sardinia.

    They had to get to the port in Genoa by 3.00p.m. to take the ferry to Olbia. They had left at 10:00 in the morning in order to get there on time, but on the way there was a traffic accident which caused a long queue.

    After a couple of hours they managed to get back on the road but when they arrived at the port the ferry had just left, so they decided to go to the airport and take the first flight to Olbia.

    1. Your content is relevant to the picture and it is mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed.

      Title is missing.

      Good organisation of the text as most ideas are paragraphed and sequenced.

      Good achievement of the communicative aim. Good range of lexical and grammatical items with a good level of accuracy. The following phases have some mistakes: "came by car to join me" "a traffic accident" "get back on the road"

      All in all, good realization of the task.

    2. Tommaso L.
      On the first week of August my mum and my sister drove to Sardinia in order to meet me and my dad who were already there.

      They had to get to the port in Genoa by 3.00p.m. to take the ferry to Olbia. They had left at 10:00 in the morning in order to get there on time, but on the way there was a car crash which caused a long queue.

      After a couple of hours they managed to went back on the road but when they arrived at the port the ferry had just left, so they decided to go to the airport and take the first flight to Olbia

  8. Erika S.
    It was a sunny day, my friend Eva had to go to a job interview, so she asked me to take her to Brighton.

    We were along the road when suddenly the car stopped. We saw a little man out of the office in front of us, so we asked him to take some gasoline. Then we demanded him kindly where the office was because we were in late, but then we discovered that the man was the future head of office of Eva. They went to the office and I waited them out of the building.

    It was a very strange day because 10 years later they were married.

    1. Content is relevant to the picture and it is mostly detailed. Target reader is well informed. Title is missing.

      Your text is simple and easy to read. Effective organisation of the text as all the ideas are paragraphed and sequenced.

      Good achievement of the communicative aim. Appropriate range of lexical and grammatical items. Errors occasionally impede understanding. The following phrases have some mistakes: "along the road" "a little man" "take some gasoline" "demanded" "in late" "the future head of office of Eva" "waited them"

      All in all, good realization of the task.

    2. Erika S.

      It was a sunny day, my friend Eva had to go to a job interview, so she asked me to take her to Brighton.

      We were on the road when suddenly the car stopped. We saw a man out of the office in front of us, so we asked him to take gasoline. Then we asked him kindly where the office was because we were late, but we discovered that the man was the future chief of Eva. They went to the office and I have waited them out of the building.

      It was a very strange day because 10 years later they were married.

  9. Michela O.

    Not long ago two undercover cops started chasing a suspicious girl.
    This girl was named Alissa, she was part of a group of professional hackers who had taken over some of the state secrets.
    From time to time she met at an abandoned factory where these online thefts took place.
    Not long-time ago had been sinned to steal. Wherever she was locked in cancers for ten years, occasionally a friend of yours came to visit her in prison to visit her undercover.
    In conclusion the girl had just left the factory, the two policewomen after several pursuits managed to capture her.

    1. Your content is relevant to the picture but it is confused. Some details are missing. Target reader is on the whole informed.

      Title is missing.

      Limited organisation of the text.

      Limited achievement of the communicative aim because errors frequently impede understanding. The following phrases have some mistakes: "This girl was named" "This girl was named Alissa, she was" "state secrets" "at" "online thefts" "Not long-time ago had been sinned to steal" "Wherever she was locked in cancers" "a friend of yours" "to visit her undercover" "In conclusion the girl had just left the factory," " after several pursuits".

      All in all, your story needs improvements.

    2. Michela O.

      justice or crime?

      Not long ago two undercover cops started chasing a suspicious girl.
      The girl's name is Alissa pattinson , she is part of a group of criminal hackers who had taken over some of the government secrets.
      From time to time she met inside an abandoned factory where these online thefts took place.
      Not long ago the police managed to take she. Wherever she was taken to jail for ten years, occasionally a one of his companions came to visit his undercover came to visit her in prison.
      In conclusion Alissa had just left the factory, the two policewomen after so many chases managed to capture her.

  10. Nicola I.
    It was a typical sunny day for Liz, but when she went out of the university, someone grabbed her and pushed her in a car. Liz was scared, but immediately the woman introduced herself: "I'm Jennifer, I'm sorry if I caught you off guard, but I can't be seen around." Liz was confused at first, but then Jennifer explained that she was a detective and she was searching (senza for) Liz's parents because they were criminals. Liz hadn't seen her parents for many years, and she wasn't aware about the crimes which they did.
    Then Liz wanted to arrest her parents, so she went to their house with the police who caught them.

    1. "(senza for)" makes me think that someone has already correct your text.

  11. Fabio b.
    Jessica Fletcher was waiting with her friend Melissa in the outdoor of a bar. Because in the morning they had discovered that the boyfriend of Melissa had gone to the bar for a drink but after 10 hours, 5 p.m., he was still inside.

    Jessica was one of the best detective in the word and after she had followed the evidence she understood in which bar they must go.

    Melissa and Jessica went inside thinking to see he lying in the billiards with one big beer in the hand, but they surprise could only see the boyfriend working hard, probably for pay the holiday to Maldives with Melissa.

    1. Your content is not relevant to the picture. Some parts are inconsistent.

      Title is missing.

      Your text is not easy readable since it should be better organized into paragraphs. Better sequencing is also necessary.

      Limited achievement of the communicative aim because errors frequently impede understanding. The following phrases have same mistakes: "in the outdoor" "bar" "Because in the morning " "hey had discovered " "the boyfriend of Melissa" "but after 10 hours, 5 p.m.," "after she had followed the evidence" "she understood" "thinking to see he" "lying in the billiards" "the hand" "they surprise could only see" "the boyfriend" "for pay" "the holiday to Maldives with Melissa.".

      Your story needs improvements.

    2. Fabio b
      Title Jessica fletcher

      Jessica was waiting with here friend Melissa on the car. Because they have discovered that Mellissa’s boyfriend has gone in the morning in a pub, and now, at 5 p.m. he is still inside.

      Jessica is one of the best detective in the world and after she has followed the clues she understood in which pub they must go.

      Now Mellisa and Jessica go inside thinking to see he layer in the billiards with one big beer into the hand, however, they sorprise can only see him working hard, probably to pay the holiday to the Maldive with Melissa.

  12. Debora V.
    It was a sunny day, me and my best friend Lydia were waiting our friend Allison in front of her house.

    She was in late, and we were bored.
    Finally she arrived and we had been shopping. At 19:00 when we were retourning at home we saw a man in the middle of the street, so we stopped the car and we were going out and we tried to talk with the him if he could move away from the street, but he started to run towards the car after that he took it and he went away.

    So we called our friends Theo to ask him if he could come; after fifteen minutes he arrived with Scott. Last they took us to home and then they retourned to their house.

    1. Content is relevant to the picture, but details are missing. The conclusion, in particular, is somehow vague and it is not engaging.

      Title is missing.

      Acceptable organisation of the text, as ideas can be better paragraphed and sequenced.

      Limited achievement of the communicative aim since some sentences are too wordy and errors sometimes impede understanding.The following phrases have some mistakes: "me and my best friend Lydia" "were waiting our friend Allison" "in late" "we had been shopping" "19:00" "were retourning at home" "we were going out" "with the him" "if he could move away from the street" "our friends Theo" "took us to home" "retourned to their house".

      All in all, some improvements must be made. The realization of the task is quite acceptable.

    2. Debora V.
      Adventure of three friends.

      It was a sunny day, my best friend Lydia and I had been waiting our friend Allison in front of her house. She was late, and we were bored.Finally she arrived and we had shopping.

      At seven o’clock p.m. when we had retourned at home we saw a man in the middle of the street, so we stopped the car and we went out and we tried to talk with him if he could go away from the street, but he started to run towards the car after that he had took it and he went away.

      So we called our friend Theo to ask him if he could come; after fifteen minutes he arrived with Scott. Last they taken us home and then they were retourned to their house.

  13. Rosanna I.
    Title: a strange day
    By now the afternoon had come and I had finally managed to see my friend Janette. we hadn't seen each other for a long time, but we never managed to make an appointment because of his demanding job. in fact I never understood what he was doing but I know it was important for the country. at some point we found ourselves in front of an intersection and I obviously stopped because the traffic light was red. But two seconds later the traffic lights went out and two very fast cars collided head-on. I will never forget that scene I stayed in the car so as not to be hit by the various debris that flew and still incredulous for what was happening. but Janette instead got out immediately and ran to help the passengers of the two cars. so they proclaim her heroine for a day.
    Mi scusi prof se sono arrivata con questa storia davvero in ritardo, ma ho avuto dei problemi con il suo blog. Mi scuso ancora.


    It was a day like any other and after leaving my son Lucas at school and going to work, after a few hours I get a call from my son's school. It was the school manager who had advised me to go to school for my son who had gotten into trouble and who would have given me more information only when I got there. Taken by surprise I immediately went to the car but after many attempts to turn it on the car stopped. So I asked my work friend if she would be able to give me a lift and accepting we headed for school. Finally when I arrived at school I discovered that Lucas had been part of a fight at school, the principal suspended him and so I brought my son home and I went back to work.

  15. Maria Fernanda H.

    Grocery shopping.

    It was a hot summer day of June. My mom and i were going to the store to buy some groceries, she asked me to drive her, because it was too hot to walk outside.
    While i was looking for a place to park in front of the supermarket, i saw something that caught my attention.
    It was a little box, left in a corner. It actually looked like a normal box, but normal boxes don't move on their own, do they?
    I decided to go and see what was going on. And when i opened the box, there were two little abandoned puppies inside!
    I begged my mom to take care of them. She accepted and we drove to the vet to verify they were healthy.
    Those were such lovely puppies. We fell in love with them, so we decided to adopt them!
    And that’s the story of how i got Cookie and Parrot. We didn’t get groceries that day, but we got two new members of the family.
