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  1. SILVIA C.


    1. How do you celebrate Easter in Italy? – In Italy, we celebrate Easter with our families eating many different foods. The day after Easter we barbecue with our friends.

    2. Is religion still important at Easter ? Or do people only want chocolate ? – Of course religion is still important but I’m not religious practitioner… and yes, I like eat chocolate eggs.

    3. Do you prefer Easter or Christmas ? Why ? – I prefer Christmas Day because the day before is my birthday ! I like Easter Day too because it’s warm and it’s sunny… I love Summer air.

  2. Elena C.
    1-In Italy we celebrate easter With our families. We usually eat togheter, with los of plates and AT THE END OF THE MEAL WE USUALLY EAT CHOCOLATE EGGS.tHE DAY AFTER WE SPEND TIME With OUR FRIENDS, WE COOK meet on the grill and stay outdoor. In italy this tradition is very important.In italy is also tradition partecipate a celebtation at the church.
    2-The both things have their places: for the religion person this moment is important while for children easter is perfect for eat lots of chocolate eggs! adults buy chocolate eggs for children and the supermarkets before this day are full of eggs and chocolate lamb.
    3-I like all celebration but I prefer Christmas .I love christmas air when all house are decorating and full of light.We spend time with our families and we buy presents. I also like Easter because is near the summer and we eat chocolate!

  3. Michelle F.
    1) Eggsaggerate
    2) Eggsellent
    3) Eggsactly
    4) Eggsercice
    5) Eggsplosion

    1) The Good Friday is the Friday before Easter: it rememberes de execution of Jesus by crucifixion
    2) On a Simnel cake the marzipan balls represent the 11 apostiles of Christ
    3) The English dance performers at Easter is the Morris Dancing: it involve sticks and bells
    4) The Easter Bunny leave some eggs in the garden for children to collect
    5) The Hot Cross Buns is a sweet bread with dried fruit. It represents the crucifiction of Christ
    6) Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter: it celebrates Jesus's arrival in Jerusalem riding on a donkey

    1) In Italy, I celebrate Easter with my family eating a lot of food and the following day I usually have a barbecue with my friends
    2) Over time it may seems that people only want chocolate at Easter, but it's sure that for many others the religion is still very important in Easter
    3) I personally prefer Christmas because I like its atmosphere. I like the snow, the Christmas spirit, the decorated houses and spending more time with the whole family reunited

  4. Elena C.
    Eggsercises on word

    1- the good friday remembers the crucifiction
    2-on a simnel cake the marzapan rappresent the 11 apostiles
    3-the name of the english dance performed at easter is the morrins dancing
    4-The easter bunny leave eggs in the garden for children
    5- hot cross buns(cake) rapresent the crucifiction of christ
    6-the name of the sundey before easter is The palm sundey

  5. CHIARA R.
    Ex 1
    1 The friday before the Easter Sunday, the Good Friday.
    2 The 11 apostles of Christ.
    3 The Morris Dance.
    4 The Easter Bunny.
    5 The crucifiction of Christ.
    6 The Palm Sunday.
    1 We also have the Palm Sunday the weekend before Easter and the Good Friday. In the week between the Palm Sunday and the Easter Sunday we don't eat any meat and we also have the chocolate Easter eggs on the Easter Sunday.
    2 I think it's still important for someone but it's more important chocolate nowadays.
    3 I personally prefer Christmas because I spend it with all my family and I love it.

  6. Serra Sabrina. EASTER IN BRITAIN

    1. The crucifixion in England is remembered on Friday before Easter Sunday, Good Friday.
    2. The marzipan balls on the Simmel cake represent the 11 apostles of Christ.
    3. The typical English Easter ballet is called Morris Dancing.
    4. The Easter rabbit leaves the eggs in the garden for children to find.
    5. Hot Cross Buns symbolize the crucifixion of christ
    6. The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday.

    1. We spend Easter with the family, eating all together, making barbecue and eating chocolate eggs.
    The Sunday before Easter we go to church to celebrate Palm Sunday, we celebrate Good Friday and then finally Easter and Easter Monday. We usually spend Easter Monday with our friends.
    2. Easter in Italy is very important and a very important holiday for us. Children think a lot about chocolate but adults are more directed towards thinking about Easter in a religious way.
    3. I prefer Christmas because I feel it more than Easter, we celebrate it even more with the family. From an early age they made me live Christmas with a different spirit, with more enthusiasm.

    Egg Play on Words
    1=====>Eggsaggerate 2=====>Eggsellent 3=====>Eggsactly 4=====>Eggsercise 5=====>Eggsplosio

    1) Eggsaggerate
    2) Eggsellent
    3) Eggsactly
    4) Eggsercise
    5) Eggsplosion

    1) In England the day that remembers the crucifiction is the Good Friday that is the Friday before Easter
    2) The marzipan balls on a Simnel cake represent the 11 apostiles
    3) The name of the English dance performed at Easter is the Morris Dancing that involves sticks and bells
    4) The Easter Bunny is the one that leaves Easter eggs in the garden so children can collect them
    5)The Hot Cross Buns is a sweet bread with dread fruit. The cross symbolises the crucifiction of Christ
    6)The Sunday before Easter is called Palm Sunday. It's the first day of Holy Week and celebrates Jesus's arrival in Jerusalem

    1) In Italy I celebrate Easter with my family eating a lot of food, as a dessert we eat chocolate eggs. The following day I usually have a barbecue with my friends and play some funny games.
    2) Actually for kids it's more important eating chocolate but for the adults religion is still more important.
    3) Between the two I prefer Christmas. Because I really like the atmosphere and I celebrate it more with my family.
    I love decorating the Christmas tree and seeing the colorful lights on the streets.

    Torrente Alessia

  8. Sabrina F.

    1- E
    2- A
    3- D
    4- C
    5- B

    1- In England the Good Friday commemorates the execution of Jesus by crucifixion.
    2- The marzipan balls represent the 11 apostles of Christ.
    3- The name of the English dance is “Morris Dancing”.
    4- The Easter Bunny leaves eggs in the garden.
    5- The crosses on the sweat bread symbolize the crucifiction of Christ.
    6- The name of the Sunday before Easter is “Palm Sunday”.

    1- In Italy Easter is a day of celebration which is celebrated with a lunch to share with your family and your relatives (even if this year is different). The plate that cannot be missing is lamb which is a symbol of rebirth. There are several desserts such as Easter doves and classic chocolate eggs but also such as the Pastiera in Campania, and various traditions that depend on the various Italian regions.

    2- The religious aspect is still important because the Easter represents the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ which is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith (most likely children prefer chocolate to the religious aspect).

    3-I prefer Christmas because I love the magical atmosphere that you breathe, the Christmas decorations, the Christmas tree to decorate with your family, the illuminated city and the religious meaning that is the celebration of the birth of the life of Jesus, in short, I like everything about Christmas!

  9. sofia g
    1)The crucifiction in England is remembered on the Friday before Easter, called “good Friday”. The day evokes Jesus’ suffering and his death on the cross.
    2)The marzipan balls represent the eleven apostles of Christ.
    3)The “Morris Dancing” is a traditional English dance performed at Easter, involving sticks and bells.
    4)In Easter Day, children search small chocolate eggs left in the garden by the Easter Bunny.
    5)Hot Cross Buns symbolises the crucifiction of Christ.
    6)The Sunday before Easter is called “Palm Sunday” and celebrates Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem riding on a donkey.

    1)The day of Easter, in my family, starts with a big lunch. Then, when the dessert is served, my sister and I open the chocolate eggs. In the afternoon we play all together in the garden.
    2)Many people in my country believe in Jesus, but I’m not a practitioner. For me, Easter is mostly an occasion to spend time with my family.
    3)I prefer Christmas to Easter because the holidays are longer. At Christmas there is a magical atmosphere and my family and I give presents to each other.

  10. Francesca m.
    1.On Friday before Easter Sunday.
    2.The 11 apostles of Christ.
    3.The Morris Dance with sticks and bells.
    4.The Easter Bunny.
    5.The crucifixion of Christ.
    6.Palm Sunday.
    1.I celebrate Easter with my family, usually at the seaside. 
    To celebrate it we make a big lunch and open the eggs after eating.
    2.In my family for adults it is a sign of the resurrection of Jesus while for the smaller ones Easter eggs only matter.
    3.I prefer Christmas because I give it more importance and feel it more as a party

  11. Francesco c
    1:) eggsaggerate
    2:) eggsellent
    3:) eggsactly
    4:) eggsercice
    5:) eggsplosion

    1:) in England remembers the crucifiction on a good Friday, the Friday before Easter Sunday.
    2:) on a Simnel cake the marzipan balls represent the eleven apostiles of Christ
    3:) the name is "the Morris dance"
    4:) the children search for small chocolate eggs left in the garden by the Easter Bunny
    5:) hot Cross Buns represent the crucifiction of Christ
    6:) the name of the Sunday before Easter is "the palm Sunday"

    1:) easter is not an important holiday for me, my family, especially my mom's, are not very religious, and therefore we don't celebrate it like everyone else, we stay with each other as if it were a Sunday like any other
    2:) in my opinion there is a right balance, because easter is religion but at the same time it is chocolate
    3:) I prefer Christmas due to the fact that the weather makes it fantastic, all the family comes together for have dinner, Santa Claus brings gifts for everyone, while the Easter bunny brings chocolate making us fat...

  12. Virginia P

    1. >> E) Eggsaggerate
    2. >> A) Eggsellent
    3. >> D) Eggsactly
    4. >> C) Eggsercise
    5. >> B) Eggsplosion

    1. The day in England that remembers the crucifiction is the Good Friday.
    2. The marzipan balls on a Simnel cake represent the 11 apostles of Christ.
    3. The name of the English dance performed at Easter is Morris Dancing.
    4. The Easter Bunny leaves the Easter eggs in ther garden to the children to collect.
    5. Hot Cross Buns is a sweet bread with dried fruit and represent the crucifiction of Christ.
    6. The name of the Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday.

    1. In Italy, we celebrate Easter togheter with our family eating Easter dishes and having fun.
    2. At Easter the religion is very important because her foundation is based only on religion but the chocolate always improves everything.
    3. Between Easter and Christmas I prefer Christmas because I really like the atmosphere, the decorations and the love that is present in the air.

    Egg play on words
    1 E
    2 A
    3 D
    4 C
    5 B

    1In England remember the crucifiction the Friday before Easter Sunday, the Good Friday
    2 The marzipan ball on a Simnel cake represent the 11 apostles of Christ
    3 The name of the english dance performed is "The Morris dance"
    4 The Easter bunny lleaves the Easter eggs
    5 Hot cross buns represent the crucifiction of Christ
    6 The name of the Sunday before Easter is "Palm Sunday"

    1 In Italy I celebrate Easter like a day to spend with the family because we aren't a very religious family
    2 Yes, I think that religion is still important at Easter but of course people also want the chocolate
    3 I personally prefer Christmas for the fact that I give it more importance

  14. Simone G
    1)The friday before the Easter Sunday, the Good Friday.
    2)The 11 apostles of Christ.
    3)The Morris Dance.
    4)The Easter Bunny.
    5)The crucifiction of Christ.
    6)The Palm Sunday.

    1) I celebrate easter with my family usually at my uncles house
    2) I think that's important, but in these time only chocolate egg matter
    3) I prefer Christmas because with my mother family we have a meeting with all relatives

  15. GIULIA B
    1. The day that remember the crucifiction is the Good Friday.
    2. They represent the eleven followers of Christ.
    3. The name of the English dance is Morris Dancing.
    4. It is the Easter bunny.
    5. They represent the cross where Jesus died, the crucifiction.
    6. The name is Palm Sunday
    Personal answer
    1. I don’t usually celebrate Easter, we are not a religious family, and the more celebrating thing we do is to buy the chocolate eggs
    2. I think that during these years all the religious holiday had lost their original meaning, but this doesn’t mean that there aren’t person who celebrate the Easter under a view of faith, my grandmother is an example.
    3. I prefer Christmas, but this is an simply answer form me, it’s my birthday, and for this I usually spend the Christmas holiday with my family and this make the day even better.

  16. Andrea C.
    1.The good Friday remembers the crucifiction
    2. Marzipan balls represent the 11 apostels of Christ
    3.The dance performer at easter is Morris dancing
    4.Easter bunny left the eggs in the garden for children
    5.Hot cross buns represent the crucifiction of Christ
    6.Palm sunday is the sunday before Easter

    1) In Italy we celebrate easter eating typical food like chocolate egg, colomba, lamb.
    Generally on easter day families and groups of friends are reunited for eating all together. They often eat meat possibly grilled.
    2) For a lot families is the religious tradition important. With m my family, I go to the easter mass every year.
    3) I prefer Easter because it is celebrated in spring. That day is often sunny so with my friends I can play football outsider after the Easter lunch.

  17. Francesco v
    1)in Italy Easter is celebrated with whole family by having lunch all together and by exchanging chocolate eggs and other sweets.
    2)in my opinion religion is still important at Easter because many people go to the church on Easter morning, but children are more interested in chocolate.
    3)i prefer Christmas because there are more gifts compared to Easter and the school holidays are longer in the Christmas period.
    1.the day that remember the crucifiction is the good Friday.
    2.represent the 11 apostles of christ.
    3.the name of the dance is Morris dancing.
    4.easter bunny leaves the Easter eggs.
    5.hot cross buns represent the crucifiction of christ.
    6.palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter.

  18. Edoardo R
    1 E
    2 A
    3 D
    4 C
    5 B

    1) the days is the Food Friday
    2) the marzipan balls represent the 11 apostles of Christ
    3) the name is the Morris Dancing
    4) the Easter Bunny leaves the Easter eggs
    5) the hot cross buns is the symbol of the crucifition of Christ
    6) the name is the Palm Sunday

    1) In italy we celebrate the Easter with the family , celebrating a lot at the table and doing the barbecue
    2) No , a lot of people don't know the very mean of Easter , but to celebrate
    3) I prefer Christmas, because is a event that feel to more and celebrating to more

  19. Stefano Perotti


    1. The good friday remember the crucifiction.
    2. The marzipan balls on the Simmel cake represent the 11 apostles of Christ.
    3. The name of the English dance is Morris Dancing.
    4. The Easter rabbit leaves the eggs in the garden.
    5. The Hot Cross Buns symbolises the crucifiction of Christ.
    6. The name of the Sunday before Easter is Palm Sunday.

    1. I usually celebrate Easter at the seaside with my relatives.
    On Easter we have a big lunch and for dessert we eat the dove and the chocolate eggs,instead the following day we have a barbecue on the beach with friends.
    2. Easter for christian people is a very important religious holiday because it coincides with the resurrection of Christ.
    3. I like both of these holidays:at Christmas I really like seeing the cities all illuminated and I also love the snow when there is,while at Easter I'm happy because I can re-embrace all my friends at the sea

  20. Emiliano.L
    Easter in Italy is celebreted with our relatives, not eating a typical dish but a lot of different food and finally the Next Day we make a barbecue.
    In my opinion at Easter the religion is less important then it once was, however I am waldesian and I practice my religion. Another reason because I love Easter and because I like chocolate eggs.
    I prefer Christmas because it's in winter and the I like this season and because many gift are received.

  21. Nicolò.M
    In Italy Easter Day is celebrated with your families at home or in the restaurant. The next day ,Easter Monday,is also usually celebrated by eating spare ribs.
    Religion is important because in my opinion, the beauty of Easter is leaving the via crucis and all the things that precede holy Sunday. As a child I like to eat chocolate, now a little less.
    I prefer Christmas because there is now and all the houses whit lights. Off course, Easter is nice too, but I prefer Christmas.
