5A SIA HOMEWORK 23rd April 2020

Today's lesson is dedicated to the topic "globalization".
Cf coursebook pp 278-280

1) Watch the video below on Edpuzzle app.

2) Watch the video again and take notes on your notebook.

3) Download the PowerPoint Slides here.

4) Complete all the activities suggested.

5) Go to Mind42 and sign up for free. Study the video "Globalization Explained by Explainity" and pp 278, 279, 280. Then, create a detailed mind map about the aspects of globalisation. Export it as a JPEG file and sent it to sara.ribotta@bunivaweb.it by Tuesday 28th April 2020 at 10.30 am.

The best mind maps will be published on the blog.

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Here the best mind map:

By Federica L.

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